Chapter One: Goddess of Love charming

AN: Just a quick heads up, this story isn't my. I got the idea from reading Ben's Girls that was written by Azure (Formerly known as Auumaan the original author of this fic). As I was reading it, I thought what would happen if the story focused on Percy Jackson and his universe. I do not own Percy Jackson (Rick Riordan does) nor do I own Ben's Girl (Azure/Auumann does). I am just writing this story for fun. I will however change some thing to make it fit the Rick Riordan universe. If you guys hate it or don't like how I copying it from Ben's Girl, just tell me and I erase it as soon as I can.

Current Timeline-The Last Olympian

Sitting on her chair bored out of her mind was a beautiful woman wearing a red satin dress, with hair curled in a cascade of ringlets, perfect makeup, dazzling eyes like pools of spring water, and a smile that would have lit up the dark side of the moon

Her birth name was Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

"I'm so bored." She muttered bitterly as she sat on her high class chair looking at her mirror randomly watching scenes of real live people going about their daily business and switching over to cable television, yes the mirror has magical endowment that permit her to watch the premium channels, but Aphrodite wasn't amused at the moment.

Brushing her long elegant hair with a comb she continued switching the mirror's viewing channels to something else each second like channel surfing until she stopped at one viewing spot in particular. She didn't know why she did but something caught her attention and she got off her chair to take a closer look at it.

Within the mirror there was live projection of one teenage boy she couldn't bring herself to forget.

"The son of Poseidon. Huh." She said flicking her fingers to increase the zoom on the mirror, he was practicing his sword fighting skills against a straw dummy wearing his usual Camp Half-Blood orange teacher and blue jean. His Camp Half-Blood necklace was around his neck and the boy has his sarcastic, troublemaker smile.

"Hmmm, he's not too bad looking, too bad I already pair him with that Athena girl. Still…" She muttered to herself and looked back to the Horai (season goddess). "What do you think?

The goddess of summer was working on Aphrodite feet, the goddess of spring was painting Aphrodite finger nails, and the goddess of fall working combing her hair. However, when Aphrodite ask them a question, they just nodded as they knew to be careful when talking to the goddess of love.

"Hmm, you're right. He's all alone, no strong minded blonde or nervous satyr with him …" she said as if the Horai response was an actual answer. She looked at the mirror again and noticed Percy sweating as prepared another round of sword fighting against the training dummy.

'I don't like him enough to date him, but ….hmmm.' She thought thinking of her past experience with him at the Junkyard of the Gods. She first express interest in him when he set out to rescues Annabeth and thought it was very cute.

"Hmm, now I think about it I don't think I've ever kiss a son of Poseidon, I spent too much time making his love life interesting." She looked at the mirror and noticed the son of Poseidon taking off his shirt in a sweat as he continued his sword strikes. "I may be crazy for even thinking this, but maybe it's time I have some fun of my own." She said to herself as she glowed bright pink and changed her white sleepwear into a satin red dress

"Mind the place while I'm gone. Oh who am I kidding, you have nothing better to do." She said to her Horai as she teleported and disappeared leaving three clueless goddesses behind.

Where Percy is at…

Panting and slumped over, Percy was sweaty and tired from today's workout, truth be told he didn't think he needed to practice his sword skill since his defeat of Kronos. However, his girlfriend told him that he needed the practice incase a new threat was to appear. He is not one to argue with Annabeth logic.

'Easy for her to say, she's can practice anytime she want. I can't even practice at home because of the China cabinet incident.' Percy thought as he sat down on the gym mat for a quick rest.

No one was in the training ground except himself. The other campers was busy preparing for the camp fire tonight but Annabeth decided that he needed practice with Riptide after she beat him this morning. If wasn't his fought, he was distracted by how good looking she look today. She was wearing her usual orange camp T-shirt and jean but if someone told her that she was actually the goddess of love, he would had believe that person. Of course he would be foolish to say that unless he wish to incur the goddess wrath.

He was about to leave and hit the shower but someone unexpected spoke up from behind him.

"Going somewhere, son of Poseidon?"

Percy turned around and to his utter surprise he saw Aphrodite, a long time headache for the demigod.

He instantly went to alert mode wondering if she heard his thought. Before he could say anything she was two steps ahead of him. Before he even noticed, a fluffy pink handcuff was tie to his hand preventing him from moving them.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" He shouted lightly as he strained to break free of the cuffs.

"Cool your jets, son of Poseidon. I didn't come here to stir up trouble, now sit." She said magically forcing him to sit down on the training area floor.

"Didn't come here trouble? Heh, excuse me while I sneeze out the words 'Minotaur crap'." He retorted as she walked over to stand over him.

"Believe it, son of Poseidon. Here's some incentive." Then she did something unexpected, she leaned down and grabbed his head to pull him into a deep frenching kiss with her tongue probing his with much vigor.

To say Percy was shocked and stupefied was an understatement, he flat out was too surprised to even move a muscle. Here was a goddess, a rather gorgeous one at that, who promise to make his love life interesting, kissing him and doing a good job at it.

After a few more seconds she softly broke the kiss and sighed in satisfaction. She had a slightly dazed expression on her face then her face changed to one of naughty mischief.

Percy however had a stupefied and confused look on his face and then he finally spoke up. "W-well, that was new…not every day I get frenched by a hot goddess."

She chuckled in somewhat. "You definitely know how to flatter a girl, but I'm interested in more than flattery, son of Poseidon." She said mistily as she placed her hands on his chest to feel it.

"Mmmm, nice. I see working yourself out today worked for the better." She said as one of her hands went underneath his orange shirt to feel up his chest.

Percy was really feeling aroused, part of him wanted her to continue her ministrations and another part of him needed her stop for Annabeth sake. Moral sense and bodily needs were conflicting with each other, but Percy was blind to it at the moment when Aphrodite did something else unexpected.

She reached down to the lower part of his abdomen where the hem of jeans met the belt buckle, now alarms were going off in his head that this going too far and it needed to stop.

"W-wait! Wait a minute! Stop!" Percy struggled to call out while enduring the ongoing arousal. Aphrodite looked at him with indifferent expression.

"For what? I can sense you actually like this, son of Poseidon." She whispered huskily.

"For s-starters I have a girlfriend and I wouldn't do this to her, on top of that you're basically raping me!" He said trying to sound a little outraged, but he could tell that wasn't what it felt like.

She laughed in complete amusement at what he said and Percy was even more perplexed by her unusual behavior. She had a cute way of laughing that make him feel embarrassed.

"You are funny. For one thing, ask me if I care about your girlfriend, actually if you play your cards right things could turn out better than you think it will. I'll let you know later, but I'm not raping you, I'm simply getting things started. When I enchant you, you will beg for me and will be as much part of this as I am." She then leaned in close to his ear and whispered; "It will be a lot of fun, son of Poseidon. You'll see."

She then took him by surprise by lightly licking a part of his earlobe in affection, Percy could start feeling aroused again and before he could say anything she stood back and pulled out some pink dust in her right hand.

"W-why are you doing this..? I thought you wanted me and Annabeth to be together." Percy said weakly as he felt whatever Aphrodite did to him start to effect.

She smirked in a sultry way. "I do wanted you two to be together. You two would be a cute couple. Just think of this as adding some spice to your love life". She said and she blew the pink dust in his face letting it take effect on his entire body.

Percy could feel the fluffy handcuff disappear from his hands, but he didn't feel like fighting or running. What he did do was suddenly pull the goddess to him and looked in her ever changing eyes before grabbing her head and shoved her head to his where their mouths covered each other again.

Percy was under a influence that cause Paris to go after Helen of Troy only in this case, it causing the demigoddess to go after the goddess herself.

"Mmmmmm." She murmured as he aggressively ravaged the inside of her mouth with his tongue, she made use of her mouth by suckling her lips on the tongue to increase the effect.

Aphrodite immediately did not regret this decision, in fact she was super positive she made a great choice.

Her hands went back to work as they slid off his orange shirt and let it fall to the floor and hastily slid them back to the hem of his pants. Percy's hands themselves went to work as well by one of them grabbing and squeezing her left breast and the other trailed down to her rear rubbing it.

With a click Percy's belt buckle came loose and then the zipper was undone leaving an opening where she used her right hand to probe into his pants.

"Hnnh." Percy moaned as she massaged his bulge through his boxers and placed her other hand behind his head to engage in another steamy tongue locking kiss.

Percy used the hand that was on her rear and moved it to between her legs to rub that part instead, Aphrodite moaned in his lips as his other hand squeezed her breast and massaged the other.

Breaking the kiss she looked at him hotly and magically lifted his pants down around his knees.

Percy couldn't or wouldn't speak, he was overcome with her lust spell and blew all sense of right and wrong out the window, all he could think about was letting this goddess do what she wanted with him.

Aphrodite smirked and licked her lips as she got on her knees and placed her hands on his boxers.

"You'll love this." She said smiling naughtily as she peeled off the private piece of clothing and gazed upon Percy's erect member standing for attention. "My my, one good surprise after another."

Drawing her face closer she placed her pink lips on his shaft and kissed it gently once and again until her lips found the tip, opening her mouth a little Percy could her breath on his flesh and was anxious for her taste it.

Licking the tip with her moist and smooth tongue like a Popsicle was what she was doing that was driving him insane since she did so slowly, he was impatient to feel her mouth and she knew it. Aphrodite took the next step and moved her tongue to his shaft and licked the underside up and down repeatedly making him grit his teeth in anticipation. Hearing the moist sucking sounds didn't ease his eagerness either, but she spared him by then going to the top and opening her mouth wide open.

(Slurping sounds) In one quick motion she engulfed his entire member into her mouth making Percy moan out loud, she continued suckling back to the tip and all the way forward till her nose touched pubic hair.

"Oh yeah…keep it up." He said grabbing her head with both hands to rock his hips forward and backward. He was facehumping Aphrodite's face and she liked the sudden aggression in it.

Slurping and sucking sounds were being made and loose saliva was escaping whatever space of her mouth that wasn't filled with Percy's manhood, now she increased her suction and tightened her lip old.

"Oh man, I'm close, very very close." Percy moaned signaling her to thrust her head much faster making him moan louder.

"Ooooohhh...!" Percy grunted as hips undulated and he shot stream after stream of thick warm semen into her mouth and down her throat, he heard loud gulping sounds from her which turned him on even more.

She retracted her head and opened her mouth wide open for Percy to see some of his cum remaining on her tongue, she closed her mouth and swallowed with a loud gulp and reopened her mouth to lick around her lips.

Percy could already feel his member hardening again since he saw that.

"Delicious, now sit down." She commanded with a lusty tone in her voice. Percy did so and Aphrodite started to glow pink around her body then she magically stripper herself of clothing. She was in her fully nude glory and Percy could instantly feel himself getting hard already.

Her body was elegant and perfect as it match his idea of perfect body. Her body was tan, her curled hair change to blond, and her eye change to storming gray. She look like a grown up version of Annabeth.

"You're beautiful." He stated as he was in awe of her despite being under her spell's mercy.

She smiled a bit, got on all fours ,and crawled towards him like an animal hunting its prey. Now faces only centimeters apart she gazed into his eyes and chuckled a bit.

"Aren't you sweet, I wonder why you pick a blond as your first time. Perhaps it has to do with a certain child of Athena?" She asked cupping his chin in her right hand.

Percy, still being hypnotized was able to answer honestly. "I don't think we should do this. No offence, your beautiful, but I got a girlfriend. A very loyal girlfriend who won't like me cheating on her."

"Hmmm, you make a good point; well we have this moment right here for you to experience my beauty firsthand and to satisfy your needs while under that spell. Don't worry about feeling like you betrayed anyone, I have a plan that will satisfy you and every girl you know, but first you must satisfy me." She said lustily as she gently pushed him to lie on his back as she crawled over him and placed her womanhood over his erect and twitching member.

"Now take me, make me yours, son of Poseidon." She said as she dropped and immediately felt a very pleasurable sensation as the tip of his dick was slowly sinking into her.

"Ooooohhhh!" She moaned as she kept going down.

Percy's mind was overcome with fevered lust. His mind was telling him no but he body was saying yes. It was a battle of will. With Aphrodite looking like Annabeth he was losing. "Ok."

She smirked. "Just yet me do the work and let yourself give in to the pleasure." She said as she dropped down so suddenly. "Aaaahh…ooohh."

Sinking in little by little until it was all the way to the hilt Aphrodite's pussy completely enveloped Percy's dick. She took a few seconds to let him enjoy being inside of hers when he pulled his head to her for a deepening kiss.

She sucked on his lips and licked his tongue with hers letting him taste the inside of his mouth. He didn't know if it was Aphrodite or Annabeth but her mouth taste like honey.

She started bouncing up and down repeatedly undulating her hips with Percy's member. They were both moaning and Aphrodite sped up her bounce every second.

Percy grabbed her hips and forcefully started thrusting along with her making her feel it his dick more.

"Oh yes, son of Poseidon! More! I need more! Faster please!" She cried out as her face contorted in ecstasy, she gave herself completely to the pleasure he was giving her.

Wet slapping sounds were made as the love goddess was bouncing rampantly on Percy's sex, his thrusts were matching her drops making their orgasms come ever closer.

She placed her hands on his chest and arched her upper body forward a bit giving him a better look at her breasts.

Then the moment came when she screamed out in ecstasy filled orgasm making her fingers clench Percy's chest and her toes curl up.

"OOOOhhhh yess! Yess! Aaaahhh!"

"Uunnggh I'm coming!" Percy said gritting his teeth as his hips stopped and his position tightened. "Oh god! Annabeth!"

His hips started twitching and rocking as he came to his climax spurting much of his seed into her glistening pussy. Stream after stream of sperm shot into her filling her up as her orgasm subsided and she collapsed on top of him.

Percy finally stopped coming and slumped his body flat on the matted floor. Aphrodite rose her head up to meet face to face with him from his chest.

"That was exquisite, I may pay you a visit more often when you're alone, son of Poseidon." She said purring as she laid her head on his chest.

Percy didn't know what to say, his lust subsided and perhaps the spell wore off, but he felt exhilarated and satisfied from having sex with a beautiful girl. He still felt he betrayed Annabeth, especially since he said her name when he came. The fact that replayed in his head was; he had sex with Aphrodite, Aphrodite of all people, and came inside her.

'Please tell me she doesn't become pregnant. Pretty please with cherry on top?' Percy mentally worried; as he doesn't want a green eye kid walking into camp proclaiming he was his and Aphrodite son.

Suddenly she got up and placed her hands against the wall sticking her ass out as a means to signal Percy to come over there.

The same lusty look appeared on her face again. "One more round, hero. I need more of you. I want more, Percy."

Percy was a little surprised she actually called him by his first name for once, and found it irresistible to walk up and over to her. He positioned himself at her rear and rubbed his cock to regain hardness, which didn't take long and slid into her. Earning a moan from her in the process.

"Come on, keep screwing me like an animal! Faster!" She cried out as he began pumping her pussy once more, her moist folds were already providing enough lubricant to slide it in and out faster than before.

Her hair was slightly messy and a few hair stuck to her face in sweat as Percy kept at it making it more enjoyable every minute. She lifted a leg in the air and Percy grabbed it to hold it up while he continued plowing her.

Minutes later they reached their climax again and Percy poured another helping of cum into the blonde haired goddess.

He sat back down exhausted and she joined him in a sultry embrace with a satisfied look on her face.

"I greatly enjoyed that, Percy. I know you did too, there's so much of your 'essence' dripping out down my legs." She purred licking the side of his cheek.

The lust spell died down on Percy vastly, but the realization still held firm in his mind. "I..I cheated on Annabeth, I can't believe I betrayed her… I just gave in."

Aphrodite rolled her eyes and smirked, she cupped his chin her hand and looked directly into his eyes.

"You don't have to feel guilty, in the end Annabeth and maybe a few more will join in with you, don't worry she'll be part of it too if you let her."

"What are you taking about? It's one thing that you enchanted into this, but now you want me to talk my girlfriend into your little fantasy?" Percy said outraged.

"You have satisfied me and so I shall bestow upon you a very special and unbreakable enchantment upon you. Give me a moment." She stood up and teleported her clothes on, she closed her eyes and mumble some word in Ancient Greek.

Suddenly Percy felt strange as a pink glow covered his body and vanished, she stopped chanting and looked at him with a grin.

"What did you do?"

"You now have the ability to enchant and allure any girl you come in contact with or desire greatly, your hormones with connect with theirs and they will be just as amorous as you feel at that moment. They'll want it as much as you will, in basic terms; you can make any woman or girl yours. That is my gift to you."

Percy looked deadpanned, not only did this love goddess spellbinded him into having sex with her, now she made it so that he will have that effect on other girls like she had on him just now.

"Uh..thank you..?"

"You may feel like this is going a bad direction, but you will enjoy and savor it, it won't change their freewill, it'll just bring out what they felt for you tenfold. That includes your girlfriend and any girls that had any feeling to you." She said straightening her hair.

"What do you mean by other girls?" Percy asked confused as the only girls that had a crush on him was Annabeth, Rachel, and Calypso.

She simply smirked. "More than you know, and you're welcome by the way. I will take my leave now, I'll be seeing you again very soon, Percy, and who knows, we may even have a group experiment with you and other girls. We'll see." She said as she started glowing until Percy called out to her.

"Hey wait, I could uh…use a little help dressing myself up here." Percy said embarrassed as he covered himself in the nude.

She winked and teleported his clothes on him, he thanked her and then caught a piece of cloth she tossed at him. It was her underwear, still moist from her arousal.

"See ya later, Percy." She said vanishing in to the portal.

Percy just stood there with panties in his hands unsure of how to make of this new situation.

'Any girl I want, huh. Should I even use this power? Does it automatically activate? Uhhh. I need to go to bed and think about this, either the greatest thing happened to me or the most chaotic.' Percy said grabbing his things and cleaning the training arena behind him.

He walked down the pathway to the campfire with a faint smile on his face.

End of chapter One

Next chapter: The girlfriend is kinky