The rain lashed down on the ashen face of Xenophilius Lovegood. Tonight he would bury his daughter. Tonight he would finally lay her to rest. For almost a year now he had held out hope that maybe, just maybe, his daughter would return to him. But, the battle of Hogwarts had sealed her and his fate.

"Soon you won't be alone Pandora." The broken man muttered huskily as he descended into the sodden valley his house overlooked.

Once he arrived at the bottom of the valley Xenophilius conjured a sodden sack and carefully emptied it out. He then used his wand to dig a deep grave in the valley floor. Then his attention turned back to the items he had carefully emptied out.

The first thing he placed in the grave was a small camera. It had been the camera that his daughter had used when they were on expeditions hunting for a Crumple-Horned Snorkack. They had never found one but the memories stored in the photos that the camera took were precious. They were from a simpler time. A time where there was no war and no murderers on the street; just him and his daughter.

Next Xenophilius carried a small picture into the grave he had dug. On it was he and his daughter after getting her a wand. Even in the magical world getting a wand was an experience more magical than any other… Her daughter was grinning as she proudly displayed her wand to the camera. It was the same grin she had on her face when she… No. NO! That was not what he was here to think about.

"Pull yourself together Xeno." The shattered man said as he hurriedly placed the picture in the grave. Bad memories aside, this was still a part of his daughter. The next item he had almost not brought. It was where the bad memories started. When he started to lose her. A small book that had served as Luna's diary in first year stared up at him as if it was daring him to open up its pages and see the misery his daughter had poured inside. Bullying, endless tormenting from her classmates, her things stolen and defaced!

"I'm sorry Pandora. I couldn't help her." Xenophilius said as he sobbed over the pages of his daughter's diary. Desperately trying to blink away his tears Xeno placed the diary in the grave as well. He should have seen the signs. He should have been there to help her. He should have been the one to talk to her. But, he was to wrapped up in his own work to even notice his precious daughter fading away.

Next he pulled out another photo. It was taken in his daughter's 4th year. She was with her friends in 5th year. He had been so happy that his daughter was able to reach out to others at last that he didn't even consider that they were anything over than her friends. Again Xeno chided himself.

"They weren't her friends. They were my daughter's friends." Nodding to himself Xeno placed the photo in the grave with the other things. Then he pulled out some gloves. When his daughter had started wearing gloves that went up to her elbow Xeno hadn't questioned it. In retrospect he wished he had…

"Damn you! Damn you Voldermort! Why did you steal my daughter from me?! Why? WHY?!" Xeno screamed his cries being swallowed by the stormy sky. Almost immediately after his outburst finished the man broke into uncontrollable sobs. Why his daughter? She was so pure, so innocent. She did not deserve her fate. Yet that damned Voldermort had still given it to her. "I'm sorry Pandora. I couldn't protect our child. Our precious precious child." Suddenly there was a loud crack.

"Speaking my lords name? Surely you of all people should know better." Xeno sighed. She was here; the monster that stole his daughter from him. "What is this?" The death eater spat glancing over to Xeno's grave. She took a look at the objects inside it and laughed. "You're a pathetic old man. Grieving your daughter? Pretending she's dead? Is this your way of escaping from the truth?" The death eater spat. Finally Xeno turned to face the monster behind him.

"I see no daughter of mine. Just the monster that took her place." The old reporter said his voice steady and strong. He locked his gaze onto two cold grey eyes neither pupil showing even a shred of emotion. "Luna. You are a monster and you will be remembered as such."

Luna Lovegood smirked at his words. Her once messy blond hair was now tied up into a ponytail. She wore the robes of a death eater with the dark mark displayed proudly on her right arm. "I see a shell of a man. Who should step aside and let the dark lords most faithful lead our pure house to a new era." The death eater said brandishing her wand.

"You are a monster. You have killed countless innocents. You've murdered your own classmates! The children you went to school with! How can you stand their and proudly proclaim yourself as great with so much blood on your hands?!" Xeno shouted at the woman he once called his daughter. "How you can claim to serve that monster with glee?"

"I am the dark lords most faithful. I've killed and tortured at his command. I broke the wards of Hogwarts for him. You should be proud of me. But, instead you lecture me as if you have any right to control my life anymore. It's quite sad when you think about it. All it took was the memory of my master to show me the truth." Luna said. Xeno sighed as this monster continued to rail off her 'achievements'.

"Leave. Let me grieve my daughter in peace." Xenophilius said stepping forward to face the right hand of Voldermort.

"I see you refuse to accept the truth. I don't know why I expected anything more. You never were one for logic." Luna said still sniping at the broken man.

"Avada Kedabra!" She shouted ejecting a deadly green beam from her wand. The green beam streamed towards Xenophilius but then it seemed to stutter in its path. It then changed direction and headed straight for the chest of Luna Lovegood.

"A ward that deflects the killing curse. I've finished your work at last Pandora. I'm sorry that it had to be used like this." Xeno said limping towards the corpse of the fallen death eater. He then tore her wand out of her cold grasp. Summoning his last reserves of strength Xeno snapped it with a resounding crack! He then tossed the two pieces of the wand into a fire he had conjured.

Xeno then looked at the body of the death eater. Luna's face was a mix of agony, shock and horror. Using the levitation charm he floated her body into the grave alongside the things that he believed defined his daughter. After a moment of hesitation he slid her gloves onto her bare arms concealing the dark mark. It was a pointless endeavour. No matter how hard he tried Xeno would never be able to give his daughters memory a semblance of decency. Because, his daughter was the monster and no one could ever bury the monster...

A/N thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I would really appreciate any feedback that people would be willing to give. Have a great day!