Hey guys I'm very new at this, so wish me luck.

I do not own Star wars or She Ra Whatsoever.

Chapter One:



It is 17 ABY,and the Empire rules supreme. However, the Rebellion is fighting fiercely against it, led by Former Queen of the Planet Brightmoon, ANGELLA LUNAH.

The JEDI ORDER are reduced to two members, CASTASPELLA O'RUNE, and her niece, daughter of Angella Lunah, GLIMMER LUNAH aid the Rebellion in their fight against the Empire.

Meanwhile, the Emperor's main Enforcer, DARTH VADER, hates his master, as he (understandably) blames THE EMPEROR for what has happened to him. He secretly plots to Overthrow his master, by ANY MEANS NECESSARY...


Fortress Vader, Mustafar.

Darth Vader meditated in his chambers. He was waiting, hoping for that infernal droid to return with results. This was crucial to his plan.

The door hissed open. In walked a protocol droid, it's Silver plating glimmering in the dim light.

"Lord Vader." It said. "Here are the results-" Before it could finish, Vader had snatched the Datapad from it and force pushed it into a wall. He could not risk anyone finding out.

He looked at it.

It read very low Midi-chlorian Counts until Vader reached the bottom, which read:

Adora Grayskull: 18,000

Catra Meowmeow: 18,000

Vader stopped Right there. Those were extremely High Midi-chlorian Counts. Higher than Master Yoda's. Yes. Those were the ones he would go for.

Under his mask, Vader smiled for the first time in years. Finally, he would get his revenge...


Adora drove the 2-M Saber-class Tank through Tatooine's desert. Her best Friend Catra was the Gunner, a job which she took particular glee in. Their White and grey uniforms stood out against the black hovertank, and identified their rank: Cadets.

Catra Fired EMP blasts at other tanks. The Exercise was to not get hit, and shoots everyone else's tank.

"Hey, Adora!" Catra called down. "I need you to get me closer Northwards!" She yelled. Two Tanks - her tracking screen that was in all the tanks said they belonged to Lonnie and Octavia, and Kyle and Rogelio, respectively - were North of them, fighting it out. Adora Changed course and headed towards them.

Catra took aim.

Her Thumb was a millimetre from the fire Button when...

"You two!"

The voice came from their left, and outside.

They opened the hatches and stuck their heads out. There stood Commandant Colbalt, the tall, muscular, blue-skinned veteran Instructor with short hair of the same colour but a different shade.

"Hey! Someone important wants you!" He yelled.

"Can It wait!?" Snapped Catra.

"No! That someone happenes to be Lord Vader!" He yelled.

Adora and Catra exchanged looks.

Lord Vader. The Emperor's top enforcer. He was so feared Officers often drew Straws when the time came to delivering bad news. Some said he was a Sorcerer.

Adora spoke first. "Right away, Sir."

She Clambered out. Catra pressed the fire button before she did the same. The shot hit Kyle and Rogelio's Tank. It was a good think Rogelio was the first Trandoshan cadet, and only spoke Dosh.

"Oh, and Catra." Snapped Colbalt.


"Don't have the attitude of Rebel scum!"

Adora frowned.

"With Respect, Sir, I think the Rebellion might be in the wrong, but they have good intentions, at least-"

"Don't argue with me, Cadet! I expect better from you! Now do as you are told! Lord Vader does not tolerate lateness!"


Adora and Catra found themselves alone with the Sith Lord in the Commandant's office. His Black Armour, his Synthetic Leather bodysuit, and his Heavy breathing, all sent shivers up their spines.

Vader examined them. "Tell me, Cadets." He growled. "Have you heard of 'The Force'?" He asked them.

They looked at each other. "No." Replied Catra.

Vader explained. "The Force Surrounds us. Penetrates us. It binds the universe Together. Some individuals who are strong in it can manipulate it, and you two-" He gestured. "-Are incredibly strong in it."

Adora and Catra looked at each other.

"Can you show us, Lord Vader?" Catra asked, bravely.

Vader stretched out his hand towards a nearby Armchair, and it rose into the air, unsupported.

Adora and Catra's faces were hilarious. Well, they would be, if anyone else was in the room, If Vader was in the mood to admire them, and if Catra and Adora weren't the ones with the stupid faces.

"I am going to teach you in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. You will become my apprentices. And you will help me overthrow the Emperor."

Adora gasped. "WHAAAAAAAATT!? WHYYYY!?"

Vader went into it. "The Emperor took everything away from me." Vader decided to go into the 'Problems' in the Empire. This might get them to help. "He has allowed corruption to run rampant. He turns a blind eye to Xenophobia. He needs to be killed. if your refuse, you will die."

Catra and Adora exchanged looks.

Suddenly, Adora felt something within her. Something called to her. It was like a voice from within.

"Use the Force, Adora." It said. "Push"

Adora thrust her hand Forward, and Vader shot backwards, crashing through the wall, and many more.

Adora rushed through the holes in the walls. Vader had ended his constant wall-crashing at the Academy Hangar. He was standing, and he was angry. Adora picked up a nearby blaster that had been lying around. In a panic, she fired several bolts at Vader,, but the Cyborg took out a metal cylinder and pressed a button, and a crimson blade, made of pure energy, sprang out of it. He used it to deflect each one. As he drew near, Adora noticed a Red metal barrel with a Label saying: Rhydonium - Highly explosive. Forty identical crates sat near it.

Adora did something incredibly stupid. I think you can guess what she did. She shot the barrel nearest to Vader!

The explosion was so great that Adora must have lost consciousness for a second, for the next thing she knew she was plummeting through the several holes in several floors the explosion had made.

How she had survived the blast had been a miracle, but now she was doomed for sure.

She braced herself.

She shut her eyes.

Nothing happened. She opened her eyes, to find herself floating half a meter off the ground. She dropped, and landed on her face with an "Ow..." She got up. She was in the Main hall of the Academy, debris laying around her. She then saw two figures, both of whom looked unusual, and were around her age.

The first figure was a tan-skinned girl. She was Short and stocky, wearing a Dark Purple Robe with pink and light blue sparkle patterns on the sleeve, and a brown hooded outer robe. Her hair was pastel pink and purple, cut into a short chopped bob. Her eyes Were a sort of brownish pink. At her very dark brown belt hung a metal cylinder similar to Vader's.

The second was a dark-skinned boy with broad shoulders, reasonable muscles, had Afro buzz hair that was dark brown, wore a White T-shirt with a Red Heart in the middle, blue trousers, and a dull gold Jacket. on his Back was a Quiver of arrows, the bow which he must fire them out of was in his hand, with an arrow at the ready.

The girl spoke first. "Come with us if you want to live."


The three rushed through the corridors. "Who are you!?" She yelled.

"I'm Glimmer!" Yelled the girl.

"I'm Bow!" Cried the boy.

"I'm Adora!" Replied Adora.

They came out of the Entrance. It was Night. Bow took out a device, and clicked a button. Out of thin air, a ship, that was round, had a horses' head for a cockpit, and it's wings looked like those of a bird. It was painted Mostly White, with frills on top of the horse's head a rosy orange, and the wings sprayed orange, yellow, pink, and blue, in stripes. Then, the three realised something.

There was a heavy Breathing coming from behind them.

They turned, to see Darth Vader. His Bodysuit was torn at the sleeves and legs, revealing cyborg parts. His helmet was dented. His cape was in tatters, and his Weapon was activated.

Glimmer took a step forth, and ignited her weapon, a blade of brilliant pink.

Vader's Voice lowered to a growl. "A Jedi. I thought I had killed the last of you." Glimmer glared at him. "You killed my father, Master Micah O'Rune!" She yelled.

Vader replied "He was a tough opponent. Let us see how good YOU ARE!" The pair launched themselves at each other. Their lightsabers clashed. Vader Eventually got Glimmer on the ground. When he raised his Lightsaber, however, Glimmer shimmered and Vanished.

The Sith Lord looked around in confusion, and felt his cybernetic arms get chopped off. He turned. The girl was standing there. Of course. She must have teleportation as a force ability!

The Young Jedi then Proceeded to chop off Vader's Right Leg, disabling him. She then Force Pushed him into some stormtroopers.

Adora looked awed. "Wow..." Bow shook her. "C'mon! Get on the Ship!" He yelled, shoving her aboard, as Glimmer Teleported to the cockpit.

Adora turned to leave, but...

"ADORA!" Catra's voice rang out.

Adora turned. Catra stood there, rushing towards her. Stormtroopers came up too.

"Adora! Don't leave!" Screamed Catra.

Then, she felt hands grasp her shoulders, and she felt a buzzing sensation, and found herself in the ship's cockpit.

She banged on the glass. "CATRA-!" She didn't get a chance say anything else, as the ship jumped to Hyperspace.

Adora Slumped to the ground. Bow put a comforting hand on Adora's shoulder. "I'm sorry Adora. Was that a friend?"

"My best friend." Sniffled Adora.

Glimmer looked Sympathetic. "I'm sorry. I know what losing people is like. I lost my dad, for Yoda's sake! But I had no choice"

Adora sniffled.

Bow helped her sit down.

"Let me tell you why we were there." He said. "We got Intel that Vader planned to get an apprentice, and found an apprentice strong in the Force."

Adora looked at her, then remembered something. "Hang on! Catra- My friend, Vader said she's strong in the Force too!"

The other two looked scandalised.

"Oh no!" Cried Glimmer.

Bow groaned. "What have we done?"

Adora sighed, then changed the subject. "Vader said something about the Dark Side of the Force. Is there a Light side? Are you with the Rebellion? I've always thought that they had good intentions, but were in the wrong. Can you help me change that opinion?" Glimmer and Bow sat down.

Bow spoke first. "For more than a thousand Generations, the Jedi were the Guardians of peace a justice in the Galaxy. Then came the Clone wars..."


Catra woke up from a deep slumber. She looked around. She appeared to be in a training room of some sort, as there were five burly KX-Series droids around her. Vader's voice rang out.

"You are to defeat these droids by any means necessary."

Anger surged within Catra. "YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She screamed, with a fury she had never known.

"Anger gives you strength." Vader stated.

"Now do as I tell you, apprentice..."

Catra looked down. She realised she was wearing a robe similar to the one that pink-blade-teleporting-girl had been wearing, except it was black, and on the sleeves were ruby lightning patterns.


"Because." Replied Vader. "You can gain powers beyond your wildest dreams. And, you can save your friend." Catra's pupils dilated. "Adora!"

"Well?" Asked Vader. "Will you help me and become my apprentice or not?"

Catra did hesitate, but answered after a couple of seconds. "Grah, Fine!" She growled.

The droids moved towards her. She jumped on one and slashed the head off with her claws.

She then got an idea. She jumped off the droid, and thrust out her hand like Adora had. One went flying backwards, and shattered into twelve pieces when it hit the wall. She then did it again, but she did so with her fingers clenched slightly, and it simply stopped. She clenched her fists fully in frustration, and the droid begin to get crushed. Catra grinned, and continued doing what she was doing. She then flung it to the other droids, bowling over and destroying two.

That left just one, which punched her before she could react.

She jumped on it, scratched it's face, and then force pushed it, sending it into the wall.

A door opened. Vader stood there.

"You have incredible potential, but you still require control. I shall teach you how, but first..." He tapped his weapon at his belt. "You will need one of these."

Catra grinned. This was going to be fun.


Adora gasped. "Wow... That's incredible. I want to join the Rebellion now!" She grinned. "Thanks for helping me see the Empire for what they truly are." She said.

"Our pleasure." Replied Glimmer. "Now, let's get back to the Rebel Base."

Adora grinned. "So, can I be a Jedi?"

Glimmer smiled. "Let's see what my Aunt Casta says."

The ship suddenly came out of Hyperspace. "Blast" Growled Bow.

Adora changed the subject. "So, what d'you call this ship?"

Bow grinned. "We call it-" He struck a dramatic pose "-The Swift Wind!" He replied.

"Nice name!" Smiled Adora.

Suddenly, the scanner started beeping.

"Imperials!" Cried Bow. "Battle Stations!"

Adora and Glimmer went to the guns, stationed on each-side of the horse head.

They aimed.

"Wow, these things are awesome!" Cried Adora.

"Yeah, I know Right?" Replied Glimmer, shooting one. In the wing.

Bow did some really fancy flying, even running rings around one.

"This is a really fast ship!" Complimented Adora.

"I know! The fastest in the Galaxy!" Replied Bow, cheerfully.

When the Last TIE had been blasted, they all High-five'd.

"Yahoo!" They cried. "Yeah!"

"So, where's the Rebel base?" Asked Adora.

"It's on Yavin IV." Replied Bow. "One of the moons of Yavin."

"Wow. Clever." Replied Adora.

Glimmer simply grinned.


Catra was marched into a room with a Holoprojector. Vader Activated it. On it was a tall Purple-Skinned Twi'lek, with two tonfas that had shorts yellow lightsaber blades jutting out.

"This is Gre'la Jen." Vader Explained. She is a former Jedi knight and a member of Saw Gerrera's Partisans. I want you to kill her.

"And how do I do that?" Asked Catra "One of Those-" She pointed at the Lightsaber tonfas "-Chopped your METAL ARMS off!"

Vader gestured to a table. On it a deactivated Electro-whip - a handle with a wire jutting out at the end that glowed with electricity when powered up - and an identical pair of stunbatons - two metal sticks that also glowed with electricity when activated - lay.

"They are made of Phrik, a lightsaber-resistant material. You shall use them to kill her, and take her crystals. The Lightsaber you must build yourself."

Catra nodded.

She would do anything to get her best friend back.

Even if it meant killing other people...


Adora, Bow, and Glimmer sat at the table, sipping Hot Chocolate.

"Wow! This stuff Is awesome!" Cried Adora.

"I know, right!"

A beep suddenly sounded from the Cockpit. "We're coming out of Hyperspace!" Cried Bow.

They came out of Hyperspace, in time to see the Planet in full view.

"Wow..." Gasped Adora.


SOOOOO! Waddaya think? Leave a review! When Catra and Adora make their Lightsabers I'm gonna make the Fic cut to each one repeatedly, from start to completion of their lightsabers! :)