Zane and Maya had made it to a restaurant called 'All the night.'

A waiter took them to a small table with two chairs and sat them down before leaving. As they looked around they found the floor looked like white marble, there where some chandeliers, and a small band playing.

"It so nice. Usually I don't go to places with bands. But the music isn't so load at least." Maya smiles.

"No I'm good with this. I just usually can't handle so much noise that's why. But since it's not so bad I'll be fine."

Zane nodded, happy for this.

Their water then came, they orders a chicken fettuccine to share since it was a large portion and none alcoholic grape cider.

As they ate, they talked and laughed. But as they did Maya asked "Zane, do you think I bring anything to the team."

"Of course you do Maya. Like sensei says, the panther ninja brings balance to the team." Zane smiles.

"I think he was only talking about the necklace and the weapons Zane." Maya frowns.

"No, I believe he also knows that you are needed for this team. Look how you brought us together to create a new dance form with our training." Zane holds her hand lovingly.

Maya looks back with a smile but still uncertain.

At another table…

Loud smiled saying "Welcome to All the night boys. Pick whatever you like I'm buying."

"Wow this place is fancy." Kai whistled.

"Wish I worn a suite." Jay looks a bit nervous at all the fancy dressed people.

"Dad you didn't need to bring us here." Cole looked uncertain.

"But it was our favorite place to celebrate with your uncles after every win. I think they would be happy that we came here. Now let's go to my usual table." Lou smiles as a waiter took them quickly to their table and got their orders and drinks right away.

"Wow fast service." Kai said smiling.

"I have a reputation, so I get the five star treatment." Lou smiles.

Cole sighs as he shakes his head.

Back with Zane and Maya…..

"You guys have really been working hard. Only kai and Cole need to find their true potential them me. Hehe." Maya chuckled nervously.

"Maya are you okay?" Zane could sense her worry.

"I guess I'm worried about what's to come, I mean what happens after we find the green ninja and defeat Garmadon. Will we still be ninja or will there be more we have to do." Maya seems uncertain.

"I believe we still have time before we must face Garmadon, as for being ninja. I hope we can continue to be so for a long time. But if it does come to an end, would we still be together." Now Zane looked worried.

"Of course we be together. Zane I didn't fall for the ninja of ice, I feel in love with Zane." Maya smiles as she holds his hand

Zane smiled back warmly at this "And I fell in love with Maya."

The two calmed down at this and continued to enjoy their meal.

But Maya did ask "I am curios thought if you couldn't be a ninja what would you be?" Maya looks curious.

"I think I would like to be a chef. I am very good at that." Zane smiles.

"You'd be famous that for sure." Maya chuckles.

"What about you, what would you be if you where not a ninja?" Zane looked on curiously.

Maya thought on this "Maybe an artist. I'm sure some people would by my stuff." Maya shrugs.

"I think that would quite suite you. You always make such interesting paintings." Zane smiles.

May flushed, very pleased by the compliment.

Back at the other table….

"Hey is that Maya and Zane?" Jay catches from the other side of the dance floor.

"Oh yeah it is them." Kai looks surprised.

"Dad you did this on purpose." Cole glared.

"Sorry son I'm a sucker for romance." Lou shrugs.

"You can't put your nose into others people's business." Cole glares.

"Says the guy who stole the cake Zane made for his and Maya picnic." Kia and Jay chuckle.

"Cole." Lou scolds.

"I left a pudding cup." Cole shrugs.

"You just better be glad Maya calmed Zane down. Man when I heard him yell I thought you were done for sure." Jay laughed.

"Never underestimate the power of a women boys. They can make you or break you. I remember your mother could always calm me down when I got upset and she would always turn me to putty when I saw her dance." Lou sighs.

"Yeah mom was a pretty special lady. I have this memory of her eating a whole cake." Cole chuckles.

"So that's where you get it from." Kai laughs.

Back with the couple…

As they finished eating Maya had to ask "Zane are you happy?"

Zane looked surprised "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

"I just, I know you have the ninja and me, and Nya, and Wu, and Lloyd. But is there anything else you want in life. But do you feel content with all this." Maya looks on worried. 'Why am I asking this?'

"Hmm, I think the only thing that would make me happier at this moment would be becoming the green ninja." Zane chuckles.

Maya didn't know way but she felt her heart drop a that. 'But if you could. Would you blame me.' Maya felt nervous.

Zane noticed this, he wanted Maya to have a good time, but she seemed stressed. Was it the show?

Suddenly he saw the band was about to play again and this time someone was going to sing. He decided now would be the perfect time.

"Maya would you care to dance?" Zane smiled.

Maya looked shocked at this but nodded as the two got up and headed out to the dance floor.

"Waugh, look at that boys, Zane's going for it." Cole smiles.

"Man I need to take Nya to a place like this sometime." Jay smiles.

"Who is Nya?" Lou looks curios.

"My sister." Kai frowns, he was still not all that happy with Jay dating her

"Come on Kai you know I'd never do anything to hurt Nya." Jay frowned.

"I know it's just weird seeing one of my best friends dating my sister is all and Nya's my only family so you can guess why I'm like that." Kai sighs.

"You're alone as well Kai." Lou frowns sadly.

"Not really, Nya and I have bean on our own for a while and the village has always taken care of us and we've taken care of each other. Pluss we see our team as our family and our teacher as well." Kai smiles.

"Does your friend Zane feel this way as well?" Lou looked worried.

"He's fine trust me." Cole nods.

"Well just so you know, you boys are always welcome for the holidays or whenever. I don't mind." Lou smiles sincerely.

"Thanks Mr. Brookstone, we appreciate it and Zane will too." Kai nods.

'If there's one thing I have to say about my son is that he's good hearted to be friends with those who have no one left in their lives.' Lou looked on proudly at his son as the boys looked on happily at the couple that danced about.

A little before while the others talked…..

Maya and Zane came to the dance floor and where a bit flushed. This would be the first time they actually danced with each other, and a slow dance at that.

They were nervous yet excited.

"I apologize in advance if I do not know the steps." Zane smiles awkwardly.

"Don't' worry, I know a few steps and the gist of it. Just fallow my lead." Maya smiles.

Zane nods happily and then the songs starts and Maya began to sway helping Zane go about as well.

"A curse that sharers had
Thought I'd break my back
But a curse that sharers had, now I know that's a fact
But everytime I'm slippin' down there
You say something so profound that
I feel my eyes start to water and watching closely
Hoping to learn something, yeah."

The two stepped lightly at first, getting comfortable in each other's hold. Zane felt himself relax and his hand go down to Maya's waist and hold her hand a little tighter. May flushed at this as she smiled, glad he was relaxing.

As they continued the steps Zane seemed to figure out a pattern and take in the beat and so in a way he started taking the lead. Maya was shocked at first but then relaxed as she let her self be twirled about and flowed through everything. She felt weightless.

"But nothing breaks your spirit
You're a creature built for giving
You're a teacher and you're teaching me
A way to feel these feelings, though
Nothing seems to scare you
You're so magical
So magical could be my love."

As they danced instead of one or the other leader it became more that they where now in synch. The felt a connection forming as they danced and everything else seemed to disappear but the music and each other. Their eyes interfacing the other.

As they listened to the music thought, they thought it fit them well.

Both thought 'I see the love you hold for everyone in your eyes and you share it with me. When I feel like I'm drowning you dive down to pull me out. And I've never known love before btu you truly are teaching it to me.' Neither knowing the other was thinking the same thing but in a way they saw it in the others eyes.

"Your the solution right here to my oldest truths
You're here and I lured in ocean
And skies are grew
You're here, there and everywhere
Oh, you're everyone, you ever cared. Nothing seems to scare you
You're so magical
So magical could be my love."

At that they two finally slowed to the tempo and as Zane twirled her abut as he held her waist Maya felt as if she was flying. Then Zane dipped her lightly, and the two could not resist the pull to kiss each other.

They where suddenly snapped out of their trance though as they heard a load commotion and found everyone at the restaurant applauding them, and the loudest was their team.

'They saw that!' They flushed as red as Kai's suite.

The two flushed as they bowed and then they went to the others.

"What are you all doing here." Maya grinded out.

"Why are you all spying on our date." Zane glares upset.

"Blame my dad it was his idea." Cole points at Lou.

"I apologize, but I'm a sucker for romance. And I glad I came, that was amazing. So pure, so light, so beautiful. If you all dance like that at the competition. You will definitely win!" Lou said excitedly.

They other cheered at this as Zane and Maya flushed. They where never going to let this go where they.

The next day was practice, practice, practice. Everyone felt hurt from it all but they iced themselves down so their joints wouldn't hurt.

Maya did call her parents and told them she be on TV and to watch, they were excited. Her mom was also all gushed up about her dating Zane. She had told her everything about them so far.

The robot thing had scared her and confused her but everything she learned about Zane and how he treated Maya relaxed and delighted her. Especially the dates. Maya was flushed and giddy about it. She was glad her family approved.

The night before the competition Maya was rubbing her elbows allot. They where so sour. Zane saw this and looked about to find no one around so he came up to the couch and iced them for her with his powers.

"Zane…" Maya looked around sniffed.

"I sense no one near. We are fine. Pluss you need to be iced well for tomorrow." Zane smiles.

"I suppose. Mind helping with my neck." Maya flirts and Zane nods happily as he helped ice her neck a bit.

She hissed in relief and then said "Thanks, I should be fine now Icy."

Zane flushed at the nick name "Would you like to read before bed."

"Yeah I could do with a story." They both lean into each other as they start to read, they almost fell asleep….

That was when Lou barged in and said "What are you to doing, you can't stay up late. Hurry off to bed. You have a competition tomorrow."

They both jumped at that flushed and headed off to their rooms, not able to look at each other.

Lou chuckled at this and said "Aw, young love." He looks at a picture of a messy raven haired women who was slightly short and very tan.

As Zane entered the boys room super red Jay said "Waugh what happen, did your face accidently get washed in Kai's cloths."

"Cole's father walked in on Maya and I reading." Zane explains.

"Nothing weird about that." Kai shrugs.

"We almost feel asleep." Zane flushed redder. The boys laughed at that and Zane glared.

"Oh man Zane sorry about that. But my dad really wants to make sure nothing that shouldn't happens in the house." Cole explains.

"That is fine I would never wish to be disrespectful, especially not to Maya." Zane cools down.


Maya was in her room screaming into her pillow from embarrassment.

On Panther island….

Wu and Garmadon walked to the beach and to Wu's small bout. As they did Garmadon looked back. He thought he heard something and as he looked at a nearby gray haired figure "Misako?'

"Protect our son." She whispered then disappeared into the jungle.

Garmadon looked down sadly and said "I will, then I will find you again."

Garmadon frowned and went onto the bouts.

"Come brother it will take us a while to return in this current." Wu warned and they where off.

The next day….

It was finally time for the competition. All the contestants where practicing, including the ninja, who were all wearing barbershop outfits. Maya kind of liked them. Zane looked handsome and she felt kind of cute in hers.

They did their routine as best they could, till they accidently bumped into each other, Maya falling on all four again. 'Oh great.' This lead to another argument on who was fallowing who.

Cole stepped in thought "Guys, guys, let's not make this any harder then it has to be….."

Lets just say all Cole wanted to do was just get the fangblade and get out of their as fast as they could. The others tried to convince him to try to win.

"Yeah Cole we have worked hard. If we don't win, we can just explain." Maya tries as well.

That didn't seem to work as Cole continued to tell them to stick to the plan of stealing the blade. Sadly Lou heard it all.

"What?" Lou looked surprised.

"Dad I…." Cole started then he began to explain the truth.

Sadly "I can't be proud of any son who thinks is right…." He went on to say more then left.

Cole was saddened by this calling after his father.

"I'm sure he didn't mean that." Kai tried to assure.

"Maybe if he just say you in action." Jay added.

"Or understood how important this whole thing really was." Maya sighed.

"No it's okay….." Before Cole could finished they saw some poorly dressed serpentine coming out of a dressing room.

'Really they think anyone's going to fall for that.' Maya face palms.

"Treble makers." Kai read the band names.

"Seriously like the look wasn't bad enough now the name." Maya frowns.

"Wait a minute what are they doing here?" Jay asks.

Then they heard it, Pythor. They rushed over to looked out into the stage at the judge and well.

"Seriously, how can anyone fall for that, or are they just too scared." Maya sighs.

"It looks like we're not the only ones planning to steal the blade cup. Pythors here." Kai whispered.

"This, complicates things." Zane looks worried.

"Then I say we make our move. We can't risk losing out again. I say we steel it." Jay looks ready.

"If we don't it could mean the end of Ninjago." Maya frowns.

"We're not goanna steal it. We're going to win this competition. But we're goanna do it, our way." Cole announced.

"Our way?" the guys looked confused.

"Yeah!" Maya cheered as she switched into ninja gear. The guys seemed to get it and got into their own ninja gear.

After having to hear the awful tunes of the serpentines. It was time for their own show to start.

"If were goanna do this, I want everyone to see who we are." Cole said determined.

"I have butterflies in my stomach." Zaen said somewhat nervous.

Maya kisses his cheek and said "Better."

Zane flushed but nodded.

Jay smirked "Glad he got that out of his system."

It was finally their turn and so they did spinjituse and headed out.

The rock theme started up and they started up with simple dance moves. Already the crowd was going wild.

Some serpentine decided to step on their act but that's when they all nodded and Maya was swung about at their enemies. Landin in Coles arms making the crowd go wild.

When that was done they took their positions again and did more complex moves as they jumped about and span. They protected each other and fought all while making it look like a show.

At the end of the act thought something unexpected happened. Some snakes came to attacked them and Cole flew into he air, and did what many thought was impossible. The triple tiger sashay.

Everyone went wild at that and the announcer bowed at Cole for being the first ever to complete the move.

They all surrounded Cole to congratulate him. They saw their score and saw Pythor was going to give them a zero till the man he swallowed gave them an eleven. Maya then decided to spook Pythor so much that he threw the man up.

The guys looked shocked. "Snakes tend to regurgitate when nervous." Maya shrugs.

Pythor rushed out as the ninja received the cup. As they went back stage….

"I never felt more alive." Zane sad in his own excite way making Maya chuckle.

"Yeah, we did it!" Jay cheered.

They all then came together to do a little dance move and laugh.

"No Cole did it, because of you. Ninjago will sleep safely tonight." Kai praised Cole.

"Thanks. But go on and celebrate without me. This just doesn't feel the same without my dad being able to…." Cole started when suddenly Lou came in.

Cole ran up to hug him and they reconciled, Lou saying how proud he was not for Cole dancing but for fighting for what he knew was right. And for how he pushed Cole so hard to fallow in his footsteps.

They all watched on happily for this till Pythor had to go and mess it up.

"Do you have to ruin everything?" Maya galred growling.

Pythor flinched back but hissed "I'll get you back for that humiliation."

"Take a number." Maya smirked.

"Well still, I didn't want you to miss our big show. Stopper." Pythor pointed at some serpentine shoving a crave into some heavy metal equipment heading straight for Lou.

Lou panicked as he saw it coming down on him. His broken foot making unable for him to run.

"Dad!" Cole ran over to shield him.

As they all looked on worried for Cole and blinded by the dust Pythor got away with the cup.

"They took the fang blade." Jay realized.

"Cole!" Kai pointed out.

"We need to help them." Maya activated her power to hopefully pull something off.

They rushed over and tried their best to do so but before they could Coles scythe glowed.

"Cole has found his true potential." Zane realized.

Maya gasped as they all looked over to see it was true as Cole was translucent with brown light all over as he moved all the heavy mettle off and helped Lue up.

"Cole's found his true potential." Zane looked on happily.

"The stress with his father relation must of bean holding him back." Maya realized.

"He's indistructable?" Jay exclaimed.

"Great so now I really am the only one who hasn't figured out my special power." Kai groaned.

Maya decided to ignore him as it seemed Kai was going to be stuck on that for now.

Cole finally calmed and asked "Is everyone alright? What just happened?"

"We're all okay son." Lou smiled.

Back at Lou's they all talked excitedly about what had happened. Till Jay said "I guess the score card now read Pythor two fangblades, ninja zero."

"Yeah but all we need is one and there's still two left to find." Cole smiles.

"Who knows, maybe when I unlock my true potential I'll turn into the distant green ninja." Kai said with starsin his eyes.

The started to laughed and told him to dream on.

Zane then said "Or we may not need the green ninja. Maya's true potential will give us five at full strength ninja and she is already quite strong. Maybe her full potential will be something similar ot when we combine our powers." Zane adds.

"Oh that be so coo. Just not as destructive." Jay shivers.

"I know what you mean I hope it's something that can benefit us all." Maya sighs, knowing what unlocking her true potential could but but 'I haven't really thought what mine will be like.' Maya felt curious now.

Lout then came in with a framed picture saying "It may not be the trophy. But it sure will look good on my wall."

They all came up to see what it was. It turned out to be all of them posing with the blade cup.

They all agreed to it "Wow it looks great." Maya put in her two cents.

"As far as I'm concerned, you're all family now." Lou proclaimed as they group hugged.