Chapter 37

No one understood the reasoning… no one saw it coming and yet…

Garou was at a loss with himself. He shouldn't have let Melee to go shopping alone, he could have stopped it… he could have stopped everything!

But he was answering a call to take out a monster threat in a city half way across the super continent.

"Oh God…" he whispered as he kept to himself. He sat outside Melee's hospital door. Out of fear for her safety, she was taken to the Association, since then, Genus has taken over everything.

Max was set up in a bed as well. Normally a car hitting him wouldn't have done much damage, if he braces himself properly, he merely bounces off of it. Yet he purposely tried to absorb the shock and taking the brunt of it to protect Melee. It brought Garou to his feet as he quickly went to see Max who was sitting up in bed and appeared to be better. Some of his scales were sheered right off from the strike, not to mention when he bounced across the ground a few times in hopes of saving Melee. He was no worst for wear.

Yet the moment he saw Garou, Max appeared ashamed. "I'm sorry… I couldn't have done more," were the first words out of his mouth.

Garou paused, his head crooked to the side as he said. "What the fuck do you have to be sorry for? YOU SAVES HER!" he protested.

"I couldn't protect her well enough! She's still hurt! How are the kids? Are the babies going to be okay?"

"I… I don't know yet," he whispered. "Oh God, I failed as a father and husband!"

"Whoa, Garou, what's with that notion?"

He couldn't stop himself from shedding tears. "I should have been with her… I didn't think… I didn't think someone would go THIS far!"

"None of us did," Max replied. He cringed as he moved a little off the bed. "Damn a car really does hurt…" he muttered, but when he swung his legs over the side. Max looked Garou dead in the eyes. "We didn't anticipate people going this far, since it hasn't happened before. We had people try to fight us, instigate a fight and throw rocks, but that was the extent of it until the clones and exterminator came about…"

"I don't give a damn about the past, I should have seen this coming!" Garou protested. "My wife… my family… Who the hell do these assholes think they are dealing with?"

"It exactly what these assholes want,"

Garou jumped at the voice of Knuckle. He was pissed off to say the least. "I did a scan of sis before she got taken in. Her water broke, but she wasn't severely harmed… nor were your children. Max took nearly the whole impact of the strike." He explained as he came deeper into the room. He turned to Max. "You sir, have my respect, gratitude and if you EVER need a favor from me, you got it. No questions."

Max was taken aback my Knuckle's decree. He merely nodded to him.

"What the hell do we do? I mean, did Genus make her…"

"He is looking at all options right now, but since her water broke, there is no choice but to deliver the twins sooner than later… you're going to want to suit up."

"Suit up?" Garou muttered.

"They are newborns, Garou. They are going to have weak immune systems for a while. You need to follow the protocol, since they are human…" Knuckle paused as he suddenly appeared fixated on something else. "We better go now!" he grabbed him by the arm and dragged him down the hall. Not before suddenly flashing a powerful light on Garou!

"What the hell!" he demanded.

"Quick serialization! Get that hospital gown on and go!" he ordered. Garou found one somehow in his hands, he was quick to put it on as he rushed to Melee's room. By the time he arrived, Melee was passed out, he but heard the wailing.

She already gave birth?

He slowly drifted into the room. Melee was weak but her eyes opened just enough for him. "Hey…" he said gently. "Are you okay?"

"Whatever the doc gave me… it's wicked stuff…" she said in a dazed tone. But then paused. "How did I end up in a hospital? I though I went out to pick up things for dinner?"

Garou couldn't stop his tears, he rushed to her side and held her hand. "I am so sorry I wasn't there!" he whispered.

She appeared confused. "But you have always been there…"

"Garou, she is very heavily sedated… despite her abilities not kicking in, I failed to take into factor how resistant a Brawler is."

He nodded as Melee suddenly passed out. He turned to Genus, who was smiling warmly. "Come meet your sons,"

He drifted over to the small makeshift hospital cribs, peering down, Garou froze as he saw two human babies sound asleep within. "They… they are okay?" he asked.

Genus paused. "For the most part. However, I do believe one is blind. When his eyes opened, they were just… whited out, callouses were over them so I doubt he can see. The other one, I am not sure yet. I have yet to do a full check up on them, but will let you know soon enough. For now, take them, make skin to skin contact and hold them for a while, they need that bond with their parents."

He merely nodded. Garou then began to alter his skin, when he can condense his form down, he appears human, but for the time being, he will focus on mainly his upper body being as smooth as possible. He reached for the children. They squirmed for but a moment until they came to rest on his chest. A small coo was heard from them as he found a chair and held them close to him.

Genus excused himself for the time being as Garou took a moment to savor the sensation. He has human children… they can grow up to have a normal life…

But can they if they are raised in a family like this?

No one in the house hold is human… would they understand that? Would they accept the fact that they are not going to be like their siblings? Will they be okay with that?

So many thoughts bombarded his mind, he didn't know which way was up at this point. All he could do was sit and wait.

"I pray to God, you two will grow up healthy and happy…" he whispered. "I will do everything I can to ensure you do."

With a tender kiss on their foreheads, Garou lay there and fell asleep with his newborns in his arms…