100 years later

Seattle, Washington

December 2136

Maria sat in the chair and watched her young son play with some blocks on the carpet. Such a handsome boy, he was. She loved looking into his green eyes and trying to figure out what he was thinking. For only being four months old, he certainly seemed like he was much older than he was. He was very independent for a baby, often throwing violent fits when she or his father tried to help him.

His behavior was unnerving, at times. Sometimes, she felt as though he was studying her the way she studied him. She didn't know what to make of her son some days. His dreams were incredibly vivid. He screamed and he cried, and often, he mumbled words he never said during the day. Words that weren't normal to know at his age, that she didn't know where he would have heard them.

Suddenly, the young boy stopped playing with his blocks. Staring off into space, he smiled really wide, dropping the blocks and clapping his hands, laughing.

"What is it, Matthew?" she questioned.

He looked over at her, clapping his hands harder. "Bells!" he said to her, laughing again. "Bells."

And that is officially all she wrote folks. Thank you so much for coming along on this twisted tale of mine. I know it took some of you way out of your comfort zones! You all rock!