Disclaimer: I do not own Ed, Edd n Eddy or any of the characters. Ed, Edd n Eddy is the property of Danny Antonucci and Cartoon Network.


Chapter 1: Winds Of Change

It was a typical, early Summer's day in the town known as Peach Creek.

In this town, there is a typical little cul-de-sac, home to typical little families.

It was almost noon and right now, the parents were either at work or running errands and the children were enjoying their Summer vacation.

Including three young boys.

The not-so-famous Ed's trio.

This trio consists of dim-witted but sweet Ed, shy but brainy Edd and loud and scheming Eddy.

Usually they would be spending their days trying to think up ways to make money to buy jaw breakers, but not today.

No, today, Edd was going to do his monthly insect expedition in the local woods and as always, he had requested the help of his two best friends to assist him.

They were currently in Edd's garage, getting ready.

Ed was looking at the bugs, Eddy was wishing he was anywhere else and Edd was cataloguing the insects he already has and making a list of the ones he hopes to encounter this month for his collection, as well as making sure the ones he currently has didn't escape.

Like right now, when one of his bugs, a beetle, tried to crawl away.

"Not so fast, little fella..."Edd said as he gently picked up the beetle with a pair of tongs and placed it back in it's jar.

Ed saw this and grinned.

"I saw this thing in a movie. "I Married a Thorax!"..."Ed said as he watched the beetle move around in it's jar, all the while Edd continued cataloguing his vast insect collection.

"Ants, check. Millipedes, check. Moths–"..."Edd said as he checked over his bugs and Eddy looked bored as ever right now.

"Yep, it's a bug..."He muttered sarcastically.

"Well, Eddy, the time has arrived for my monthly insect expedition!..."Edd said in excitement and Eddy resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

He honestly didn't get his friends fascination with bugs but Edd has always been a science dude and insects were some of the things he gets really into.

Eddy still didn't get the appeal or even why he is here. How he got convinced into doing this, he'll never know but he is here now and Edd is eagerly getting ready for this trip in the forest to pick up some bugs and other creepy crawly things.


Edd, either not noticing or ignoring his obvious boredom, handed him some stuff for their trip.

"A pair of galoshes and sterile gloves to avoid bacteria and germs..."Edd said as he handed him the supplies, before he went to do the same for Ed.

"Insects bug me..."Eddy muttered under his breath but sighed.

When Edd is like this, it is hard to turn him off. Hopefully, they will find whatever bug he is after quick, go home and maybe get some scamming time done before sun down.

"Ed, for you..."Edd said as he handed the rest of the supplies to his tall friend.

Eddy, out of boredom, decided that if he was gonna be stuck here, he could at least get a laugh out of it.

"Okay...Ready..."Eddy called, wearing a boot on his head and the rubber gloves as his clothes and did some silly moves, much to the amusement of his friends.

Ed seem to want to join in as he immediately placed a glove on his head and turned to Edd.

"Set..."Ed shouted, surprising Edd.

Before he could make any comment, Ed, since the glove covered his nose, intentionally blew it up until it shoots off his head.

Edd had to admit that maybe it is kind of funny but science awaits them in the forest.

"Go! Let us proceed to the forest!..."Edd said as he leads the way, eager to explore the forest and search it's bounty for all sorts of unique and fascinating insects to study.

Eddy sighed as he knew it was time to go get some bugs.

"Follow Nature Boy..."Eddy said as he and Ed followed their brainy, bug loving friend.

Hopefully, it will be a quick trip.

However, unknown to the three boys, they would soon find something in the woods.

But it won't be bugs.

No, not bugs at all.


While the Ed's had gone into the forest to search for insects, unknown to them, someone else was planning on entering the forest as well.

But not to hunt bugs.

No, they are planning on hunting something else.

"We clear on the plan..."Someone said.

"Right...we head to the forest and as soon as we find them, follow them..."Someone else said.

"Right...then what?..."The first one said.

"Then, we wait for the right time and get them in one spot.."Another voice said.

"Uh-huh...and the what?..."The first one said.

"Simple, we find them, introduce ourselves and bring them back here, no exceptions..."The second one said.

"And after that, the fun can really start..."The third one said, giggling.

The first one heard this and grinned.

"Right, come on. The boys should be arriving in the woods soon..."The first one said.

The other two then smiled in excitement.

"Then what are we waitin' for?!..."The second one said, eager to go get her prize.

"I'm comin', Big Ed!..."The third one shouted as she rushed out the door.

"Here I come, Double D!..."The second one shouted as she also ran in the same direction, for the same reasons.

"Eddy, just you wait!..."The first one shouted in excitement as they all headed into the woods.

In search of the Ed's.

Oh boy.


High, up in the skies, invisible to any mortal eyes, was two winged creatures.

No, not a bird, nor a plane.

It was two magical little beings, who had powers over love and had a taste for mischief.

It was Cupid.

Actually, two Cupid's.

They even resemble a set of familiar little children but they are in fact, Cupid Jimmy and Cupid Sarah.

Cupid Jimmy and Cupid Sarah, who had gotten lost and were trying to find their way to Paris, the city of love, in hopes of spreading some good, old fashion amour to anyone in need of it.

Whether they need it or not.

"Oh, Cupid Jimmy...I do so believe that we are lost. As lost as we can be..."Cupid Sarah said.

"Let us check the map, to see how far we are from the city of Paris..."Cupid Jimmy said as he pulled out the map, pronouncing the name of the city as "par EE", for the sake of rhyming.

Unfortunately, a gust wind happened and the little cupid had dropped it.

"Our map, it is in a great big fall..."Cupid Sarah said in a panic.

"Let us get it, before we lose it all.."Cupid Jimmy said dramatically as the two cherubs flew fast and grabbed onto it.

They both sighed in relief.

"That was close...what a relief..."Cupid Sarah said.

"Now to stop dilly-dallying and to get to Paris..."Cupid Jimmy said as he looked at his map, still pronouncing it as "par EE".

Cupid Jimmy then began to read the map once more.

"Hmm...this map says that we...that is you and that is me...must go left and then take a right in the next town and then about 4,000 east...in order to get to give love to every lad and gal.."Cupid Jimmy said.

"And so we shall..."Cupid Sarah said as the two little Cupid's soon left.

Unfortunately for the little Cupid Jimmy, he had been holding the map upside down and the direction he was heading was not going to head to Paris...and it was going to pass through a small town.

Peach Creek, to be more precise.

Oh boy.


With the Ed's

The trio of Ed Boys, blissfully unaware of what is happening behind the scenes, had arrived to the Forest.

However, it did not end up becoming the sort of experience that they were expecting.

Instead of finding bugs to collect, they found nothing but a big spider web...and something that had been spying on them and scaring them.

The three boys had just passed out after coming face to face to three figures that had been after them

"AAAAAHHH!..."The boys shouted at the top of the lungs, before becoming finally passing out from the shock.

Once the boys were unconscious, the three figures emerged from the shadows, revealing three young girls.

Three sisters to be more precise.

"Are they okay?..."A blonde girl asked in a worried tone.

"Let's fish them out.."A blue haired girl said.

"Well, come on..."A bossy red head ordered as she pulled out Eddy and her sisters pulled out the other two.

Who are these girls, you ask?

They are May, Lee and Marie.

The Kanker sisters, who had only been after these boys for one reason.

They are in love with them.

A few days ago, they had moved to this neighborhood and had spotted the boys on their first day.

It had been love at first sight for these young girls and they had been admiring them from a far since them.

Today was suppose to be the day that they would gather the courage to meet them, finally. Sure, maybe scaring them was not a smart choice, but it was just a little joke.

They didn't mean any harm.

Still, why did they faint on them before they could even say hello?

They couldn't have scared them THAT much, could they?

Thankfully, Lee came up with her own theory.

"I guess our good looks was just too much for them..."Lee said and her sisters believed her.

They all started giggling.

"Aw, they are so shy..."May said with a smitten look on her face.

"Totally adorable..."Marie added as she looked at the unconscious Edd in a gushy kind of way.

"Yeah, they are..."Lee sighed romantically as she looked at the shortest of the Ed's with love in her eyes (even if they are covered by her curly bangs)

Still, they are in love.

They wanted these boys more than ever, but they were out cold and very muddy.

"Now what do we do?..."May asked.

Lee came up with the idea, though.

"I say we bring them...we were already planning on bringing them home...we can clean them up, get cozy with them and then give them some home cookin'..."Lee said, both figuratively and literally.

Her sister's liked that idea.

"Yeah, and once they see how helpful we are, they'll fall in love with us for sure..."May continued, feeling excited.

"They'll see how beautiful, helpful, doting and good cooks we are, they'll beg us to be their girlfriends...They might even kiss us!..."Marie said excitedly, loving this plan.

They sisters then picked up the boys and dragged them back to their trailer.

Unknown to any of them, a par of invisible beings had witness the entire thing. They had try to take a short cut through this forest in hopes of getting to Paris sooner, but soon noticed the commotion and now...

They had interested looks on their faces.

Very interested, indeed.

They could sense what these girls were feeling.

An early sign of love, passion and desire.

It is clear that they feel it for those unconscious boys, whom they are taking home right now to nurse.

It is..very interesting.

"My dear friend. So it seems that that love has spring deep within these Kanker girls..."Cupid Sarah said with meaning.

Cupid Jimmy nodded, getting her message.

"Indeed, and yet another half is needed for its blossom to unfurl!..."Cupid Jimmy added.

The two Cupid-like beings flew after them, giggling and with plans in their minds.

Paris can wait, for they are suppose to bring love to anyone, any man, woman, boy or girl.

And if this is as interesting as they think, than perhaps they should get involved.

After all, it is their job to bring love to others.

Whether they want it or not.

To be continued-

Next time on Twist-ED!

A Twist Of Fate

A/N(1): I hope that you all enjoyed my latest Ed Edd n Eddy Fic. Some lines in the end are similar to my other fic "High Ed-pectations" but this is a different fic all together.

A/N(2):This is dedicated to my family, my friends and my love for God! Enjoy:)

:) Till next time beautiful people, remember to read and review :)