Disclaimer: I own nothing. Just the plot and original characters.

Chapter 1

Minerva McGonagall hurried from her office to greet the Board members at the doors to the school. Her usually neat bun looking disheveled as the frazzled witch walked down the stairs to the entrance hall to see the members already present and impatiently waiting. The elderly witch was left feeling used and betrayed by her longtime friend and mentor, the soon to be former Headmaster of Hogwarts. She had no sooner returned to her office after showing Amelia Bones and a cadre of Aurors to Albus' office, leaving them to go through it for any evidence other than what was already anonymously sent. She was greeted by Lucius Malfoy at her approach, "Minerva," he nodded to her.

"Lord Malfoy," she returned. "If you will all follow me." She turned and led them to the great hall. During the summer, it was locked when not in use. The house tables were set against the walls, ready to be moved for the new school year. The school elves had set up a round table with chairs for the meeting. She and the Board took their seats, and a tea service appeared. They quietly fixed themselves tea and waited for the meeting to begin.

Lucius set his cup in its saucer and sharply rapped his cane against the table, getting everyone's attention. "We will call to order this emergency meeting of the Board of Governors on this day of July thirty-first of nineteen-hundred and ninety-two. We are here to discuss the arrest of the current Headmaster of Hogwarts, one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Lucius said.

Dowager Longbottom waved her wand for permission to speak. Lucius nodded, "The Board recognizes member Lady Longbottom."

"Thank you. For those members not on the Wizengamot, please relay the charges," she said.

Of course, Madame. The charges so far as follows: murder, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy with the Dark Lord Grindelwald, child abuse, accessory to child abuse, facilitation of child abuse, theft, unlawful binding of a minor, accessory of the unlawful binding of a minor, the use of a controlling potion on the Ministry, and accessory to distributing the controlling potion on the Ministry." There was dead silence from all the members. Those on the Wizengamot, who were to preside over the trial, still shuddered in disgust at the charges.

Minerva clapped her hands to her mouth in horror. Tears streamed down her face at his betrayal. No mention was made on the charges by Amelia only that they were pressing charges. She felt sick to her stomach and didn't know if she was going to handle being at the trial, she had received her summons to his trial when Amelia had shown up; she had given it to her personally.

Lord Selwyn waved his wand and waited to be recognized. Lucius nodded; The Board recognizes Lord Selwyn."

"Thank you, Lord Malfoy. Has a date been set for the trial? Are we going to make a decision now or wait for the outcome?"

Lucius nodded,

"I feel it would be better if we remove him now, and if found guilty on any or all charges, then he forfeits his pension. Does that sound fair?" Lucius, as a Slytherin, figured this way would be better for the Dark Lord and his plans, leaving the old fool penniless as well. There were murmurs of pleased surprise at Lucius' solution. They had thought of someone always at odds with Dumbledore; he would seize the chance to send the man packing with nothing.

Marcus Bulstrode raised his wand to speak. "The Board recognizes Lord Bulstrode."

"Other than Professor McGonagall, do we have any other candidates to replace Dumbledore?"

Minerva shook her head with a look of great sadness on her face. Lucius frowned, "Is there something wrong, Minerva?"

"Yes, I feel that I'd not be the best replacement for the Headmaster. I am getting on in years, and I think I should step down as Assistant Headmistress. I have all I can handle as the Transfiguration Teacher and Head of House for Gryffindor, but I do have suggestions for replacements," she said.

"If you feel that's for the best," Lady Longbottom said. "Who do you recommend?"

"I feel Filius will make an excellent Headmaster, and Severus should be Assistant Headmaster," Minerva said firmly to everyone's shock.

"Minerva! Severus, you must be joking," cried Doge. "He's a vile man, and he is a terrible teacher. He is a Deatheater, and you would put him in such a position."

"Doge, hold your tongue," Lord Selwyn snapped. "I Minerva is recommending the man, then he must be qualified. Keep your biased opinions to yourself," Selwyn sneered at the man with disgust.

Lucius clenched his teeth and breathed deeply to keep from hexing the foul little toady. Doge, please refrain from insulting my fiancé," he growled.

The Slytherins at the table smirked at Lucius. They knew that once the law had taken effect, it would have only been a matter of time before Lucius got his man. They weren't surprised at how quickly he worked either; they had seen him plying the poor man with alcohol at the Dark Lord's gala. Lady Longbottom was the first to offer her congratulations.

"Congratulations to you and Professor Snape, Lucius," she said.

"Thank you, Augusta," Lucius said to the fierce woman. He turned to Minerva, "And what is your reason behind the recommendation?" He asked politely.

"Filius, I believe, has more respect from the student body as the Head of Ravenclaw House. I believe, as having been close to Albus all these years, it would be difficult for the students to be comfortable with me. I also believe with Severus as the Assistant Head, his Slytherins would be more comfortable, and this will go further to foster cooperation between houses."

Doge scowled at her, feeling that she had betrayed Albus. Albus was a hero, and she should be defending him, not going along with the Slytherin scum. He loathed Malfoy for calling this meeting and for interfering with Albus' plan for Harry Potter. Harry Potter was the only one who could defeat You-know-who, Potter had to live with those Muggles. Even though he wasn't on the Wizengamot, many of Dumbledore's allies still were. There wasn't any proof as far as they were concerned. The man was too careful about that. Once he was found innocent, those that betrayed him will pay! Doge returned his attention to the meeting.

"As I am engaged to Severus, I will not vote on his appointment due to it is a conflict of interest. I will, however, vote on Filius' appointment. Those in the agreement of removing Dumbledore and replacing him with Filius Flitwick, please raise your wands." Lucius said as he pulled his wand from his cane and raised it. Eight more wands raised along with his. "All those opposed?" Three wands raised in opposition. Lucius smirked at the results. "In a vote of nine to three, Dumbledore is removed, and Flitwick is now instated as Headmaster, effective immediately. Now on to Severus, all those in favor, please raise your wands," Seven wands shot into the air. Lucius was surprised to see that Augusta Longbottom was one of them. "All opposed," Four wands shot up into the air, led by Elphias Doge. "In a vote of seven to four with one vote of present, Severus Snape is now Assistant Headmaster," Lucius said in a smug tone. "There is another matter I wish to bring before the board," Lucius said casually.

"Hagrid," he said succinctly.

Augusta sighed in frustration, "What did he do now?"

"I found out that last summer he was sent to retrieve Harry Potter and take him for his school things, the boy's Uncle insulted Dumbledore and instead of dealing with Mr. Dursley; he gave young Mr. Dursley a pigs tail," Lucius told them.

"He's not allowed to do magic. His wand had been snapped," Lord Fawcett said.

Augusta rubbed her temple as a headache threatened to start. "Did you find out how?"

"Yes, according to Harry and his cousin said Hagrid had a pink umbrella with him. That was what he pointed at the young Mr. Dursley. Harry did say he told Ollivander he had kept the pieces of the broken wand."

"Oh, sweet Merlin," Minerva muttered. "That kind of behavior does not leave us in a good light with Muggles."

"Nor does it make Harry's home life any easier," Lucius muttered angrily.

"What's this now?" Augusta said sharply.

Lucius gave a guilty look, while inside, he was chuckling, "Well, Harry told me when we talked to him about this matter, that his Uncle had taken a belt to him for what Hagrid did."

There was an angry outcry at what he said. Bye-bye Albus. "I believe that will need to deal with Hagrid,"

"And what do you suggest?" Doge snapped, "Firing the man?"

"No," Lucius said mildly. "Removing the temptation of using the wand by taking it from him. Also, from what my son tells me, the man tried to raise a dragon as a pet. The foolish man also has a colony of Acromentula in the Forbidden Forest. We don't need them attacking the children if they get too near the forest."

Those with children in Hogwarts paled at the news. "Why should we allow him to stay? He is a danger to the children!" Lord Fawcett shouted.

Lucius frowned at the man. Though he felt that the man liked dangerous animals far too much, he was also large enough to deal with them and protect the students. Plus, Lucius knew that his new son was attached as the man gave him his first birthday cake and present since being left with the Dursley's. Surprisingly, he did feel some guilt at exposing the man, but it was needed to help with getting the members also on the Wizengamot in the right mindset in dealing with Dumbledore.

Lord Selwyn pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Lord Fawcett, where would he go Hagride has been here since his expulsion. It wasn't as if Dumbledore or the previous groundskeeper worked to curb his tendencies. He does well with the students, and due to his size and gentle nature, Hagrid will honestly protect them. Perhaps we should do something that will keep him from bringing dangerous animals to the grounds."

"What do you suggest, Lord Selwyn?" Augusta asked.

"If the man wishes to keep his job here at the school, we will need to thin out the Acromantula population in the Forbidden Forest. Perhaps we can reach an agreement with one of the Dragon Preserves. During the summer for three weeks, he can work there; this should hopefully curb his need to collect dangerous pets."

The other Governors mulled over what Lord Selwyn suggested. Lucius thought it was a good plan as it put the Slytherin Governors in a good light as the ones trying to save his job.

"I'm in favor of this solution. Let's vote on it and then adjourn," Lucius said.

"I second the motion," Augusta Longbottom said.

"All those in favor," Nine wands went into the air. "All opposed," Three raised in the air. "In a vote of nine to three, Hagrid will remain, groundskeeper, provided he assists with thinning out the Acromentula population and working at a Dragon Preserve for the three weeks each summer and not adding any new dangerous animals. Meeting adjourned." Lucius said, feeling pleased with himself. He turned to Minerva, "Is Filius still in the school?"

"Not at this time. Filius is visiting family for the summer," Minerva said.

"Very well, I will send him a letter letting him know of his appointment. I'm sure he has your support for anything he needs?" Lucius asked.

"of course, Lord Malfoy. Tell Severus as well, if he requires anything to floo call or owl me."

"Will do Minerva. I Will keep you updated on the bonding as well," Lucius smirked.

Minerva laughed, and they parted ways, she back to deal with them in the Ministry and Lucius to return home to let the new Heads of the school know of their respective appointments.