Before this chapter begins I'll say it again, if you just read this chapter, I have to explain that I post the chapters of this story as individual stories because I didn't managed to post as other people would post; heavens know I tried.

So if you want to read the previous chapters, access my account and you'll find the other chapters; so you will understand certain references in this chapter.

Again, I must emphasize that I'm not from a country that speaks English! So don't judge me if there are any mistakes in writing, in popular expressions or in timing of the scenes. Remember, I didn't watch the entire movie in English, take that into account!

Chapter fifteen.

It was the beginning of a summer morning, the sun was rising in the horizon and the sky was starting to clear, lighting up the whole middle kingdom.

A young General was wearing his elegant armor with bright red cape and his helmet with a long feather on his head. He went to the yard behind his house; he was going to the ancestors' temple of his family to pray.

Shang lit and incense stick and put it on a bronze plate hanging from the ceiling by chains. He knelt down and joined his hands in a prayer position as he hung his head down and closed his eyes.

"Ancestors, I ask you to give me luck so that Mulan accepts my marriage proposal; I love her and want you to bless my decision." Shang said sincerely, praying.

Then, he opened his eyes and got up; he bent his head once again and left the temple. Shang went to the front garden, where he had left his horse, which was already saddled. The young General mounted his horse and left the house, he had to attend a meeting with other Generals before going to see Mulan.

Jia, the middle aged maid, looked through a window and saw that the stable doors were open, which meant that Shang had already left to fulfill his duties and personal affairs.

She was wearing a simple white dress with a sash around her waist, like a nightgown, and her hair was tied down in a braid.

The maid smiled a bit "He's really in love with that girl, to leave so soon…" Jia commented; then, she backed away from the window and returned to the house's interior to do her chores.

Then, at the ancestors' temple of the Li family something very incredible happened, but we're already familiarized with this kind of event.

The ideograms of a tombstone began to shine; their gray color became a sparkling blue color.

A blue sparkling light, like a heavenly smoke, sprouted from that tombstone's ideograms. Then, in seconds the smoke took the form of a man in his forties, with his hair tied up in a bun and wearing an elegant armor. He gestured with his hands behind his back and made a long cape appear, although part of it was transparent cuz it was very long.

General Li, the man that had died honorably in at the battle one month before, now had come back to bless his son.

The deceased man knelt down in the air, turning his legs visible "My family; wake up!" he ordered in a serious tone but with a calm voice as he opened his arms.

The ideograms of the other tombstones began to shine and from them, more smoky lights sprouted and took the shapes of ten persons, all were spirits from at least six generations of the Li family.

The last ghost to appear was a woman who was in her thirties; the smoke she was seconds before took a woman's shape gracefully and she knelt down beside her husband. Her black hair was so long that it even resembled the cape her husband was wearing, but the most impressive thing was the fact that under the long sleeves it was visible that she had two arms.

Li Wang, Shang's mother (if you want to know what she looks like, search for "Yocheved DreamWorks" on Google and imagine that she has a black, straight and extremely long hair, in addition to oriental eyes).

"Everyone here present in this moment knows the reason for this family reunion." General Li Feng said.

"Shang will propose to that girl named Mulan." An old woman with eyes so small that seemed closed said.

"I'm so happy my son has found a girl he really loves." Wang said as she placed her right hand over her heart.

"From what I heard from her, I don't think Shang should marry a girl who served in the army." A middle aged man answered as he crossed his arms.

Wang instantly frowned and got up "What did you say?" then she tried to advance over the man, and didn't manage to just cuz her husband grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Wang calm down, you don't need to lose your mind." General Li said while his hands where still around his wife's waist.

The woman looked to her husband for a moment and the, looked back to the man "Humph! If someone here says one more negative comment about my son's future wife," Wang said as she removed her right arm with her left hand and held it like a baseball bat "This someone will get the mark of my fingers on its forehead!" She added.

Everyone looked to each other for a moment, they knew she wasn't joking.

"Okay, we already understand that he has your blessing." A middle aged, slim man said.

Wang's angry facial expression became a calmer one and she put her arm back on her body and covered it back with her long sleeve.

"And yours dear?" She asked as she sat beside General Li.

"He's got my blessing as well; he deserves to marry the girl he loves." General Li said in a slightly serious voice "Besides, the girl who managed to win his heart deserves him too." He said arching a brow and looking to his wife, who smiled.

"I agree; he's got my blessing as well." The old woman said.

"Thanks mother." General Li said to the old woman; then, he looked to the other ghosts "Will anyone else give its blessing to him? This girl is the chance to continue the family lineage..." This comment was the key to get everyone to agree.

Everyone said "He's got my blessing." General Li grinned as he crossed his arms; he knew how to manipulate those people in favor of his son.

Wang smiled as well and covered her mouth with her hands, stifling a laugh.

Meanwhile, Mulan was sleeping peacefully on her bed, with the sunlight entering the room by the window beside her. Cri-kee was sleeping over the window sill.

Suddenly, Mulan and Cri-kee were woken up by a rooster's cackling. She sat up on the bed, stretching herself and yawning to be more awake.

"Good morning Cri-kee." Mulan said as she knelt on the bed. Since the little cricket didn't wake up, she caressed Cri-kee with her fingertip, tickling him.

Cri-kee woke up, Mulan smiled with her eyes closed, finding funny the little cricket's reaction.

"Well, you can't sleep all day." Mulan said as she got off the bed and walked toward a wardrobe. She was wearing a strapless yellow blouse with peach shorts, her hair was down and she was barefoot.

Mulan took an olive green shirt and gray pants and went to change her clothes behind a screen; her silhouette as she changed clothes behind it was visible. Well, Cri-kee may be an insect but even so she can't change clothes in front of him.

She came out from behind the screen and walked toward the bed bringing a pair of shoes and a pair of socks. She sat on the bed and put on the socks and the shoes.

"Come on," Mulan called Cri-kee and the little bouncy cricket followed her.

Mulan went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple that was in a basket full of them.

Fa Li appeared at the kitchen's door "Mulan, aren't you gonna have breakfast?" she asked.

Mulan turned around "I'm taking this with me," She answered showing the apple to her mother. She took a bite of the apple "I've got to cut some sheaves of wheat in the field," Mulan said and swallowed the piece of apple "And the sooner I start, the sooner I will finish." She added.

"Okay, have a nice day sweetie." Fa Li said as she turned around and went to the hall.

Mulan quickly finished eating the apple and went to the backyard; she grabbed a rake and run across the backyard, toward the gate.

"Good morning, little brother!" Mulan said as she passed by her pet dog, which answered with cheerful barking and followed her.

"Good morning Khan!" She said as she passed by the beautiful black stallion, who gave her a confused look.

Mulan opened the gate, went to the street and little brother followed her.

While she walked down the street with little brother, she saw Grandma Fa walking toward her.

"Good morning Mulan, why are you here so early?" Grandma Fa asked.

"Good morning grandma. Well, someone has to cut the wheat in the field and better this someone be me." Mulan answered holding the rake in her left hand.

"Alright then, just don't take too long." Grandma Fa said and returned to walked to go back the house.

"I won't!" Mulan answered as she return to walk toward the wheat field.

Mulan cut some bundles of the golden wheat with her metal rake in some minutes; she wiped the sweat from her forehead with the sleeve of her green shirt.

Then, Mulan looked around at the field where she was; the place was spacious, there was no one around and she had something perfect in her hands to practice one of her greatest talents: Kung Fu.

She smiled as she arched a brow. Then, she started to make Kung Fu movements with the rake while shouting "Hya!"

Meanwhile, some little girls were in the middle of the street playing fight like warriors.

Sha-Ron, a little girl who was wearing her hair tied in two buns and holding a staff with a bucket at each end over her shoulders; she saw her friends and walked toward them.

"Hey! Can I play with you?" Sha-Ron asked.

"We're not playing, we're training!" A little girl with her hair tied in two braids answered proudly.

"But if you want to train, you should ask Mulan to teach you." Sha-Ron said.

"Who would knock on her door and ask that?" Two identical twin girls asked at the same time.

The girls looked to each other and then, looked at Sha-Ron. The six years old girl noticed what they meant with that look. She arched a brow.

"Okay, I'll do it, follow me." Sha-Ron said as she turned around and walked toward Mulan's house's gate "We just need to ask if she's home." She added and the other girls followed her.

When they arrived at the gate, Sha-Ron turned toward her friends "Stay here, I'll go there." She said and the girls nodded.

The six year old little girl knocked the gate, but the gate opened a bit since it wasn't locked. She entered the backyard and walked toward the entrance door.

Khan got confused as he saw the girl enter the backyard, but Sha-Ron saluted the horse and he stood where he was. Sha-Ron knocked the door and Fa Li opened it.

She asked if Mulan was home but Fa Li answered that she was at the wheat field; Grandma Fa in turn, added that Mulan was doing her chores.

Sha-Ron said that she would help Mulan and thanked them. She saluted Khan once again, got out of the backyard and went back to the street, where the other girls were.

"So? Is she home?" A tall girl with her hair tied in a bun asked.

"Her mother said she's at the field," Sha-Ron answered, but she got a bit annoyed as her friends made a facial expression of discouragement "What are you waiting for? Let's call the others and go there!" She proclaimed in a tone of leadership.

"Yeah!" The five girls answered.

Meanwhile, Shang was riding toward Mulan's house. He had just left an appointment with other Generals and now was the moment he was anxious for but also very nervous: he was going to propose to Mulan.

When Shang was in front of the house's gate, he got of his horse and told the beautiful white stallion to stay where he was till he came back to pick him up.

Xúe nodded and stood where he was. Shang knocked the door but the door opened as soon as he touched it. Shang walked in the backyard and looked to Khan for a moment smiling a bit. The black horse gaped as he saw Shang wearing a General's armor; the horse didn't even smiled back.

Shang politely knocked the door, expecting Mulan to come and answer the door.

"Who may be?" Fa Li asked as she heard the sound of someone knocking the door.

"Probably is another girl." Grandma Fa answered while looking to her astrology chart.

Fa Li got up from the table and opened the sliding door, and she got surprised with who she saw in front of her.

"Shang!" Fa Li exclaimed surprised to see her future son-in-law dressed in that elegant armor and wearing a helmet, she knew he was a General but she had never seen him dressed like a General "You're here!"

Grandma Fa stood up and looked to Shang as soon as she heard Fa Li pronounce his name.

"Yes, is Mulan home?" Shang asked.

"She's at the field," Fa Li answered.

"But by this time she's probably finished doing her chores." Grandma Fa added.

"I'll go there then, thanks." Shang said as he bowed to the two ladies and left.

Shang stood in front of Khan for a moment, then, he caressed the black stallion's head "Wish me luck Khan, I'll propose to your owner." The young General said and left.

Khan got very surprised, but after a few seconds he grinned with his eyes, he knew Mulan would accept Shang's proposal.

Shang closed the gate and mounted his horse "Alright Xúe," he said as he held his horse's reins "Let's go to the field." Shang added and his white stallion neighed in agreement.

"Hya!" Shang shouted, ordering the horse to run and Xúe did it.

Shang rode toward the wheat field, as fast as possible to propose to Mulan. When he arrived at the field, he pulled his horse's reins, which made the horse neigh, drawing the girls' attention to him.

The girls ran toward him and he called them little warriors. Shang went to Mulan as the girls followed him. Mulan praised him, saying that he looked very well on his new uniform and Shang in turn, got embarrassed.

It had been two weeks since he was appointed to the rank of General but it was the first time Mulan saw him wearing his new armor; in her words, he looked even more handsome and manly in that armor.

He said that now he had to show that he deserved the rank and Mulan, in turn, said that he deserved cuz he was very brave.

Shang begun saying that it wasn't so long that he knew Mulan but that doesn't matter when a man is in love. He managed to prevent himself to say the last part of this phrase but the little girls knew very well what he meant and started giggling.

The young General asked if there was a more reserved for them to talk, but Sha-Ron invited Shang to go to her house, in fact she wanted to know what he was going to say to Mulan.

Mulan told the girls to "make like a river and flow home", they obeyed and said goodbye to Mulan and Shang. But Sha-Ron didn't do that cuz she was looking up, staring at Shang.

To be alone with Mulan, Shang handed his helmet to Sha-Ron and the little girl ran off screaming and laughing with joy.

Mulan and Shang held hands and walked to his horse, Mulan commented that the little girl would never return the helmet to him but he just laughed.

Shang took his horse's reins and they kept walking toward the house while holding hands.

They led Xúe to the stable of Mulan's house and removed the saddle and the reins from the horse to make him feel more comfortable.

"Stay here, I'll change my clothes." Mulan said and entered the house.

"Okay," Shang answered and stood at the backyard. He begun to walk to and fro, thinking about how he was going to propose to Mulan.

After about five minutes, he stopped walking and took a deep breath "Alright, I can't lose my mind." Shang said to himself and placed his hands on his waist "I will do exactly as Jia advised me." He said proudly.

"What will you do?" Mulan asked as she came out from the house wearing a lilac dress.

"Uh, I…well…"Shang stuttered as he saw Mulan dressed in a dress. Then, he decided that he couldn't act like this each time he spoke to Mulan. So he straightened up "Let's go to the garden, there's something I need to talk with you." Shang said with a slightly serious voice as he reached out.

Mulan took his hand and walked with him toward the garden. Their horses looked to each other, as if saying "Now it will be the moment."

"What do you need to talk to me?" Mulan asked a bit concerned.

Shang smiled a bit, but didn't look at Mulan "I'll explain when we're at the garden." He answered.

Mulan smiled slightly seeing that most likely he wasn't bringing bad news.

They went the garden and by the way Shang walked, Mulan understood and sat on the bench.

He knelt down in front of her while holding her hands "Will you marry me?" Shang asked.

Mulan's eyes grew wide "Kyaaaa!" She screamed of joy and she raised her arms up. Shang smiled, knowing that meant she had accepted his proposal.

But Mulan was so happy that she did the most unexpected thing possible: She threw herself over Shang, making both fall on the ground.

Both laughed of joy as they hugged each other tightly.

"Yes! I'll be your wife!" Mulan said happily and kissed Shang's cheek several times, while Shang in turn, was laughing of joy as well.

They stopped laughing and looked each other in the eyes with an intensity that anyone could see the love they felt for each other.

Then, Mulan felt her feelings for Shang guide her body; she didn't prevent herself, she didn't even try to prevent herself from doing what her heart was telling her.

Mulan grabbed him by the collar and kissed him in his lips slowly but deeply. Shang got very surprised but right after it; he placed his hands on Mulan's head and closed his eyes, returning her kiss.

After a few seconds they stopped kissing and got up. Mulan and Shang hugged once more and then, they were unable to look at each other for a few seconds, and an awkward silence remained during that seconds.

"Uh…" Mulan begun while moving her shoulders "Are you sure my parents will accept?" she asked nervously.

Shang placed his hand on Mulan's waist "They already know, I asked their permission before doing this." He said.

"Really?" Mulan asked.

"Yes." Shang answered.

They returned the house holding hands and right after, Fa Zhou, Fa Li and Grandma Fa returned.

"We wish many joys to you two." Fa Zhou said smiling.

"Thanks father." Mulan said as she leaned her head forward a bit.

"Thanks sir." Shang said as he leaned his head forward a bit too.

"We hope you have a long and happy marriage." Fa Li said.

"Well," Grandma Fa begun as she approached to Fa Zhou and Fa Li "We better start the preparations for the ceremony as soon as possible." The old lady commented.

"If you excuse me; I have to see something on my room." Mulan said and went to her room.

"Alright Mulan, we'll wait for you." Shang answered.

When Mulan was at her room, she started to look around "Mushu!" she called.

Mulan placed her hands on her waist "Damn, not even the Cri-kee is here this time." Then, she put one of her hands beside her face "Mushu! Cri-kee!" she called again.

"Here we are Mulan!" Mushu answered as he and Cri-kee appeared at the window sill.

Mulan turned toward Mushu and Cri-kee "I'm glad you're here, there's something super important that I need to tell you." Mulan said excitedly as she picked both of them in her hands.

"Tell us then." Mushu said as Mulan placed him and Cri-kee on the floor.

"Shang came here today and…" Mulan said with a dreamy voice as she picked up a red blanket.

"And what?" Mushu asked in confusion and Cri-kee made a high-pitched sound, showing that he was confused as well.

"…He proposed to me and I'll marry him!" Mulan completed excitedly, her joy did not fit inside her chest.

Mushu and Cri-kee gaped at Mulan's phrase, but right after it, Cri-kee started making high-pitched sounds and jumping up and down, very happy for Mulan.

Mulan laughed, but she noticed that Mushu was still, his eyes were still widened and he was still agape.

"Uhhhh…Mushu?" Mulan asked as she ran one of her hands in front of his eyes, trying to get the little dragon out of that trance.

Then, Mushu's eyes filled with tears and he begun to cry very loud, startling Mulan and Cri-kee with his weeping of joy.

Meanwhile, at the hall, Shang was chatting with Fa Zhou and Fa Li about the wedding ceremony preparations.

Grandma Fa appeared at the hall "Shang, can you come with me one moment?" Grandma Fa asked.

"Sure," Shang answered and followed Grandma Fa. "So…What do you need to talk with me?" he asked.

"I invited some people to help you and Mulan prepare the party." Grandma Fa said.

Shang thought it was good idea "Thanks; who?" he asked calmly because still he hadn't had enough proof of Grandma Fa's inconvenience.

"Just a few neighbors, they are already here in front of home." Grandma Fa said.

Shang smiled and placed his hands on the entrance doors "Great, I'll-" but he got shocked with the crowd that was in front of the house and immediately closed the doors, but the people had already seen him and begun to cheer and scream even though he had closed the door.

"Was that necessary madam?" The young General asked with a nervous smile.

"Well, if you think there are too many people I can send some to go home." Grandma Fa answered calmly.

"No need madam! I'll call Mulan," Shang said, preventing him from offending Grandma Fa. Then, he walked toward Mulan's room.

Shang went to Mulan's room and told her that Grandma Fa had invited someone to help them with the wedding ceremony. Mulan got concerned and asked who, cuz she was aware of her grandmother's gossipy personality.

He led Mulan to the entrance door, which was open. They poked their heads out of the door and saw a crowd in front of them, who was cheering and screaming of joy. Grandma Fa had invited the entire neighborhood!

(Note: I will not describe in detail the scenes that you have seen, I will focus on describing scenes that, according to the story I created, happened but were not shown. Besides, in this film there are scenes that show the point of view of all the characters. Understood? I don't want to see complaints! Whoever decides to curse me, will have its reviews deleted.)

Mulan and Shang split up to talk to the people while Fa Zhou and Fa Li watched them. But they did not get very pleased to see that their daughter and their future son-in-law had very different tastes and preferences.

Then all of sudden, a soldier appeared, came to them and handed them two scrolls, which were messages from The Emperor, summoning them to attend to the Forbidden City.

They said they would leave at that moment and went to the stable to saddle the horses.

Fa Zhou and Fa Li went to the stable and gave to Mulan and Shang their Ying and Yang pendants that had been passed down from generation to generation, and said that they would discover the great symbolic meaning behind those pendants.

They explained that Mulan and Shang maybe were different as Ying and Yang, but they had to act together, like sun and rain.

Mulan and Shang rode to the Forbidden City; there, The Emperor explained the plan he had on mind to guarantee China's safety and for the plan to be fulfilled, Mulan and Shang's help would be more than necessary.

The plan was this: They had to escort The Emperor's three daughters to the Kingdom of Qigong; a northern kingdom, ally of the middle kingdom. By the marriage between the three princesses and the princes of Qigong, a powerful military alliance would be formed between the two kingdoms, which would guarantee China's security should the Mongols decide to attack the country.

Mulan was in shock that The Emperor had delivered his own daughters to arranged marriages; yes, it was for China's people sake, but would a good father take that decision?

Shang, in turn, as the good General he was, at no time he objected The Emperor decision and promised that the princesses would arrive at the Kingdom of Qigong in three days as agreed.

Although The Emperor was a serious man, he was concerned about his daughters being taken to so far, so he asked Shang to elect his best men to escort his daughters.

Shang and Mulan looked to each other for a moment and he said that only three men were needed. The Emperor got surprised that his best General decided to take only three men to protect the princesses. Since years before, his wife, Empress Xanadu had been killed, in his mind, cuz she had elected an only man to escort her, which also got killed.

But the young General answered explained that strength was not required to fulfill the mission, but cunning and discretion were. Despite his young age, Shang knew what was needed to keep the princesses safe, and besides that, he was sure that fewer soldiers meant more security, as it would draw less attention.

The Emperor agreed and Mulan knew exactly what men Shang was talking about; their three friends: Iao, Ling and Chien Po.

Mulan and Shang went to two separate corners of the palace where they could change clothes (well, they are engaged but have to wait until after the wedding so they can see each other that way). Mulan changed her lilac dress for a long light greenish yellow tunic and training pants. Shang changed his armor and training robe for a brown Hanfu shirt and a pair of shoes without a leather strap around the ankles.

They returned to the palace staircase, where they had left their horses. They mounted the horses and started riding toward the city, to find Iao, Ling and Chien Po.

After about a bit more than one hour, they arrived at the city and begun to walk through the city while leading their horses by its reins; now just needed to find the trio of soldiers.

"I'm glad that we arrived, the sooner they know the faster we will be able to convince them." Mulan said as she and Shang walked toward the house of the trio of soldiers.

Shang smiled and arched a brow "And do you think it will be necessary? From what we know of them, as soon as they hear the word "mission", they will agree." He said.

Mulan giggled silently for a moment "You're right."

Shang reached the house first and there was a note taped to the front door. He read what was written on the note "Wow, I can't believe they actually did that…" Shang said while holding back from laughing.

Mulan approached to Shang "What?" she asked. Her fiancé just pointed to the note and Mulan read what was written on it.

Mulan got very surprised, then, she looked at Shang "They weren't kidding about going to see the matchmaker." She said holding back from laughing.

Both laughed at this comment, then, Shang turned around "Well, we'll have to interrupt their plans." He said ironically.

Mulan followed Shang; they tied Khan and Xúe near to the house and walked towards the matchmaker's house.

They walked for less than five minutes when they stopped walking cuz they heard the sound of people fighting in a pub.

Shang crossed his arms and smiled ironically "Sound of trouble plus a pub's fight is equal to: those who we're seeking." He said to Mulan.

Mulan turned her head to Shang "How are you so sure?" she asked as she shrugged in doubt.

"It even looks like you don't know them; just wait and see." Shang added.

As soon as they looked to the pub's entrance, all of sudden, Iao Ling and Chien Po got thrown out of the bar and fell in front of them.

Mulan got very surprised; it was almost as if Shang had predicted the future. He in turn, only smiled, perhaps he was not one of the most sociable, but he knew how to identify when a man was involved in a situation.

Iao, Ling and Chien Po got very surprised, but happy to see their friends in front of them.

Mulan and Shang explained that they had to fulfill an important mission and asked the three soldiers if they could accompany them on the mission. Iao, Ling and Chien Po immediately agreed even though they didn't know what the mission was about.

They returned to their house with Mulan and Shang, since they had left their horses near their friends' house.

"What is the mission about?" Ling asked as he, Iao and Chien Po watched Mulan and Shang untied their horses from a fence.

Shang turned around and looked at them with a slightly serious look "Tonight, we're going on a very important trip." He said with a serious voice while holding his horse's reins.

"To where?" Iao asked.

"To the kingdom of Qigong." Mulan answered.

"Wow, this northern kingdom is far away, how long will we take to get there, General?" Chien Po asked.

"The Emperor said we have a three-day deadline and not even a minute more." Shang explained.

"Our mission is to escort Emperor's three daughters to the kingdom of Qigong, where they're going to marry three princes, sons of Lord Chin." Mulan added.

Iao, Ling and Chien Po got very surprised.

"Wow, this's simply…wow!" Iao commented.

"Yeah, the last time I heard about the princesses was seven years ago, when The Empress died." Ling added.

"Let's forget about this; after all, it's a great honor to escort the princesses." Chien Po commented, optimistic as always.

"Sure it is." Mulan added.

Shang arched a brow and smiled; then, he approached to Mulan for behind and kissed her cheek, taking Mulan by surprise.

Mulan blushed and covered her cheek with her hand "H-Hey! Don't do this in public!" she scolded Shang, but she was smiling because of what he had just done. The young General in turn, just smiled confidently; confident for knowing he had that effect on her and that he was the only man who could touch her.

Once again, the trio of soldiers got surprised, but this time they had a sense of what was going on.

"Don't tell me you're…" Chien Po begun, already thinking about what was happening, and so were Iao and Ling.

"Yes," Shang said and held Mulan's hand, who blushed again "We're engaged." He completed.

"Cool! Congratulations for you two!" Iao exclaimed happy for his friends.

"Thanks." Mulan said as she pulled her hair behind her ear to show her face.

"You're very lucky compared to us; we've just been chased out of the matchmaker's office." Ling answered ironically, but he was happy for Mulan and Shang.

"We also got chased out of the matchmaker's office, and look at us now!" Shang said while still holding hands with Mulan.

"Don't get out of hope guys, just wait and the fate will unite you with the right girls." Mulan added.

"You're right; we just need to have patience." Chien Po commented as he joined his hands.

"Well," Shang said as he let go Mulan's hand and crossed his arms "Now we all must prepare for tonight's trip." He added.

"We'll do it right now, see you at night!" Iao said and he, Ling and Chien Po returned to their house.

"Remember to be at the Forbidden City right after dark!" Shang said to them.

"We will!" The trio of soldiers answered all at the same time as their house's door closed.

Mulan looked to Shang "I have to pack my things for the trip." She said.

"I too, see you tonight." Shang said affectionately.

Mulan giggled and blushed slightly "Bye." She said, mounted Khan and started riding back to her house.

Shang sighed as he watched Mulan ride away. Then, he mounted Xúe and started riding back to his house.

Mulan arrived at her house and right after she went to her room and begun picking up some things and putting it inside a purse. Fa Zhou, Fa Li and Grandma Fa went to Mulan's room and found her putting a few things inside a purse.

"What are you doing, Mulan?" Fa Zhou asked.

"Oh. Hi Baba. I'm packing a few things cuz The Emperor ordered for me and Shang to carry out a mission." Mulan answered.

"The Emperor?" Grandma Fa asked excitedly "And what is the mission about?" the old lady asked.

Mulan turned around, to look at her parents and her grandmother "I, Shang and my three friends will escort The Emperor's three daughters to the northern kingdom of Qigong, where they'll marry three princes to make a military alliance against the Mongols." She explained.

They seemed to be impressed with the importance of the mission "And how long will it take you all to return? From what I know this kingdom is located near the northern border." Fa Li asked, worried that her daughter would be far from home for too long again.

"Not too much, we'll take at most a week." Mulan answered calmly.

"It looks like you and Shang will have to postpone your wedding." Grandma Fa commented.

"Yes, but duties come first and celebrations right after." Mulan added.

"We understand, dear." Fa Zhou said and exited the room.

"Besides, this give we more time to plan the party." Grandma Fa said as she exited the room.

"Yeah." Mulan muttered as she turned around and picked her one-handle-purse.

Fa Li approached to her daughter "Mulan," she begun.

"Yes mother?" Mulan asked without looking to her mother.

"I want to give you an advice since you're going to be away for a week." Fa Li added. "Don't forget that you have to remain v-" she tried to say but Mulan's eyes widened and she prevented her mother from saying that embarrassing advice.

Mulan closed her eyes and frowned "Don't need to say anything else!" she cut her mother's phrase, trying to not blush "I know that the consummation must not be made till the sacred union is accomplished." She added.

"Great." Fa Li answered and left the room.

"Did she really have to mention that? Now I can only think about it ..." Mulan muttered and looked to the ground, her mother had just reminded her about the only wedding ritual she was terrified of doing.

Then, she forgot it and straightened up "Now I must stay focus on the mission." Mulan said to herself.

"What mission?" Mushu asked as he and Cri-kee entered the room by the window.

"I'm glad you're here" Mulan said as she reached out her hands and Mushu and Cri-kee climbed on her hands "I will need the company of my two little friends to carry out the mission The Emperor ordered."

"I am always available, Mulan. What's the mission?" Mushu asked proudly and Cri-kee smiled.

Mulan sat on her bed with her unusual friends and told them the mission she was going to carry out.

By that night, they were already at the Forbidden City; Shang, Iao, Ling and Chien Po were in defense mode, ready to protect the three princesses.

Then, Mulan, The Emperor and the three princesses appeared.

The princesses went to the carriage, Mei was the last to enter the carriage and her shoe slipped off her foot and fell on the floor. Iao, acting like a gentleman, he picked the shoe and he and Mei made eye contact for a moment, which they fell in love with each other. He handed the shoe back to the princess and returned to where he should be, beside Ling and Chien Po.

Shang introduced Mulan to Ting-Ting, Mei and Su, and left them in the care of Mulan before they left.

Mulan felt even sorrier for the princesses when they told her that they had never even seen their fiancés and even so would marry them. The princesses said that they were happy to marry for the peace, but they actually weren't happy. Mulan in turn, couldn't imagine marrying someone she didn't love.

They started riding toward Qigong; leave during night was safer than leave during day. Mushu was thinking about the best way to how separate Mulan and Shang just to not lose his pedestal (he really annoys me this movie, he is lucky that he redeems himself in the end).

Inside the carriage, Ting-Ting, Mei and Su talked about feeling love for someone else, and the eldest princess reminded her younger sisters that they had taken an oath and could not break it.

They stopped near by a wooden to camp, Mei and Mulan had a talk and Mei asked how she decided between fulfilling her duty as a girl and her heart's call to go to war. Mulan answered that it wasn't easy but she learned that her real duty was to her heart.

Then, the soldiers were trying to interact with the princesses; Ling was the only between his friends who was not having much success, since princess Ting-Ting was very serious and was the most focused in the mission between her sisters.

Meanwhile, Mushu was trying to play pranks on Shang but his plans weren't working as planned, since each prank he did with Shang was only managing to make him and Mulan laugh a lot.

Then, humiliated and devastated, Mushu went to the carriage and because of him, the carriage begun running down the hill, with no one driving the carriage to make it stop.

The trio of soldiers tried to stop the carriage but to no avail, they passed very fast and right by Mulan and Shang, who rode after the carriage as quickly as possible to prevent it from falling into the river.

Ting-Ting managed to take younger sisters, Mei and Su out of the carriage, but when she was going to jump out of the carriage, the wooden planks broke and she got stuck.

Since they couldn't take her out of the carriage, they tried to stop the carriage with all their might and the help of the horses' strength but it was in vain, the carriage fell off the cliff and all of them fell into the river.

Luckily, nobody got hurt; not even the horses, but that accident was just a gateway to further troubles and disagreements.

At night, Mulan and Shang begun to fight while discussing the best road toward Qigong (and I think they would have started to fight physically if Iao hadn't interrupted them).

Iao showed the road across a forest and Mulan and Shang excused themselves for fighting for silly reasons, happening one of the cutest scenes between them.

But of course, Mushu had to disturb them, especially Shang again. He assembled dolls to simulate Mulan's and the princesses' shadows outside Shang's tent, besides perfectly imitating Mulan's voice.

(Wow, I'm just like Shang; it's very difficult to wake me up and I get furious if someone disturbs my sleep. But, seriously? What went through the minds of the creators in putting that scene? Yeah, it's funny, but completely weird and nonsense.)

Well, all of you are aware that Shang has no patience and got furious and didn't want to talk to Mulan again in that night. Mulan also got in bad mood and returned to her tent, leaving Iao completely confused.

Meanwhile, at the princesses tent, they decided that what they wished the most was to be like other girls; to have fun, not mind about the manners, no need to be escorted, no nursemaids, no hands folded perfect, speak for themselves, be clumsy, crazy, etc.

Iao, Ling and Chien Po heard the princesses laughing inside the tent and toke them to the village near the river to have fun like normal girls, and best of all: no one but the trio of soldiers knew they were princesses.

Chien Po went to a street stall where a girl was selling food. Su was holding a basket with some food inside. Even though the seller had much more food, Chien Po preferred the food Su had in her basket cuz it was the cute fifteen-years-old princess dressed in yellow.

Iao joined a street fight with a much taller man just to impress Mei, who got very concerned with that idea. But despite his short height, he easily won his opponent, showing that his short height didn't make him less strong. Mei got impressed and proud of Iao. Then, they went to a stall that sold stuffed animals and Iao gave to Mei a stuffed panda. The dreamer and romantic seventeen princess dressed in pink was even more in love with the grumpy and lovely soldier.

Ling was walking with Ting-Ting through the village while telling jokes and trying to make her laugh. But the serious twenty-one years-old princess was hiding her face behind a fan and it seemed she didn't find funny anything Ling said to her. Ling got discouraged and deduced that he was not as funny as he thought. But all of sudden, some firecrackers exploded cuz some fireflies lit them up, almost scaring Ling to death. This made Ting-Ting start laughing uncontrollably; she said that she hated her laugh, but Ling said he loved her laugh and thought she had no sense of humor. But Ting-Ting proved she had sense of humor by sticking two chopsticks into her nose, and both she and Ling walked through the village laughing a lot.

After, Mushu told Mulan that the soldiers and the princesses were together at the festival and were falling in love with each other. Mulan got desperate cuz this would ruin the mission, so she went to the village to bring them back.

Meanwhile, Mushu went to Shang's tent to wake him up again, but this time Cri-kee would not allow Mushu to do this. Unfortunately, his attempt just made the noise louder and Shang woke up with a start, coming out of his tent wielding a sword, thinking that there was some threat.

He searched around the camp and found no one, but found the letter Mei had written, and got very, very angry when he read what was written in the paper.

Mulan returned to the camp with the trio of soldiers and the three princesses, and Shang scolded her severely for supporting the idea of the princesses falling in love with the soldiers.

After a discussion of following what the reason says or what the heart says, Mulan asked Shang if he even had a heart, since he always showed insensibility. Shang got very offended, not just in an angry way, but those words hurt him deeply; he had shown he loved Mulan and yet she thought he didn't had a heart? Little did he know that he would have to learn in the most painful and traumatic way possible that sometimes we must follow our feelings.

Shang annulled the engagement with Mulan, ordered the camp to be dismantled and they were going to leave to Qigong that moment. Ting-Ting, Mei and Su were princesses but Shang was protecting them, so they had to obey, and Mulan and the trio of soldiers even more.

While they crossed the pass towards the kingdom of Qigong, there was a horrible silence between those eight people, a silence of sadness and disappointment; no one wanted to talk.

Mushu was sad too, and feeling very guilty. The little red dragon thought that he would be happy when he managed to separate Mulan from Shang just to prevent himself from losing his pedestal, but he wasn't.

Finally, the weight of guilt over his consciousness was so heavy that Mushu felt that he would be smashed by it if he didn't tell Mulan the truth.

The guardian dragon burst into tears and while crying loudly, he explained to Mulan that he was the reason of all the setbacks that happened during the trip and everything he had done.

Mulan got furious, what Mushu had done to her was practically a betrayal, it was unforgivable. But then, Mulan remembered that according to what Mushu said, the problems between her and Shang weren't real, were just selfish ideas that came out from Mushu's unsound mind.

Then, Mulan started riding excitedly toward Shang; she would explain what happened, tell him that she loved him and as planned they would get married.

But all of sudden, what Shang feared came true: they started to be attacked by looters of that dangerous pass.

Mulan, Shang, Iao, Ling and Chien Po begun to fight fiercely against the looters to protect the three princesses.

But after a quick and very difficult fight, two looters kidnapped Mei and she got desperate, cuz probably she knew what men usually do when they kidnap a woman.

Mulan and Shang ran after them and managed to take Mei from those looters filthy hands. The princess obeyed to Mulan and ran back to Iao, her sisters and her friends.

Mulan and Shang tried to run after the looters but they stopped running as soon as one of the looters raised a machete, threatening to kill the two teenagers mercilessly.

The thief cut one of the bridge's support ropes, making the bridge start to swing a lot, and making Mulan and Shang have to use all their balance to keep from not falling.

Then, the thief cut one rope more and the bridge turned sideways, making both Mulan and Shang fall.

Luckily, Mulan grabbed one of the bridge's ropes with her left hand and grabbed Shang's hand with her right hand, preventing them both from falling into a mortal fall.

The looters ran away, leaving Mulan and Shang hanging at a deadly height while the trio of soldiers and the three princesses were desperate.

Then, a part of the rope broke, further increasing the distance between them and the bridge and decreasing their chance of surviving.

"AHHH!" They screamed in despair as they fell in a short fall, but the impact added to their weight was making the only rope that was keeping them alive begun to come apart.

"Shang, hang on!" Mulan said as she looked down at Shang.

"It won't hold us both!" Shang objected.

"It will…It will, Shang." Mulan answered as tears begun to stream from her eyes.

Shang felt the worst feeling in his life again: guilt. There he was, hurting her again, making her cry. Those eyes looking with despair to him only reminded him that he always were a jerk with her, he had to show his feelings to her more, but no, he never did.

But also, reminded him that he loved her, and even though he never said that straight to her, ancestors, he loved her more than anyone.

After all he had a heart, if this was a way to apologize to her and show her he loved her, he had to do it; he could not let her die with him: he had to let himself fall so Mulan could live.

"Mulan…" Shang said and Mulan looked down to him "I'm sorry…" he said, apologizing for each mistake he had committed with her and saying the last goodbye to his loved one.

Mulan knew what he meant with that "Please…" she begged as Shang let go her arm and his hand begun to slip down between her fingers.

Then, Shang fell in a deadly high fall, so high that it wasn't possible to see what was under the mist in that place.

"SHANG! SHAAAANG!" Mulan screamed his name in despair, seeing that the man she loved so much was gone forever.

Shang in turn, was feeling the speed of the wind of the fall running through his body, he was with his eyes closed while he felt that in seconds everything would be finished and he would die.

The ribbon that was tying his hair in a bun came loose and his black hair swayed fiercely in the swift wind of the fall. He smiled slightly and a tear streamed from his closed eyes; he accepted that he was going to die.

"I love you…Mulan…" He muttered and all of sudden, the most unexpected thing happened.

His eyes grew wide as he felt the overwhelming pain of the impact when he fell into the river water. He sank at least three meters in the deep river water.

Shang took a few seconds to come up to the water's surface to catch his breath; but as soon he reached the surface, he started to be dragged by the unsurpassable force of the river's flow.

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed as he tried to reach the river bank but it was connected to the rocky wall that formed the cliffs, if he managed to grab a rock, right after the violent river's flow dragged him back to the water. Shang would fight for his life for several hours more before being able to breathe without chances to die.

Meanwhile, Mulan was still hanging on the rope while looking down, she was in shock; this was the worst thing had ever happened to her, she was a widow even before she had the chance of getting married to the man she loved so much.

Then, a voice called her attention.

"Mulan! Grab the rope!" The three soldiers said at the same time. Mulan looked up and the soldiers threw a very long rope for her to grab it. As soon as the rope reached her, Mulan grabbed it and hung herself on the rope her friends were holding.

Chien Po pulled Mulan back to the cliff, but while the sixteen year-old girl was being saved, she could only think of how much she would miss her beloved General Li Shang.

The three princesses approached to Mulan as soon as she was safe, sat on the edge of the cliff and in front of the broken bridge; but Mulan was looking to nothing, her gaze was staring straight ahead as tears streamed from her eyes.

"Are you okay, did you get hurt?" Ting-Ting asked.

"Only my soul…" Mulan answered with a shaky voice.

The three soldiers and three princesses looked to each other with a very sad look.

Then, Khan and Xúe approached to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Shang's horse made a very sad facial expression with his eyes and begun to neigh ceaselessly, for the sadness of losing his owner.

The white stallion turned around and begun to run across the pass through the canyon, as if the horse didn't believe that his owner was gone.

"Shang's horse is running away!" Iao exclaimed and tried to get up, but Mulan raised a hand, indicating him stay where he was.

"Let him go; he no longer has owner…" Mulan said with a serious voice.

Su knelt down beside Mulan and touched her shoulder, Mulan looked to the princess and Su handed Shang's sword to Mulan, so she could keep it as a memory of him.

Then, the sky started to get dark and begun to rain; the soldiers and the princesses went to take shelter under a crack. The princesses insisted to bring Mulan to the crack so she wouldn't be soaked by the rain, but the soldiers told them that she needed to be alone.

The princesses agreed and went to take shelter under the crack.

Meanwhile, Shang was in the worse situation possible, the rain was making the river's flow even more violent. He was struggling with all his might against the water, but he was almost drowning and his lungs were almost on the edge of its capacity.

Then, his shirt got stuck in a dead branch; the branch was very thick and full of splinters. Shang tried to get rid of the branch because he was almost being hanged by his own shirt.

Shang frowned and closed his eyes "Never mind!" He exclaimed and used all his might to take off his shirt, which caused the sleeves of the gray shirt he was wearing under his brown shirt to tear.

But this made the dead branch fall into the water, pushing Shang to the left. Shang tried to swim to the bank at the right, where there was a rock that would be his salvation if he managed to grab on it.

But all of sudden, a lightning bolt struck the rocky wall, causing a huge rock to come off the wall and fall into the river. The weight of the rock falling into the river created a huge wave on the river that violently pushed Shang toward the left.

In less than ten seconds, Shang got violently pushed against some rocks and his left arm got stuck between two very heavy rocks.

He groaned in pain "Damn it!" The young General exclaimed while trying to free his left arm by using his right arm, but it wasn't working, his arm was completely stuck.

He kept struggling for hours, but hours later, he would realize that getting stuck there would have helped him a lot to survive.

Hours later, the sky had already cleared and the rain had stopped. The three princesses said that they were ready for their weddings; actually, they were feeling guilty for Shang's death.

But Mulan said that they weren't going to marry anyone of Qigong and Shang's lost wouldn't be in vain. She turned around and had a very serious look on her face, a facial expression of determination that was hiding the sadness.

Mulan grabbed her bag and walked toward Khan, who was concerned about his owner, that black horse knew how much Mulan loved Shang and how much desolated she was.

"I'm going to Qigong." Mulan said as she mounted Khan. Then, she looked to the princesses and the trio of soldiers "Soldiers, escort the princesses back to the middle kingdom."

"But, Mulan…" Ling tried to argue.

"Obey my order!" Mulan sternly replied, then, she grabbed Khan's reins "Hya!" she shouted and started riding across the pass through the canyon.

As Mulan rode across the pass through the canyon, her hair swayed and despite her serious facial expression, tears were streaming down her eyes.

"I hope the princesses be happy with the men they love, thing that I'll never be able to do…" Mulan muttered to herself; Mushu and Cri-kee, who were inside Mulan's bag, heard what she said and felt very sad for her. Especially Mushu, who felt even more guilty and squeezed his eyes shut, crying silently; same with Cri-kee.

The soldiers and the princesses watched Mulan until she was out of their sight.

Mei wiped a tear with one finger "Let's go." She said as she turned around.

"Yes, we'll take a while to return…" Ting-Ting said and the three couples started walking to return on foot to the middle kingdom.

Meanwhile, Shang was still on the river, with his arm stuck between two rocks. The river's flow was much calmer, there was no danger anymore.

"I'll survive; I just need to get out of here…" He muttered. Then, he looked to the right, thinking of how he would manage to get rid of those rocks.

Then, he saw a long and thick branch being dragged by the river's flow, so he reached out his right arm as much as he could. Shang grabbed the branch and even smiled, as if it was his salvation.

He began to furiously stick the branch between the two stones to free his arm. Then, the branch broke in half and again Shang got with his arm stuck and with nothing to get out of that place.

But he wouldn't give up, so he grabbed the half of the branch that was stuck between the rocks and begun to use it to dig behind the rocks, trying to free his arm.

Then, he stuck the branch with such force that a crack went up the rock wall and caused a very large stone to come loose and fall very close to him.

The impact of that rock falling into the river's water ripped off the stones from the river bank, freeing Shang's arm but dragging him along with some rocks.

Shang tried with all his might to not sink into the river's water, but the river's flow was bringing him to almost death (at least almost).

All of sudden, he hit the back of his head on a rock and the impact was so violent that he immediately lost consciousness.

He sank into the river's water, lying on his back on the bottom of the river. The water was completely calm in that part and the surface would in seconds also be, but he would drown to death anyway if he didn't wake up and get out of there.

Then, the most unexpected and heavenly thing that could happen happened; though he would never remember what happened and saved his life.

A sparkling blue light appeared over him and begun to turn into something completely different. The light took shape of a woman in her thirties with very long hair.

Li Wang was there to help her son; even though the ancestors shouldn't show themselves to living people, she couldn't let her son die at so young age. She maybe couldn't do much for him, but if he could hear her it would be enough.

The phantom of the late woman knelt down near her son. She took a deep breath and did what she knew best to do.

"River, oh river

Please hear my song

There's nothing I can do

Please show mercy with my son

River, I entrust him to you…"

Wang calmly sang this short song to her beloved son with tears streaming from her eyes but smiling slightly. Then, she gently kissed Shang's forehead though she knew he hadn't feel anything.

Then, she turned back into a blue sparkling light and faded without a trace that she had been there.

Shang in turn, started showing signs that he was alive; his hands begun to move a bit and then, he squeezed his eyes shut, as if he was feeling where he was and that he was drowning.

Then, his eyes opened at once and he immediately got out of where he was. He reached up to grab the first thing in that could be in his reach.

Miraculously, what Shang grabbed was his horse's reins and the animal pulled him to the river bank.

He coughed a lot, expelling the water that had entered in his lungs, but his will that moment it was to laugh of excitement: he was alive! He would be able to see Mulan again and tell her how much he loved her!

After a few seconds, he leaned his hands on his horse and got up.

Shang smiled broadly and caressed Xúe's head; the beautiful white stallion rubbed his head against his owner's, happy that his owner was alive.

"You're the most loyal horse in the world." The young General said excitedly as he hugged his horse's neck. The horse was neighing in happiness.

Then, Shang and his horse calmed down; he backed away a bit from Xúe and looked to the sky.

He placed his hands on his waist "I feel like I've been reborn." Shang said and then, he mounted his horse and bent a little forward "Let's go, I have to find Mulan." He whispered and the horse started walking.

Meanwhile, the three princesses and the trio of soldiers were walking to return to the middle kingdom; Mei asked herself how Mulan would fulfill the mission without them.

But all of sudden, a very familiar male voice answered that Mulan would fulfill the mission by taking their places.

They all got shocked and turned toward where the voice came from. There Shang was, mounted on his horse and pretty alive. The three couples ran toward the young General while screaming in joy that he was alive.

Shang said Mulan was right when she said that no one should marry someone who doesn't love. He added that he was going to Qigong and told the princesses and the soldiers to go back to the middle kingdom.

Having said that, Shang turned around and his horse begun ran toward Qigong as fast as possible. But of course, nor the princesses or the soldiers obeyed him and begun running toward Qigong as fast as possible while screaming and laughing in excitement.

The trio of soldiers and the three princesses walked for almost one hour before arriving at Qigong, since the kingdom was located at the top of a very high hill.

As soon as they arrived at the city, the city was crowded and there were people walking to and fro through the streets, it was like if there was an open-air market at the entrance of the city.

They approached to a saleswoman that was in front of a street stall and Chien Po touched her shoulder to ask information.

The woman turned around a saw three men and three girls in front of her "Need any help?" she asked.

"Yes madam, which is the quickest way to Lord Chin's palace?" Ting-Ting asked politely.

"Oh, you're going to watch the wedding of Lord Chin's sons, aren't you?" She asked and the six persons in front of her nodded while smiling nervously.

"There's only one way," The woman said as she pointed to the left, it was possible to see the palace in the horizon; it was at the other corner of the city "I suggest you to hurry, because on foot you will never get there before the ceremony begins."

"Thanks madam." Mei said and the three couples returned to walk.

It wasn't being easy for the princesses and the soldiers to walk through that crowd; they were bumping all the time into people who were walking through the streets.

"We need to hurry; the sun is beginning to set!" Su said alarmed as she pointed to the sky that was getting red.

They began to run as fast as possible through that crowd but then, Ting-Ting remembered something.

"Hey! Wait a moment! Stop, stop!" Ting-Ting exclaimed as she opened her arms, preventing the others from keeping running since she was ahead of them.

"What's wrong?" Ling asked.

Ting-Ting turned around "Mei, Su, we can't show up at the palace dressed like this; Lord Chin would immediately recognize us among the crowd." She said concerned.

"Then we'll have to change our clothes." Su answered calmly.

"Let's dress up like normal girls!" Mei added happily as she raised her arms up.

"But where would we find clothes to buy? And how would we pay for the clothes?" Iao asked.

"I've got some money here," Chien Po said calmly as he took a small bag of coins from his shirt "But won't be enough to buy dresses, only men's clothes."

For a moment, the three princesses seemed to be against the idea of dressing like men, but they had more important affairs to worry about.

"Never mind, we have to get there before Mulan does what Shang said she's going to do!" Mei said and took the bag of coins from Chien Po's hand.

"She's right, let's go!" Ling said and they began to search for search for somewhere to buy clothes.

Then, they asked to a man that looked like a fakir where they could buy clothes; the man didn't say anything but pointed to a fabric store.

They thanked the man and went to the store. The saleswoman cordially approached to them and asked what they wanted.

"We need three shirts and three pants." Ting-Ting said as she took the coin's bag from Mei's hand and handed it to the saleswoman.

"Are these clothes for you ladies?" The saleswoman asked in confusion, probably she never imagined a woman wearing man's clothes.

"Yes, it's for us." Su answered.

"Okay…follow me." The woman said as she turned around and made a gesture with her finger, indicating for the six persons to enter at the store.

Iao, Ling and Chien Po stood near the entrance door while the saleswoman led Ting-Ting, Mei and Su to a shelf full of fabrics and clothes stacked.

"All these clothes fit you; choose the ones that suit you best and you can change clothes behind that screen." The woman explained while pointing to a screen and right after she left.

"This is so exciting!" Mei said as she yanked off the ribbons were tying her hair in two buns, making her long, unruly black hair come loose.

Ting-Ting and Su got a bit surprised but in seconds, Su got into that idea "Wow, I've always wanted to do this!" Su exclaimed and took off the ornament that was tying her hair (I have no idea the name of that hairstyle), making her black hair that was less unruly but longer than Mei's, to come loose.

"Come on Ting-Ting, you're the only left!" Mei said with a cute face and almost begging her sister.

"No, I'm okay with the way my hair is." The eldest princess answered as she crossed her arms.

"Pleeeease!" Su begged her sister with a cute face.

"It's for us don't stand out on the crowd, please! Think about Mulan…" Mei argued; she knew this way her older sister would agree.

And she was right. Ting-Ting got a bit thoughtful for a moment and then, she sighed. Then, she closed her eyes and held the ribbon that was tying her hair in that hairstyle which looks like bunny ears. She yanked the ribbon off her hair; making her hip-length and perfectly organized hair to come loose.

Ting-Ting seemed to be uncomfortable but Mei and Su hugged her tightly and made her smile.

Then, each of them picked up a Hanfu shirt of their favorite-colors and gray pants. The three girls went together to change clothes behind the screen and it was possible to see three-female-dark silhouettes moving behind the screen.

Before they came out from behind the screen, they tied their hairs in simple buns; man's clothes and a simple hairstyle, more normal impossible.

The three princesses came out from behind the screen while laughing in excitement. They went to where the three soldiers were waiting for them and they got very surprised to see them dressed like men; they were looking like Mulan.

The Hanfu shirts they were wearing were dark purple, dark yellow and dark pink, their favorite colors. Since they weren't wearing socks, the hems of their pants reached to their ankles height. The princesses didn't changed the shoes they were wearing cuz no one would notice them.

"How do we look?" Mei asked proudly while making a model poses.

"Beautiful." Iao, Ling and Chien Po answered all at the same time.

The three princesses blushed a bit but a moment later, Ting-Ting became serious again "There's no time to lose; we've got to go, hurry!" She said and gestured with her arm, indicating the others to follow her.

"Yeah, let's go!" Ling added proudly and the three couples ran out of the store, and ran as fast as possible toward the palace.

"I just hope we make it in time, the sun has already set!" Su said very concerned while she and the others were running as fast as possible.

They joined the crowd that was in front of the palace and had to bump into several people to approach to the palace close enough to see what was happening.

They gasped in disappointment and shock when they saw Mulan dressed as a princess and she was already at the altar, about to make official the union with Lord Chin's son.

"We didn't make it in time." Chien Po said sadly.

"Damn it! Only if Shang were here…" Iao said but then, his phrase got interrupted by a completely unexpected surprise, which would be reason of huge joy for them and especially for Mulan.

Shang appeared triumphantly, mounted in his horse, interrupting the ceremony and surprising everyone present in that place.

Mulan got very surprised, but so happy to see that her beloved General was alive that her happiness didn't fit inside her heart. The princesses and the soldiers in turn weren't less happy, but happy for Mulan and Shang.

"Shang's here!" Ling exclaimed excited.

"Yay!" Mei exclaimed as she jumped up and raised an arm.

Su threw her arms around Ting-Ting's neck, hugging her sister "Just in time!" She added happy.

Shang ran to Mulan and Mulan ran to him, they held hands and looked into each other's eyes for a moment (this scene is so beautiful and romantic!).

But Lord Chin interrupted the moment and ordered Shang to leave, but this time Shang wouldn't lose Mulan again. He didn't survive to a fall of 99.9% chance of death to lose his beloved again.

Shang proved his love for Mulan the way he should have done much before, saying out loud that he loved her. Not just for Mulan and Lord Chin to hear but also to everyone in that place.

But Shang's words enraged Lord Chin; he called him insolent dog and ordered two guards to take the young General into custody; Lord Chin probably would torture him in order to extort military information about the middle kingdom if he managed to.

But all of sudden a huge blast of fire came out of the mouth of the statue of the great golden dragon of unity, preventing the guards from arresting Shang and preventing Lord Chin of forcing Mulan to marry his son.

Mushu was there, to help his protégé and her fiancé to get married and the same about the princesses and the trio of soldiers, but mainly, to make up for his mistakes, which he was truly regretted about.

Deepening his voice, the little red guardian dragon said he had never saw such a perfect connection between two persons than that couple that was in front of him: Mulan and Shang. And ordered the crowd to give a round of applause for them cuz they deserved.

Mushu ordered the ceremony to continue and by the power in him invested (by himself), he declared Mulan and Shang husband and wife.

Besides that, Mushu also decreed that princesses Ting-Ting, Mei and Su from the middle kingdom were free from the oath and could marry whoever they wanted, as long as the chosen men loved them too.

Then, we, the spectators, had the honor to see one of the most romantic scenes in Disney history: Four couples kissing at the same time; especially Mulan and Shang, who went through so many terrible experiences and now the long-dreamed matrimonial union between them, had been made official.

All the people at the huge crowd applauded them, maybe they just had heard about their fame as China's heroes but who wouldn't be happy for a couple's marriage if the supreme matchmaking entity itself had declared them husband and wife?

Then, Mulan and Shang ran down the stairs holding hands, to return to the middle kingdom. And the persons of that crowd began to leave that place, since the celebration was over.

All of sudden, Khan appeared and ran toward his owner. The beautiful black stallion had witnessed the whole scene of Mulan and Shang's marriage and was happy for them; he was even smiling with his eyes.

Mulan hugged Khan's neck and the horse slightly rubbed the side of his face against Mulan's head, both with their eyes closed.

Suddenly, some familiar voices surprised both Mulan and Shang.

"We are here!" The three princesses and the trio of soldiers said out loud while swinging their arms to draw Mulan and Shang's attention toward them.

Mulan and Shang turned toward where the voices came from and got very surprised to see their friends and princesses walking toward them.

But they smiled to see that their friends had witnessed what the great golden dragon of unity decreed.

The three couples approached to Mulan and Shang "We're so happy for you!" they exclaimed at the same time while smiling broadly.

"And we're very also happy for you." Mulan said tenderly.

"Now you can have the most important thing someone could wish for…" Shang begun as he took Mulan's hand "Be with someone you really love." He added while looking to Mulan.

Mulan blushed and smiled; then, she hugged him tightly and he returned the hug. The princesses and the soldiers even got a bit thrilled with that romantic scene in front of them.

Then, Shang got a bit serious and looked to the princesses and the soldiers "Let's go, the faster we leave, the faster we will get back to the middle kingdom." He said with an imposing voice but smiling slightly.

Mulan and the others nodded. Mulan and Shang mounted their horses and begun to slowly ride to leave that place, while the three princesses and the three soldiers were walking on foot right behind them.

Inside Mulan's bag, which was tied on Khan's saddle, Mushu and Cri-kee were smiling and happy to see that all problems were solved.

Mushu wiped a tear and Cri-kee as well "I'll lose my pedestal, but I don't mind." Mushu said with a shaky voice but also smiling and Cri-kee slightly tapped his shoulder, as if the little cricket was proud that his friend finally showed some altruism.

End of Chapter

I've got to say that this is the chapter I liked the most to write until now, I'm completely proud of myself! 3

The next chapter will be last chapter of this story, but this doesn't mean the story will be over…

Stay tuned! The next chapter will be published very soon!