Chapter 2

The Kiln

Dorea Potter looked at the Potter family tapestry with a sombre mood. Now was not the time to mourn. Her family needed her. A crack let her know of the presence of her most trusted confidante, Kimley. Without turning around to face her loyal elf, "Please go inform my cousin about what happened"

"Mistress, are my daughter and her family…"

"Kimley, if your daughter and son in law were not alright, we would know, let's wait for them to arrive, meanwhile brace yourself, we do not know what to expect"

"As mistress commands"

Another crack told her that the last hope for her family was now an orphan and here, in her care for a short while.

Dorea turned around to see Kimley take baby Harry from her daughter.

"Where is your partner?" She enquired of the younger clearly pregnant elf.

"He must be on his way elder Mistress"

As Kimley placed Harry into the Bassinet she procured out of nowhere, her eyes looked to Dorea. With a tiny, almost imperceptible nod, Dorea made her command known and Kimley disappeared.

Dorea walked to the portrait of her dead husband petting a thestral hanging about the fireplace motionless and said their family words, "the last enemy that shall be undefeated is death".

The portrait began to move, and Charles Potter looked to his wife with sadness, "I shall inform the others" and moved out of his painting.

Resuming her seat near the very pregnant elf, Dorea looked into the fireplace like it held all the answers to her thoughts.

The Weasley Den

Cedrella had just returned from a long argument with her daughter in law and her mother. Cedrella and her cousin Lucretia had a long debate with the woman who her grandchildren called mother. Cedrella looked towards Lucretia who had accompanied her home.

Re-igniting their conversation, "it has become so quiet here after Septimus passed away" Lucretia said.

Cedrella who was about to respond was interrupted by the arrival of two elves.

Her gray eyes hardened with determination on seeing her godson's elf and her cousin's elf arrive at the same time.

Taking a deep breath, Cedrella enunciated, "Has it happened already"

She did not wait for an answer. No, she would mourn the loss of the young couple later, in private, not now, she promised herself as she felt her resolve weakening.

"Lucretia, Could I ask you to go assist Molly with our mutual grandchildren, and please tell Arthur to floo over, and that it is a matter of life and death?"

Lucretia, having been a part of the few who knew the plan nodded, and walked to the fireplace, "The Burrow"

Lucretia left, and Cedrella was left alone with the elves who were waiting for her to address them.

Her cousin Dorea came out of the fireplace, Child in hand, and looked at her

The Burrow

Molly loved her mother and her mother-in-law, she did, but sometimes they were really stubborn. Like today, when her Mother-in-law was trying to convince her to move her family into the den or with her mother's family.

Molly's arguments were that the burrow was built lovingly by her husband, and she knew to raise her children alone.

The chime of the floo alerted her, and she thought Arthur had come home early.

However, on seeing her mother walk out of the fireplace, she prepared herself mentally for another round of arguments.

"Call Arthur home Molly" Her mother said,not unkindly.

She nodded and went to the fireplace to call her husband, who surprised her by walking into their house at the sametime.

Arthur however, was not with his cheerful air, instead wearing an air of sadness.

Without noticing his mother-in-law, Arthur turned to Molly and said, "You-Know-Who is dead"

Lucretia made her presence known with a single question, "How?!"

"There were ancient charms woven into the nursery, and the dark lord's intent to cause harm to the child in the room activated and wiped him and the Lestrange brothers out. Bellatrix, and Bartemius Crouch Jr who were on guard outside have turned delusional and were found stabbing something which turned out to be an infant"

Acknowledging her presence with a nod, "Lucretia, Did mother send you here?"

Lucretia fought to control her smirk, her son-in-law was smarter than she credited him to be.

"Yes she did, she told me to tell you it is a matter of life and death:"

Arthur heaved a sigh and left to meet his mother.

A loud bang upstairs got their attention, Molly sighed and looked at her mother, "Not a word"

The Weasley Den

Dorea had just finished contacting her lawyers from her cousin's fireplace and moved to make space for her cousin's son.

Arthur walked into the room and acknowledged both women.

"Arthur, you remember how James was my godson?"
"I do mother" without knowing where the conversation was going.

"I… Dorea and I intend to raise his son as one of ours, right here, but we cannot do that without being the center of rumours surrounding the child"
Arthur did not know where this was going.

Dorea looked at Arthur, "This may be the last chance for my family Arthur. If the meddling goat had his way he would take away my family's last heir and raise him amongst muggles who would abuse him. I fear the conditions the headmaster would place him would turn him into an Obscurus. I saw it Arthur and decided I would not let it happen"

Cedrella continued, "This is where I come in, once James and Dorea came to me with the prophecy, I knew I had to help , we need you to cooperate"
"How do you both intend to achieve this?"

"Harry will be introduced to the world as the son of your brother Bilius, Lancelot, Lancelot Weasley. After his passing 3 months back, people would believe that you ands Molly took him in to care for the child after his muggle mother passed"
Arthur sighed, it was going to be a long day. "8 children in the burrow? I do still have to talk to Molly about this, you know"
"Molly is a dear, but she is emotional. She cannot handle the truth, and her belief in the headmaster would only make her contact him if she knew"

Arthur hummed, understanding what his mother meant.

He looked at the sleeping black haired child.

"I am assuming you both have a way of changing his identity?"

Dorea smiled for the first time in a tumultuous day.

"We do, you will have to thank your mother in law for that. She found an obscure Black family spell which disguised children till their 17th solstice. This particular spell would give the rights of the child to an adult, in return, the child would take on the appearance and characteristics of the said adult. This was used to commonly hide noble children amongst common folk in times of war. We.." She exchanged a meaningful glance with Cedrella,'..propose that you take the child as your own, with Molly under the spell. Lucretia is currently explaining this to your wife at your house. Molly will be told that the child was found using the Black tapestry and that he was adopted by you to legitimize him"

Cedrella looked at Arthur and said, "They should be here at any moment. Will you help us raise Harr..Lancelot as a normal child Arthur?"

Arthur's nod was just moments before the floo chimed and Molly Weasley nee Prewett walked in just as Dorea covered the sleeping child deeper into the bassinet.

Arthur turned to face his wife, who said "Mother just told me. I want this child Arthur, Do you?"

Arthur's nod brought a big smile to all three women there.

However, Cedrella interrupted the couple and said, "Molly this is where I put my foot down. As the current head of the Weasley family, it is necessary for me to care for my line. Your "Burrow", how much ever you love it, will not be sufficient housing for 8 children. People already talk about you being paupers. Huh. Heir Weasley a pauper?

No! You will be moving in here with me at the Den or I would invoke my rights as the head of the family and separate you from all your children till they each turn 17"

Backed into a corner, Molly looked towards her husband who grimly nodded and agreed.

"Let's do the spell now"