Sup! Reddinator here, and welcome to my rendition of the Pokemon Sword and Shield Post-Game! In this fic, we tap into the life of Jason, the protagonist from the Gen 8 games. Also known as Victor, but in my opinion Victor isn't a good name for my character, so Jason it is.
This Fanfic will include some swearing, some blood, some violence, and some sexual stuffs, so if you don't like any of it. Turn away now and don't read.
Pokemon is not under my ownership, therefore I do not claim any rights to the contents of this fic, other than my own originality.
If you enjoy the first 3 chapters I put up, please follow and review. Without further ado, let's just hop right into it.
Chapter 1:
Rose sat in his prison cell, wearing an orange jumpsuit. Although the confinement was comfortable, even with a television and endless books and newspapers he could read, it was confinement nonetheless.
Funny. He thought, swishing his graying hair that was hanging down in his face. Me, a businessman who was in charge of the Pokemon League, ran one of the most profitable corporations in the world even above the Silph Company and the Devon Corporation, is now in jail.
This man was, of course, our very own Chairman Rose. Well, Former Chairman, anyways.
Rose was sent here only a few days ago after reigniting the Darkest Day. An event that occurred thousands of years ago in the Galar region when Eternatus was let loose. Unfortunately, Rose only intended to keep Eternamax under control, so Macro Cosmos extract power from it to power the Region. That did not happen. Instead, Eternamax threatened to destroy the Region as it did once before, causing many Pokemon to Dynamax unintentionally.
His actions almost cost Galar itself.
Now he sat, shamefully in the small barred room, to contemplate many years of his life to come. He lost everything in a flash of an eye.
Oleana even paid him a visit earlier today, except that conversation was more like her boasting about how she took control of Macro Cosmos. And how he was a failure to Galar, and how he should rot in prison. But that was beside the point.
The Championship battle was about to start. He flipped through the channels until he reached the news, live reporting the battle between Leon and the Challenger. Maybe this was an end of an era. If the Challenger could miraculously beat Leon, Galar would be changed forever.
The clock was 4:59 pm. the battle would start within minutes, and Rose was curious who would become Champion in the next hour. Jason from the quaint little town of Postwick, or Leon, the most powerful Trainer in history.
Rose sighed as he leaned back on his bed, focusing intently on the battle to be.
There he was! Jason, the young Trainer from Postwick. He was sitting in the changeroom that was connected to the battlefield, preparing to challenge the most powerful Trainer in the world. Was it destiny? Oh, most definitely. This was a moment he'd been dreaming about ever since he could speak.
See, Galar was different then most regions. Other regions would allow their youth by the age of 10 to challenge their local Pokemon Leagues with just a Trainer ID. Something they could get from a Pokemon Center. Galar was much stricter with its League rules. A trainer at age 10 had to attend 4 years of Trainer's school before receiving their Trainer ID. This didn't use to be the case either. However, Jason was the age of 17. Last year he started his journey throughout the Galar region, beginning in Postwick. Jason had waited 2 years, hoping to get an endorsement when it was handed to him by none other than Champion Leon himself. Around 15 years ago, when Leon had just become Champion, the rules allowed people at age 10 to compete, which is why Leon had been Champion since he was 11. However, when Rose became the League Chairman, the law was implemented. Rose made millions off of the program, just adding to his influence and power even further.
Luckily he was taken down. Yes, he loved Galar very much, but maybe just a little too much. Regardless, it didn't matter anymore, with Leon as Interim Chairman, as well as Champion, he pulled the figurative strings now.
It had just hit 5 pm when a League Official walked in.
"Challenger Jason, it is time." he stated.
Jason, however, wasn't too quick to jump up and run out. Instead, he stood there and contemplated the Pokemon he'd send out first. Jason sat on the edge of the bench, all dressed up in his Challenger's Uniform. Red, blue, and black stripes went down the sides of the jersey and a definite '450' number printed on the back along with his name. His physical appearance consisted of long black messy hair and vibrant green eyes. He was around 5'10", although not as tall as Leon by any means. That guy was an absolute unit.
"Thank you." Jason responded.
The TV in the room tuned in. "Welcome to the 73rd Annual Galar Championship Tournament! The finals are here! We have our very own Leon, defending his spot as the Champion of Galar! On the other side, we have Jason! A young man born and raised in the depths of southern Galar from the small humble town of Postwick!" The commentator introduced.
Jason slowly got up, taking in a few deep breaths as he proceeded to the automatic doors leading to the battlefield. However, once they opened, in Jason's mind, there was no turning back. He was ready.
He continued through the tunnel, noting the cheering of people in the stands. Around 50,000 people could fill the arena to the brim, clearly making it a fire marshal's nightmare. As he reached the opening of the tunnel, he noticed Leon slowly limping out onto the battlefield.
That's right! He was injured during the battle with Eternatus a few days ago! Jason thought.
Around 3 days ago, Rose had let out Eternatus, hoping to control it to use it to power the whole Galar region. Instead, Eternatus had different plans, plans of which involved destroying the Region. Jason, along with Hop and the two mythical beasts, Zacian and Zamazenta, were able to put an end to Eternatus, allowing Jason to catch it. However, that Pokeball is now being stored 40 floors below Rose Tower. For nobody to even use for any reason, ever again.
The two Trainers met in the center of the battlefield as the crowd's chanting overtook their ears. It sounded as if a Boomburst was being used by a thousand Loudreds all at once.
"How's the leg?" Jason asked.
"Hahahah, we're about to face off in the most epic battle of our lives, and you're concerned about my leg?" Leon jested. "It's doing great, by the way, thanks for asking!"
"Check out this crowd." Jason peered around the stands.
"Wow... my matches are usually sold out, but this... I've never seen a crowd go this wild." Leon observed. "Everyone knows what you did for us, Jason. Stopping the darkest day when I couldn't. If you somehow manage to beat me, Galar will be left in good hands..."
"I appreciate that, Lee. However, I couldn't have done it without everyone's help." Jason said.
The masses were chanting both Trainer's names, more than excited for the battle to begin. The referee came out onto the battlefield and approached them.
"You guys ready?" he asked. Jason and Leon nodded at him.
The referee turned around and proceeded to his spot as Leon and Jason didn't move a muscle, glaring into each other's souls. Both Trainer's had hot, hot fire running through their veins.
"Good luck, Lee, give me everything you've got!" Jason flamed.
"You can count on it! Same to you!" Leon responded.
Both trainers shook hands, turning around and proceeding to their spots on the battlefield. Once they had arrived, they continued their fiery glares as the referee decided now was the time to start.
Leon grabbed the shoulder of his cape, decorated with all of the various sponsors' logos knitted into it. He threw it dramatically to the side, striking his famous Charizard Pose with one hand in the air. He was the first to make a move. "GO, RAICHU!" He threw an Ultra Ball out onto the field. A mouse-like Pokemon appeared, however, this one was different from the Raichus Jason had seen in Galar.
This Raichu was floating on its tail above the ground, proceeding to sail around Leon before hugging him. "Haha, love you too, Raichu! Are you ready?" Leon asked. "Chu!" it nodded.
Jason brought out his Rotom Phone to analyze the unusual creature. "Raichu. The Mouse Pokemon. An Electric, Psychic-type. Unlike most Raichu's, this specific kind is typically found only in the Alola region. This Pokémon rides on its tail while it uses its psychic powers to levitate. It attacks with star-shaped thunderbolts." the entry informed.
"Alola, huh," Jason commented.
Up in the stands, Jason's support team all sat together. The group consisted of Hop, Nessa, Sonia, Marnie, and Piers.
"I've never seen Leon battle with that Raichu before, I wonder what he's up to." Nessa stated.
"Good question, but what is Jason going to send out?" Piers responded.
"Leon has sent out a Pokemon we've never seen him battle with before! But what will Jason's first Pokemon be?" the speakers overhead asked.
Jason sighed, reaching down to his belt and grabbing a Pokeball. "We've been through a lot together, but we will win this," he whispered into the red and white device. "GO, BOLTUND!" Jason threw his Pokeball out in front of him, releasing a yellow dog-like Pokemon.
Boltund was the first Pokemon Jason had ever actually caught. While traveling to Professor Magnolia's house at the beginning of his journey, he found a Yamper being attacked by a group of Nickit. Jason saved the weak Pokemon, which was bruised and bleeding. From then, Boltund had become one of the most reliable and loyal Pokemon Jason could ever ask for.
The Pokemon turned around "Bolt!" it shouted, proceeding to tackle Jason to the ground, licking his face. "Hahaha! Thank you, Boltund!" Jason laughed. "Are you ready for the battle of your life?" Jason, still on the ground, asked the Pokemon.
"BOLT!" the Pokemon barked.
"Your Pokemon seem to really love you, Jason!" Leon shouted from across the field. "That only means this battle will not only be between our Pokemon, but each other as well!"
Jason got up off of the ground, dusting himself off. "Get ready, Leon! Because we will win!"
"Hahahah! Don't make me laugh!" Leon boasted. "Raichu! Use Quick Attack!"
The Mouse-like Pokemon surfed through the air at an unmeasurable speed towards Boltund.
"You too, Boltund!" Jason ordered. The Dog Pokemon ran at full speed, as the two attacks collided, lightly sending them apart.
"This is a battle of Electric types! Colliding into each other using the same attack!" The commentator stated.
"Great! Now use Psychic!" Leon pointed.
Raichu's eyes glowed a florescent blue as it telekinetically lifted Boltund in the air, causing it a slight amount of pain. Raichu then sent Boltund flying in the air.
"Booolt!" it freaked before landing on its feet in front of Jason.
"You alright, Boltund?" Jason asked. The Pokemon nodded.
"Great! Use Thunderbolt!" Jason commanded.
The Pokemon charged up a powerful electric attack, sending it at the opposing Raichu. "Boooltuuuuuu!"
"Dig your tail into the ground." Leon calmly responded.
The Raichu flipped its body off of its tail, as it stuck it into the ground. The Thunderbolt directly hit the mouse Pokemon, but it appeared as if it did not leave any damage! Jason gritted his teeth.
"What's this!? Raichu dug it's tail into the ground, making it immune to Boltund's Electric attacks!" The commentator commented.
"Raichu and I have been through a lot! When Charizard and I started our journey all those years ago, Raichu was the first Pokemon I caught! We have many strategies to keep your attacks at bay!" Leon added.
Jason gritted his teeth even more. "Boltund! Crunch!" Jason's wavy dark hair flapped in the wind as he pointed his hand out.
Boltund extended a dark energy out of its teeth before running at full speed at Raichu.
"Raichu! Iron Tail!" Leon countered.
Raichu's tail turned a bright silver color as it swung it, colliding with the dark energy, breaking through and hitting Boltund on the top of its head.
"Boooooooooool!" it screamed in pain. Flying back at Jason's feet.
Hop cringed as the impact sound reverberated through the stadium, "Ouch, that one had to have hurt."
Nessa sat next to him with crossed arms. "No attack of Jason's is actually making contact with Raichu." she observed quietly.
"Huh?" the group looked at her.
"Leon's toying with him, giving him the chance to attack, but not allowing any attack to actually hit. Its a common tactic of Leon's to frustrate his opponent, eventually taking advantage of the anger." Nessa continued.
"I hope Jason can come up with something..." Marnie held her Morpeko tight in her arms.
"Boltund! are you alright?" Jason yelled.
The Boltund struggled to get up but gradually got up on its feet. It nodded, wincing at the pain.
Jason contemplated his next move. It was apparent Leon was trying to infuriate him, but he needed a plan to land an attack, and Boltund was not in the right position to do so. "Boltund, return," Jason recalled the dog Pokemon back into its Pokeball. "Just rest up for now, I have a better idea.
"The Challenger has returned Boltund after a critical hit! What Pokemon will he use now?"
Jason contemplated his choice for a few seconds before sending out another Pokeball. "GO, MELMETAL!" he shouted. A huge liquid metal Pokemon appeared on the battlefield. "ME-TAAL!" it cried, turned around, tackling Jason into the ground, attempting a hug.
"MELMETAL NO!" Jason shouted in pain. A few seconds later, the Pokemon stopped and appeared ready to battle. "Melmetal, you're too heavy to hug..." Jason crawled back on his feet.
"MEL!" the Pokemon apologized, rubbing the back of its bolt head.
Jason caught Melmetal as a young Meltan in Motostoke city after he beat Kabu. At the time, Meltan was showing off itself in the middle of the street, as it posed for many people taking pictures. It was a rare Pokemon, one that, apparently, had been popping up everywhere all over the world, although nobody knows from where exactly.
"A Melmetal! A very rare Pokemon for sure! But can it beat Leon's Raichu?"
"Yes, it can... Melmetal! Plant your feet into the ground and wait!" Jason shouted.
"METAL!" The hunk of a Pokemon turned to face the opponent as it made a very grounded stance.
"Huh, Raichu, use Psychic!" Leon ordered.
The Raichu's eyes once again glowed blue as it attempted to lift Melmetal in the air.
"Stand your ground!" Jason encouraged. The Hex Nut Pokemon stood still, fighting off the energy that was being used to lift it. However, nothing was happening.
"INCREDIBLE! Melmetal has completely fended off the attack!"
"Raichu! Use Thunderbolt!" Leon ordered again.
"RaiiiiCHUUUUUUU!" The mouse Pokemon sent a powerful electrical beam at Melmetal, making contact.
"Absorb it." Jason smirked.
The attack looked as if it had no effect, just a little bit of smoke coming off of Melmetal's body.
Leon was now the one gritting his teeth, this Pokemon could not be hurt.
"Melmetal! Iron Defense!" Jason chuckled.
The Pokemon turned a bright silvery color as it's body's resistance against any attack increased, making it literally unattackable.
"Jason has turned the tables." Nessa began. "He realized what Leon was doing and sent out a Pokemon that was even more defensive."
"A great defense is a better offense!" Sonia curled her hair.
"Return, Raichu!" Leon recalled Raichu into its UltraBall.
"Say, Jason! You outwitted me there! I'm impressed!" Leon complimented. "But it won't continue. GO, DRAGAPULT!" Leon threw another Ultraball out on the field.
"DRAGA!" The Ghost-type dragon appeared.
"Dragapult! Use Flamethrower!" Dragapult and the Dreepys stationed in its crests all powered up a mighty flame, sending it straight at Melmetal.
"Use Gyro Ball, and deflect it!" Jason ordered.
The Metal Pokemon began spinning at full speed, as the Flamethrower bounced right off of it, sending it into the side of the stadium.
Cheering sounded from the stadium, as Melmetal was able to resist any type of attack Leon could send its direction.
"Alright! It's our turn! USE ZAP CANNON!" Jason exclaimed with a massive smirk on his face.
The Pokemon used the stored electricity in its body from the previous Thunderbolt and sent out a gigantic beam towards Dragapult, in which it was unable to dodge, making direct contact.
"DRAGAAAAAAA!" The Pokemon screamed in pain as it was sent flying back at Leon's feet.
"Mett-al!" The Steel-type boasted, feeling very confident about itself.
"Wow. It actually stored the electricity from Raichu's Thunderbolt and added it to its attack. Talk about using your moves against you." Hop observed.
Leon was in a real pickle. No move could hit Melmetal. Instead, it was using his moves against him.
"Dragapult, are you alright?" Leon worried. The Pokemon picked itself off of the ground and floated in the air once again. "We need to figure out a plan."
Leon took his sweet time, plotting and trying to come up with move combinations that would actually do damage to the walking hunk of metal, but to no avail.
"Leon! It's your move!" Jason taunted, hoping to get a rise out of the purple-haired Trainer.
A smirk appeared across Leon's face, "Use Phantom Force."
"Dragap." The Dragon-type disappeared into thin air as a massive shadow under the ground approached Melmetal.
"Melmetal quick! Use Iron Defense!" Jason ordered.
Melmetal once again turned a bright silvery color.
"NOW!" Leon shouted.
Dragapult came up out of the ground, attacking Melmetal from under it, sending the massive Pokemon flying, before it landed on the ground.
"MELMETAL GET UP!" Jason yelled. Melmetal attempted to stand back up but was slow to do so.
"Use Flamethrower!" Leon shouted. The Pokemon sent a large beam of fire directly at Melmetal, immediately making contact.
"METAAAAAL!" the Steel-type sounded a deep guttural scream, as it was immediately sent back down on its back.
Jason was severely sweating from the heat and stress of the situation, as the Dragon-type continued to hit Melmetal at full force. "Melmetal! USE STEEL BEAM!" Jason ordered.
Soon, Melmetal began powering up an attack of immense power, using the flames around it as fuel. It then sent another massive beam of energy at Dragapult, combining with the scorching-hot flames of the Flamethrower, making its consistency that of hot lava. Unfortunately, this attack would faint Melmetal, but if it made contact, the opposing Pokemon would also faint.
Luckily, the lava-like attack hit Dragapult head-on, sending it flying and crashing into the stadium wall. After the smoke cleared, Melmetal attempted to get up, but immediately fell down. Its metal eye turned 'x.'
The referee flipped his flag up. "Both Pokemon are unable to battle! Each side has five remaining!"
"WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! IT'S A DOUBLE-KNOCKOUT!" The commentator announced.
Both Trainers recalled their Pokemon. "Great job, Melmetal. I'll make sure you will have so many steel beams to eat after, you won't be able to move." Jason whispered into the Pokeball.
"Oh, man! I'm getting pumped up!" Leon cheered. "GO, GYARADOS!" Leon threw a Diveball out onto the field. The giant Chinese-dragon Pokemon appeared on the battlefield, roaring a sound that could destroy eardrums.
"Another Pokemon Leon has never used in a Championship battle before! What an absolute honor to be witnessing this!"
Jason recovered from the sound Gyarados made as he sent out the obvious choice. "Your turn once more, BOLTUND!" Jason threw the Pokeball as Boltund appeared again. Barking at the opposing side.
"The Challenger is using Boltund again!"
Boltund still looked very worn out from battling Raichu but was put at a definite advantage over Gyarados.
"Hahahah! I knew you would do that! Gyarados! Use Earthquake!" Leon laughed.
However, Jason also smirked. "Luckily, we know how to defend it!
Gyarados slammed it's tail on the ground sending a crevice directly at the Dog-like Pokemon, aiming for a super-effective hit.
"Boltund! Jump into the air and use Thunderbolt to keep yourself off of the ground!" Jason commanded.
Before the super-effective attack could hit, Boltund elegantly jumped up in the air, Thunderbolting the ground directly below it, allowing it to float.
"INCREDIBLE! Boltund used its electricity to dodge the attack and float above the ground!"
"Huh?! No way..." Leon looked up at the floating dog, heading straight towards the Dragon-like Pokemon.
"Boltund! Use Thunderbolt, and hit it directly on its horns!" Jason cheered.
Boltund quickly turned the attack upwards, hitting Gyarados head-on, causing an explosion.
"Amazing! The super-effective move was a direct-hit!"
Boltund then landed back on the ground, ready to claim victory. However, Gyarados flew out of the smoke with very large iced over fangs, getting ready to hit.
"Gyarados! Ice Fang!" The Pokemon swam swiftly towards Boltund.
"Crunch!" Jason countered. Boltund extended its teeth in a dark aura, running towards the blue Pokemon.
Soon after, both attacks hit but left Gyarados getting the most of the impact, sending it flying back at Leon's feet. Both Pokemon stood in front of their trainers, panting relentlessly at the pain and fatigue they felt.
Leon then made a move. "Gyarados! Use Rain Dance!"
The Pokemon roared into the sky as dark rain clouds formed above the stadium. Jason considered the possible attack combinations Leon could be planning. However, based on what Jason knew about Gyarados, Hurricane was the only move that would insta-faint Boltund.
Sure enough, Jason stood correct. "Gyarados! Use Hurricane!" Leon cringed in the cold pouring rain.
The Dragon-like Pokemon summoned a massive wind, which turned into a twirling hurricane-like formation. It roared once more, sending the wind flying at Boltund. Unfortunately, Jason could only think of one thing.
Another Thunderbolt.
"Boltund! Head straight into the twister!" Jason ordered.
"Bol?!" the Pokemon looked back as if it didn't hear its Trainer correctly.
"It's okay, trust me." Jason comforted
Boltund nodded and ran at full speed into the twister, disappearing from sight. The stadium went silent.
"What is he doing?!" Marnie stood up to get a better view.
"He literally just sent Boltund to its end!" Hop yelled.
Nessa sat, armed crossed. She was watching very intently on the situation. Suddenly she spotted Boltund quickly circling upwards through the twister of air as she realized what Jason was doing. "No... He's a genius."
"Stay strong, Boltund!" Jason yelled.
Boltund went round and round in the hurricane, being flung in literally every direction. The amount of pain it felt was uncomparable, but it needed to please Jason. Being the loyal Pokemon it was, there was no way it could fail. It wouldn't fail.
"BOOOOWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" it howled, turning a glowing white through the storm. The glow could be seen from the entire stadium, puzzling everyone in the crowd, including the battling trainers below.
"What's going on?" Jason asked no one, puzzled by what was happening above. The light continued to get brighter and brighter, making it extremely difficult for anybody to see what was going on. Leon had covered his eyes, but Jason was staring directly into the source of light, before realizing what was happening.
"No way..." He said to himself.
"What's this blinding light? Is it Boltund's doing?" the commentator pondered.
Suddenly, a bomb of electricity exploded inside of the hurricane, immediately dissipating the wind, revealing the contents inside.
"AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLF!" The Pokemon howled as it angrily hovered over Gyarados in the air.
"Impossible..." Leon mouthed at the sight of an evolved Pokemon, which he previously thought was impossible to evolve further.
"What?" Jason, too, could not believe what he was seeing before him.
The new electric type summoned a thunderbolt from the clouds that Gyarados has created. The powerful bolt came down and hit Gyarados directly. The water type roared in immense pain as the bolt continued for what seemed like ages. It created an explosion that could be seen from the rest of the city. It was impossible to see through as smoke enveloped the entire stadium.
The much bigger dog-like Pokemon gracefully landed right next to Jason, waiting for the smoke to clear.
"Unbelievable. Did you know that Boltund could evolve again?" Piers asked the ginger-haired scientist.
"I did not. I'm just as shocked as anyone." Sonia answered.
After a few minutes, the smoke finally cleared, revealing a Gyarados on the ground with swirls in its eyes.
"Gyarados is unable to battle! The Champion has 4 Pokemon remaining, while the Challenger has 5." The referee announced.
Jason looked to his side, noticing an evolved Boltund sitting while smiling up at him. The new Pokemon was now much taller, with a yellow mane surrounding its neck, and lightning-bolt shaped fur protruding from the rest of its body. It was wagging its now, bolt-shaped tail side to side.
Jason took out his Rotom Phone, clicking the Pokedex app once again, with the intent of finding out information on the Pokemon.
"Pokemon unresearched." The phone spat out. "There are legends of an electric wolf Pokemon in ancient Galarian history. Apparently, it evolved from Boltund due to a powerful bond with its Trainer." It continued.
Jason looked into the puppy-like eyes of the wolf-Pokemon, needing to come up with a name. "What do you want to be called?" He asked.
"Zappp...wolf?" it answered.
"Zapwulf?" Jason imputed information into the phone. "Zapwulf, it is!" Jason confirmed.
The Pokemon smiled as it tackled Jason to the ground and fiercely licked his face. "Stooop! Zapwulf! Okay! Okay! I love you too!" Jason pleaded. "I can't believe you evolved, buddy! Thank you!" Jason said.
"Wolff!" the Pokemon nodded.
"Incredible! Boltund evolved into an unknown Pokemon! But according to it and its Trainer, this species is now known as Zapwulf! How marvelous!"
"Great job, Gyarados... You did amazing." Leon recalled the fainted Water-type into its Diveball. "Well, Jason, you sure are something. Boltund evolved in a desperate time. That's how much it adores you." Leon complimented.
"Thank you, Lee." Jason stood up. Zapwulf readied itself for another battle.
"I suppose I should get serious now. GO, RHYPERIOR!" Leon threw a Pokeball out onto the field, releasing a giant golem-like Pokemon. Its very presence shook the battlefield.
"RHYPER!" it shouted, slamming its massive rock arms together.
"Leon has sent out his 3rd Pokemon of the battle, Rhyperior! We've seen before how powerful this Pokemon is, once defeating Raihan's G-Maxed Duraludon, even though it itself wasn't G-Maxed!"
"Ready Zapwulf?" Jason asked. The wolf-like Pokemon nodded. "Great! Use Crunch!" Jason shouted, swinging his arm out.
Zapwulf's face turned very intimidating, baring its teeth as it practically sped at the, more or less, stationary Rhyperior. It extended its teeth using a dark aura, although this time, much larger. The aura reached about 6 feet in front of its mouth.
"New information!" The Rotom phone notified Json as he pulled it out of his pocket. "Zapwulf is an Electric-Dark type with the ability Tough Jaw, making its biting attacks much stronger." the Pokedex informed.
"An Electric-Dark type, interesting," Jason muttered.
Zapwulf jumped into the air, getting ready to pounce on the massive Pokemon before...
"Use Smack Down." Leon ordered.
The Rock-type lifted up both of its arms as they glowed brown. As soon as Zapwulf reached the Pokemon, Rhyperior slammed its arms into Zapwulf, sending it flying to the ground below. Rhyperior stood above an injured Zapwulf, ready to issue another attack.
"Quick! Before it gets back up, Use Earthquake!" Leon shouted.
Rhyperior stomped in the ground with one foot, causing the ground to shake and fissure, binding Zapwulf in an inescapable attack.
The Electric-type howled in immense pain, squeezed by the earth itself.
"Zapwulf! Use Ice Fang!" Jason pleaded, in which Zapwulf heard, causing it to remove itself from its unfair bind. It crawled out of the crevice, turning its teeth ice-cold, as a light blue aura surrounded its teeth. It jumped up, grabbing Rhyperior's horn, causing the Pokemon to yell in pain.
"Shake it off!" Leon exclaimed. Gritting his teeth in distaste of the situation.
The Horn-Drill Pokemon shook its head left and right, trying to remove the Pokemon's clench, but to no avail. Zapwulf's face turned, even more, intimidating as it began shaking the Pokemon's horn like a rabid dog. Zapwulf clamped down even harder, causing Rhyperior's horn to start cracking at the pressure.
"RHYYYYYYYYYYYYYPEEEEEERIIOOOOOR!" it screamed. Zapwulf was practically ripping its horn off.
Leon panicked, this was not how a battle was supposed to be. "Rhyperior! End this! Use Hammer Arm!"
Between the pain of the attack, Rhyperiors fists turned orange as it slammed them both into Zapwulf's sides, causing the Pokemon to let go of its horn. Unfortunately, Zapwulf became very angry, and jumped up without Jason's command and grabbed holt of Rhyperiors arm, biting down once again.
"Zapwulf! Stop!" Jason commanded, but it was ignoring the command.
"Slam it into the ground!" Leon ordered.
Rhyperior lifted its arm up with a dangling dog latched to it, and at full force, slammed it into the ground below. However, it did little effect.
"Again!" Rhyperior lifted its arm back up and slammed Zapwolf into the ground once more, creating a crater in the battlefield.
Zapwulf's Dark-type nature was showing, as it did not even act like it was being hurt, but rather, the more it was attacked, the fiercer it got.
"Typical for Dark-types." Piers commented, causing the group to look at him.
"What do you mean?" Nessa asked.
"Well, Dark-types've a tendency to kill. That's why when ya catch one, ya gotta teach it not to. My Obstagoon was the same way when I first caught it... Actually, all of 'em were that way to an extent," Piers continued.
Rhyperior kept slamming Zapwulf into the ground repeatedly until it finally let go, falling into the crater with swirls in its eyes.
"Zapwulf is unable to battle! Both Trainers have..." the referee began. However, Rhyperior landed in the crater on top of Boltund, also with swirls in its eyes. "Both Pokemon are unable to battle! Champion Leon has 3 remaining Pokemon, while the Challenger has 4!"
The crowd erupted into cheers as the commentator announced, "UNBELIEVABLE! ANOTHER DOUBLE K-O!"
Leon recalled his Pokemon, "Jason, your Pokemon is tough, but I think it may need a bit of anger management..." Leon mentioned.
Jason recalled Zapwulf into its Pokeball, looking deeply into it. "Great job, but we're gonna have to work on your emotions a little bit."
"Hey, bro." Marnie began, catching the attention of Piers. "Maybe ya should let Jason know that ya'd take Zapwulf off his hands for a bit. Maybe that's what it needs to be around a Dark-type trainer and Dark-type Pokemon for a while." she suggested.
Piers thought it over for a few seconds, although not answering.
Jason and Leon hesitated before sending out any Pokemon. "I'm down to three Pokemon, Jason. What's your next choice?" Leon asked.
Jason carefully thought over his options for a minute before grabbing another Ultra Ball and expanding it. "Go Gardevoir!". He threw the ball out on to the field, releasing a majestic humanoid Pokemon.
"Gardevoir..." the Pokemon elegantly cried, turning around to her Trainer, floated over to him and proceeded to embrace him in a hug.
"Haha.. okay, Gardevoir, we got a battle to finish!"
The Fairy-type nodded and floated back to its spot on the battlefield.
"In that case... ONCE AGAIN RAICHU!" Leon released Raichu.
"Rai rai!" it growled.
"Jason, I have to say, this battle is definitely a Champion time! RAICHU! USE THUNDERBOLT!"
"RaaaaiCHUUUUU!" it sent a massive bolt of lightning zapping towards Gardevoir.
"Gardevoir, use Light Screen!" The humanoid Pokemon materialized a glass-like shield in front of it, guarding itself as the electric attack was deflected completely. "Now, use Moonblast!" Jason shouted.
Gardevoir summoned moonlight from the sky and turned it into a concentrated ball of energy, firing it at the opposing Raichu.
"Use Iron Tail and knock it back!" Leon shouted.
Raichu hopped off of its tail as it turned silver, swinging it at the ball, serving it right back at Gardevoir.
"I was hoping you'd do that..." Jason began, smirking. "Gardevoir, use Psychic and surround the Moonblast with your energy!" Gardevoir did just that. Its eyes turned blue as it used its hands to manipulate any and all matter around the attack, controlling the Fairy-type energy with Psychic energy. "Now, send it back!" Jason commanded.
Gardevoir served the double attack straight back to Raichu, although this time much quicker, making direct contact with the Pokemon before it could move. The Psychic attack threw Raichu backward, with the Moonblast exploding, dealing double damage, and Raichu screaming in the air.
"Raichu! NO!" The Pokemon landed at the purple-haired Trainer's feet, gritting his teeth as Raichu struggled to get up. He one not able to land a single hit, making the battle extremely frustrating. "So this is how it feels," he whispered to himself.
Truth was, Leon was used to powering through other Trainer's teams using brute force, not allowing any time for planning or plotting. When another Pokemon came forward that was able to resist or deflect attacks, it was a real struggle for him to get past it.
"Raichu, we're not going to be able to hit it." He talked to the mouse-Pokemon. Raichu hopped back on its tail. "Remember when we were traveling through Alola? The one move that obliterated everything in our paths?" Leon looked deeply in his Pokemon's eyes. Raichu caught on to what he was talking about. "We need to do that."
"Rai rai!" The Pokemon agreed.
"What are they doing?" Jason asked nobody.
Raichu redirected its attention back to its opponent. Leon dug through his shorts pocket until he found an orange crystal with a Raichu symbol embedded in the center. He plucked it on his wrist alongside the Wishing Star.
"Hey, Jason!" Leon shouted, catching the dark-haired Trainer's attention. "When you've traveled all over the world like me, you garner some knowledge that will always be useful to you in dire times like this."
Leon pressed the Z-Crystal, igniting a yellow energy that was blinding to look at. Both he and Raichu made a stance, their arms crossed in an 'x' like formation.
"What's this?! Our very own Leon is about to use a Z-Move! This has never happened before!" the commentator hyped.
The crowd was in awe at the scene, unbelieving that they were about to witness a move Leon has never shown in Galar. It must have meant that he was worried about his position.
"Chief and Protector of Melemele Island! We call upon you to give us strength. Tapo Koko! We ask you to provide us with your power to use this move, our move!" Raichu started glowing yellow, centering around its surfboard-like tail. Visible energy was being transferred from Leon to Raichu, as the Pokemon absorbed it. "Let our Electric energy crush you! Ready Raichu!? Use... Stoked Sparksurfer!" Leon's voice echoed across the stadium.
"RaiiiiiiiIIIIIIIICHUUUUUUU!" The Pokemon surfed up into the sky, as a thunderbolt struck Raichu from above. The Pokemon aimed at Gardevoir, before shooting itself down as fast as a bullet. Raichu slammed its electrically charged body into Gardevoir, sending the Pokemon flailing into the side of the stadium and causing an explosion.
Raichu flew out of the dust and smoke and levitated back to its Trainer before hugging him. "Great job Raichu... You're an amazing Pokemon, you know that?". "Cha!"
Once the dust settled, Gardevoir was stuck in the side of the Stadium wall with swirls in its eyes.
"Gardevoir is unable to battle! Each Trainer has 3 Pokemon left!" the referee swung his flag up.
"Impossible... But how?" Jason muttered.
"Z-Moves are part of an ancient Alolan tradition. When I was there around a decade ago, the locals taught me about the lore of Z-Moves!" Leon informed.
Jason was stunned, such an attack knocked Gardevoir out in one hit. It was frightening, yet incredible.
"Wow! A Z-Move!" Hop gawked. "I haven't seen him use one in years, and it was amazing!"
As both trainers glared at each other across the battlefield, they were the only ones who knew that this battle was only just beginning.
Epic. Slap follow and review.
Also some housekeeping:
#1: A Pokemon will know more than 4 moves. However, due to Pokemon League standards, only 4 moves may be used in each battle. The premise of 'forgetting' and 'remembering' moves is dumb.
#2: Pokedollars will be referred to as 'Dollars', 'Bucks', or '$'.
#3: Characters in this fic will have different Pokemon then their game counterparts.
#4: Oh yes, I'm adding some original Pokemon and stuff to this fic, but not too many. I don't want to be too unrealistic, ya know?
#5: If you have suggestions and/or comments. feel free to PM me privately. I will post them in the next chapters to come.