
In Jerusalem, the Last Supper took place

The first Mass was celebrated with grace;

It was filled with holiness and fervor

Even if my Son is the Divine Master,

He humbly chose to be the server;

Even if I am His Mother,

I chose to be the observer

While Jesus and the Apostles dined in the Upper Room,

The holy women and I dined in another room

I saw visions about the events in the Cenacle,

Which were sacred and incredible;

I lovingly talked to the holy women whenever they attracted my attention;

I drowned myself in adoration, meditation and contemplation

Until I received my Son in my First Holy Communion

The Angel of the Lord appeared before me,

And I received my Son's Blessed Body

Although I felt I was too unworthy to receive such a treasure,

I was filled with joy, reverence, gratitude and pleasure

After we sang a beautiful hymn,

The drink of sorrow and fear was filled up to my Heart's brim

Before Jesus left for Gethsemane,

He approached me and spoke to me

He assured me that He shall be with me in tribulation

And He declared that His Passion and death are necessary for mankind's salvation

I gave my Immaculate Heart to the Father,

I gave my blessing to the Divine Master

And I entrusted myself once more to the Holy Spirit, my Mystical Spouse

Then, the holy women and I went to Mary Mark's house