Hi everyone! Maybe a lot of you may remember that I posted this story awhile back. I'm very sorry for any confusion or inconvenience. Stay happy and safe :)

"It's finally here!" I shouted as I jumped up and down in excitement.

I had just gotten an Animal Crossing version of the Nintendo Switch in the mail!

My mom put on a nervous smile. "I'm happy that you're excited Krystal, but we have neighbors, you know."

I blushed in embarrassment and said in a much softer voice, "Sorry mom. It's just that I've been waiting a long time to get this console."

My dad laughed and said, his eyes directing towards the stairs, "Well, what are you waiting for honey? Go play with it and have fun!"

I smiled brightly and gave my dad a hug with one arm since you were carrying the Switch with the other.

As soon as I entered my room, I noticed the Wii U placed right at the very center of my video game collection.

It was at that very moment, I remembered the Blue Team and... Rider.

The moment when Rider selflessly transported me back to the real world played out in my mind. I felt a tear trickle down my face.

I quickly wiped it off and began to set up the Nintendo Switch.

What I wouldn't give to see Rider, his teammates, and the Blue Team one more time... I thought as I plugged the HDMI cable to the back of the Switch.

I soon chuckled to myself and said out loud, "Of course my new Switch is out of the question."

Before I knew it, the Nintendo Switch was up and ready. I couldn't help but squeal in delight.

I soon had the controller grip in my hands. My heart was beating fast.


My TV presented the small but powerful Nintendo Switch intro animation.

Suddenly, the Joy-Cons began to rumble. I asked in fright, "What's going on?"

Before I had time to scream, the TV flashed a brilliant white!

I had my eyes squeezed tight. I was too afraid to open them. Suddenly, a familiar voice asked,"Krystal?"

I immediately opened my eyes. That was Rider's voice!

Without warning, I gave Rider a passionate kiss on the lips.

Rider was at first startled but eventually let his guard down and gave me a tight hug. Bobble Hat giggled and said which broke the romance in the air, "Awww, Rider you big softie!"

While Rider frowned at Bobble Hat in disapproval, Goggles gave me a loving hug. He said happily, "About time you came back Krystal!"

Rider asked in astonishment, "How is this even possible?"

Goggles rolled his eyes and said in excitement, "Who cares how she got here? She's here! Booyah!"

Headphones said with a smile, "You came at a great time Krystal. We were just on our way to the Ultra Fresh Tournament."

Specs said rather happily as he adjusted his glasses, "It's a competition to see who can defeat the King."

I smiled brightly. "You mean Rider, right?"

Rider blushed and playfully pushed me to the side.

We all laughed as we started to walk to Inkopolis Square.

Inklings and Octolings cheered in delight at the sight of Off the Hook coming up on stage.

Pearl said happily, "Welcome everyone to the Ultra Fresh Tournament!"

At this time Rider, the Blue Team, and I arrived just in time to hear Marina say,"For this tournament, there will be 64 brackets on the board."

At that moment, the giant screen up above Pearl and Marina's heads displayed where each team was placed in the tournament.

I was the first to notice a picture of an intimidating-looking team of yellow Inklings at the very top of the board.

I asked Rider nervously,"Who are those guys at the top?"

Rider replied as he lifted his head slightly to get a good look at the picture,"That's Team Monarch. And that's their leader..."

Rider slightly bit his lip before saying,"Emperor... also known as the King."

Suddenly, a single bright light shined on Emperor who was seated on a red and gold throne.

He smirked down at all the Inklings and Octolings who couldn't help but shiver in fear.

My eyes bulged a bit. I thought worriedly, Man... he must be extremely talented in Turf and Ranked Battles...

Specs said in a serious tone as he bowed to Emperor,"Whoever wins the semi-finals will face off against Emperor."

Bobble Hat said happily,"We can crush him!"

As Specs and Headphones stared at Bobble Hat in disbelief, I noticed that Team Green was going up against...

"What the...?!" I asked in a state of complete shock.

At the top left corner of the screen showed Team Green VS the S4!

My jaw dropped and then I immediately looked to my right to see the S4 walking right towards me.

Aloha greeted with a wink,"Hi Krystal! Long time, no see!"

I was completely speechless.

The S4 were teaming up for the event and their vibe seemed friendly? I thought in confusion.

Army was the first to notice my perplexed expression. After clearing his throat, Army said to me, Rider, and the Blue Tean with remorse,"We're so sorry for our sour behavior."

Skull rubbed the back of his head rather sheepishly,"You could say we had some typical self-esteem issues..."

To my surprise, Mask took off his headgear and said rather tiredly,"Pleaaase forgive us."

Out of sheer excitement, Bobble Hat gave Mask a great, big hug and said,"Hooray! We're besties now!"

Emperor, who was seated near me, Rider, Team Blue, and the S4, put on a sly smile. He said to himself, "Interesting..."

Headphones told the S4 happily, "With your combined power, you're sure to win."

Aloha said with a grin, "Yeah, it was actually Emperor's idea for us to team up."

I looked up to see Emperor walking towards his three teammates who bowed their heads at the presence of their leader. I soon frowned.

I thought in anger, Is he seriously that confident that he'll possibly beat the S4 in one go? Some King...

Suddenly, Pearl announced, "Our first match for today will be the Blue Team VS Team X-Blood!"

A sudden stomp of a foot made me and all of my friends swiftly turn around to come face-to-face with Team X-Blood!

Their leader, Vintage, said in a disturbingly blunt manner, "You're in our way."

Red-Sole said in an obnoxiously "sweet" voice, "You better do what our leader says!"

We all moved to the side with angered expressions.

The way Vintage was stomping towards the Deca Tower made me remember the time when Rider first appeared in the manga. But, that was in the past. Rider had grown so much as a person ever since Goggles and his team defeated him.

Mask said, "Team X are so rotten, they make Emperor and his teeeeam look like the most approachable people in the world."

Specs crossed his arms and added in a slightly nervous tone,"And that's saying something."

Rider directed his attention from Specs and Mask to Goggles and told him, "Good luck out there."

Goggles replied cheerfully, "Thanks Rider!"

Goggles faced his teammates with a look full of confidence. "Come on guys! Let's show those bullies what we've got!"

I waved good-bye to Team Blue who were running towards the Deca Tower in excitement.

Rider walked on over to me and smiled. "You ready to watch the battle?"

I said with a playful smirk, "I don't know. I'll have to check my schedule..."

Rider couldn't help but laugh a little.