AN; I used a translator for the hungarian. I don't speak or write hungarian so sorry if it's not correct. Hope you like !

Hermione made her way to the car rental service inside the airport of Budapest. She had rented a car to make sure she could make her way to Budapest city center and Elisaveta's restaurant. She picked up the keys of a little red fiat and started her journey to the outskirt of the town. After a quick twenty minute drive Hermione drove up the driveway of a manor like house. As she quickly parked her car and made her way to the front door, the door was open before she could knock on it.

"Mina! Come in darling." Ilonka Krum said as she ushered Hermione into a tight hug. "It's been too long my girl. The letters weren't enough! It's great to see you looking so good."

Hermione smiled and hugged Ilonka back, squeezing a little harder before letting go. "Viktor helped me with securing a course with Elisaveta in town at her restaurant."

"I know my sweet, who do you think needed to tell Elisaveta that Viktor's friend Mina was finally visiting us again? Elisaveta is looking forward to getting to know you." Ilonka said as she took Hermione's hand in hers and pulled her towards the rowdy sounding kitchen.

As Ilonka pushed open the kitchen door, Hermione saw four burly men laughing and pounding on the kitchen table.

"Mina! You're here." Viktor quickly squeezed Hermione tight against his chest. As he slightly loosened his grip on her, Hermione was already pulled into another set of arms.

"Finally my drágaság returned to me!" Matyas, Viktor's younger brother exclaimed as he spun Hermione around.

Hermione laughed as he held her close. "Unhand me you brute." She said as he softly kissed her cheek and made way for Sandor Krum, Viktor's father to hug her.

"It's good to see you again Mina. We've missed you a lot since the last time you were here. Especially with all that went on in Brittan." Hermione nodded her head and her eyes went to the last figure that was still sitting at the table.

Marcus Flint sat at the table a stunned expression on his face. He shook himself out of his stupor and turned towards Viktor. "So this is Mina?"

Viktor nodded proudly as Hermione was guided to the table. Matyas put an extra chair between him and Viktor. "Well Granger, I must say it's good to see you. I wasn't really expecting you when they were talking about Mina visiting."

Hermione looked a little perplexed. "You're not the only one that's surprised Flint. I didn't know you knew the Krums so well?"

Flint smiled, a genuine smile which made Hermione a little more on edge than she was just a moment ago. "I've been Viktor's teammate since I left Brittan to escape my family and their prejudice. Mama Krum was too kind to offer me a spare room until I got back on my feet. I'm actually just visiting like you."

"Oh Mina isn't just visiting. She is going to cook like a pro. Elisaveta is going to teach her all the tricks." Viktor said proudly.

Hermione smiled up at Viktor. "I'm sure you'll get sick of me before the week ends." Hermione said, winking at Ilonka. Viktor and Matyas protested before Hermione started laughing.

"How well rested are you Mina?" Viktor asked.

"I slept enough on the plane I think. Why?" Hermione said.

"We were talking about taking Marcus into town and just walk around a bit. Elisaveta is expecting us all for dinner this evening." Viktor smiled.

"I'd love to go into town. I need to pick up some bits and bobs. I'm almost out of shampoo and other toiletries. Can we visit the Varázs Utca?" Hermione smiled, looking very excited.

Matyas put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. "Off course we can! Marcus and Viktor probably want to visit the Quidditch shop to look for better equipment."

Ilonka put her hand on Hermione's shoulder. "We'll make sure we're representable to go to Elisaveta, you brutes can go look at new broomsticks."

Hermione chuckled. "When are we leaving?"

"Did you already have something to eat, Mina?" Ilonka looked at her, almost standing up out of her seat to make sure Hermione had enough meat on her bones.

Hermione patted her stomach. "I've eaten enough. Melina stuffed my baggage with Greece sweets so I had enough to eat driving up here." Hermione swished her wand, turning her jeans into a flowy midi length skirt and changed up her shirt. It was a lot warmer than it had been in the airport.

Ilonka looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, if everyone's ready we can leave." Ilonka grabbed Hermione's hand and side-apparated her to Varázs Utca.

Hermione was surrounded with colours and sounds she missed. Viktor had been a dear and invited her after her fourth year, helping her escape some of the depressing mood in Brittan. Ilonka had taken her to the Varázs Utca the first time as well. Hermione couldn't help but compare Diagon Alley with it and found it lacking. Varázs Utca looked like a mix of muggle and magic. People running around in the latest muggle trends and music could be heard throughout the street.

Hermione twirled around and hugged Ilonka. "It's really been too long since I was here."

Ilonka chuckled. "Let's hope you learned your lesson now my dear. I expect two visits a year from now on at least!"

Hermione smiled and linked arms with Ilonka. Several pops behind them signalled the arrival of the men. "I suggest we see each other here again in three hours to pop over to Elisaveta's. Please make sure you are dressed appropriately." Ilonka looked at the men, especially at her two sons.

"We will mama, don't you worry." Matyas winked at his mother.

"I worry. That's what mother's do." Ilonka said as she tugged Hermione into the direction of the book store. The amount of muggle authors never ceased to amaze her. She was flipping through a rather steamy novel as Marcus came up behind her.

"You know, I would be terribly embarrassed if my witch would have to turn to a smutty novel to give herself pleasure." Marcus said, behind her. Hermione jumped and turned around, smacking Marcus on his chest with the novel.

"Since I don't have a wizard of my own, it doesn't matter if he would be embarrassed or not." Hermione said, sliding the book back on his place, making a mental note to come back to purchase it before she left for Austria.

"So Weasley's no more?" Marcus looked at her, his stare to intense to hold. Hermione looked away, following her path down the aisles, stopping at the cookbooks.

"Not that it's any of your business but no. I don't think I would have travelled as far if we were still together. Ron doesn't like to leave the familiarity of home. And even if I would have convinced him to come here, we wouldn't have visited the Krum's. Even though he worshipped the ground Viktor walked on when he was younger, seeing Viktor and me together at the yule ball made him jealous every time I even mentioned his name." Hermione sighed as she picked up one of the bigger cook books, flipping through it.

"Is that why you haven't been by?" Marcus leaned against the shelf.

"Yeah. I mean it wasn't worth the fight that ensued every time I mentioned Viktor had written me. It didn't matter that Viktor wasn't interested in me or that he already has a girlfriend or not, Ron would've always been jealous of the inside jokes and how Ilonka and Sandor treat me. I know that whatever happens I'll always have a second home here with the Krum's if I need it." Hermione put back the cookbook she had flipped through.

"Maybe it's for the best that you aren't tied down with Weasley anymore then. I mean if I remember correctly from Hogwarts, you were always too big for little magical Brittan to keep you there." Marcus said.

Hermione looked up at him. "I still want to go back home after travelling but I needed to know there was more to life than being a part of the bloody Golden Trio. I just wanted to blend in for once."

Marcus chuckled. "I don't think you'll ever just blend in love. You radiate power and confidence in your magic. You are a very beautiful and smart woman. You always attract attention whether you like it or not."

Hermione sighed. "So much for blending in."

Marcus smiled at her. "You shine too bright Granger. Don't ever change." He said before he walked out of the store, towards Viktor and Matyas who were gesturing towards another store.