Format was f-cked up, had to delete the story and reupload it, sorry for the double notifications if you received them.

I know, I know, this isn't Power of Imagination, as you've probably all guessed, I hit something of a big writer's block on it. No matter how I try, I can't find the inspiration to write more, which is honestly pissing me off, I have all these Ideas and projects for it, but every time I open the tab for the next chapter, everything disappears and I draw a big blank,

Whether I try in the morning or in the middle of the night because of my insomnia, I can't do it. So I've decided to permanently put it in Hiatus until something clicks, and in the meantime I'll do what I call a Yuki and just write whatever goes through my head and not worry about it.

This story was born from my time playing Danmachi Memoria Freese, who I've become addicted to for the past 3 weeks (Really recommend it if you haven't already tried it, it's a Gacha game and they're in the middle of their 3 years anniversary, a lot of free stuff right now and even more to come for the whole summer season, so it's really the best time to start.) And the CYOA's trend I've seen on other Site such as SB and QQ. I googled Danmachi CYOA, looked through a few, picked the ideas I liked and there we go.

The 1st chapter starts a year before Bell meets Hestia, who hasn't descended to the Lower world.

How they Met.

This wasn't fair, What had Lily ever done to deserve this ?

That was the thought running through the small pallum's head as she ran from the War shadows and frog shooters that were chasing her. The adventurers she had been supporting died in an ambush from the dungeon, leaving her to run away as fast as she could from the monsters.

She hadn't asked for this, being born in the Soma Familia, being a supporter, going to the dungeon every day. She hadn't asked for her parents to die, leaving her alone, she hadn't asked for the injuries, the adventurers treating her like she was lesser than them. She hadn't asked to live from stolen valis, sleeping with an eye open for fear of members of the Soma Familia finding her hideout.

She'd tried to leave it all behind, to just live a normal civilian life, but they had found her, destroyed the little shop the elderly couple that had adopted her had and dragged her back kicking and screaming.

Those few months when she lived a normal life were the best she ever had, and the thought of one day being free again kept her going.

"Ah!" A small cry left her lips as she tripped, tumbling to the ground, the straps of her bag snapped, sending it rolling ahead of her. She could hear the cries of the monsters, the footsteps getting closer by the second.

She didn't have time to pick her bag up, getting up, she ran past it, stopping just long enough to grab the Magic stones she'd collected from monsters they'd killed before running again.

At least if she made it out alive, it wouldn't have been for nothing. Without her Supporter's bag weighting her down, Lily ran faster than the monsters.

For a brief moment, she thought she could make it, if she could just make it to the 4th floor stair, the monsters wouldn't follow her, and the numbers of adventurer going through the first 5 floors would make them relatively safe to travel through if she was careful.

But of course, life in the dungeon wasn't that simple. As she turned the corner, she arrived in an empty room, the light green walls of the 5th floor walls were softly glowing, as soon as she stepped inside the room, monsters started breaking through them.

"No…" Lily whimpered, horror and despair leaking through her voice. The monsters behind her were getting closer by the second, she had nowhere to go and monsters were already spawning in the room she was now trapped in.

Lily armed the small crossbow at her wrist, and shot one of the war shadows now approaching her, it hit the center of his chest and breaking the magic stone inside, killing it instantly.

She didn't have time to think about it, as another war shadows jumped at her, its black clawed hand aiming at her neck. She dove out of the way, hitting the ground harshly, she could see from the corner of her eye that the monsters had caught up to her and were now flooding the room, all of them intent on ending her life.

"Why… Why does all of this happen to Lily…" She asked to no one in particular, tears pooled at the corner of her eyes, but she got up and loaded another bolt in her crossbow. "…what did Lily do to the gods to deserve this?"

9 war shadows and 4 frog shooters were now in the room and deep down, Lily knew it was over, she would never be able to deal with so many monsters, she wasn't an adventurer, she didn't have the talent for it.

As if to mock her or maybe it was their natural behavior, the monsters all circled around Lily, cutting all her escape paths and forcing her back to the wall.

10 steps, that was all that separated the monsters from Lily.

"Please…" Lily whispered as the monsters approached.

9 steps…

…8 steps…

…5 steps…

"Anyone…" A war shadow jumped at Lily, his claws ready to pierce her chest.

"Please save Lily…" Lily closed her eyes, tears spilling on the floor.

"Vulcano Caligorante!" Lily heard a feminine voice call out from beyond the cry of the monsters, she opened her eyes to see something resembling chains impaling a war shadow, destroying the magic stone, before it rapidly did the same with another monster, then another and another, systematically destroying their magic stones and killing them.

Lily followed the chains as they retracted, leading her to a fancily dressed girl with long pink hair done in a ponytail, she also had two little black bows in her hair. She wore a Black Gambeson with padded armor over it and an armored skirt, along with both her arms and legs also had white padded armor with Golden accents.

The chains that had killed all the monsters bundled together to form a sword that she put in a beautiful white sheath attached to the girl's left hip. With a hop, the girl jumped in front of Lily and bent down so their eyes met.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly, searching Lily's form for any wound. "When I saw an abandoned supporter bag and heard the monsters, I feared I wouldn't get there in time."

Lily nodded slowly, "Lily is fine." She responded, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. "Lily thought she was going to die, thank you for saving Lily miss adventurer."

"No problem!" The smile the girl gave Lily made her heart skip a beat, "Name's Astolfo, a pleasure to meet you Lily!"

Astolfo got back up and extended a hand towards Lily, which she grabbed. "C'mon, let's get out of here, you had enough adventure for today I'd guess, we'll grab your bag and something to eat on the way."

That day, Lily met her hero.


"Oh By the way Lily." Miss Astolfo said once they were out of the dungeon.

"Yes miss Astolfo?"

"I'm actually a boy."


And done! I think I'm gonna do small chapters from now on, probably a scene or two like this one.

Yes, Astolfo is there, I love him (Whatever way you chose to interpret that) Though it's better to call him an OC, cuz I've never actually watched the Fate series (I swear I'll do it one day.)

Also, He's 100% Human, I'm just taking the character and his most prominent "Features" and insterting him in Danmachi, there's no Archer, Saber and other Heroic spirits running around, there's no way I'm gonna do a Heroic Myth type of Fanfic, I'm definitely not good enough for that!

Here's Oc-Astolfo status, I'll keep his familia secret for now, mostly cuz I'm torn between two and I've yet to choose.



STR C685

END D540

DEX S913

AGI A898

MAG S999


Arcana Rex:

User's Magic stat is raised exceptionally high and has unparalleled mind reserves and regeneration.

Abnormal Resistance:

Negates the effects of abnormalities.


Improves power, widens effect range, and makes mind usage efficient. Creates magic circles under the user that support the magic.


Bright Bringer:

User of this skill can lay blessings upon self and party members.

Strength of blessings rises based on the user's bond with party members.

Heroic Spirit:

Provides high resistance against abnormal status.

Boosts all parameters in great adversity that further improves the greater the adversity.


Black Luna:

Magic that induces panic in monsters.

Can kill Weaker Monsters

Activation chant:

Hear the sound of the Flute that calls Panic, La Black Luna!

Destruction Declaration:

Magic that negates other magics

Activation chant:



Magic that boosts the User and target agility and dexterity stats.

Boost depends on the bond between User and target.

Activation Chant:


Lay On Hands:

Magic that heals the target's wounds.

Requires physical contact to work.

Activation Chant:



Magic that boosts the User and target strength and Endurance Stats.

Boost depends on the bond between User and target.

Haven't found a chant that would fit Casseur de Logistille (Destruction Declaration), so if you've got ideas, don't hesitate.

The other Three Magic spells are part of the Bright Bringer skill and either do not require a chant or they're just like Fireball for Bell, just say it and it happens. This skills passively increases every parameters of the members of the party, those three spells are just increased version of those boosts.

If you've got any ideas for this story, I'll happily take suggestions.

Anyway, I'm not sure if there is going to be another chapter of this anytime soon but let's all hope shall we?
