Hello. I apologize for such a long absence. I am often a hedgehog on business trips and there is not always the Internet.

I also take into account your comments and suggestions.

Many people wrote that this fanfic is similar to some others. I will not deny it.

People also wrote that Naruto is not Naruto without shinobi abilities. But if you give him all his abilities, then he will be too strong. Especially with Kurama.

Artemis - Naruto behaves this way because cheating is one of the principles of shinobi.

18Andrew - there will be both plot and sex. But more plot.

SilveerKnighT- I'm working on it.

IronArrow - I don't know about the genius. But he certainly won't lose the company.

Thanks to everyone else for the feedback and criticism.

I also know that there are those on the site who do not like it when everything does not go according to the canon, and they are ready to threaten the author if they do not like the plot. What is your problem? (I write this if someone like me starts reading my story) Don't like it, don't read it, and don't spoil other people's mood.


Thea Queen - Willa Holland

Laurel Lance - Katie Cassidy

And so we will continue.

Chapter 2 - Season 1 Episode 2 - Honor your father.

Naruto in a suit stood on the rooftop against four armed men, two more guarding his target. He calmly shortened from their blows, and quickly knocked out all four. Then he shot at two guards who were standing next to his target and at one, which stood behind him and decided to attack him.

"Stop! Stop! Please wait! " - said the guy trying to protect himself from Naruto, when he interrupted all the guards, but Naruto did not listen to him, but simply threw the roof onto another part and presented his head to the fan.

Marcus Redmond you let this city down ! "Naruto said, even though Marcus begged him not to.

The cell phone in Marcus's pocket rang. "Tell your partner," Naruto said, "Let him give the retirees their money back."

"Please don't"


Marcus had no choice but to do what he was ordered to.

Morning. The mansion.

Naruto in a suit went downstairs to the living room, where his mother was sitting in an armchair, Walter stood behind the back of the armchair, Naruto went up to Thea, put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her. Thea was one of the most important people in his life for him and he was ready to do everything to protect her from trouble. There was news on TV about Marcus Redmond and how he robbed people.

"Over the past 15 years, Redmond has withdrawn more than $ 30 million from the main account. He has stated that it has always been his intention to fund the Kingfisher Pension Fund. A man in a black hood came to him, as he claims .. "

"It has more airtime than the Kardashians." Naruto said while still hugging his sister.

"5 years on the island and you still know about them." - said Thea and turned her head to her brother, and meanwhile she curled her hand behind her back and began slowly, imperceptibly stroking Naruto's cock through his pants. Naruto did not expect this, but did not show it, continuing to pretend that everything was fine, although he liked it, he decided to take revenge on her later.

"I haven't been there for 5 years and I have to make up for lost time."

"The city was different said," said Moira Queen. - "More secure"

"What's the matter mom?" Thea asked, continuing to fondle Naruto. "Are you afraid we're next?"

"So Naruto, you need to confirm that you are alive." - said Walter, trying to defuse the situation.

"It's okay. I've already been to court a couple of times. " Naruto replied.

"Not as loud as Oliver, but still there were a couple of misdeeds," Tommy Merlin said as he entered.

"I would have chatted with you Tommy, but it's time for me to declare myself alive," Naruto said.

"Your friends are here to support you," Tomii said.

"Well, are you a little sister?" the brother asked his sister.

"Knowing the two of you, I'd better go with you, so it will be safer."


There were so many reporters outside the courthouse who wanted to get a first-hand story and they were very persistent. They asked Naruto questions that he didn't want to answer. As they walked towards the building itself, Naruto recalled the boat wreck.

He told the people what happened to the judge, remembering how he tried to save Sarah and the body of his dead brother. He decided not to talk about how Robert died. His mother and sister sat on the bench and cried as it was difficult to listen to all this. Tommy and Walter supported the women.

"Everyone at the office is looking forward to meeting you, Naruto." Moira said as they descended the stairs.

"Let's put it off until tomorrow, it was very hard to remember all these events again," Naruto replied, to which she agreed.

Tommy looked questioningly at her friend.

"I have been on a desert island for five years and I need to recover a little before going to work." Naruto explained.

Going downstairs, they ran into Laurel and her client.

"Hi," Naruto said.

"What are you doing what?" Laurel asked.

"Rising from the dead," Naruto said, keep looking into her eyes, "Legally. What are you doing here?"

"My job."

There was an awkward silence and Naruto decided to say hello to the girl who was standing next to Laurel.

"Hello. I'm Naruto Queen. "

"Emily Nossetti" - the girl introduced herself.

They stood looking at each other for a couple of seconds, not knowing what to say, after which Laurel went to do her job. Naruto and Tommy and went about their business.

One day they left the courthouse, they saw the reporters crowding around Martin Sommers, on whose case Laurel was now working. As soon as Martin Sommers left, the reporters immediately noticed Naruto and ran up to him asking questions about what was going on in court. Lyla walked over to Naruto and led him to the car, pushing the crowd apart. Naruto got into the driver's seat and immediately drove away, leaving Lyla and Tommy to deal with the crowd.

Naruto trained in the den, also reviewing his father's list, which included Martin Sommers' name.


Sommers was in his office and yelled at his subordinates to cover up this case, as it was already beginning to infuriate him. During his monologue, the lights went out for a few seconds, and when they lit up again, three of his people were dead. Martin felt a little uncomfortable, as he understood who was doing it. He looked around him as someone suddenly grabbed him by the neck and dragged him away.

He came to himself hanging upside down. Nearby stood a man dressed in a black hood with a bow and sword.

"Who else are you? asked Martin.

"Martin Sommers, you destroyed this city !"

"No, no, no," Martin shouted as the arrow flew past him.

"You will testify in court and confess that you ordered the murder of Victor Nossetti. There will be no second warning." - said the archer and fired near Sommers' head and hooked his cheek lightly. When Martin opened his eyes again, the man in the black hood was gone.

Queen's Mansion

Naruto went home and at that moment when his mother scolded Lyla for the fact that she missed her son.

"Well, where were you this time?" asked the mother of her son.

"Mom I was alone for 5 years. I want to be alone. I need time to get used to people again. "

"Okay, since you want it that way, but next time at least warn where you will be so that we don't have to look for you and call the police. You've been kidnapped once. Also a maniac appeared on the street, who hunted for wealthy people. "

"Well, this maniac saved my life last time."

"This is not a game, son, your brother, I already lost you, I do not want to lose you again."

"OK, Mom." - answered Naruto and hugged her, coming to his place to calm down a little. Then Moira left.

"You owe me for this, Naruto." Laila said as she passed him.

When Lyla left, Thea came in in a pink dress.

"Have you forgotten that we are going to the cinema?" asked her brother's sister.

"Of course not. I'll just change. " Naruto replied and went to his room. Putting on comfortable clothes, he and Thea went to the cinema for the movie "Total Recall."

Thea enjoyed spending time with her brother, especially since she decided to seduce him. Since the show was late, there were very few people in the cinema. They chose seats almost near the last rows, since no one was sitting there. Thea hugged Naruto's hand and pressed it to her chest and rested her head on his shoulder. Naruto was wearing a T-shirt and could honor her nipples. Thea often rubbed her nipples on his hand, because he had to restrain himself. He understood what his sister was trying to achieve and did not mind, but he decided not to rush things. He thought the film would distract him, but no. Looking at the sexy Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel was not easy. After the movie, they walked a little more and went home.

Morning. Docks.

"I have to apologize, Mr. Sommers, we came here to protect you, but it turns out you don't need protection." Detective Lance said, walking in front of the table at which Martin Sommers was sitting.

"This is what I am telling you." - answered Martin.

"Yesterday's 911 call when your loader said you were attacked by a guy in a black hood. With a bow and arrow. " Lance said and pointed to the table where the arrow mark was. - "Probably it was a joke?"

"These guys love to joke."

"You know, I really want to believe such an honest and decent businessman like you, but only one of my people found several such arrows, said Lance showed an arrow that was used by the people's avenger. You know, this folk hero is trying to present himself as Robin Hood, robbing the rich and giving to the poor. But more often than not, the rich die. "

Sommers got tired of listening to him, he got up and told the detective that he was being biased, as his daughter was conducting a case against him. To which Lance replied that he was in control of his emotions. Martin, on the other hand, said that he does not do this and can do anything. Then Detective Lance and the cops left.

Quinn Consolidated

Naruto exited the elevator with Moira and Walter and Naruto noticed the 2 girls and he smiled at both.

"I already like it here."

"I remember you used to love coming here when you were a kid." said Walter.

"There were a lot of people who could make fun of." Naruto replied, walking over to the window and looking at the city.

"Naruto, Walter has something to discuss with you," Moira said as she sat down in a chair, "Please sit down."

Naruto sat down opposite his mother and Walter, wondering what they had to say.

"The company plans to open a department of applied sciences and we want you to lay the first stone in the foundation of this knowledge, as well as pay tribute to your father."

"Good idea," Naruto replied.

"We also want to announce at the opening ceremony that you will take up a leadership position in the company." added Moira.

"I agree with the opening of the assignment, but I would wait a bit with the position, as I am not yet used to a large number of people next to me."

Moira nodded in agreement and together they left the office.


"Thank you for coming." - Martin said when a Chinese woman in a red dress with snow-white hair came to him.

"Anything for a friend," the Chien Na Wei replied.

"We are not friends. You are smugglers, and I give permission to use my port. "

"And we pay you for it."

"Not enough. Since arrows are flying at me from a guy in a black hood and with red eyes! cried Martini, the woman felt a little uneasy at his words. "You have to be serious, as he is proposing a greater threat than anyone else."

"We know where the Nossetti girl is." the Chien Na Wei said.

"If you kill her now, this lawyer Lance will not leave us behind, but will chase not only me, but you too." - explained Martin.

"Well then, we'll kill her protector." - With a smile the Chien Na Wei said, turned around and left the office at the docks.


Naruto was in his room, he stood in jeans and boots and watched the news on TV, where there was a report about Martin Sommers.

"The confidant of Martin Sommers, confirmed his client will not testify and claims that he is not guilty of the death of Victor Nossetti. Nossetti's body was found 4 weeks ago. We will keep you updated. "

And at that moment when he wanted to put on a shirt, Thea entered his room.

"Where did you get them from?" Thea asked her brother.

"Seriously? You didn't even knock. What if I were naked here? - said Naruto, putting on his shirt and he was about to button it up, but Teya came over and interfered.

"Mom said you had scars, but she didn't say there are so many of them."

"Because I told her not to say anything." Naruto replied while Thea slowly stroked some of the scars with her small, delicate fingers. It even calmed Naruto somehow.

"What happened to you there." Thea asked when Naruto finally buttoned up his shirt.

"Too much. One day I'll tell you everything, but not now I'm not ready yet. "

Thea calved Naruto outside and led to three large tombstones, she told everything that happened after the funeral. About how bad and lonely they were, about how little mom stopped going out, and Thea came to talk with her brothers and father, telling about everything that happened in her life. All she wanted was for them all to return home to her. But she was glad that at least one of her brothers returned alive and did not try to push everyone away.

Laurel's apartment

Laurel Lance was in her apartment, working and eating chinese food as usual, when there was an unexpected knock on the door, she slowly walked over and looked through the peephole, exhaled before opening the door behind which Naruto was standing.

"Hello. Are you okay? There are two policemen outside. " Naruto asked.

"Yes, my father worries too much about me.


"What are you doing here, Naruto?" Laurel asked.

"I need to restore relationships with all the people dear to me." - answered Naruto and Laurel let him into the apartment.

"What's in the package?" Laurel asked with interest.

"What I've wanted to do to you since I got back," Naruto said, opening his bag and pulling out a jar of ice cream sundaes and cookies. - "Eat ice cream."

After a while, they sat and ate ice cream. Naruto sat on the floor next to the couch and Laurel sat with her legs on the couch.

"The taste remained the same as I remember." Naruto said. - "Mom wants me to take over the management of the company. Although I promised her to do it soon, I am afraid that she will start questioning me when that time comes. "

"Well, you can tell her no." Laurel said.

"I've already done it. But we both understand how hard it is sometimes. " Naruto said. "During the party, I promised not to lie to you. There is something that only me and your father would know about. Before all this happened, I came to your father to ask for a blessing, as I wanted to propose to Sarah. "

Laurel was shocked by these words, since it was difficult for her to imagine her younger sister as a married woman, but looking into the eyes of the man who was sitting opposite, she realized that he was telling the truth. When I found out that she was cheating on me with my brother, I was too confused and therefore came to you that day. Now you know the truth. "

"Well, since we started to confess here, I knew that Oliver was cheating on me, but I didn't know with whom. And when you came, I realized that you shouldn't come through this alone. "

"Yes, at that moment we were not thinking. Now, if we had talked then, maybe everything was different. "

They talked recalling various moments in life before Naruto fell silent.

"Did you hear?" - he asked.

"What?" Laurel asked.

"Someone is on the fire escape." Naruto said, grabbing Laurel by the hand and trying to lead her to the main exit, but as soon as they approached, the door was breached and a fat Asian entered through it. Naruto and Laurel ran back to her room when the Asian fired at them. Another man, Naruto, broke into the room through the window and tried to lead Laurel through another room, but an Asian woman with white hair in a black tight leather suit and two hooked knives was waiting for them. A fat Asian with a weapon approached them from behind, but then shots rang out and he fell. It was Layla. Then she shot the second Asian, but the Chinese woman managed to hide. After which she appeared next to Lyla and knocked out her weapon and a fight ensued between them. Naruto didn't mind marrying two beautiful women, but the situation wasn't right. Lyla was fighting a Chinese woman on the floor and the Chien Na Wei wanted to stab her with a knife, but Naruto threw a kitchen knife at her, disarming her. Realizing that she could not win, she fled. As soon as this happened Laurel ran to Naruto and hugged him tightly around his waist, while Naruto put his arms around her shoulders and hugged her.

"Are you okay?" Lyla asked. And when I got a positive heifer, I went to check the perimeter.

Are you all right, Laurel? " Naruto asked after receiving a nod from her.


Laurel ran to her father and hugged him when he arrived.

"Dad!" - said Laurel and rushed to hug her father.

"Thank God. Are you okay?" Quentin asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," - pulling back a little, Laurel looked at him and asked, "And those cops?"

"They ..." Quentin shook his head.

"I went outside to ask them for a lighter, but they were already dead." - answered Laila and Laurel covered her mouth in horror.

"Everything is good. Everything is fine dear." Quentin said, and then walked over to Laila and Naruto. "Thank you for being here today. If it weren't for you, I can't even imagine how it would have ended. "

Naruto nodded silently and he and Laila left.


Martin Sommers was collecting all his money in his office, since the Chinese woman had failed her assignment. And the triad was going to remove all evidence of their smuggling, including his. But Martin was against it. He ordered his guard to tell Wallace to get the boat ready tonight.

The guard tried to contact Wallace, but there was only silence on the radio.

"He's not here," answered the demonic voice. - "There is only me."

"We must leave quickly!" - Martin said and together with the guard they ran to the exit.

At this time, Naruto shot the guards who were in different places from the bow and thanks to the eyes of his friend he could see much better and further than with normal vision, which gave him a huge advantage. When he finished with the guards, he saw running towards the door in the room where his boat was kept.

Naruto quickly caught up with him and shot him with an arrow, hitting him in the shoulder, thereby pinning him against the box.

"God! No no no!" Sommers pleaded.

"He won't help you!" said the demonic voice of an archer in a black hood as he took out his katana and held it to Martin's throat. - "I want to know the truth about Victor Nossetti!"

"I cannot! The triad will kill me. " - began to whine Martin, screaming in pain when Naruto decided to move the arrow in his shoulder.

"I will kill you if you do not do what I tell you!"

"Good good. It was not me who killed him, it was a triad. " - answered Martin.

"That's good, but who ordered them?" - Martin decided to be silent, but instead Naruto stuck a second arrow in the other shoulder.

"Good good! It was me, it was all me. I ordered Nossetti to be killed because he was going to testify against me. "

"And the last question. Who sent the triad to Laurel Lance? "

"I AM! it was me too. " - Martin confessed.

Naruto pulled out his katana and was about to kill Martin when he sensed the appearance of another person. Turning, he saw a Chien Na Wei with white hair.

"Get away from him!" the woman said in Mandarin.

"Make me." Naruto replied in Mandarin too.

Naruto and the white Chien Na Wei began to fight, but without much desire to hurt each other. It felt like they were just having fun. This continued until they heard the sounds of sirens, after which they fled in different directions. What no one knew except Naruto was that the arrows were smeared with a very fast-acting poison, which just as quickly dissolved in the body and left no traces.

Naruto jumped off the containers when yes Quentin appeared and aimed at his head. "If you even twitch, you are dead!"

"I do not think so"

Naruto dropped the kunai and knocked the weapon out of Quentin's hands and was nailed to one of the containers. When Quentin looked again at the place where the archer was, it was already empty. He walked over to the kunai, on which the recorder was attached, and pressed a button.

"Good good! It was me, it was all me. I ordered Nossetti to be killed because he was going to testify against me. "

"And the last question. Who sent the triad to Laurel Lance? "

"I AM. it was me too. " - Martin confessed.

"That bastard!" - Said Quentin.

The next day

The discovery of new knowledge took place without any shocks. After spending a little time at the event, Naruto went home. There, he crossed out another name from his father's notebook.


Moira got out of her car, got into a limousine that had just pulled up, and took off her glasses.

"You saw everything yourself. My son knows nothing. "Moira said to the man sitting across from her. "Robert didn't tell him anything dangerous to us. He doesn't know that there was sabotage on the yacht. "

The man just looked at the notebook with the same emblem as Naruto's.

I have to leave for work for two weeks, so Flash will be updated later.