Author's Note:

Hey all! I bet you weren't expecting this to start so soon. Well, let's just say that I had enough information and things planned to get the first episode out of the sequel to Total Drama City. Plus a lot of excitement and motivation. So here you go!

I must say, I am incredibly excited for this season. I got a lot of really interesting SYOCs from several great authors. I only hope that I do your characters justice.

Before we continue, let me just say that if you guys missed the last season, Total Drama Danger Zones, go check it out. It's has everything you need to know about the returning contestants. Plus, the special episode that ended the season contains important information, such as the description of SYOC Sonya and what happened to the island the last season took place on.

This would normally be the part where I answer some reviews. But since this is a brand new season, there are no reviews to reply to! So all I need to do now is do a new thing I'm doing for this season: credits! Basically, all I do here is give credit to who owns the characters, as this season includes SYOCs. I do this so you know I don't own all the characters and to shoutout the wonderful writers that submitted these amazing characters to me. So here we go.

Chris McLean and Chef Hatchet owned by whoever owns Total Drama (Teletoon? Fresh TV? Not sure)

Lana, William, Charlie, Alex, Kaia, Desmond, Moira, Logan, Nicole, Deedee, Theresa, Hannah, Todd, Tara, Malik, Zander, Tim, and Lance owned by me.

Sarah owned by Tempokeep

Maeve, Jared, and Yves owned by Candela Monsoon

Erin owned by AnnoyingAlarmClock

Nigel, Clover, Sonya, Otis, Rita, and Hunter owned by Lauta Romero

Sara owned by xxPrincxssxx

Harmony owned by Spyrorocks389

That's it! You can see all the new characters and their stereotypes on my profile. Now, as Sonya would say, let's turn up the volume and do this thing!


This episode of Total Drama contains scenes of extreme stunts performed by animated teens. Do not try anything you see here at home. Seriously, you could get really messed up.

An image of a plane about to land was on a monitor that was paused. Chris McLean, the host of the show, popped up from below.

"Welcome back, Total Drama fans!" he said. "I hope you're ready for this, because it's our biggest season yet!"

He walked around the room, and stills from the previous season, Total Drama Danger Zones, were shown. "Last season, we brought in twenty-two weirdos to battle it out for one million dollars on a massive mechanical island in the middle of nowhere. And after several grueling challenges, Lana was the ultimate champion." He continued walking as stills from the special episode appeared. "But that's all in the past now, because it's time for the next season. And this time, we're in the city!"

He stopped at a window, where a cityscape was seen right outside the window. "After the massive success of last season, we got such a large budget that the producers were able to build an entire city for us to play in. But the rules of the game are still the same. Teenagers will compete in life threatening challenges and vote off their peers, all for the chance to win the grand prize: One. Million. Dollars!"

"And who, you might ask, will be in this season?" The images of the thirteen returning campers from the previous season were shown on his monitor. "Thirteen of the campers we tortured last season are back for another shot at the million. But, to spice things up a bit, we're adding eighteen new faces to the mix for a grand total of thirty-one campers this season!" He then added, "It would've been thirty, but after a long discussion with our legal department and her agent, we added in teen rock star sensation Sonya Swaray to the mix." A picture of Sonya appeared on the screen, along with silhouettes of the other new contestants.

"Who are the remaining new campers, and are any of them strong enough to take on our seasoned competitors?" Chris narrated. "And how much pain can we put all of them through in one season? Find out right here on Total! Drama! City!" As he spoke, the camera zoomed out to show the entire scope of the city.


(As the intro music begins to play, cameras are seen popping out of a skyscraper window, a manhole, a streetlamp, and a trashcan. The clapper claps.)

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doing fine

(Chris is seen driving by in a sports car as the camera goes down a runway)

You guys are on my mind

(the camera pans into a building and off a diving board into an indoor swimming pool)

You asked me what I wanted to be, now I think the answer's plain to see

(In the water, Sarah is swimming gracefully as spikes are shooting past her. The camera pans to the surface, where Jared is sitting in a rubber raft with Maeve. The spikes puncture the raft and the two begin to sink. The camera quickly moves outside, where Otis and Tara are working on a generator together.)

I wanna be famous

(The camera pans over to the side, where Todd and Rita are working on an experiment. Todd pours a liquid into a beaker, which explodes and coats both him and Rita in ash, while Yves watches disapprovingly from a shadowy room in a nearby building)

I wanna live close to the sun

(Harmony is seen in a park meditating, unaware of Zander performing a magic trick right in front of her, though his trick is interrupted when a raccoon jumps out of his magic had and latches onto his face)

Well pack your bags cause I've already won

(Charlie and Lana are side by side practicing the same ninja fighting moves as William and Nicole kiss next to them)

Everything to prove nothing in my way

(Malik is running at top speed away from a flamethrower wielding Deedee. As he is running, he is caught in a trap that yanks him up to the top of a small building, where Hunter is waiting with a knife. Kaia stands disapprovingly behind him)

I'll get there one day

(The scene pans into a kitchen, where Logan is photographing a pot of mysterious food. Clover appears behind him, shocking him, but Chef then appears behind Clover and chases the two out of the kitchen)

Cause I wanna be famous

(At a table just outside the kitchen, Theresa is focused on her writing while Tim is next to her typing on a laptop. A spotlight drops on the table, causing both to jump in surprise)

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

(In an alley, Hannah battles back against Sara, who is trying to pummel here with fists covered with boxing gloves)

I wanna be. I wanna be. I wanna be famous.

(On a street, Desmond and Moira are both in go karts, trying to knock each other off the road. Alex skates in between them both while Lance tries to catch up to her on a motorcycle)

I wanna be. I wanna be. I wanna be famous.

(The scene pans to a stage, where Sonya is playing her electric guitar and singing along to the lyrics into a microphone. The scene pans back to show it was on a monitor)

*whistling the main theme*

(The scene pans down, where Nigel is seen showing a clearly impressed Erin a collection of watches under his jacket. The scene zooms out to show the rest of the cast, with Chris off to the side. Sonya plays the last guitar rift of the theme song on her electric guitar)

"Welcome back to Total Drama City," Chris said, now back on the runway with the fourteen people that had come from the plane from the now destroyed island that Total Drama Danger Zones had taken place on. "We're back with the thirteen campers from last season and Sonya. Who's excited for this next season?"


The Confessionals this season are conducted in what appears to be a janitor's supply closet, with several mops and cleaning equipment on the walls. Desmond stands there, looking annoyed. "After an entire season of being McLean's punching bag, now I have to deal with both him and Moira for another season? If it wasn't for the money, this would be the worst moment of my life.



"Sure, I'm not happy about having to be a part of another season of pain," Alex said, "But at least this season I get to hang out with my favorite singer Sonya Swaray! I don't normally go all fangirl about things, but for someone as talented as her, I'll make an exception."


"Before we get started, it's time to meet the seventeen other new campers that will be competing against you this season."

"Seventeen other people?" Todd did the math in his head. "That means that there'll be thirty-one people this season."

"Correct," Chris confirmed as the plane carrying the remaining new campers landed. "This will be our biggest season yet. And here comes the rest of the newcomers!"

The plane landed and the door opened.

"First up, it's the sensational swimmer, Sarah!"

A girl exited the plane. She wore a yellow T-shirt with denim shorts, grey flip-flops, and a pair of swim goggles around her waist. Her brown hair draped a little past her shoulders, and her blue eyes shone confidently.

"Hey everyone," she said. "Nice to meet all of you."

"Next," Chris said, "The speeding sensation, Malik!"

A dark-skinned boy with dreadlocks ran out of the plane. He wore a blue tank top, running shorts, and white sneakers. "What's up, everybody?" he asked, running in place, "Get ready to lose to the fastest kid this side of the Atlantic."

"Now up we have Maeve," Chris continued as a pale skinned girl with long black hair that had streaks of silver in it appeared. She wore a white bell sleeved blouse with a round collar, a black skirt reaching just above her knees, white knee-high socks, and black flats. Her left eye was black, while her right eye was silver. "If you want to win, you're going to have to get past me," she told Malik as she joined the rest of the cast.

"From somehow happy campers to their complete opposite, meet Jared!" Chris announced as an Asian looking teen with slightly tanned skin appeared. He appeared skinny, and his black eyes looked downturned behind his black square framed glasses. He wore a black turtleneck sweater, khaki pants, and brown shoes. "That plane was far from perfect," he commented. "Not that it matters; I'll be gone soon anyway."

A buff looking girl came off the plane next. She was incredibly muscular and wore a black crop top that exposed her stomach as well as cargo shorts that had a tool belt around it. Her short blue hair stuck out in several angles.

"This is Tara, everybody," Chris announced as Tara marched past.

"Yeah, it's me," Tara said in a gruff voice. "Just stay out of my way, and we'll be cool."

Another girl came out of the plane after her. She had a slightly curvy body that was donned in an unbuttoned bleached jean jacket over a gray tube top, navy shorts, and black shoes. A pink heart shaped hairpin was stuck in her black hair styled in a bob cut, and she wore a rose gold heart locket around her neck. Her eyes shown a bright greenish blue color, and her face was covered in freckles.

"Uh…hi everyone," she said. "It's nice to be here."

"This is Erin, everyone," Chris introduced. "And next up is Nigel!"

A slim boy walked off the plane next. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. He wore a red shirt, with a brown leather jacket over it. He also wore blue jeans and blue and white shoes. He nearly bumped into Erin, as she was still standing there.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Nigel said.

"No, no, it's my fault," Erin said, blushing.

"You're pretty," Nigel said with a charming smile. Erin blushed again.

"You wanna have another necklace?" he asked, opening his jacket up and revealing several dozen necklaces.

" thanks, I'm good," Erin said, moving on.

"Next out of the plane is Zander," Chris said as a boy in a full-on magician's outfit, complete with top hat, appeared.

"Thank you, thank you!" he said. "For my next trick, I'll be winning the million dollars!"


Charlie groaned. "Just what we need," he said, "Another Rob."


"And next up, it's Clover!" Chris said, knocking Zander aside.

Out of the plane stepped a tall, slim girl with purple eyes and short purple hair. She wore a light pink shirt under a purple jacket with shoulder pads, black pants, a brown belt, and high heels. A pair of purple sunglasses were on her head.

"Hello, everyone," she said. Logan, seeing her, tensed up.


"I know secret agents when I see them," Logan said, looking terrified. "And that Clover girl is definitely one of them."


The next newcomer out was a tall, slim, tanned skin boy with dark hair. Several patches of his skin were covered in marks. He wore a brown short-sleeved shirt, green overalls, dark brown shoes, black rubber gloves, and brown glasses. At his waist was a bag that was bulging with unknown objects.

"Meet Otis, everybody," Chris said as Otis passed him, taking a spot near Tara, who took an interest in his bag.

"Tool bag?" she questioned.

"More or less," he replied.

"What kind of tools?"

"The kind that will help me win."

"Out of the way!" a nerdy looking kid with frizzy orange hair and wire glasses ran out of the plane, a computer bag draped over his shoulder. He wore a t-shirt with a picture of an alien on it and baggy jeans. "My laptop's almost dead!"

"Sorry Tim. No charging anyone in this area," Chris told him. "Next up is Rita!"

Another girl appeared. She had white skin with freckles over her nose and cheeks, short blonde hair, and round green glasses. She wore a yellow shirt under a light green sweatshirt that hand an image of an alien on it, green fingerless gloves, dark green pants, and white shoes.

"Hello, fellow competitors," she said calmly. "It will be interesting to go up against you all in this season."

As she passed, there was a loud clanking sound as a boy dressed in a silver suit of armor walked out the plane.

"Ho there!" he announced. "Sir Lance is here and ready to win."

"Oh brother," Alex grumbled. "A chivalrous knight."

As Lance clanked off to join the others, another boy emerged. He had fair skin, brown hair, and a well-defined body. He wore a blue scarf around his neck, a light blue t-shirt with a leather vest, black pants with ankle buckles, a double metal belt at the waist, and brown leather boots. The look in his eyes clearly showed everyone that he was sizing them all up.

"Hunter, everybody!" Chris introduced him.

"So, this is my competition?" Hunter said, his voice cold and calculating. "Heh. Easy pickings."

Another girl came off the plane. She was tall, with a skinny pear figure and white skin. Her hair was black, straight, and silky, and it reached all the way to her bottom. Her black eyes gave off an intimidating vibe. She wore an orange long sleeved shirt with a white round collar, a navy skirt that reached her mid thighs, black tights, and black flats. An orange hairclip also stuck out of her hair.

"Everyone, this is…Yvas? Yeves? Leaves?" Chris was clearly struggling with the pronunciation.

"It's pronounced Yves," the girl said simply, passing by.

"All righty then," Chris said. "Yves. And next is Saraphina."

"Call me Sara," a girl's voice said as she exited the plane. She was Chinese, with dark brown, almond shaped eyes and fair skin. She had straight black hair tipped purple that reached down her lower back. She was petite, with lean muscles and slight curves. She wore a white crop top, a fake black leather jacket, a dark wash ripped skinny jeans, and beat up black shoes.

"We already have a Sarah," Chris responded.

"My name doesn't have the h," Sara shot back.

Chris frowned. "Okay, one of you Sarahs will have to go early so we can get rid of this confusion."

"Well, it isn't going to be me," Sara told him.

"Whatever," Chris said. "Our last newcomer contestant is Harmony."

No one exited the plane. Chris frowned again. "I said, our last newcomer contestant is Harmony." Still no one exited the plane.

Chris brought out his megaphone. "Harmony! That's your cue!"

After another long pause, a tall, lanky girl emerged. She had sepia brown skin, black hair styled in dreadlocks, and brownish green eyes. She was wearing a tie dye t-shirt, flared legged jeans, and strapped sandals. On her face she wore green sunglasses and a headband with a peace sign on it. A white daisy charm necklace was around her neck.

"Chill, host man," she said calmly. "I hear you."

Chris looked out at the thirty-one campers. "And there you have it," Chris said, "Our cast for this season."


"I'm worried about this season," William said, "With thirty other people in it, it'll be tough to get to the finale again. But with Nicole by my side, I know I can do it."



"The newcomers are…interesting," Kaia said. "Some I have no worries about. Others…I'll have to keep my eye on. But don't think that because everyone knows how I play that I can't win it. Mark my words: this season will be mine."



"What do I think of the other newcomers?" Sonya asked. "Weird, menacing, and a bunch of other words. Either way, they can't stop this beat going."


"Now that everyone is acquainted," Chris said as Chef pulled up on a large bus. "Let's take a quick tour of the city, shall we?

The thirty-one contestants boarded the bus one by one. As the bus began to drive, Chris stood at the front.

"This season, we've spared no expense," Chris began. "Total Drama City is fifty miles of buildings, businesses, and challenges to test all of your limits. On your left are the crummy apartment buildings you'll be sleeping in. On your right, Chef's 5-star restaurant, where you will be served the best meals we have to offer."

"In other words, barely edible," Alex commented.

Chris ignored her. "And coming up ahead of us now is a very special building that I know you'll all enjoy."

"What is it? The cemetery that we'll be buried in if we die from your stupid challenges?" Desmond asked.

"No," Chris replied as the bus came upon a large fancy building with golden gates and glowing neon lights. "Introducing the Mclean Hotel and Resort! This luxurious building will be where the winning team will be spending the night. It's got everything anyone could ask for."

"A recording studio?" Sonya asked.

"No. That'd be the building over there," Chris said, pointing to where it was.


"Excuse me, Chris," Rita interrupted. "Would there be some sort of science lab in this city? Because I have a lot of projects that I want to work on in my spare time."

"Sure. It's right over there."

"Perfect," Rita and Todd said at the same time.


"Finally!" Todd exclaimed. "I've got a science lab! Of course, I'll have to share it with that Rita chick, but oh well. She seems really smart. We might even be able to work together on some projects together."


"And that's about all you need to know right now," Chris said as the bus pulled to a stop over a set of stone steps descending into the ground. Then he smiled. "Oh yeah, one more thing. I'm sure you all remember the small matter of the elimination ceremony."

"How could we possibly forget?" William muttered under his breath.

Chris led the teens down the steps, where they found themselves in a large subway station. "For the elimination ceremony this year, those that are safe on the losing team will be getting tickets as a symbol of safety. The one that doesn't get a ticket will be eliminated and forced to ride out on this season's humiliating exit method: The Tram Car of Shame."

With a loud bang, a rusty, half destroyed subway car appeared from the tunnel, driven by Chef in a conductor's uniform.

"Don't worry, it only has a slight chance of seriously injuring you," Chris assured them. Rocket engines on the back of the subway car activated, and the car zoomed away as Chef screamed.

"And now it's time to divide you up into teams," Chris said, "This season, because there are so many of you, there will be three teams."

"Uh, you're not going to blow us up again to decide our teams, will you?" Todd asked worryingly.

"Not this time," Chris said. "This time, teams have been decided in a very unique way: by throwing all your pictures in a paper shredder and pulling the random shreds out in a random order. With that, here are the teams."

He began reading off a cue card. "Alex, Charlie, Hunter, Lana, Maeve, Nigel, Otis, Sarah with an h, Sonya, and Tim," he said, "You guys are the City Slickers." The image of a city appeared over the newly formed team.

He pulled out another cue card. "Erin, Hannah, Kaia, Malik, Moira, Rita, Tara, Todd, William, and Yves," he read, "Your team will be known as the Trash Pandas." An image of a raccoon in a trash can appeared above this team.

"And finally," Chris finished, "Clover, Deedee, Desmond, Harmony, Jared, Lance, Logan, Nicole, Sara, Theresa, and Zander. You're the Tunnel Rats." An image of a rat sticking out of a tunnel appeared above them.

Team Standings


Clover, Deedee, Desmond, Harmony, Jared, Lance, Logan, Nicole, Sara, Theresa, Zander


Erin, Hannah, Kaia, Malik, Moira, Rita, Tara, Todd, William, Yves


Alex, Charlie, Hunter, Lana, Maeve, Nigel, Otis, Sarah, Sonya, Tim

"And those are your teams," Chris said.


"I'm happy that Charlie and I am on the same team," Lana said. "I don't think I could've stood it if I had to go up against him."



"My team has some work to go through if we want to win," Rita noted. But then she smiled evilly. "And with a little help from some of my experiments, all these lab rats will be running around my maze, doing whatever I want."



"Even though we have an extra member, we'll probably lose a lot," Jared groaned. "Not a single person on the team is even close to perfect."


"All righty then," Chris said. "You're now free to explore the city or get acquainted with your team."

Over with the Slickers, the team was busy hanging out at a park that they had passed on the tour.

"It's nice to meet you, Lana," Sarah said, shaking her hand. "Your victory last season was amazing."

"Uh, thanks," Lana replied, blushing.

"It was luck," Hunter commented. "She never would've been able to do it without the small amount of skills she picked up from Ninja Boy over there."

"What's your problem?" Charlie asked.

"Only that I value skill over anything," Hunter told him coldly. "And that you all better stay out of my way."


"I'm the best hunter out there," Hunter proclaimed. "No one's escaped me before. I always get my prey. And this time, my prey is that million bucks."



"Hunter's got some attitude problems," Sarah commented. "If he doesn't want to get eliminated early, he's going to have to learn how to work with the team."


"That's all in the past," Alex declared. "We should be focusing on the now. Especially since we have the greatest teen rock star in the world on our team."

Sonya nodded in approval and played a quick guitar rift.

"Agh! Keep it down!" Tim yelled from the side, where he was typing on his laptop. "You're breaking my concentration with that horrible racket."

"It's not racket, let alone horrible," Sonya argued. "And no one tells me to turn down the tunes."

"How about we all just take a breath," Maeve suggested, getting in between them. "We're on a team together, so we're going to have to learn to live with our differences."

Over with the Rats, they were also trying to get to know each other.

"And for my next trick, I'll be pulling a rabbit out of my hat," Zander declared, waving his magic wand over his hat.

"Lame," Desmond called.

Meanwhile, Logan was busy observing the rest of his team.

"Feeling a little untrusting of your team, detective?"

Logan jumped and turned around, seeing Clover behind him. "Ah! Spy!"

"Okay, just calm down a minute," Clover said, trying to calm him down. "Yes, I am a spy in training, and I know you're a bit paranoid about secret agents coming to get you, but I'm not here to eliminate you."

"That's what they all say," Logan accused. "But I'm not letting you take me down."


Clover sighed. "I really want to calm Logan down and make him see that not all the secret agents in the world are out to get him. For that matter, I don't think any of them are after him."


Clover then noticed Nicole slipping away.

"Where are you going?" she called.

"Going to find William," she replied. "Just because we're on different teams doesn't mean we have to break up."

"As long as you remember to put the team first," Clover told her.

"Don't worry, I will."


"As long as it doesn't hurt William," Nicole added.


Meanwhile, with the Pandas, they were busy trying to figure out a chain of command.

"Clearly, I should be in charge," Malik said. "I've won several international track titles. I know how to win."

"You know how to gloat is more like it," Yves told him. "There's no one on this team more qualified to lead this team than me."

"Says you," Malik said.

"Yeah. Says me." Yves got right in his face. "And I suggest that unless you want to be taking the one-way ticket out of the competition, you get in line."


"Back home, I have twelve siblings, and I'm the oldest," Yves explained. "Well, the oldest that's not in jail. So I'm used to being in charge. And I'm definitely not going to let that big talking Malik lead us into disaster."


As the team was arguing, William stood up and began to walk off.

"Going somewhere?" Todd asked.

"Yeah. I'm bored with watching those two butt heads," William replied. "So I'm going to see if I can find an archery range somewhere."


"I really don't care who leads," William said. "They could've gone to me, having been the runner up last season. But they didn't. And I don't care about leading either. Leaves me more time to focus on the game."


Back with Nicole, she was busy walking down the street. "Will!" she called. "You there? Will!"

Someone appeared from the shadows. "Nicole," William said.

Nicole jumped. "Don't do that," she told him.

"Sorry," William apologized. "How's your team looking?"

"We have some…issues to work out. Yours?"


"Well, maybe a kiss will help out." Nicole went in for a kiss.

"First," William said before Nicole could kiss him. "I have a present for you."

"Really?" Nicole asked. "You got me something? You're so sweet."

"Oh, I know." William pulled out a syringe and injected it into Nicole's arm.

"Hey, what—" Nicole's protest was cut off as she stiffened, standing straight up. Her pupils shrank to mere pinpricks, and she stared blankly ahead.

William—or the person that appeared to be William—smiled. "Follow me, my puppet."

Nicole nodded slowly. "Yes," she said, her voice monotonous.

The person that looked like William led Nicole into the building that Chris had designated the science lab. Once inside, the person pressed a button on their wristwatch, and the image of William around them vanished, revealing the person to be Rita.

"Thank you for volunteering, Nicole," Rita said with a chuckle, "I really needed someone to help me test the latest version of my mind control serum."

"Happy to help, Rita," Nicole said, her voice still without emotion.

"I know you are," Rita said. She looked around the lab, which she had filled with all the inventions she had been able to get into the competition. Several of these inventions included dozens of vials and beakers of different serums, a belt, and a crystal ball with some sort of green ooze moving around in it.

"I have plenty more of inventions to work on," Rita went on. "Luckily, I just happen to be in a competition with thirty lab rats to run around in my maze of experiments. You just happen to be the first one to help me."

She turned back to Nicole. "Unfortunately, the effects of my mind control serum only last a few hours. But I'm hoping to improve on that time, with the help of you and the others."

Nicole remined silent.

"Now then," Rita said, "Tell me…how do you feel?"

"Great," Nicole intoned. "Ready to obey you."

"Perfect," Rita smiled.

Just then, there was a screech of loudspeakers. "Attention punching bags!" Chris announced, "Get your butts in gear. Your first challenge is about to begin! Meet at Chef's Restaurant, stat!"

The scene switched to Chris, who was sitting at a rickety table within the restaurant. "Which team will be the first to fall to the incredibly hard challenges we have in store this season? And who will be the first to ride out in shame? Find out next time on Total! Drama! City!"


Chris was sitting in his control room when Chef entered.

"Are those the files for all the new contestants?" Chris asked.

Chef nodded. "The producers approved them all. Though I really don't like that they're letting this mad scientist girl on. Shouldn't we have learned from the last evil scientist we had on the show?"

"The producers and I reached a deal with her," Chris replied. "As long as she only experiments on the other contestants, she can stay."

Chef still looked worried. "I don't like this, man."

"Relax," Chris said, "What's the worst that can happen?"

What's the worst indeed. Thanks for jinxing it, Chris.

So yeah, not a whole lot happened in this episode. Mostly it was here to introduce all the new characters.

The villian for this series is 100% going to be Rita. Sure, there will be a few other more evil characters too, but Rita is going to be the central villain. And she has a lot of experiments and serums to make life misrable for the rest of the cast. Regarding her mind control serum among other things, I've been in close contact with Rita's creator, Lauta Romero, and we ironed out just about everything about it at this point. Let's just say that it, along with her other creations, will be used a lot this season.

When looking at the characters, this season may very well be darker than the last one. Especially with darker characters like Rita in the mix. And the backstories of several of these SYOCs are also pretty dark. I may or may not get into them.

I hope you enjoyed the intro. It took a while to figure out, especially dealing with 31 people to fit in. Literally, the only thing I knew I wanted when I started writing it was Desmond and Moira trying to knock each other off the road.

To the six writers that submitted OCs to me, what did you think? I know I didn't really get around to building some of them up, but that will hopefully change in the next episode. If you have any advice on how to write your characters better, shoot me a PM.

With 31 characters in this season, who's your favorite new character so far? Leave your answer in the reviews (reviews required by those that have SYOCs in the story, in case you forgot. *wink*)

I think that's about it. Don't forget to favorite/follow this story so you stay informed on updates. And also leave a review if you can, I really apreciate those. Until next time, this is Guest 1138, reminding you to never say what's the worst that can happen, because then the worst will happen. Ciao!