Welcome to the Jungle

(edited 2020.06.30: added information for clarification)

In a world where faunus are treated as a step above animals but still inferior to humans, faunus are kept as exotic pets for the masses. The ability to purchase and keep a faunus are restricted to the wealthy, or those lucky enough to scrounge up enough money to pay rent. However, most can be seen within the working class of society. On a day to day basis, gamma and omega faunus are collared and work side by side with humans as they are legally owned by the corporations that had purchased them and have been domesticated enough to be integrate into human society.

Welcome to the Jungle is a collection of stories (mostly smut tbh) centered around the concept of a RWBY faunus prostitution/slavery AU with non-traditional alpha/beta/omega dynamics interlaced.

Honestly...I just want some characters to have on hand and to play with. That is if anyone is interested in sending me some. The main story is going to be on Archive of Our Own due to the intense nature of this work of fiction. If you do send one in, it's greatly appreciated because I have a limited imagination.

Faunus Information

All faunus can have more than one animal characteristic. The majority of them have both ears and a tail, however some have extra similarities to their animal counterparts such as teeth and claws.

They are considered less than human and are primarily viewd as slaves. Majority of them are seen as free labor, being sold as such. Many large companies, like the Schnee Dust Company, use faunus as miners for their dust mines. Some smaller companies are able to buy a faunus as a luxury staff member to draw in customers, but those are few and far between.

Majority of 'wild faunus' live in Menagerie, however there are some that still live within the other lands of Remnant and can be found/captured in the uninhabited areas of society. Runaway faunus live underground and outside of human society, forming small tribes by themselves as they search for a safe haven. However, they are pursued by humans to be recaptured.

ALPHA These faunus are wild animals that have not been domesticated at all. They are extremely aggressive and territorial, making them not ideal for human interaction.
(examples: lions, tigers, bears, wolves, sharks, whales, spiders, scorpions, foxes, crocodiles, bats, vultures, peacocks)

DELTA These faunus are wild animals that are in the first stages of being domesticated or are friendly towards humans. They are only aggressive and territorial when provoked.
(examples: monkeys, dolphins, deer, chameleons, owls)

GAMMA These faunus are domesticated animals but shouldn't be kept as pets. These are mostly working/farm animals trained for labor work. They are indifferent to humans and are good for working. Majority of them are sold to companies as free labor.
(examples: cows, horses, chickens, pigs, sheep, rams, camels, parrots)

OMEGA These faunus are domesticated animals and are often kept as pets. They are friendly and submissive.
(examples: cats, dogs, rodents, rabbits)

Note: there can be alphas that behaviorally act more like omegas and there can be omegas that behaviorally act more like alphas. these classes are purely based on how domesticated they are.

Chemical Experimentation

With enough money, humans are able to make female faunus able to impregnate others and make male faunus able to become impregnated. However, this shifts their personality drastically and is not recommended unless the faunus is an alpha/delta female or a gamma/omega male as there are less chance of unwanted side effects.

Females faunus that are able to impregnate others will become more hostile and have more "alpha" like qualities.

Male faunus that are able to be impregnated will become more submissive and have more 'omega" like qualities.

Notable Establishments Underground

They are used as an outlet for more perverse hobbies. The most prominent one are the infamous Ozpin's Emerald City and Salem's Circle of Hell. Both are escort agencies that rent out faunus to people with enough money. However, the two agencies have very different reputations:

Ozpin's Emerald City is known for taking well care of their faunus (more or less) and their vast array of delta, gamma, and omega faunus. They are very strict on making sure their clients treat their faunus well and no major damages are done to the goods.
+ Blake Belladonna, Neon Katt, Sun Wukong, Velvet Scarletina are available for rent here
(OCs can engage in anything from fluffy pretend date situations to kinky but healthy BDSM relationships)

Salem's Circle of Hell is known for their tolerance for the more perverted fantasies. Where Ozpin's Emerald City draws lines at damaging their goods, Salem's Circle of Hell does not care what is done to their merchandise as long as they get paid.
+ Deery, Ilia Amitola, Mata, Perry, Trifa, Yuma are available for rent here
(OCs can engage in unhealthy BDSM relationships and dead dove: do not eat situations)

the White Fang is a small group of faunus who kidnap other faunus in order to sell them to the humans as slaves. Originally, under Ghira's lead, they would infiltrate human society to free captured faunus. But he was usurped by Sienna Khan. Now the White Fang has started to enslave faunus to sell to humans. Stationed in Menagerie, it is the leading underground supplier of faunus slaves.
+ Ghira and Kali Belladonna are used for breeding feline faunus here.
(Faunus OCs starting here will interact with characters both Ozpin's Emerald City and Salem's Circle of Hell, be warned)

Faunus that have been purchased: (Faunus OCs that are owned by and the human OCs that work under the following will definitely interact with the other faunus owned by them.)

Adam Taurus - owned by Jacquess Schnee - (faunus will be intimate with the Schnee family)
Fiona Thyme - owned by Robyn Hill - (female faunus only, faunus will be able to carry a weapon)
Leonard Lionheart - owned by Ozpin - (faunus will be able to carry a weapon)
Marrow Armin - owned by James Ironwood - (faunus will be able to carry a weapon and be intimate with the Ace Operatives)

SYOC Skeleton

Please PM me with the Subject as: Welcome to the Jungle [ Name of Character ]



- nickname (person who calls them that nickname)

Age: adult humans (21+) are the only ones allowed to purchase faunus, 18+ can use the escort agencies.

Birthday: month - day

Sex: male | female | transgender male (ftm) | transgender female (mtf)

Sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | asexual | pansexual


Face Claim: please include an anime/cartoon look alike

Hair: color, hair length, style

Eyes: color, shape


Body: skin color, general build of the body, include breast/dick size

Important Physical Traits: tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.


- General Style:

- Formal Style:

- Swimwear Style:

- Sleepwear Style:


Semblance: name of semblance (color) - how it works without weapons or dust

History: backstory of this character, key information about their past, life, living situations, etc.

Personality: do not give a list of personality traits

Thoughts on Humanity:

Thoughts on Faunus:

Notable Likes:

Notable Dislikes:

Notable Kinks/Turn ons:

Notable Hard Stops/Turn offs:

Family Members:
- name of family member (relationship | occupation | age) - description of their relationship

- human x faunus = 50% of being faunus (same type as faunus parent)
- faunus x faunus of same species = faunus same type as parent
- faunus x faunus of two different species = random faunus type

Notable Relationships:
- name of person (relationship | occupation | age) - description of their relationship


Economic Status: wealthy | upper middle | middle | lower middle | poor


Do they have a weapon that augments their semblance? If so, what is it?
- name of weapon (weapon type) - how it is used and how it augments their semblance

Are they connected to Ozpin's Emerald City or Salem's Circle of Hell? if yes, are the just a client or are they a staff member, investor, etc?

If they own a faunus, list who and their relationship:
- name of faunus - description of their relationship

If not, what would make them want to purchase a faunus: describe what type of faunus they would be interested in.

Other Information: anything else relating to their status in the world as a human.


Species: what animal they are, be specific or not
ie: canine (golden retriever), snake (cobra), spider (black widow), etc.

Secondary Sex: alpha, delta, gamma, omega (author will have final say if they are alpha, delta, gamma, or omega but is open to all and can be discussed)

Physical Faunus Traits: claws/nails | ears | eyes | horns/antlers | tail | teeth/fangs | wings | other (list)

Behavioral Faunus Traits: any particular habits they have that are akin to their animal counterpart?

Where do they start off?
[ ] Ozpin's Emerald City: working as one of the faunus escorts
[ ] Salem's Circle of Hell: working as one of the faunus escorts (prone to having dead dove: do not eat situations)
[ ] the White Fang: working under Sienna to help kidnap faunus (alphas only) or used as a breeding tool
[ ] Owned by a company: working a human job, most likely a dust mine, but can be a barista at a coffee shop
(deltas/gammas only)
[ ] Owned by a wealthy individual or a hunter: all canon adults (21+) are eligible to owning a faunus. kids (like team rwby) cannot own faunus, but their parents can

If they are owned by someone, list who and their relationship:
- name of owner - description of their relationship

If not now owned by anyone, what do they hope to see in an owner: describe what their ideal owner would be like

Are they genetically modified: if your OC is an alpha/delta female can they impregnant others. if your OC is a gamma/omega male can they be impregnated

Other Information: anything else relating to their faunus side. if your OC is owned by someone, are they allowed a weapon? if so please see the human section and put the weapon section here.


Love Interest: state canon characters your character would be interested (if applicable) and/or what their ideal partner would be like

How badly can I hurt your OC: only fluff please | roughed up only when necessary | nothing worse than a healthy but intense BDSM relationship | use and abuse them as you see fit

Plot Ideas: anything you want to see happen or want to coin a thought. do you want your OC to interact/smut with any character in particular.

Anything else: anything that I may have forgotten or you would like to include