As always I apologise in advance if there's any mistake.

By the way sorry for taking to longer to update. I have lots of things to do and I just try to manage to do it all in time. Really sorry for that.

Having said that hope you enjoy this chapter ;)

October 8

Amy was in the sofa, Sheldon by her side. They had been talking for hours. Just to avoid falling asleep. Near midnight their topics of conversation started to decline. Mostly because they were really tired. Amy woke up late-night because she had 'morning sickness'. To be clear she suffered the sickness at odd times. At late-night, when she was working at her lab, in a girls night. She had lots of problems to avoid wine or alcohol in general in the girls night because Penny was talking about something really boring.

When Sheldon found out she was pregnant called the doctor to make an appointment. It was great to have the pregnancy confirmed, and the doctor told them that she was 7 weeks pregnant. The doctor also gave them some leaflets about what thing she had to avoid. Sheldon already knew all of them and she did to. But it was good to read it.

Amy was sure that she wanted to keep it as a secret at least until they got confirmed that they won the Nobel. What if they were lucky will be today so they could finally tell everyone in the gang. Sheldon didn't understand why she wanted to wait until they won, but he accepted what his wife said. Also he knew that miscarriages were mostly on the first trimester. And this baby meant a lot to them. So he made sure Amy followed all the doctor recpmendations. He was very attentive with her. Amy loved how much he worried about the baby, and about her.

It was two o'clock in the late night. And Amy's eyes were almost closed. She wanted to stay awake... But she felt really sleepy.

"Sheldon, I'm very tired..."-Amy said. Sheldon looked at her, and his hand reached hers and squeezed it.

"Go to sleep. If they call us I'll wake you up, ok?"-Sheldon said. He knew that she was tired. So was he of course, but she needed more sleep than him.

"Thanks"-Amy said and walked towards their bedroom to get some sleep.

Twenty minutes later Sheldon's phone rang. He picked it up and stood up to close the bedroom door to avoid waking up Amy.

"Hi, do you have some news?"-Howard asked him.

"No, but it's very nice that you woke up to ask us."-Sheldon said.

"We've been awake for one hour, we have two little kids."-Bernadette said, obviously howard had put the phone on speaker.

"Oh...Well try to sleep I'll call you if we have some news."-Sheldon said, and hung up.

Seconds later his phone rang again.

"This is Sweden calling. Is this Doctor Cooper and Doctor Fowler?"-The voice asked

"I'm doctor Cooper. Doctor Fowler is asleep."-Sheldon said surprised.

"Congratulations. It's my pleasure to announce that you won the Nobel Prize."-The voice became higher.-"In being sucker"-Kripke said clearly changing his voice.

Sheldon expresion changed. Kripke. And he hanged up.

"His swedish accent was very convincing."-Sheldon said angry.

Where was the call announcing them that they won the Nobel Prize? That they had reached the dream of their lives? He was starting to worry. What if they didn't call? That would mean that they hadn't win... Why was this so important for him? He would have a baby, or two if they were lucky in about eight months. He had an amazing wife that loved him. He had friends. Friends that suported him. That were awake at night to see if they won. But he will be so sad if they didn't won. It was the dream of their lives. What he always wanted. But now he had lots of things he thought he didn't want and now he was unable to live without them.

Again... All those fears about not being a good father where there again. Why? Why was he so scared of being a bad father?

His phone rang. This pulled him off his thoughts.

Unknown number. Was THIS the call?

He answered. "Hello?"

"Hello. Is this doctor Cooper and doctor Fowler?"

"I'm doctor Cooper. Doctor Fowler is sleeping."-Sheldon answered. His voice was shaky, he was trembling.

"Ok. Well I was calling to anounce that Doctor Amy Farrah Fowler and you Doctor Cooper. Have won the Nobel Prize in physics."

"Really? You mean the Nobel?"-Sheldon couldn't belive it.

"Yes. The Nobel. Congratulations. Please tell this to Doctor Fowler."-The man said and hung up.

"I cannot belive this what if I'm dreaming?"-Sheldon asked out loud.-"I'm going to tell Amy."

Sheldon walked towards the bedroom door. He opened it quietly and entered. "Amy, Amy wake up."-Sheldon said as he shook her.

"What's up?"-Amy said opening and closing her eyes several times.

"We won. We won the Nobel! Amy we did it!"-Sheldon said he took her hand and helped her to stand up.

"Oh Sheldon..."-Amy was crying. Of course she was pregnant and very emotional. But this was a very important moment for them.

"Shh Amy. Please don't cry."

"Tears of happiness. Sheldon, I'm crying of happiness. This is what we always wanted. And I can't control myself lately."-She said at the end, laughing and wiping away her tears.

"We won. Wanna tell everybody all the news?"-Sheldon asked.

"Yeah, why not."-She said, and took him by the hand.

-AT the other apartment.

Knock, knock,knock "Leonard and Penny?"

Knock, knock, knock "Leonard and Penny?"

Knock, knock,knock "Leonard and Penny?"

"Heya!"-Leonard said.-"What's up?"

"You look so happy."-Amy said. Ignoring the last question.

"Of course I'm happy today."-He said smiling.

Sheldon and Amy wanted to tell them about the Nobel. But it was obvious that he was hidding something too. Penny aproached. She looked more sad than happy.

"Hey Penny. Why are you up at this ours?"-Amy asked confused.

"Penny's pregnant!"-Leonard said, he looked so happy.

Sheldon and Amy's gaze met. Penny and Leonard were stealing their moment. This was their day. They won the Nobel and they were about to tell that they were pregnant to. Well, Amy was pregnant. But she loved to say it like that.

"I must say that this is surprising. Penny's face does not look happy. And also, we were going to tell you that we won the Nobel, but I've seen that you want to steal our moment so. Bye."-Sheldon said. He wanted this day to be special for them. He left angry and closed the door of his apartment with anger.

Hope you like this.

Leave me your reviews if you liked it ;)

Did you thought that this would happen to Shamy? Do you think that things will get better or Sheldon will continue being mad?