"Bucky, you find anything?" Steve said through the ear piece he was wearing.

"Nothing yet," He replies, walking silently through an empty hallway.

This was the third hydra base they had found; the first was off the west coast of America, the second in Germany, and now a third in Russia.

A lot had changed in just a few years. Getting his mind fixed in Wakanda. Coming to living in Stark's massive tower with the Avengers. Becoming an Avenger. Going on missions to take down what remains of the organization that had tortured and held him captive for almost 70 years. Having a pet cat. It was all overwhelming, but those things aren't that big compared to Tony not hating him, even if he does deserve to be hated. It's taking a little while for Bucky to get used to everything.

He could here footsteps near him. Bucky quicken his pace and started towards whoever it was. He turned a corner and found a hydra agent slamming a door open and running in the room.

"Где ты!"The agent screamed. (Where are you!)

"Steve I think I found a prisoner." Bucky quickly got to the door and grabbed the agents arm, yanking him out of the room and slamming him into the hallway wall. Bucky quickly disarmed the man when he raised a gun and knocked him out with a punch from his left arm.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Steve worriedly asked, hearing the commotion on Bucky's end.

"I'm fine Steve." Bucky answered. Steve had a tendency to act like a mother hen ever since he found Bucky. "Worry about what's going on your side."


Bucky slowly walked into what seemed to be a prison cell, trying not scare whoever was in there more than they probably already were. He knows how Hydra treats their prisoners from experience.

The cell was empty save for a small, worn bed in the left corner and a toilet on the opposite wall. Bucky looker over the room a few more times to make sure no one was there. Maybe the agent had the wrong room.

"Was there a prisoner?" It was Natasha speaking this time.

"Agent must have had the wrong room, it's empty."

"Check any other rooms you see. Going through files right now. Looks like Hydra was experimenting again."

"Like they did with me and Pietro?" Wanda asked through the com.

"Looks like it." Natasha replied.

Bucky turned and started out the door. Then he heard a low noise. Like someone inhaling a quick breath. Bucky turned around again, searching the room again.

"Anyone here?"

No reply.

He tried again in Russian. "Кто-нибудь слышит?"

"Я не собираюсь делать тебе больно. Я здесь, чтобы помочь." (I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help.)

Still nothing.

Bucky started back for the door until he noticed something small and silver floating in the corner. It looks like some sort of wrist band and is only a few inches off the ground, shaking slightly. Bucky's starting to think he's going crazy. Stepping closer he can see the band shaking even more and can hear someone's breathing getting faster, panicking.

He stops just a few inches away and crouches down. He slowly moves his flesh hand towards the wrist band. Whatever sort of breathing sound he hears is getting quicker and louder as his hand get closer. He touches it and it flinches away.

"Не делай мне больно, пожалуйста" A tiny voice says. (Don't hurt me, please)

Bucky turns his head around the room in search of the voice, though it's clearly coming from in front of him.

"Ничего страшного, я не собираюсь делать тебе больно. Я хочу помочь. Можете ли вы показать мне, где вы находитесь?" (It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help. Can you show me where you are?)

Nothing happens for a second. Then two. Then three. Then slowly the floating, silver band is on a wrist and the wrist is connected to a hand and a arm. The arm is connected to a shoulder, and a head. Slowly a body becomes visible. Bucky is convinced that Hydra did something to eyesight because he knows that there was not a body there before.

"Bucky did find anyone?" It's Steve again, but he ignores him.

Huddled in a corner with his knees pressed up to his chest, appears a little boy that can't be no more than 8 years old. He's wearing a white shirt and shorts; both are filthy. His blonde hair is dirty and messy and Bucky finds a pair of blue eyes looking up at him. Tears leaking down and leaving streaks of wetness down his dirty face.

"Кто-кто ты?" (Who-who are you?)

It takes a moment for Bucky to get over his initial shock. He slightly shakes his head to help focus.

"My name is-Меня зовут баки."(My name is Bucky)

The boy just looks up at him scared to death and Bucky is over the shock, focused on getting the boy out of here.

"Я собираюсь вытащить тебя отсюда, хорошо?" (I'm going to get you out of here, okay?) He says in gentle tone.

The boy slightly nods, still staring wide eyed at him.

Bucky reaches out, but the boy sinks farther away into the corner.

"Ничего страшного, я не собираюсь делать тебе больно. Вы можете сказать мне свое имя?" (It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Can you tell me your name?)

The boy is hesitant for a second. "Максим" (Maxim) He answers eventually.

Bucky offers the boy a small smile.

"Я не позволю никому причинить тебе боль." (I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.)

Bucky looked down at the boys right knee. It was scraped and he could see dried blood from where it was uncared for. Bucky felt his stomach clench when he thought about how hydra had treated this kid.

"У тебя болит колено? Похоже, это было кровотечение." (Is your knee hurt? It looks like it was bleeding.)

Maxim glances down at his knee quickly then looks back up at Bucky.

"Я упал." (I fell) He answers.

Bucky watches as Maxim's cheeks turn bright red as if he was embarrassed.

Apparently Bucky wasn't the only one that Hydra made feel shame over their mistakes.

"Все хорошо, я упал раньше, и мне было больно. Могу поспорить, я более неуклюжий, чем вы." (It's okay, I've fell before and I got hurt to. I bet I'm more clumsy than you)

That gets a small smile out of Maxim and Bucky feels his heart swell up with glee from making him smile.

"Вы хотите покинуть это место?"(Do you want to leave this place?) Bucky asked and Maxim shakes his head yes.

"Я собираюсь вытащить тебя отсюда, но мне нужно, чтобы ты доверял мне" (I'm going to get you out of here but I need you to trust me)

Bucky slowly reaches his hand out. "Максим, ты мне доверяешь?" (Do you trust me, Maxim?)

Maxim studies Bucky for a minute then tentatively puts his tiny hand in Bucky's.

Bucky offers him a smile. "Пошли. Вы можете стоять?" (Lets go. Can you stand?)

Maxim slowly stands up, still a little shaken, but he looks up at Bucky expectantly when Bucky himself stands.

They both start walking towards the door until Maxim starts pulling back in a panic.

"Подожди подожди!" (Wait, wait!)

"Какой? В чем дело?" (What? What's wrong?)

Maxim taps the silver band he's wearing. "больно, если я уйду" (Hurts when I leave.)

Bucky stares at the band before understanding and his stomach falls uncomfortably at the realization. The band was there to make sure he couldn't leave his cell. It was like one of those shock collars he had seen on T.V. people buy for their pets. It definitely wasn't one of the worst things Hydra has done, but it still was terrible.

"Bucky we got to get out of here." Steve says urgently. "I think they sent off some sort of self destruct on the building; we have to get out of here."

Not good.

Bucky takes the band in his hand and kneels down.

"How long do I have?"

"Maybe 5 minutes tops." Tony answers.

"I need someone else checking for more prisoners. There's a kid in here wearing something like a shock collar. I won't have to time to check everywhere."

"I'm coming." Sam said. "Is the kid okay?"

"He is if we get him out of here, hurry. Look for a silver band if you don't see anyone."

"What? If I don't see anyone?"

"Just do it, no time to explain."

"We need to hurry, I'm coming also." Steve cut in.

Bucky turns his attention back to the band. "Ты знаешь, как это снять." (Do you know how to take it off?) He asks.

"Они нажимают на кнопку, и это не больно, когда я ухожу" (They press a button and it doesn't hurt when I leave)

A remote, there isn't enough time to find it and Bucky is reluctant to leave Maxim here also. He thinks about just grabbing Maxim and getting him out of this building despite the band going off and causing the boy pain and then deal with the band once they're safely on the quinjet. He quickly shoots that idea down when he remembers the panicked look on Maxim's face. Whatever the band does, it must really hurt.

He hears Wilson going through the halls, opening door after door. Bucky goes to plan B. Breaking the band. He lowers down to Maxim's level and takes the band with his metal hand and breaks it between his fingers. Maxim holds his hand up and looks at his wrist in wonder. For a moment, Bucky starts to worry that the kid would turn invisible and run off now that he was free. His worries were shot down, however, when Maxim wrapped his arms tightly around Bucky.

"Спасибo" (Thank you)

Bucky felt his heart clench at the boy's words. And lightly pats his back.

"пожалуйста" (Your welcome.) He says lightly.

"Нам нужно идти, я могу забрать тебя?" (We need to go, can I pick you up?)

"да." (Yes) Maxim replies.

Bucky quickly picks him up and Maxim wraps his arms tightly around Bucky's neck. They meet Sam at the end of the hallway. He didn't find anyone else.

"You fix the shock collar thing?" Wilson asks, looking at Maxim.

Bucky can feel Maxim tighten his grip around Bucky as he looks at Sam.

"Yeah, stop staring your scaring him."

Sam glares at Bucky. "How am I scaring him?"

"He has to get to know you first."

"And I suppose he knows you now. What, you tell him your favorite color?"

"What? Are you an idiot-"

"I hope you two aren't arguing in front of the kid." Natasha interrupts through the com.

Bucky and Sam say nothing but just glare at each other.

"Why can't you guys just have a decent conversation with each other?" Steve asks.

"Three minutes." Stark warns.

"Okay," Bucky says and starts going to find an exit. "You find anybody else?"

"No, and I didn't see any silver bands either." Sam said.

"Good, lets go."


After a few turns, meeting Steve and running up a few sets of stairs, they managed to get to the quinjet with around 40 seconds to spare. Once everyone was on the jet they

took off with Clint piloting. Maxim looked around nervously at everybody and tightened his hold on Bucky more.

Bucky took a seat next to Steve and strapped both him and Maxim in the seat since it became clear he wasn't going to let go of Bucky.

Maxim looks from Bucky to Steve to Bucky again.

Bucky smiles and puts his metal hand on Steve's shoulder. "Это Стив." (This is Steve.)

"This is Maxim. Say hi, Steve" He tells his friend.

Steve gives Maxim a smile and says hi.

"Стив говорит привет." (Steve says hi.) He tells Maxim.

Maxim looks at him, giving Steve a little wave.

"Я знаю, что он большой, но он просто большой плюшевый мишка." (I know he's big, but he's just a big teddy bear.) Bucky assures him.

Maxim seems to look a little less scared at that. Wanda and Natasha laughs understanding the whole conversation. Steve looks between Bucky and the only other two Russian speakers suspiciously.

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing but how much a mother hen you can be, Stevie." Bucky says.

"Jerk." Steve says, but smiling bashfully.


Natasha walks up to them and bends down to Maxim's eye level.

"Ваше колено выглядит больно, могу я надеть на него пластырь?" (Your knee looks hurt, can I put a band aid on it?)

Maxim looks up at Bucky.

"Все в порядке, она хочет помочь." (It's okay, she wants to help.)

Maxim looks back at Natasha and holds his knee out. She walks towards the medical supplies they keep in the jet and comes back with a white tub, a band aid, and a wet rag.

"Это может немного укусить." (This might sting a little.)

She takes the rag and starts wiping the dirt off his knee. Then she puts some cream on it from the tube and then a band aid.

Maxim examines the band aid before curling back up against Bucky and whispering a small 'thank you'.


The team sits in silence for awhile after that. Listening to Bucky introducing everyone to Maxim. Maxim gives them each a small wave and looks a little less scared then when Bucky first carried him on the jet.

After a few hours, they arrive at the tower and Stark calls for everyone to meet in the briefing room, where they discuss missions at, in a few minutes to talk about there new acquaintance.

Bucky is still holding Maxim when they walk in the tower. The team disperses to each their own separate rooms, eager to get out of their sweaty clothes. When Bucky opens the door Alpine greets them like he usually does by rubbing his side against Bucky's legs. Maxim looks down at Alpine when the cat meows at him.

"Это Alpine, мой кот." (This is Alpine, my cat.)

"I'm going to go shower." Steve looks at Maxim, whose still looking at Alpine, then to Bucky. "Call if you need anything."

"Okay." Bucky nods and Steve opens the room across from Bucky's and disappears behind the door.

He takes Maxim to the kitchen with Alpine following. Bucky sets him down on the counter and gently pries Maxim's arms from his neck. He looks up at Bucky with a panicked expression, obviously not liking being separated from him. Bucky gives him the best reassuring smile he can give.

"Ты можешь сидеть здесь для меня?" (Can you sit here for me?)

Maxim looks down but nods his head. Bucky turns to the fridge and grabs two water bottles. He had just started to close the door when he heard a startled cry from Maxim.

Alpine had jumped on the counter next to him. As soon as Bucky got close enough, Maxim latched on to his arm.

"Все нормально. Он дружелюбный" (It's okay. He's friendly) Bucky started petting behind Alpine's ear while the cat purred. "Все нормально. Он дружелюбный" (See? He likes getting petted. Do you want to pet him?)

Maxim slowly reached out his hand and started rubbing where Bucky just had. Alpine continued to purr in enjoyment.

"Ты ему нравишься." (He likes you.)

Bucky feels a warmth swell up in him when he sees a second smile.