Author's Note: Hey, everyone. Thank you for reading, for what I'm about to say is kind of important. This is not my first story, I have created others on different accounts that I have lost interest in because they were sloppy and not planned in any way. That will not be the case for 'Alluring Imperfections'. I have made an outline of what I aim for the story to look like and I know it will be better written, have longer chapters, and be far more detailed than my previous stories.

This story is dark, smutty, different from other things I have written. I advise you to read with caution. Strong language, heavily graphic sex scenes, detailed violence, mentions of slavery and child abuse are ahead. A little BDSM will be in here, too, but nothing major. Please turn away if any of these themes bother you. Darth Vader is a Sith Lord who is tough and real, well Padmé is strong-willed and sassy. There characters will go through ups and downs.

This is NOT a redemption story. Anakin is evil. No changing that.

Once again, I thank you for reading. I uploaded three chapters when I published this. More are in the works, but please be patient.

{Detailed Summary} After a slip up with the Empire that was created in the Republic's ashes, Senator Padmé Amidala is faced with the worst possible punishment-An arranged marriage with the dark lord Darth Vader, former Jedi Anakin Skywalker. Vader is cold, evil, and yet totally infatuated with Padmé. Senator Amidala may be strong-willed and untouchable, but will that change as she learns of the man behind the hood?

Important Note: The Republic existed, but Order 66 was still executed, forming the Empire. Anakin murdered Obi-Wan Kenobi and many other Jedi. He and Padmé never knew each other personally, but they have met. You will learn more of the galaxy's change and why Anakin turned as the story progresses. Also, Anakin is 24, Padmé is 22. Message me with any other questions!


If Padmé had told people six years ago that she was marrying Anakin Skywalker, she would be known as the luckiest woman in the entire galaxy.

Other women would be bathing in their own jealousy, hiding it behind fake smiles. Men would be unsurprised that the Chosen One had found a wife. After all, Anakin was an extremely handsome man, and adding in the factor that he was a war hero of all things definitely proved that he would be snatched up quickly by a lady. But Padmé wasn't marrying Anakin Skywalker. Well, technically, she was, but not really. She wasn't marrying the attractive, humorous Jedi, instead the hooded, mysterious Sith Darth Vader.

How she had gotten herself into this mess was a very long, gruesome story that Padmé struggled to think about without forming tears of both frustration and pure sadness. The way she was simply stripped of her title as the Senator of Naboo as if it meant nothing simply broke her heart. The work, the dedication, the time she put into her job was exhausting, but Padmé managed to adore it just the same. Even after the Republic fell and the Empire took their place, she still vowed to fight for what was right.

But her end in politics came much sooner than anticipated. And it was all because of Palpatine.

Padmé felt her hands turn into fists at her sides well her handmaiden, Rabé, zipped up her dress. "There," the young woman announced, squeezing Padmé's shoulder. "You look riveting, milady."

Riveting, for who, exactly? Padmé thought bitterly. Still, she examined herself in the mirror. The red, flowing gown she wore was strapless, and rode up her breasts and had a slit that started at her lower thigh and fell to her feet, which were incased in a black pair of heels. Her dark hair was in a tight side braid, and some makeup dusted Padmé's cheekbones, lips, and eyes. "Thank you, Rabé." She replied, and gently moved two hands down her waist, smoothing her dress. Wear something fashionable, Palpatine had insisted. His ugly tone mocked in Padmé's mind.

"I believe the Imperial shuttle is outside waiting for you." The handmaiden said softly. Padmé stiffened. Be brave, don't hold back.

Soon Padmé Amidala was in the back of a speeder, heading towards Darth Vader's palace on the planet of Coruscant, knowing that her life would never be what it once was. Not ever again.

Anakin Skywalker wasn't nervous.

When his master told him the time had come for him to marry, and that he had chosen the perfect participant-The one and only Senator from Naboo, Padmé Amidala, Anakin had barely processed the information. It was just another order from Sidious, nothing more, nothing less. He had met the woman only once before. He was seventeen, a Jedi, and she was fifteen, a queen. Anakin's lips curled in disgust, remembering his previous life. Something he would never go back to.

And, yet, this order felt like more. Sidious made it feel like more. Normally Anakin's master had plain and clear orders, but this was somewhat different. He had been instructed to get to know her. Show her who he was. Form a bond with Padmé. It wasn't exactly a horrible idea, considering she was going to be his wife, but it just didn't seem like something Sidious would want himself.

"Is something bothering you, my young apprentice?"

The old man's voice was low and croaky, and suspicion raised at the end of it. Anakin straightened his posture and set a firm, determined look on his face. "No, master." The lie was evident as it slipped from his lips, and Anakin himself knew it. "I apologize. I'm just surprised by this turn of events."

Sidious leaned back in the thrown that was provided for him. A confused look flashed upon his old, wrinkled face. "I see." He said slowly, somewhat cautiously. "Are you not looking forward to marrying the Senator?" Sarcasm dripped in his naturally cold tone. "Relax, Lord Vader. I've known Senator Amidala for years. I don't think she'll cause you a large amount of trouble."

The statement itself was unconvincing. Anakin knew exactly the type of problems Amidala had expressed. The politician was a fighter, very opinionated, unafraid to say exactly what was on that mind of hers. She was a thorn in his master's side, an obstacle that needed to be removed, needed to be punished. Marrying him was clearly unsettling for Padmé, and honestly, Anakin didn't totally blame her. "Hopefully. With all due respect, master, I have better things to do then to tame this woman."

A small smile slipped across Sidious' lips. "So I see." Glancing towards the doors of the thrown room, his eyes narrowed. "-And here comes our guest of honor."

Anakin didn't turn when he heard the small clicking of high heels hit the floor as the sound came closer to him. Soon it stopped. Looking down, Anakin was quickly interested at the small woman before him. A long, tight red dress covered her curvy body that would make many men stop and stare. She was not tall in the slightest, averaged around what Anakin guessed as 5"3, which was awfully short next to him. Her chestnut hair was very long and was held in a side braid that fell to her hips. The Senator's face was, without a doubt, something crafted perfectly with her slim nose, plump lips, long eyelashes and wide, booming brown eyes.

He was instantly fascinated.

The two stormtroopers that brought Padmé into the room retreated, and for a small moment, no one uttered a word. Eerie silence that filled the room was suddenly broken by a small, crackly laugh from Sidious. He leaned forward, eyes on the piete prize before him. "Padmé Amidala," He said harshly. "My, my, my. Don't you look beautiful today." Padmé's face remained still, and made no effort to show appreciation for the comment. "I assume you haven't met your fiancé, Lord Vader?"

Anakin's eyes darted down towards her, but hers stayed straight ahead. "He's not my fiancé." Padmé challenged coldly, much to Anakin's surprise. She hadn't yet learned her place. She was about to. A scowl crossed Sidious' face.

"I'd watch your attitude. Best not to make me angry." The Emperor growled, his threat hanging in the air. "Go on, now. Play nice. Shake hands."

Shake hands? Anakin thought questionably, but didn't argue. That would get you nowhere. Turning his body towards Padmé, he extended his hand down to hers, which she barely took, shaking it lightly. Her eyes refused to meet his. "My Lady." Anakin said, his voice dangerously low. Padmé said nothing in reply, turning her body back towards Sidious, who was grinning.

"What did I tell you, Vader? No trouble." His cool tone ripped through the tense room. Suddenly, an angry look ripped across his face. "Once had so much to say, now nothing at all." Standing, he hobbled his way towards the two, stopping in front of Padmé, his shriveled hand sweeping across her fresh face. She cringed violently. "Even quiet, she still manages to disgust me." Sidious then walked ahead. "She knows what she has to do, I've made it clear. So do you, Lord Vader. Get on with it." And with that, the Emperor was gone, leaving a trail of fury behind him.

Padmé didn't know what to say, so she remained quiet. Not that she wanted to speak much, anyways.

There was a brief silence between the two. They were both so very different. A Sith and a Senator, about to be husband and wife. Padmé bit her lip, not wanting to think of the fate that lay a mere hour away. Less than that. She felt uncomfortable, being in such a skimpy dress in front of Darth Vader of all people. He could study her so openly, everything was on display. Padmé, on the other hand, could only see his body. He was at least a foot taller than her and was very well built and muscular with wide, broad shoulders. His face, however, was covered with his black hood.

Padmé faintly remembered what Anakin Skywalker looked like up close, but Darth Vader wasn't the same person as him.

Anakin was a hero.

Vader was terror in human form.

Not that it mattered. Very few knew that Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader. Padmé, naturally, figured this out through the Rebel Alliance. That was one of the reasons she was in this mess.

Still, he cocked his head. "Follow me." He expressed coldly, and extended his hand. All Padmé could do was stare at his gloved palm, and Anakin quickly got the message. Turning on his heel, he began to walk forward, and Padmé trailed solemnly behind him, the only sound being heard was her heels hitting the floor. They soon made it to an all glass elevator that slowly shot upward. The further they went, the more of the city came into eyesight, skyscrapers glistening in the night sky. Padmé bit her lip and tried to ignore the rising feeling of fear in her body. She hated heights.

Unfortunately, Anakin had taken notice.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his cold tone cutting through her. Padmé still didn't say anything. Letting out an annoyed sigh, she heard Anakin tap his foot. "If we want to attempt to make this work, the least you can do is talk to me."

Make this work? How the hell could they ever make this work? They were in an arranged marriage, Padmé knew that neither of them wanted this. These past few days have made the worst week of her life; she was jobless, had to leave her friends, and everything she worked for was basically destroyed. "No. I'm not okay. Is any of this okay?" She muttered, eyes on the floor. "I'm about to be your wife and I don't know anything about you." Well, she did, but it wasn't good things.

Anakin breathed a sigh of frustration. "You think I'm not just as surprised by this turn of events? Incorrect, my lady."

"Like you didn't know this was going to happen. Palpatine keeps you on a leash." Padmé quipped, struggling to keep her temper in check. She almost expected a slap, maybe a punch, or Vader's legendary force choke. But nothing came. She could just feel him standing there, thinking, most likely about the best way to deal with her. Padmé didn't care. Let him kill her, she knew the thought had crossed his mind by now, anyways.

"I didn't know I would be marrying you until yesterday." Anakin said stonily. "Believe me, honey."

Padmé felt anger stir through her veins. "Don't call me that. Besides, why would I ever trust you?" She had known him for ten minutes. They'd barely spoken and now they were off to get married, to spend the rest of their lives together. No turning back, no matter how much she desperately wanted to.

The elevator dinged to a stop.

Thank god, Padmé thought, grateful that the dreaded ride was over. But now she was going to be forced into a much more uncomfortable situation. To try and avert her mind, she studied the elegant room before her. Black marble floors, red walls, crystal chandeliers. It was no secret Lord Vader's palace was among the biggest and most prestigious residence on Coruscant, so the inside being very well done and fancy didn't shock her in the slightest.

"Impressed?" The low baritone murmured behind her. The hair on the back of Padmé's neck stood up.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Moderately." Her icy tone was a thousand times more standoffish than his. He began to walk again, and Padmé followed him, hating every moment of the silence but thrilled that she wasn't forced to speak to him.

Soon he opened a large, heavy door, revealing another dimly lit room. A couple feet away stood a man, a holy man, to be more precise. Padmé's stomach sunk, and reality was furtherly set in. This was really happening. Yesterday it seemed untrue and today here she was, seconds away from marrying the most feared man in the galaxy. But she wouldn't cry. No. She refused to let him see her tears, her vulnerability.

"Come on." Anakin snipped, his tone not rushing but very forced. It was clear he wanted this to be over with just as much as she did.

When they reached the holy man, he greeted them both with small smiles, dosed in a splash of pity. He knew. Everyone knew. Darth Vader marrying Senator Amidala made national holonet headlines. Thinking about it make Padmé's face burn in shame. What in gods name were people saying about her? She couldn't possibly imagine.

Well the holy man babbled on about two souls becoming one and everlasting love, Padmé tried to enjoy her last moments as herself. Padmé Naberrie Amidala. In a few minutes her name would change, she wouldn't have her identity anymore. She was no longer a Senator. She was no longer respected. She was going to be Padmé Vader and there wasn't anything she could do to stop it.

"I do." His thick, cold voice cut into her thoughts. Padmé's heart dropped. Oh, no. It was time. It was her turn now.

She could run. But she knew Vader could easily catch her, and then what? Take her to the Emperor? Oh, no. He made it perfectly clear what would happen if she did not comply. She couldn't run. She had to stay and face the music. Face her punishment.

"I do." Padmé said, her voice quieter than ever before.

Just like that, she was now Padmé Vader.

She didn't remembering following Anakin down the long, dark hallway and into her new bedroom.

It was a large room. A queen sized bed sat in the middle, with a navy blue comforter and pillows. The floors were black marble, and the walls were the same blood red. He clearly had a certain taste. Two bedside tables sat on both sides of the bed, and a sitting chair along with a bookshelf and coffee table was in the far corner. There were two open doors on the right side of the room, one leading to the 'fresher and the other a walk-in closet.

"This is where you'll be staying." He said slowly, a couple inches behind her. Padmé didn't reply. She should thank him, but for what?

A question had been at the front of her mind all day, and now, it was slipping towards her lips."What now, Lord Vader? Are you going to rape me?" Padmé spat, vile inching in her voice. Anakin stayed perfectly still, and seemed emotionally untouched by her words. She almost wondered if saying such a thing was a mistake.

A cold, twisted look wrapped around his face. "I'm not going to fuck you without your consent." Padmé cringed at his word use. Not much was known about Darth Vader's love life. He was never publicly seen with a woman, but that didn't mean he never had a lover. I will love you faithfully, he had said, which means, at some point, Padmé would have probably sex with him. She dreaded the very thought.

"Thank you for your kindness." She replied sarcastically. Glancing towards the bed, she turned her body away from the dark prince before her. "I'm going to sleep." Padmé prayed he hadn't noticed her voice break at her last couple of words.

He paused. "There's a comm link on your bedside table. Use it if you need anything from me."

He said nothing else, turning away and shutting the door tightly behind him. The second he was gone, Padmé let the tears fall. She wasn't an extremely emotional person, but this...she allowed herself to cry. To sob, actually. Her entire life had just been shattered completely, nothing would ever be the same again. She was once Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, and now she was reduced to Padmé Vader, the Emperor's right hand's wife. She cringed at the title.

For the first time since she was a child, Padmé cried herself into slumber.

End of Chapter One

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed that! Thank you for reading. The next two chapters are out now. I know a lot of information was thrown at you in this chapter, that's how the first couple will be. I don't like slow-paced stories. Anakin and Padmé will connect quickly, but still be hesitant towards one another. Message me with any questions! Please review if you get the chance.