Inevitable: Certain to happen; Unavoidable.
On a cloudy morning, an older Luna Loud sits alone in her half empty living room, staring at the television with half-lidded eyes.
On the tv plays an interview with the latest pop star of the new generation who's just some kid wearing crazy clothes and sporting an even crazier hairdo.
All she feels right now is sadness in her heart.
But why should she be sad? The former rocker knew that a day like this would come eventually.
The day where she is forgotten.
When Luna was younger, she wanted to be the greatest rockstar ever. She eventually got her wish sometime in her early twenties.
For the next three in a half decades, Luna's music was praised by billions in not just America, but the whole world.
She had a large fanbase, made lots of money, and had fantastic band mates.
And thanks to the way she was raised by her parents, Luna was generous and donated to charities.
Unlike the celebrities who post comments about tragic events about how they're heartbroken but never really do anything about it. They just tweet their little spew and go back to drinking expensive wines on their gold-plated yachts.
Luna actually took the time to help communities through either music or actually getting her hands dirty.
She always made sure to never be greedy and foolishly waste her money.
Sure, Luna bought a big house but she only did that so her whole family can have a place to rest when they visit.
And the only other possessions she bought was a vehicle to drive around in (a purple Lamborghini) and a boat (average size, not the freaking Titanic) to ride over the waves.
Besides those, Luna spent her money on the essentials and placed the rest in the bank.
She even pays for other people besides herself most of the time.
Like when she gave her parents a two week vacation of their choice out of her own pocket. Luna even told her parents to go crazy, she wouldn't mind.
Her parents didn't though as they didn't want to overcharge their daughter. The only thing "extra" they purchased was a bottle of red wine and some desserts (Dad has a sweet tooth) from the restaurants they went to.
Luna even offered to replace Vanzilla for a vehicle that the two can enjoy themselves but all they asked for was a new van to hold all of their grandchildren.
Luna sent her siblings money if they needed some.
The rocker never minded helping anyone out in need. It was what she was raised for.
And if she wasn't providing, Luna was making new songs.
The songs themselves were mostly clean lyric wise, Luna never liked foul language in her songs because she wanted everyone of all ages to enjoy.
And other times, Luna was reading fan mail.
That was one of her favorite things.
And she owed all of her success to her idol, Mick Swagger.
The famous singer who was considered #1 before Luna made it to the big time.
When she finally made it to stardom, Luna made sure to take any chance and play music with Mick (which she did on more than one occasion).
But eventually, she found something out that greatly disturbed her.
Luna noticed how people were forgetting about him.
She didn't know why because he was a great rocker.
When she brought this up to Mick, he didn't seem to mind.
"It was inevitable, Luv. I had my time in the spotlight and one day the same will happen to you as well."
This frightened Luna.
It never really occured to her just how people, especially celebrities, can be easily forgotten when the next big thing comes out.
Luna blamed herself believing that Mick Swagger was falling into obscurity because of her.
But Mick just told her to have fun and enjoy it while it lasts.
It wasn't long after that when Mick Swagger died of old age.
That was a hard day for Luna.
She cried hard at the news.
She attended his funeral but quickly noticed how the media was only there because her.
When Mick died, there was the usual news report but no one seemed to care except for Luna and a few other people who were around during his prime.
It was only because of Luna that the world even knew that Mick Swagger's funeral was taking place. If she wasn't there, the only occupants at the funeral would be the priest and Mick Swagger's remaining family.
This disgusted Luna, causing her to take a break for a while.
When she got back to work, Luna ignored the harsh truth about the possibility of becoming inadequate and continued believing that nothing in her life would change.
That was until she got a call that her father passed away.
Luna attended her father's funeral but without the paparazzi knowing and following her every move. She just wanted it to be family and friends as her dad is being buried in the Earth.
It would've made her sick to her stomach if the whole world "cared" about her father's death all because she's a star.
It was only two years later until her mother died as well and she did the same thing for that funeral.
That's when Luna took Mick's words seriously about the inevitable.
Just as both of her parents died, so will her career one day.
Luna saw this and she noticed that she wasn't releasing as much songs as she used to.
Sure, she was still relevant. She still has a large fanbase and even had a movie deal adapting her life before becoming a rockstar.
So Luna decided to live the life she has while it lasted.
Eventually, Sam Sharp, the love of Luna's life kicked the bucket due to a form of cancer.
That tore Luna up.
Her career started with Sam, so she felt like it should end with Sam. Besides, she was in her forties and her voice isn't as strong as before. Half of her original band mates either retired or died. And Chunk, her old roadie, left the land of the living after Luna's dad died but before her mother's death.
Luna announced her retirement soon after and was bombarded with fans saying how they'll miss her and will never forget her.
She really hoped that's true.
As one final goodbye before leaving for good, Luna had her last show.
She played all of her best songs from throughout the years and gave a tearful goodbye speech before leaving the stage as her fans roared with applause.
Though even if she was done with her career, Luna still appeared on late night talk shows via invitation from time to time.
Now in her fifties, Luna begins to see what Mick was talking about all over again.
Right after her retirement, new stars came out of nowhere and stole everyone's hearts like how she did years ago.
She didn't mind though, not everyone was a fan of hers anyways.
She still received a small chunk of fan mail which Luna noticed that the number was shrinking each time.
On her social media page, Luna notices that her recent posts are hardly getting attention. Only a little under three hundred views versus the trillions of hearts, retweets, and comments she used to get.
Remember the movie deal she mentioned?
When it his theaters, it made a lot of money on it's first weekend and was the talk of the town for the longest time. But Luna saw that no one really cared for it anymore when she saw a DVD copies of her movie in the one dollar bargain bin at the store.
Back then, she remembered the movie being close to twenty five dollars for physical copies and the total amount of buyers came to around over millions of dollars.
On YouTube, Luna was used to seeing new videos of people reacting to her music, making tributes, and even playing her songs themselves which she commonly saw on a daily basis.
Now, nothing.
She checks her music videos and sees that the recent comments are mostly "Who's watching this in 205X?".
Though Luna still enjoys seeing the older comments with people explaining how her music inspired them for greatness.
And it wasn't until the day she went into the Royal Woods mall just to look around is when she finally accepted fate.
Years ago, Luna would have to disguise herself to not be flooded by fans. Now, she can walk peacefully without so much as someone glancing at her.
Luna walks towards shops which always sells band merchandise.
Memories when kids, teenagers, and adults would rush into the shops and grab whatever they could that was related to her band.
Now, in all of the shops, Luna couldn't find one thing that involved her old band.
Okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration. She found a shelf with shirts containing her band logo, though the shelf is still full. And she found some necklaces with her band's logo made into metal. It was just that it wasn't on full display like it used to.
A little later, Luna noticed a group of teenage girls talking about their favorite music band.
Luna joined in and asked them what they think of Luna Loud.
The teens stared at each other before looking back at Luna and replying with a collective "Who?".
That was it for Luna.
Eventually, she noticed that the usual checks she receives in the mail were decreasing, meaning she was gaining less money.
Knowing that the IRS would notice and come after her, Luna did the smart thing and decided to move.
Her and Sam's adopted daughter, Allie Loud, has agreed to let Luna live with her and her husband. Luna and Sam first found Allie living on the streets early in their careers and adopted her. That girl has been a joy ever since.
Today is Luna's final day in her house.
She already sold it along with her Lamborghini, boat, and anything else she wanted to get rid of or didn't want to bring into Allie's house for some extra dough.
All she has left is the recliner she's sitting in, the TV, a lamp, and a few boxes in the living room.
Allow texted her earlier explaining that she and her husband will be there to pick her up and the rest of her things in the afternoon.
And currently with Luna, she waits as she sees the new star on TV.
She's not jealous of them. In fact, she's happy that this kid is living their dream.
But she knows that they'll one day have to face the harsh reality like she did.
Nothing lasts forever.
Allie's husband loads the last box into the back of his truck before closing the door shut while she checks her adopted mother's mailbox to make sure there isn't any bills inside.
Luna stands in the empty living room, holding herself as she slowly looks around, reminiscing on the good memories.
Hot tears fill her eyes as her lips quiver.
Allie walks in and sees Luna crying.
She walks up and pulls her into a hug.
A few minutes later, Luna closes the door to the house for the final time.
She sighs before walking to the truck and climbing to the backseat.
As her son-in-law drives off away, Luna glanced back at her house as it shrunk further with distance until it was completely out of view.
The ride was silent.
Allie decided to turn on the radio which is playing one of Luna's old songs.
She listened to the tune while thinking back on her life.
There was laughter and tears, pain and joy.
She met people and she lost people.
She accepted that her time to finish was inevitable, but she didn't care anymore.
Despite being forgotten, Luna still had her family.
And she's gonna enjoy every second she has left with them...
The End.