It all started with a knock on the door. Barley opened the door and saw a young female elf with long, curly blue hair and green eyes. "Hi I'm Lillith," she said. "I just moved into the house across the street."

"It's nice to meet you," Barley said. "I'm Barley."

"You and your brother went on a quest about a year ago, right?" Lilith asked. "Your brother fought the school that turned into a dragon while you got to see your father?"

"That was us," Barley said. He smiled as he remembered the quest and the aftermath. They were local celebrities. They use to not be able to go anywhere without someone shoving a camera in their faces. They were on every local talk show and some nonlocal ones.

"I'm a big fan," she said. "I read every article and watched every interview that featured you guys. It actually inspired me to study magic, and I've gotten pretty good at it."

"That's good to hear," Barley said. "You should talk with my brother. He's the one with the magic gift."

"I will," she stated. "Do you want to come over for hot chocolate? We just finished moving in and my grandma makes the best hot chocolate."

"Sure, just give me a few minutes," Barley said. She then went back across the straight as Ian walked down the stairs.

"Who were you talking to?" Ian asked.

"Lillith, our new neighbor," Barley answered. "She also studies magic so maybe you guys can talk."

"I think I should," Ian said. "I'm heading back to the park with the science crew so we can study for our test. I'll be back in about two hours."

"Ok," Barley said. Ian then left for the park and Barley got ready for his hot chocolate meeting.

About an hour later, Barley and Lilith were sitting on the porch, sipping on hot cocoa. "You were right," Barley said. "Your grandma makes the best hot chocolate."

"It's a family recipe that everyone learns when they turn eighteen," Lilith said. "They learn how to make the best hot cocoa and the family's secret. I rejected the family's secret until your quest."

"Interesting," Barley said. Barley then took a sip of his drink.

"Blazey get back here," Laurel shouted as the dragon boulted out of the house. She ran straight towards the house on the other side of the rode. Lilith and Barley ran towards the dragon, but it was too late as a car made impact with the dragon.