Hey everyone, I know, it's been a while since I updated this, but here you go! I think the next part will be the conclusion of the "Capture the hoodie" arc. Reviews mean a lot to me, I really appreciate them, and without further ado, enjoy!

"We win, we win!" Lloyd called out, as him and Nya came back with a flag. The duo had managed to get by Cole easily, with Nya battling it out and Lloyd sneaking behind to grab the flag, then both of them hightailing it out. High fiving each other, they were going back, holding the flags and making sure Cole hadn't followed them.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Cole was punching a tree in frustration. "We. So. Lost." He sighed, walking back to where the hoodie had been taken. Wherever those shouts of happiness were coming from, it definitely did not fit the mood, Kai and Jay would be furious with him and probably make a ten time bigger fit than he would. He could practically hear them, yelling, yelling about-

"We're so going to win this!" Kai and Jay burst through the clearing, Kai holding up a bunch of hoodies, and Jay just coming out, dragging something, but Cole couldn't see what it was yet.

"You two? Where were you? Lloyd and Nya just nabbed our last flag!"

Kai gave a cheeky grin and tossed a hoodie at Cole. "We got…..halted, temporarily. But we got them all!" Knowing Cole, he decided not to mention that he had used his powers, taken more hoodies then he was supposed to, ran away when he was supposed to be captured, and, worst of all-

"Hold on...is that Zane?" Cole's tone made it very clear of what he'd think of the two, if they gave an affirmative answer.
"What, no it's nothing!" Jay replied, ducking behind a nearby bush and trying to shove the nindroid inside it.

"Oh no no no Jay, whenever you say it's nothing-" Cole walked over straight to the bush and despite the other's protests, looked down inside. "It's always something bad."

"Where's Zane?" Nya and Lloyd had been calling him for a few minutes, and it didn't seem like he would just go off on his own.

"Now that I think about it, weren't Kai and Jay here too?" Lloyd asked, as he checked some nearby trees.

"Maybe something attacked the three of them in the forest," Nya guessed.

"That can't be right, there's no tracks or signs of anything. The three of them must have gotten tired of waiting for us and went to go get something."

"I'd believe that…" Nya started, then pointed to a spot on the ground, right behind the walls. "If our hoodies weren't all gone."

"What do you mean this is no big deal?" Cole was pacing around, gesturing wildly. "Not only did you two practically break every rule-"

"Not every." Jay cut in, "We stayed for a little while after we got captured,"

"And then after, you ran away and you kidnapped Zane!" Cole finished. "You just kidnapped our own teammate!"

"Cole, he's not our teammate, remember, he's on the other side now," Kai told him. "And it's not like we're holding him forever or something."

"That's not the point!" Cole snapped back. "Do you two have any sense of morality?"

"Maybe not, but that's not the biggest problem here, Lloyd and Nya are going to kill us if they find out we did this!" Jay had gotten past this already, he agreed with Kai it'd been worth it, though he felt a little bad for Zane. What worried him more was the chance of getting caught.

Cole was at his limits with the two, and he knew getting into an argument wasn't going to change their minds about this. Turning to his natural leader mode, he looked around for any sign of Lloyd and Nya. None yet.

"Ok, we are going to get Zane back to the other side, turn on his power switch, and run before anyone finds out what we did," Cole told his "team", already pulling the metal body out of the shrubbery.

Jay nodded, relieved, but Kai had other plans.

"They got one of our flags too, right? That means we haven't won yet. I say we keep Zane here, and hold him hostage for the last flag."

(Yes, I know, I'm making Kai very extreme, but I'm doing it for humor points.)

Just as the other two were about to protest this very loudly, a crash sounded through the bushes. The ninja instinctively turned around, being ninja, but no one was there. And that was the issue. Zane was gone.