So this is another one of my old ideas. If I had to estimate, I would say it came to fruition around 2017. The title of this story is a song on the TFIOS soundtrack. I remember creating this idea while listening to the soundtrack and writing a sad one-shot for The Selection. I also wrote this around last Christmas so that's fun.

I apologize in advance for any OOC. This is my first fic for this category and I haven't reread the book or watched the movie in so long.

Disclaimer - I don't own these characters :)

Without Words:

Hazel wakes up to her phone ringing. She pauses, catching her breath as her heart slows down. Maybe she dreamt it… She's been having a lot of those lately. But when she reaches for her phone, it vibrates in her hand. It's real. Squinting her eyes, she lowers the brightness and sees Gus's name on top of his contact photo taking up her whole screen.

It's Gus.

Gus… She knows why there'd be a call from him in the middle of the night.

He's gone.

She can't answer. She doesn't want to but she must. Even if she sees it coming, even if it's filled with an emotional goodbye, the moment itself will still be a blur. If she managed to drift off in her sobs, there will be a moment where she forgets this. She may even brush this off as a bad dream.

Hazel takes the call. She watches the screen change before she holds the phone to her ear. She isn't sure if the breathing sounds are hers or whoever is on the other side of the call.

Gus: Hazel Grace…

Hazel gasps. Tears of joy fill her eyes. She exhales and a sob vibrates in her throat. He's alive. Gus is on the phone. He's fine. He's alive. He's fine. He's likely calling at this hour because the medicine made him sleep all day. In that case, he just woke up. He's alive.

"Hi, Gus," Hazel responds. The tears escape the corner of her eyes and roll down her temple. "How are you? Still on a high, slept it off or starting a new one?"

Gus: It's never right that we have to witness the people around us grieving our deaths while we're still alive.

Hazel pauses. She thinks over those words as she sits up in her bed, running a hand through her hair as she leans back against the headboard.

"Did you start a new round of meds?" Hazel asks again. Maybe that's why he was saying all those things. He's loopy and adjusting, that's all. He's fine. He's alive.

Gus: No. I just stared at my vitals and realized how people like us never want to know if we're sick or that we'll get sick. It's always better to hear that you might get sick.

"Gus, you're scaring me."

Gus: It's coming now … I can feel it. I know how scared you've been for me because I'm as scared as you, maybe more maybe less. It doesn't matter because at least we're both scared. But I need you right now. Not in person, don't get out of bed or leave your house. You're fine right where you are with your voice.

Hazel's body trembles. Love was just a simple word before she met Gus. It became this scary feeling that changes and can go away. It becomes risky. Being with Gus was always a challenging adventure that she's enjoyed.

Gus: Hazel Grace, please, for me…

Hazel nods before realizing the Gus couldn't hear her motions. She clears her throat, wiping the cold sweat from her face although her body is burning.

"Okay…" Hazel mutters, gripping her phone. "I'm here."

They fall in love to break and repair themselves to love again. They collided but kept fighting against their odds to overcome what was there, what was preventing them from loving. Hazel and Gus rode this rollercoaster of emotions together. She knew they would suffer a greater amount close to the end. She just thought there would be more time.

But love will always win. Hazel tried to fight it but it was no use.

Gus: No matter what happens, I still feel like I'm coming back to you when I know I likely won't. So before I say goodbye, would you do one last thing for me?

Chewing on her thumbnail, Hazel nods again. "Anything."

Gus: Be happy.

Hazel finds that impossible to accomplish. She's already crying when he's still here. It's the worst crying. She's lying in her bed with her hand over her mouth so nobody hears her. Tears mark her body, pyjamas, bedspread, and pillows. Her heart breaks because she thinks of everything about this call that makes her cry. He's fine. He's alive. But not for much longer. Her hand has moved from her mouth to the centre of her heart and stomach because they hurt.

Gus: I want you to be happy even if that happiness no longer includes me.

Hazel wipes her running nose. She can't believe Gus would ask her to do such a thing but remembers that she would do the same if the roles were switched, which is how she thought they'd be.

Gus: Okay, Hazel Grace? Be happy.

Hazel forces herself to nod. "Okay."

I haven't read many TFIOS fanfics but I think a lot of them end this way. Oh well, it's a beautiful motif.

I usually mention this in the beginning but the publication date is actually the sixth anniversary of when I lost one of the most important people in my life. I never got a last phone call like this, but her final words to me were basically to be happy. If you've experienced the same thing, then you'll know what I mean.

Thank you to anyone who has read this story. I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you thought. If you have a story idea for me to write or want me to be a beta for your story, don't be afraid to ask.

~ MysteryGal5