It's been 8 months now as Kion came into the tree of life as Makini was with Rani as she was breathing heavily as Kion walked over

Hey hun I'm back Kion said

Thank goodness she pants as he holds Kion's paw

How is she? Kion asked Makini

She's ok good think Ullu told you immediately that her Water broke Makini replied

That's good Kion said

Okay Rani! I want a big push ok? Makini said

This is gonna be so painful! Rani then screamed as the other animals from the tree of life waited as Varya walked up to Bailyo

How is she? Varya asked

She's ok just really hurts her Bailyo replied

Hope she'll make it Varya said

Same, she is my only family member left alive Bailyo said

I know Varya saw Kion walking out with one cub in his jaw as Makini was holding the other

Say hello to Darki and Sunny! Kion said as everyone cheered in joy

Kion then Took them back for them to be nursing by Rani as Kion nuzzled Rani as she was barley awake

You did good Rani! Kion said

T... Thanks she yawned and passes out

Kion then laid down and yawned falling asleep next to Rani