Here's the first installment in a series of Sonic one-shots. This one is a sweet, brotherly moment between Sonic and Shadow. I hope you like it! By the way, this is a separate continuity from my other stories, but Sonic and Shadow are still related in the same way as those. Please review!

Sonic woke up in his bed with a sharp gasp of pain. He began to groan and whine as he clutched his injured body and kicked his legs violently under the blankets in a state of confusion. Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around him and a muzzle lightly press itself against his own.

"Shh... It's all right. I'm here, little brother," a soft, deep voice soothed.

"Shadow?" Sonic asked in a weak, raspy voice, managing to halfway open his eyes.

The black, red-striped hedgehog gently nuzzled the blue hedgehog's cheek. Shadow hoped that it would help his little brother feel a little better. It helped a little bit, but it seemed that it wasn't enough.

He walked around to the other side of the bed, keeping his hand on Sonic's shoulder to keep him calm. Sonic felt the bed weigh down as Shadow sat down beside him. He winced slightly as Shadow helped him sit up slightly. Shadow wrapped his arm around Sonic's shoulders.

"What... happened?" Sonic asked hoarsely.

Shadow cocked an eyebrow, even though he knew Sonic couldn't see his face at the moment. "You don't remember?"

Sonic had a flashback to the last fight with Eggman. Eggman had shot a special laser at him and he didn't dodge in time, knocking him out cold.

Sonic groaned in annoyance. "I hate that Egghead."

Shadow chuckled, playfully flicking Sonic's ear. "Don't worry. I taught him a lesson."

"I'm afraid to ask what you did to him," Sonic mumbled, knowing how Shadow tended to go overboard with his punishments. Shadow smirked.

"I gave him a beating he won't forget," he practically purred. He snorted before continuing. "He ran home crying for his Mombot."

Sonic chuckled at that last part. He remembered when Eggman had built Mombot back when they were living on Seaside Island.

"You are so sadistic, Shads," Sonic chuckled.

"I know," Shadow snickered. His ruby gaze suddenly became soft again. "You know I'd never do those things to you, right?" There was a hint of concern in his voice.

Sonic turned his head so he could see the ebony hedgehog's face. He lightly booped him on the nose, his emerald eyes shining playfully. "Of course, big bro."

Shadow smiled back. He pushed himself away from Sonic and stood up then headed for the door.

"I should probably find something for you to eat," Shadow said. "Afterwards, we're going to have to change your bandages." With that, he left Sonic's room.

Sonic winced as he pulled himself to the edge of the bed and got up.

As he used the bathroom for the first time in a week, Sonic thought about how lucky he was to have such a good big brother and how much Shadow has changed over the years.

Sure, he still had his Black Arms traits, like his aggressive and sadistic nature, but overall, he was more the sweet, gentle boar hedgehog/Black Arms hybrid he once was. He would always be traumatized by the loss of Maria, but at least he'd gotten over the guilt he felt about it.

He would never be the same he was before G.U.N. invaded the ARK, but now that he knew he still had family, he was as close to his old self as he could get. Which made both of them happy. And that's all that really mattered.

Originally in this story, they were cuddling, but I changed it after some input about it from my mom and sister, because some sickos would take it the wrong way. *gags*

Anyway… again, please review!