I've revised this chapter since I originally published it. I wasn't happy with how it was going, so I thought I would do some rewrites.

Contains some text from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and the HP Lexicon

Headmasters Office, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland

1st November 1994

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was standing by the window, watching the Giant Squid play with some First Years at the lake when he saw Harry Potter sit down on a stone.

'I should have done something about the Dursley's' he thought, watching Hermione Granger come up to Harry with some toast. 'Just like this damn Tournament. That law that Bagnold put in place back in '81 tied my hands good and proper for the Dursley's, but then bloody Crouch made things worse for me.'

Dumbledore thought back to the days of September 1981, the Wizengamot meeting that had happened. A law had been proposed by then Minister for Magic, Millicent Bagnold, which meant that any witch or wizard that was not of age and was an orphan would be required to live with a relative or godparent. He had planned to hand Harry to Sirius Black, the boys godfather, but Sirius had gone off and decided to hunt Peter Pettigrew, the man that Albus had suspected may have betrayed the Potters, albeit without proof.

Having sent Professor McGonagall to watch over Harry's Aunt and Uncle, he had tried to persuade Bagnold to get Harry fostered by his friend and mentor, Nicholas Flamel until he was of age, but Bagnold refused to allow him to change the law. Bagnold had gone as far as to threaten Dumbledore with suspension his family's seat and removal of his position as Chief Warlock.

Contrary to popular belief, the Chief Warlock did not have the choice to override the Wizengamot. In fact his role was more like the Speaker of the House of Lords, a role where he was to take the chair in debates held in the chamber, to advise the Wizengamot on procedural rules, to take formal responsibility for security in the areas of the Ministry of Magic occupied by the Wizengamot and its members, to speak for the Wizengamot on ceremonial occasions, and to represent the Wizengamot as its ambassador in the UK and overseas.

In practice, the only task of the Chief Warlock in the Chamber is to formally put the question before a vote, to announce the result of any vote, and to make certain announcements to the House (for example, announcing the death of a member). Furthermore, the Chief Warlock may end the adjournment of the House (or "recall" the House) during a public emergency. Otherwise he was next to useless in the Wizengamot.

Although his family had previously held an hereditary seat in the Wizengamot, he had in reality passed it on to his brother, Aberforth, who had put a Proxy in that position. He remembered the day that he passed the seat onto his brother, and the reasons why, as he didn't want to get accused of having a conflict of interest.

He had even tried to appeal to the The International Confederation of Wizards, a wizarding intergovernmental organisation, equivalent to the Muggle United Nations, but they agreed with the decision of Bagnold. Even after Bagnold was called before the ICW following breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy after Lord Voldemort was vanquished by Harry, the organisation had affirmed her decision and had even suspended Dumbledore from his role for a year.

Watching the gold light come from the two teens, Dumbledore smiled, knowing the two would be good for each other. It was then that his door guardian announced that Padma Patil and Daphne Greengrass

"Professor. We have both been summoned to Gringotts to discuss with them a matter of urgency." Daphne said, stepping forward. "Apparently it is to do with a betrothal contract."
"Betrothals? I haven't had to deal with a Hogwarts student with one of those notices from Gringotts in nearly thirty years." Dumbledore said, reading over the missive that Padma had passed over to him. 'The last time I had one of them was when...it was when young Edgar Bones had took over the family Headship from his father back in his Sixth Year. Young Miss Hawtree was very happy when she had received that owl.'

Albus suddenly remembered that Harry had received an Owl too, and he had half expected it to be Harry, especially with how the Tournament had been for adult wizards, it must have emancipated him.

Telling Daphne and Padma to wait a minute before they departed, he took them outside to behind the guardian, and waited. A few minutes after they were outside the Headmaster's office, Harry and Hermione came running up .

"Ah, Harry, my boy," he said, smiling at the person who he thought would be a surrogate Grandson. "I assume that and Miss Granger are here for the same reason as Miss Greengrass and Miss Patil?"

"According to this letter from Gringotts, I have learnt that I am subject to a pair of betrothal contracts," Harry said, confused as before today, he had nether heard about anything like it before. "I never knew my parent's had put me in one, let alone two, and apparently I have to go to Gringotts to find out.

"Yes, certainly Harry my boy," Dumbledore said, heading to the fireplace, his eyes twinkling. He lit the fire by waving his hand, not bothering to use his wand, so it would be ready to Floo from. "Gringotts holds copies of all betrothal contracts that are in existence. If you come with me, we could find out for you."

Daphne and Padma looked at Harry, then Dumbledore, as they had received the same letters to say that they are subject to a betrothal contract. Dumbledore noticed the pair of them and said, "You are to come too Miss Greengrass, Miss Patil and Miss Granger."

The five of them went through the fireplace, Gringotts Bank their destination.

Banking Hall, Gringotts Bank, Diagon Alley, London, England

1st November 1994

'Goblins are curious things' Harry thought as he fell out of the Floo in the Banking Hall at Gringotts Bank. He had to quickly move out of the way of the fireplace in the Banking Hall, lest the Headmaster knock him over upon his exit!

Once the four students had arrived, Dumbledore led them over to the nearest available teller.

"Good morning honoured Goblin, I would like to seek audience with the Head of Accounts for the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, in order to discuss a matter of mutual interest."

"Wait here," the teller said, scurrying off to check on the Head of Accounts availability. After a short while, the goblin teller returned with another Goblin, one who looked angry.

"I am Kicktail, the Head of Accounts for the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter." Kicktail said, growling. "It is about time that the next Lord Potter turned up here. I have been waiting for the last three and a bit years for him to turn up."

Harry looked at Professor Dumbledore, completely confused about the statement that Kicktail had made. 'What does he mean, waiting for Lord Potter?'

"Follow my lead" Daphne whispered in Harry's ear, to which he nodded slightly. She turned to Kicktail who was getting even more annoyed. "Honoured Account Manager Kicktail, we have come today because Lord Potter wishes to enquire about any open betrothal contracts that he is subject to." She said, hoping that he would help.

"Is Lord Potter incapable of speaking to me?" the Goblin replied, annoyed at the impertinence of the girl.

"Account Manager Kicktail, Lord Potter is unaware of our ways, mainly due to the laws back in 1981 for orphans, he was placed with his Muggle relatives, Vernon and Petunia Dursley." Dumbledore said, realising that he had messed up thirteen years ago. "I should have taught Lord Potter in the correct ways to address you, Account Manager Kicktail, but I had my hands tied by the Orphans Act of 1981, and therefore couldn't."

Kicktail took a few minutes to contemplate the information and then broke into a grin. "Luckily for you, I have got the information that you require in my private office. If you will follow me, I will explain it all to you.

"The group followed the goblin into his office, Harry looking confused, Hermione holding his hand and Daphne and Padma wondering why they were invited.
Entering the room, they could see the crests of the Ancient and Most Noble Houses of Greengrass, Black and Potter on the wall. The five humans waited for the goblin to sit before they were allowed to sit.

"It seems that the previous Lord Potter, James Potter, made two betrothal agreements, both of which was signed in blood, meaning they are binding." He handed over two files to Dumbledore and Harry. "One was to betroth him to a Miss Daphne Orphelia Greengrass. She would become the Lady Potter when the two of them get married. The second contract was to betroth him to Miss Padma Aashirya Patil, this being a Line Continuance Contract." Kicktail continued, explaining the files.

"Now, I presume that these two ladies are the two mentioned in the betrothal contracts." He continued, referring to Daphne and Padma. They nodded in the affirmative so Kicktail continued, "There is, however, a complication because of Mr Potter having a bond with a Miss Granger, this bond being what us Goblins call a Soul Bond."

"We have a Soul Bond?" Hermione asked Kicktail, who nodded back to her in reply. "They're rare! A Soul Bond is when a soul is deliberately and tightly bound to another person to the point where each of them has a part within the other."

"That is near enough correct Miss Granger. The last recorded Soul Bond was with Fleamont Potter and Euphemia Rowle back in 1923. Lord Potter's grandparents I believe."

The group discussed several important points, including the ins and outs of the contracts, and the financial aspects of both Harry's account, along with vaults that had been set up for the 3 ladies as part of the soul bond and contracts.

Gryffindor Common Room, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland

1st November 1994

They had been back from Hogwarts for a short while, having only just arrived back in time for tea, when Harry announced that he wanted an early night. Dumbledore had promised the quartet that he would arrange for the Gryffindor Head Student's suite to be opened up but it would take the Elves some time as they needed to clear the room from its current state of disrepair, the room having only been used for three years in the previous fifteen, the last three Head Students that were Gryffindors were Bill, Charlie and Percy Weasley.

Harry walked out of the Head Students suite, having changed into some clothes that Daphne, Padma and Hermione had encouraged him to buy, to see Hermione sitting on a couch by the fire in the Common Room. He walked over to her, kissing her on the cheek in greeting. "Do you feel better now my love?" he said, hoping she was a bit calmer than the previous night. "I know you could kill that jerk over last night. I felt like smothering his head with a pillow the way he snores!"

"Shhh…I'm alright my love, I just wanted to see you. I am glad that you have admitted your feelings for me." Hermione said, getting up off the couch. She stood next to Harry, holding his hand. "You know what Harry, I really want to taste those lips of yours again."

"I would love to taste yours too." he said, hoping that he wasn't pushing his luck. "I...I just wish that things were different though, you know. I wish it wasn't you, Daphne and Padma you know. I wished it was just you."

Harry decided to dive in and kiss Hermione when he heard the sound of Ron coming down the stairs from the dorms to the Common Room. Instead of pulling out, he deepened the kiss when suddenly…"WHAT ARE YOU DOING POTTER KISSING MY GIRL? HERMIONE IS MINE AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" Ron shouted, punching Harry in the face. Hermione moved Harry away from Ron and tended to her soul mate.

Suddenly Daphne came into the Common Room, Harry having given her the password to Gryffindor Tower, and kissed Harry, which made Ron worse!


Daphne looked at Ron, glaring at him. The way she was glaring at him, if looks could kill, Ron would have been dead! "First thing Weasel, I'm a human being, not a creature that has no feet!" Daphne said, holding onto Harry. "And secondly, I am betrothed to Potter thanks to our parents making that choice when we were babies."

Harry got up and went over to his former friend, annoyed with Ron's attitude. "You dare hit me, or touch in any way either of my betrothed, you will have the might of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter upon you!"

With that, Harry punched the redhead and left the common room with Hermione and Daphne catching him up a minute later, leaving Ron to have his nose bleed in large amounts, but not before jinxing him to get boils on the backside.

Something that gets me is (although not relevant to this fic) Its never said that James never had cousins or other relatives... I know there was a Charlus Potter who is related to Harry somehow, but who is Charlus to Fleamont and Henry Potter? Is Charlus a cousin, a sibling of Fleamont's, what? And I know from Pottermore and the Harry Potter Wiki that Charlus and Dorea have a son, but what other relatives? Did Fleamont have any cousins? If so, why didn't they search for Harry when James and Lily got killed.

We know that Dorea is related to Sirius, being his Great Aunt, and she is roughly a few years older than TM Riddle, and roughly 10 years younger than Fleamont. Could Charlus be Fleamont's younger brother, and by virtue Dorea be Fleamont's sister-in-law. Who knows?

My view is that Fleamont and Charlus are siblings, but unlike Fleamont, Charlus was a bit of a blood purist - how else would the Black's find him acceptable to marry a daughter of that family?

Anyway, to get back on track, coming up in the next Chapter - Ferrets and Weasels