Hi guys! Welcome to my first ever Star Wars story! I'm so excited for this story, and I will have a longer explanation for why I'm so excited for this story at the end. I do not own anything Star Wars related, just my characters.

Kylo Ren stalked down the hallways of Star Killer Base, annoyed. Supreme Leader Snoke had called for him and General Hux, the latter whom Commander Ren despised. The large cavernous room was still so cold, like all the warmth had been drowned out by all the shadows that almost seemed alive. Hux stood in front of the giant throne at the center of the room, waiting for the Commander.

"Took your time, as usual, Commander Ren." Just as Kylo was about to retort, Supreme Leader Snoke appeared sitting of the throne. Hux bowed as the Supreme Leader spoke to him.

"The search for Luke Skywalker has been fruitless as of late, General."

"The last lead we had turned out to be a waste of our precious time; the matter has been dealt with I assure you, Supreme Leader. But, we have received word that the Resistance have information on a map that could lead to Skywalker."

"Learn more about this map. We must find Skywalker!" Hux bowed to him, and then quickly left the room. Supreme Leader looked down at his apprentice.

"Kylo Ren. I have noticed you disappear for a few days every month for the last five years, and you have never explained why." If his mask hadn't been on his head, the Supreme Leader would have seen the startled look on Kylo's face. No one was supposed to know about him disappearing.

"Tell him you've been searching for Luke." He heard a soft voice say in his head.

"I HAVE been, and there's been nothing."

"I mean you've heard whispers about a psychic, an "Oracle", who could help you find him."

"Are you sure? Have you seen something about this?" Kylo sent back, skeptically.

"This way, him and Hux won't question why you travel every month."

"You didn't answer the questions." The voice stayed silent for a moment before answering.

"If we're careful, this should work." Kylo nodded slightly and turned to the Supreme Leader.

"I have heard rumors, Supreme Leader. About someone, they say, who can see things. The past, the future, even being able to find those that have been lost in the void. And, last month, I found that person." The Supreme Leader stared at his apprentice.

"Why did you not come to me earlier with this information?"

"I had to be sure that the rumors were true, and that this "Oracle's" skills were accurate, Supreme Leader."

"'Oracle?' And are they?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader."


"No. They have a weak grasp of the Force, not enough to be a real threat."

"Will this 'Oracle' assist us willingly?"

"For a small price, they will do whatever we ask."


"Naboo, in the city of Theed." The Supreme Leader nodded as he leaned back on the throne.

"Take Hux and talk to this 'Oracle', tomorrow. Ask them about this map the Resistance supposedly has, and we shall see how 'accurate' their skills are." He disappeared, leaving Kylo Ren alone. He looked around, making sure he was completely alone.

"You took a real risk there." He heard the voice chuckle.

"I saw that Snoke would believe you. You should have more faith in me, Ren." Kylo chuckled as he left the large room. Storm Troopers and First Order staff were buzzing all around him, putting finishing touches on Star Killer Base. Hux was down the hall talking to a lieutenant when Kylo passed him.

"General Hux, the Supreme Leader has given us a mission for tomorrow."

"Which is?"

"We head for Naboo, for a lead on Skywalker." Hux nodded and walked in the opposite direction. Kylo headed toward his room, done with all the events he had to do for the day. As the door shut behind him, the menacing mask came off as well as his cape and jacket. After practically throwing his mask on the nearby desk, he walked over to the window that over looked the outcropping of snow covered trees. Just as he reached the window, seeing his own reflection in the glass, all sound disappeared around him.

"'A weak grasp of the Force?' That's almost an insult to me." Kylo heard the same soft voice say, now only not in his head.

"Well, I couldn't tell Snoke that I was sneaking off to see one of the most powerful Force users, now could I?" He felt a hand being placed on his arm. He turned to look at the beautiful woman who slid her hand down his arm to hold his hand; her wavy blonde hair in a low bun and her blue eyes filled with amusement staring into his brown ones.

"I guess not, Ben." He cringed slightly at his old name, but also reveled in it coming from her. She was the only one allowed to call him that anymore. He turned to her, and touched her cheek with his free hand.

"Expect us tomorrow, evening most likely." She nodded at him, trying to hide the fear building up inside her.

"I will. Just promise me that you will be careful." He nodded and kissed her forehead.

"I promise. You as well, Kade." Kade laughed as she squeezed his hand.

"Aren't I always?" They watched as the other faded from the other's view; Kylo looking back out at the snowy planet, and Kade at the sun setting over the blue lake of Naboo.

So, my explanation…a while ago, I auditioned for a Star Wars series on Tik Tok which explored Luke's other padawans origins. Now, I didn't end up getting a part, but the character I created stayed with me. I already had a vague idea for a Star Wars character to write about, but the audition helped solidify the story. And this story is probably the most thought out and fleshed out story I've ever worked on, even my own original stories. Also, usually, I have Pinterest boards for each of my characters/stories but my board for this story has a bit of a spoiler on there, so I'm going to wait and link the board after revealing the spoiler;) So, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story, and I hope you stick around for more!