Disclaimer: Don't own the characters (except for the ones I create for this story), make no profit and only write for other fans to enjoy the stories.

"Ignacio!" Diego shouted at exiting the tavern, seconds after hearing the gunshots outside.

The Alcalde was engaged in a sword fight with one of the bandits, unaware that a cohort of his was pointing a gun at him, prepared to shoot. Diego acted at the last moment and tackled him to the ground. The bullet, which would have killed De Soto on the spot, made his way through Diego's chest and out of it, scratching Ignacio's right forearm.

A lancer attacked the shooter and another shot dead the man the Alcalde was fighting. It took but a few more minutes for everything to settle and peace to return to the plaza.

"Are you alright?" Diego asked De Soto, trying to stand up.

"I am fine. It's just a scratch…But you are bleeding!" He answered when he realized the blood on his vest was not his.

Diego looked down at his blouse, just noticing with some stupor that it was drenched in blood. He only felt the pain some seconds later, after he noticed the wound. He tried to press on it with his hand, to stop the bleeding, but he had trouble breathing and fell back on the ground, this time on his back. The Alcalde and the other people present froze on the spot, failing to react for a few minutes, just watching Diego struggling to breath.

Don Alejandro took a few steps towards his son and fell on his knees next to him, his hands covering his mouth and part of his face, shivering at the thought that his one remaining son was dying before him. He regained some composure only when Doctor Hernandez arrived and hurried to treat him, asking for the young caballero to be hastily moved to one of the tavern's rooms, so he could suture the wound.

When he was finished, due to the blood loss and the gravity of the injury, - the bullet having perforated a lung – the doctor gave the bad news to the De la Vegas: the chances for Diego to survive the night were minimal. Even so, the chances for him to survive the following 24 hours were practically non-existent.

Diego had lost consciousness during the operation but regained it just as the doctor was giving his family the bad news.

"Diego!" His father exclaimed, with tears in his eyes, when he saw that his son was looking at him.

He was weak, in pain and barely able to breath but the young man did not fear his impending death. What he was afraid of, at that very moment, was leaving his father all alone for, with Felipe's adoption still pending, alone was what the old don was to become.

"Victoria." He whispered as loudly as he could, and the young tavern owner came running at his side, her eyes in tears. "Marry me!" He asked her, his voice so weak she could hardly hear him.

Victoria's eyes grew wide and she looked inquisitively to Don Alejandro, then back at Diego, wondering if she had heard him right.

Diego saw the question in her eyes. "Please!" He begged her. "I cannot…leave him alone. Be his daughter!" He continued.

Any thought to negate his request, had it crossed her mind, disappeared as soon as she nodded her agreement. A man's last wish had to be fulfilled and, if her friend was beyond saving, Victoria wanted to do all in her power for him to leave this life peacefully. If marrying him only to become his widow in the morning was what it took for that to happen, she decided that she needed to do it. Zorro would understand.

Padre Benitez was called a few minutes later and soon declared the two husband and wife, minutes before Diego, succumbing to his injury, plummeted into unconsciousness.