A/N: It's been a while since I've posted anything and I sure hope I didn't lose my touch. Hope you'll enjoy the first part!

Warning: If you are underaged in your country, future chapters will be unsuitable for you.

Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, just borrowed them ;)

The first thing that went through Merlin's head as his enchanted axe flew into the near bush was that his mother was going to kill him for loosing another axe, the second thing was, after a large, golden haired, blue eyed wolf came out snarling towards him, that she might not get her chance because he will be eaten by a wolf!

"Easy boy…" Merlin said calmly and tried to send calming waves of energy towards the angered beast, not that it was making any difference if the wolf's growls were any indication.

"I don't want to hurt you…" Merlin tried again and the wolf paused before he huffed and Merlin was sure that that counted as the wolf's equivalent for a snort.

"Oi!" Merlin called out, irritated. "I'm capable of hurting you!" He assured the wolf who didn't seem very impressed and Merlin wondered how the hell a wolf did manage to seem unimpressed to begin with.

"Forget it…" He mumbled and started backing away from the wolf who eyed him with narrow eyes. A few steps later Merlin deemed it safe enough to turn around, he was wrong.

Arthur was following the scent from the moment he stepped into the forest, after two months of being a wolf he recognized that this smell was something different, not food or other wolves, this smell was something better, and Arthur's wolf instincts gave it a name: His mate.

Crawling into a bush near the clearing, Arthur was surprised to see a young man, a very handsome young man he noted and grinned when his wolf instincts confirmed that the young male was his mate. Good. He was about to step out of the bush when the male's eyes flashed gold and an axe was soaring through the air towards him, growling, because of course his mate will be magical, Arthur stepped out of the bush.

Merlin lay pinned to the ground by a very large wolf and despaired. There was no way he could get out of this alive without using magic but every time he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate, the wolf would growl.

"Fine! Fine!" Merlin sighed. "You won, you can eat me now." He said and closed his eyes.

The wolf however had different plans apparently, as he started licking Merlin's face and neck; his huge nuzzle pushing against Merlin's jaw as he tried to lick his neck. Shocked, Merlin could only lie there and stare at the massive head of the wolf.

His senses kicked in when he felt something big and hard poking him in the thigh. Startled Merlin tried to move only to have huge paws clawing at his cloths.

"Oh fuck." Merlin gasped when he heard his cloths give way and the wolf's tongue licked his chest.

"This can't be happening." Merlin mumbled as he closed his eyes and focused. Throwing the wolf off him, Merlin climbed to his feet and ran, not daring to look back.

Arthur growled in frustration as he followed the scent of his mate back to his house. He knew that what he did was wrong but he couldn't help it. His mate was right there and the urge to claim him was too strong to resist. He sighed and sat down before his mate's house, he'll make it up to him- he had to.

"Merlin dear?" Hunith's voice called to her son from the front door.

"Yeah mom?" Merlin yelled back.

"Would you be as kind as to explain to me why I have a wolf sitting on my front steps?"

The sound of a crash came from the kitchen and Merlin came running to the front door, staring in shock over his mother's shoulder at the wolf from yesterday, the one that tried to-

"I, err, don't know mom?"

Hunith threw him a glance over her shoulder. "Try again."

Merlin gulped. "I really don't know mom, I didn't do anything."

"You didn't feed this poor animal yesterday when you were in the forest?"

"Poor animal?!" Merlin squeaked and threw the wolf a dirty look. "It's a wolf mom, not a stray dog! Why would I feed it?"

Hunith shrugged. "You did stranger things than that." She said and walked into the house.

"Wait, mom, wait, what are you going to do about the wolf?"

"You can't keep him in the house!" She called from the kitchen.

"I don't want to keep him at all-"

The wolf let out a whimper and Merlin whirled around to stare at it.

"I heard it. Built it a shelter in the back yard."

Merlin stared as the wolf straightened itself up and… was that a smirk?

"Mom!" Merlin groaned. "It's a wolf! Not a dog!"

"Don't care!"

"Oh for the love of-"

Another whimper from the smug wolf before him had his mother poking her head from the kitchen door.

"Now Merlin."

Merlin sighed. "Fine. But if it attacks me or any of the other villagers it's your fault."

Hunith rolled her eyes and disappeared into the kitchen.

Merlin glared at the wolf before him, who sat there and stared at him.

"Don't think you can fool me. Prat." He mumbled before he left the house and led the wolf to the back yard.

The first thing Arthur noticed was that his mate was extremely popular with the rest of the village people, men and women alike, the second thing was that Merlin had no idea whatsoever about it.

Arthur rolled his eyes as he watched another damned villager try to flirt with Merlin only to fail miserably because Merlin had no idea that that was what he was doing!

And okay, Arthur was man enough (or wolf enough) to admit that it was amusing at first, to watch these men and women who had no chance with Merlin because he was his, try and woo him but after the tenth time it happened he was getting annoyed which resulted in growls and what not.



"Err, do you hear that?"

"And that would be what Will?"

"The, err, growls and err, snarls and-"


"Wh- but, but they are-"

"Don't know what you are talking about Will." Merlin said and refused to look up from the plant he was currently planting.

"Merlin, come on mate, you have got to be hearing this! There are growls from your back yard!"

"Don't have any idea what growls you are referring to." Merlin said again and shoved the plant into the hole in the ground, his shoulders tense.

"Right…" Will said slowly, clearly not believing a word.

Merlin sighed and threw a glance at his back yard; the prat of a wolf was doing it all morning, growling every time someone came to talk to Merlin and frankly, Merlin was getting annoyed.

"Look Will I-"

"Merlin!" His mother's scream cut him off and Merlin leaped to his feet, running towards her.


"Kanan." Was her breathless reply and Merlin's eyes widened when he rounded the corner around their house and saw the ruthless attack on his village.

His hand rose out of its own accord and his mother grabbed his wrist, whispering urgently in his ear. "Don't, if Kanan sees you he will take you to Cenred."

"I can stop them." Merlin whispered back through gritted teeth, his hands clenched to white knuckled fists.

"I know, but don't, just get into the house, please." His mother begged and Merlin nodded and hurried inside, praying that his mother will be alright.

Arthur smelled the smoke first and then the noises assaulted his ears: Screams and shouts and cries of terror filled his senses as his mind filled with one thought alone: Get Merlin.

Arthur tried to leave the back yard but Merlin's magic held him back, he growled in frustration and scratched the back door, eager to do something.

The sound of footsteps sounded and Arthur took a step back from the door, sharp blue eyes staring at the door that swung open to reveal a wide eyed and pale Merlin.

Arthur barked once and Merlin's eyes flashed gold, allowing the magic to release him before he turned around and stepped back into the house.

Arthur followed in swiftly and hurried to stand between Merlin and the front door, ignoring Merlin's snort.

"What are you going to do Prat?" Merlin whispered amusedly. "Bite them to death?"

Arthur turned around to glare at him when the door slammed open and they both froze, staring at the huge thug standing at the door.

"Well, well, well, trying to hide now eh?" He grinned and Arthur's upper lip curled in disgust at the yellow teeth his grin revealed.

He narrowed his eyes and before Merlin managed to do anything he jumped.

Years of training as a human warrior and two months of living as a wolf taught him where he needed to attack to make sure his enemy didn't make it out alive.

The thug yelled and tried to protect his face, flying backwards on the doorstep when Arthur's momentum carried them down.

Powerful jaws closed on unprotected veins and large, clawed paws tore at soft flesh in the thug's belly, the pathetic armor doing nothing to protect him from Arthur's claws.

The thug gurgled and Arthur felt the warm blood staining his fur, the red liquid spilling down to the floor and gathering in a puddle around them.

"Prat…" Merlin's whisper reached Arthur's sensitive ears and he gave the thug's body one last shake, making sure he was dead before he released him.

Merlin stared in horror as Prat climbed down from the thug's dead body, when you are able to control the elements at the age of five, a wolf doesn't seem like a scary thing at all but right now, with blood covering his fur and dripping down his snout and claws Merlin saw Prat for what he really was: A killing beast that could indeed bite someone to death.

Prat took a step towards him and Merlin froze, knowing that Prat wouldn't harm him but unable to get the picture of Prat tearing the thug's throat apart out of his head.

Arthur wanted to growl in frustration when he saw the look of terror that entered Merlin's eyes and his tense muscles. This wasn't what he wanted; he just wanted to protect him! Not scare him. Arthur stopped moving when he noticed Merlin flexing his fingers, just like he was doing before casting a spell.

A bang from behind him startled them both and Arthur looked around him to watch Hunith's face change from relief at Merlin's safe state to horror as she noticed the dead body on the ground, sharp blue eyes immediately flew towards him and took note of the blood covering him, Arthur fought the urge to lower his head and whimper for forgiveness, he didn't do anything bad! He saved Merlin!

"Merlin?" Hunith's voice was soft, tentative, and careful. Arthur glanced at Merlin and noticed the twitch that passed through Merlin's body when he looked from his mother to Arthur and back.

"I'm… I'm alright mother." He replied shakily and took a step closer to Arthur.

"He… Prat saved me…" He said weakly and shook his head again. "He… he did."

"Merlin…" Hunith took one step towards Merlin and reached out, clasping her son's arm in her hand.

"It's alright now, they are gone. We are safe."

Merlin nodded but his eyes kept staring at Arthur, wide and unseeing, and Arthur knew what he was seeing, what scene played itself over and over in his head. This time he did lower his head in shame and went to the back yard, Merlin's wide eyes following him.

Merlin took a deep breath and opened the back door, his eyes quickly adapting to the darkness outside, he closed the door softly behind him and moved towards the curled figure in the far corner of the yard.

Prat was curled around himself and the only sign that he knew Merlin was there were his ears which perked on top of his huge head.

"Prat?" Merlin said quietly, smiling softly when the wolf turned his head slowly towards Merlin and stared at him.

"I brought you dinner," Merlin said and put the plate down before him, closer to him than to the wolf and waited.

Prat rose slowly and took a tentative step towards Merlin, eyeing Merlin and not the plate.

Merlin swallowed and sat down. "I'm not going to run Prat," He said and patted the ground before him.

Prat closed the gap between them slowly, always eyeing Merlin for any sudden movements until he reached the plate, nosing it once before licking the porridge from it.

Merlin chuckled in amusement as his eyes flashed gold and a bucket and a mop floated through the air towards him.

At the first touch of the soft cloth Prat tensed and Merlin shushed him, murmuring quietly.

"It's just water and soap; we need to get you cleaned from the blood."

Prat's muscles relaxed gradually as Merlin continued to wipe the blood off of his fur, cleaning every trace of it from his back and legs.

"I need your paws Prat." Merlin said gently and Prat lifted one paw at the time, his eyes intent on Merlin's fingers.

When he was done he sat down again and patted his lap. "Let's get your snout clean." He said and Prat hesitated only for a moment before lying down next to Merlin and lowering his head unto Merlin's lap.

It was oddly calming, Merlin mused, sitting in the back yard and cleaning Prat, somewhere along the way he lost the cloth and was now carding his bare fingers through Prat's soft fur, the smell of soap and the autumn air mixing together.

"Thank you." Merlin whispered and Prat lifted blue eyes to stare at him.

"You saved my life," Merlin went on. "You may be a Prat but… well, you are a good one."

He chuckled and swallowed. "I'm going to leave to Camelot tomorrow, the village council decided to ask for King Uther's help and I was chosen to go."

Merlin didn't notice Prat tensing under his fingers.

"It won't take long," He continued. "Either he'll help us or he won't, that is all there is to it."

Prat growled from under his hands and Merlin looked down to see narrow blue eyes glaring at him.

It wasn't hard for Merlin, who was a magical being himself, to accept the fact that there was something about Prat, something he couldn't put his finger on, so it wasn't hard to refer to him as a human, a pratish one, but a human nonetheless.

"You aren't coming with me." Merlin said and went to get up only to find himself pinned down by Prat's weight.

"Oh no," Merlin warned; his own eyes narrowing. "You are not trying anything funny again!"

Arthur glared at Merlin, there was no way he was going to let his mate go to Camelot all by himself. Especially not when said mate was magical and bound to gain unwanted attention to himself. Arthur's eyes narrowed further as he remembered the court in Camelot, his knights and the nobles will be all over him. He was not letting Merlin go by himself.

Merlin watched as Prat's eyes narrowed further and further until they were nothing but slits with glinting blue lines. It was clear the wolf was not happy about the idea, but the reaction was too emotional, and Merlin got curious.

"Prat…" He started quietly and the wolf's eyes widened back to their regular size. "Have you ever been to Camelot?" He asked and waited for a change in his wolf's face.

Prat growled again and lowered his head as if in a nod. Merlin sighed. He must have experienced something traumatic in Camelot to have such resentment for the kingdom. "Prat, I know Camelot is a magic hating kingdom, but it is our only chance, and it does not matter what happened to you there, I have to try, for my mom and friends."

Arthur looked at Merlin and sighed, he knew the feeling, knew what it felt like to put your own feelings and fears to the side when faced with duty. But that was the human Arthur, the wolf Arthur could only think about the risk his mate was taking. For the first time in two months Arthur wished he could talk. He nuzzled Merlin's neck and licked him gently.

"If that is your way of asking to come along the answer is still no." Merlin huffed and pushed him gently. "I cannot enter Camelot with a giant wolf by my side! I'll be on the pyre before I'll get to say hello to my uncle!"

Arthur's ears perked up and he looked at Merlin. Uncle? He tried to ask with his eyes. Merlin, in some magical way, understood. "Well, not really my uncle, Gaius is a very close friend of mom and he is sort of an uncle to me. I'm going to be staying with him until Uther will agree to grant me court."

Arthur thought quickly, Gaius might be able to help them both. When he escaped Camelot after the transformation, he did not think about going to Gaius for help. But with Merlin… That is the solution. Gaius will find a way to help him transform back, he will save Merlin's village as the prince of Camelot and Merlin will finally get to know the real him.

"We should go to sleep Prat, I need to leave before the sun rises tomorrow." Arthur climbed off him and stared at him. Merlin stared back and then sighed. "Okay Prat, you can sleep inside tonight." He said and smiled a soft smile. Arthur grinned and moved to the back door.

"Prat." Merlin said affectionately as he moved to the back door and opened it.

"Merlin," Hunith said softly as her son entered from the back yard with the wolf on heels. "You are ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes mother," Merlin said, just as softly, his eyes bright as they looked at his mother. "I'm all packed and have the letter for Gaius in my satchel." He paused and looked at his mother. "I will be alright mother, don't worry."

Hunith hugged her son and sniffed. "I know, you have grown so big that I keep forgetting you are not my little boy anymore." She sighed. "You are a brave young man, and I'm so proud of you." She smiled as her tears started falling.

"Oh no, mom, don't cry! I'll be back before you know it, with help, maybe even the help of the great prince Arthur himself!" Merlin smiled and Arthur lifted his head from his place near the fire.

Great huh? You have no idea Merlin. He smiled and lowered his head back.

Hunith laughed. "Okay, but promise me one thing," She looked at Merlin with a serious look. "Promise me that they will never know, promise me they will never find out about you."

Merlin looked at his mother and nodded. "Don't worry mother, they will never know."

He kissed her good night and climbed the stairs to his room. Arthur waited two minutes before he followed him.

"Prat?" Merlin whispered when the door opened slowly. Arthur sniffed softly. "What are you doing?" Arthur approached the bed and climbed on it, lying at Merlin's feet. Merlin snorted.

"I cannot believe I have an actual wolf lying on my bed," he sighed and reached down to pat Prat's head. "You'll keep mom safe won't you Prat?" Merlin whispered.

Arthur raised his head and stared at Merlin. As if I am going to let you go to Camelot by yourself.

Merlin narrowed his eyes. "You are not coming with me Prat! I told you that! You will stay here and keep mother safe," He stared at the wolf. "Or you will go back to the forest."He said with finality in his voice.

Arthur shook his head. Why was his mate so stubborn?

Merlin took Arthur's head shake as agreement and he laid back down, resuming his patting. Arthur did not bother correcting his assumption.

Eventually Merlin fell asleep and his caressing stopped. Arthur watched his sleeping mate calmly and vowed to protect him no matter what. Even against his own stubbornness.

The pre-dawn light came far too quickly for Arthur's liking and soon enough Merlin was getting ready to leave.

"Take care," Hunith said quietly, her eyes sad and her face somber. "And Merlin-"

"No one will find out mother." Merlin finished quietly, his face just as grim.

They looked at each other for another moment before Merlin nodded, almost to himself. "I should go." He said and lifted his satchel. "I'll send you a letter when I'll get there."

Hunith nodded, not trusting herself to talk. Arthur came to stand next to Merlin.

"Be good Prat," Merlin said and bent down to look at the wolf's eyes. "Don't do anything foolish." Arthur snorted and Hunith smiled.

"Well then," Merlin said and stopped. "I'm going." He turned to the door, pausing before he opened it. He turned back and smiled at his mother. "I love you mom." He said, and Hunith stifled a cry and hugged him. "Be safe, my boy." She whispered, before she let him go and watched him as he opened the door and went out.

Arthur watched as the door closed behind Merlin before he glanced at Hunith. She was smiling down at him. "You want to go with him, don't you?" She asked, her smile growing bigger when Arthur nodded. "I thought so, Merlin can be quite naïve sometimes, thinking you will stay here." She bent in front of Arthur and patted his head. "You are special, just like my boy, and I know you two were meant to do great things together. Keep him safe Prat."

Arthur growled in approval, and nuzzled Hunith's face. A wordless promise to do as she asked.

Hunith opened the door and smiled. "Wait until you are near Camelot, otherwise he will force you back." She said meaningfully.

Arthur nodded and left the house. He sniffed the air and located Merlin's scent immediately. He glanced back at Hunith and swore that the next time he will see her, he will hug her, properly.