A/N – This "story" will have 14 chapters. They will be inspired by each track of John Barrowman's "Swings Cole Porter" album. I was listening to it in the car the other day and scenes just popped into my head. I do have notes for each track (except one) so hopefully it will roll out pretty quickly.

The individual chapters will each be stand alone vignettes focusing mainly on Jack and Ianto. These are not song fics and I will not be providing lyrics.

1. Just One of Those Things

Ianto disentangled himself from the embrace of a sleeping Jack Harkness. The captain was softly snoring into the pillow of the tiny cot. Ianto looked around the small bunker below Jack's office for his clothes. Managing to find everything but his tie, he dressed quickly and silently.

Before he climbed the ladder, Ianto stood by the bed looking once more at the sleeping captain. He reached out his hand to brush the soft hair from Jack's face. Suddenly, as if remembering something, he pulled his hand back and quickly climbed the ladder.

Once in the main hub, Ianto stood panting and trying to catch his breath, not from the exertion of a few hours earlier, but from shock and confusion. It wasn't supposed to be like this, he thought. It was just a distraction, just a crazy fling to keep Jack away from Lisa.

Lisa! He'd almost forgotten. How could he have forgotten. She was what all this was for.

After a few more cleansing breaths to calm himself, Ianto headed down to the lower levels of the hub.

Ianto carefully unlocked the door to Lisa's room and stepped inside. He crossed the room and stood beside the unit. Making sure all of her vitals were stable, he then checked the levels of the IV fluid before turning to focus on Lisa herself. She was sleeping. She was always sleeping lately. It seemed that her moments of consciousness were becoming less and less frequent. He leaned over to kiss her lips.

Ianto's thoughts flashed to the man sleeping upstairs. So full of life and vitality. So different from the stillness of the woman in front of him. He shook his head to clear his mind. It was getting harder and harder to keep his detachment each time he was with Jack. He thought he could keep it causal… just an office fling. But something was happening between himself and the captain. There was a heat… a fire and it was growing.

His eyes focused once more on Lisa. All he could do was hope this flame didn't burn out of control before this was all over.


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