I'm having so much fun writing this story! The Last Jedi was on Sunday, so I got a lot of inspiration to write:) I do not own anything Star Wars, just my characters.

Leia led the girls inside, after Narah had given the men who had pointed blasters at them death glares. The base was a hub of activity, with men and women rushing around the massive screens and holographs showing Resistance and First Order activity. Kade quickly looked away; even though she knew he wouldn't dare go through her memories, she didn't want to give Kylo, or rather Snoke, any indication as to where any Resistance members were in the Galaxy. Leia took her and Narah down a hallway to a simple room with two beds.

"I hope this will be alright." Kade smiled at her mother-in-law.

"This is perfect, Leia, thank you." Leia smiled back at her, and opened her mouth as a young lieutenant walked up to them.

"General, we need you." Leia nodded at her.

"I will be right back, Kade." Said girl nodded at her and watched them walk back the way they had come. Narah flopped down onto one of the beds as Kade looked out the window.

"We're safe. We're with your mother, and we're all safe." There was a moment of silence, before she heard his voice.

"Thank you. Snoke and Hux still think Narah was the Oracle and that she's dead. I think you two are safe for the time being." Kade could hear and sense the tiredness coming form him.

"What's happened?"

"We lost the map to Skywalker."

"I'm sorry." He was silent again, before speaking with a bit of urgency.

"I have to go. I love you, all of you."

"We love you, too. Be careful."

"Always am." Kade looked at Narah, who was fast asleep, before lowering herself down to sit on the floor...easier said than done. She placed her hands on her legs and began to meditate, while levitating a few feet off the ground. While she had been hiding, she never stopped meditating or focusing her Force abilities. She reached out, seeing everything through the Force. She saw Leia sternly talking to other Resistance members just down the hall, she saw Sabe walking through the palace on Naboo, and she saw the defected storm trooper Finn helping the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron escape from the First Order. She saw the two men land roughly into the sands, and then saw Poe get on a ship bound for the Resistance base. Moving from the two she felt a slight pull toward the desert, almost like another Force user was calling to her, but it was gone almost as fast as it had appeared. She was pulled away from Jakku, and found her self on a planet covered in choppy water. The only land visible was a tall island surrounded by cliffs. Before she could look deeper, she could sense Leia coming back to her room. Kade opened her eyes, and saw a bunch of random items orbiting around her. She laughed as a knock sounded at her door.

"Come in." Leia smiled as she saw Kade move the items back to their proper places, and land upright.

"Training never really stops, does it?" Kade chuckled at her as they went and sat down on the only other bed in the room.

"It's the only thing really keeping me sane."

"Tell me about it, wish I had a moment to spare."

"I saw that you were arguing with people, who are they?"

"They're my advisors, they want to know who you are and if you're here to help or to hide."

"A bit of both, I guess."

"What did bring you here, Kade? You always insisted to stay hidden on Naboo, that it would be sad there." Kade let out a sigh.

"Yesterday, Snoke asked Ben why he'd been sneaking away for a few days every month. He couldn't think of an answer fast enough, and I was listening so I came up with one. A few years ago, it was found out on Naboo that someone in Theed could see things, and Narah took on the persona of an "Oracle". Ben told Snoke about the "Oracle", who then sent him and Hux to investigate and possibly get information about Luke. I saw sand and an old Star Destroyer, I told Narah who told them about Jakku. Ben stayed the night with me, but I saw Snoke give the order for her to be killed. I sent Snoke a false vision of her being killed, and Ben sent us here." Leia waited for her to stop before speaking.

"He sent you here to be safe."

"Good. You're safe here, Kade. You, Narah, and the twins are all safe here, I promise." Kade smiled at her and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Leia." Kade then kicked Narah's foot, which had been hanging off the bed, to wake her up.


"You need to get up, your services will be needed soon." Leia looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Your pilot, the one who was sent to Jakku to retrieve the map, he's on his way here. And he's a little worse for wear." Leia all but ran out of the room with Kade and Narah, who grabbed her medical bag, at her heels. Sure enough once they entered the room, someone called out that an unidentified ship was entering the atmosphere. Leia told them to let the ship land, which they did albeit reluctantly. They all ran outside, to see a ship land roughly close to the Defiant. The hatch opened, and out stumbled Poe Dameron.

"Hey, General, how's it going?" Narah rushed over to him to help.

"You're new, I'm Poe."

"Narah Alloy, and you're delirious." He laughed as Leia walked up to him.

"We were starting to miss you, Fly Boy."

"Sorry, I'm late." Kade took his other arm.

"Let's get you inside."
"You're new, too." Kade shook her head. They had gotten him to his room, where Narah and the Base doctor were taking car of him. Meanwhile, Kade was introduced to Leia's advisors.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Kade Valorous. She is the daughter of an old friend of mine, Ilya Valorous, who I know many of you remember." One of her advisors, a man with a dark beard, spoke up.

"She can't be, Kade Valorous died the night the New Jedi Temple burned down."
"She survived."

"How?" Kade looked up at him.

"I escaped. I escaped and I'm alive, that's all you need to know." Another advisor, another General, spoke up.

"Why haven't you made yourself known before now? We could have ended this war years ago!"
"I am but one person, General. I may be a Force User and I may be able to use a lightsaber, but I am still one person. I cannot face the First Order by myself." Admiral Ackbar spoke up.

"Why not seek out Luke Skywalker earlier?"

"I don't know where he is anymore than you do! I have tried to sense him through the Force, and I have found nothing. He either is too far out of my reach, he has closed himself off from the Force, or..." She stopped herself, and Leia took her hand as she finished Kade's thought.

"Or he's dead. Kade stays. She asked for shelter, and I will not abandon a heavily pregnant friend. We're adjourned." They sent disapproving glances toward Kade, still not totally trusting of her, as she and Leia left the room.

"You could have told them, Leia."

"Told them what?"

"Who the twins' father is. I could sense the question on all their minds."

"Well, good thing I'm in charge and I don't have to cater to their needs." Kade chuckled as a vision started to cloud her eyes.

...Finn and the scavenger, Rey, meeting...

...Both running from storm troopers...

...a small BB unit trailing after them...

...the Millennium Falcon covered by a tarp...

Kade leaned against the wall as the vision cleared, Leia put a hand on her shoulder.

"What did you see?" Kade shook her head.

"The Falcon...and two people. I don't know who they are, but I know they're important. One of them seemed...familiar."

"I've had visions of them before, and I know their names, but she seemed so familiar. I just can't place where."

"You'll figure it out." Kade smiled at her as Leia led her to her room.

So, I realized that I never put up a chapter that was an indicator for the different movies(i.e. Part 1 for Force Awakens, Part 2 for Last Jedi) but I was able to do that over on wattpad so if you guys want to check that out, this story is up over there. I hope you guys are enjoying this story. PLEASE leave a review/comment they make my day, and stick around for more:)