While the hero alliance has been busy traveling the worlds, other teams like the Shadow Strike Force have been busy protecting the people that are from their own worlds.

For the past six months and onward, the Shadow Strike Force have been dealing with different jobs all over the Multiverse. However, many events have happened since we have last seen the Shadow Strike Force. Lets check in on them now…

Shadow Strike Force Main HQ….

Ty was sitting at a conference table with Josuke and Co, Minus Koichi, Primrose, and the members of Sabertooth.

"Things have gotten a bit quiet, haven't they?" Okuyasu asked. "Ever since that last big adventure at the Sky Temple, action for us has been as slow as snails."

"That's because we haven't been called on for Hero alliance duties." Primrose said. "What bothers me is that we haven't seen the Seven Deadly Sins in awhile. As well as Elizabeth."

"They had their reasons to go back to britannia. With some of the Ten Commandments still wandering about, someones gotta deal with em' and the abundance of the demon clan terrorizing Liones." Ty piped in. "I'm more worried about Diane and King though. I know they went back to the Fairy Kings forest to keep it safe, but we've lost their signals. Its like they've dropped off the face of Britannia."

"Perhaps maybe we should go search for them, then?" Rohan asked.

"That might not be a good idea. We'd probably just get in the way. ANd with tys Luck, no doubt we'd get into trouble." Sting answered.

"Hey!" Ty interjected.

"C'mon Ty. You know what Sting's saying is true." Lector said. "Whenever we go on jobs, something always happens that gets you and us into trouble. Separated on the bottleship, losing us in Orsterra, Zane almost beating us to death, getting captured by Katakuri, encased in cement and being put out as a wedding prese-"

"Okay, Okay Lector, i get it!" Ty interrupted. "Sigh… its without a doubt true that I get us into trouble. We may be part of the Hero alliance, but more often than not, whenever jexi and the other guys need our help, were in some sorta trouble. And when were with them, I get myself into trouble. Its bad enough getting nito all those bad situations and not being called a Damsel in distress."

"Hey, don't sell yourself short Ty. You've had some good moments starting out." Josuke said. "Youre a great leader when you wanna be, and you have been able to keep up with guys like Gray, and you survived Zeldris in meliodas's head and taught Nocturne a painful Lesson."

"Its true that ive had some defining moments josuke, but the things Jexi and the others have been dealing with are kinda outta my league." Ty said. "Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go on another adventure with those guys. I'm just not sure i'm strong enough to keep up with them."

"Then perhaps its time you got stronger?" Rohan asked. "Whenever great heroes feel like they want to be stronger, they train to get to the level their comrades are at. That could be something you can do so that you are on equal ground with Jexi and the rest of the Alliance."

"Thats a good idea Rohan, but where exactly is Ty gonna get stronger?" Josuke asked. "He's a normal guy with the power of Immortality and knows his way around how to punch stuff."

"Its true that Tys immortality will only take him so far against foes who can beat it, but perhaps there is a way for him to refine his Fighting Skills." Primrose siad.

"Train my martial arts, like in a dojo?" Ty asked. "That could work out for me, but where exactly couldI go that'll help me get stronger as the others faster?"

"There could perhaps be one place that will definitely help you in your training." Rouge said. "There are reports about a location in the Galar region to open to the public soon. It had been recently closed due to the train being out of service."

"Galar? What could be so important there?" Rohan asked.

"To the west of the main region lies an island off the coast. It is called the Isle of Armor." Primrose said. "Its full of environments not seen on the Mainland, with plenty of pokemon not able to be discovered on Galar calling it their home. On that island, there is supposedly a Dojo that specializes in Pokemon battles."

"Yeah, and get this!" Lector said. "The guy who runs the dojo is said to be a big time Pokemon Trainer. He was said to be Galars champ for a record 18 years way back when Dynamaxing wasn't even a thing in the Pokemon League, and no one came close to breaking that same record! I also heard that apparently, the Former Champion Leon trained under this guy!"

"A legendary trainer who's been champion for 18 years…." Ty breathed. "He might be able to help me get stronger!"

"Well, if the stories about him are that true, i say we head over to this Isle of armor and find out." Josuke said.

"I agree with Josuke. This opportunity seems too good to pass up." Rohan added.

"Then its settled. Were headed to the Isle of Armor!" Ty declared.

"But, what about Elizabeth and the others?" Primrose asked.

"We shouldn't be worried about them. Knowing Meliodas, he'll be fine. He did say we'd meet back up with him eventually." Ty assured. "But as for Diane and King… I want to at least see if we can find out where they've vanished too. Maybe we can even find them somewhere."

"Okay then. Going to the Isle of Armor it is." Primrose smiled.

"Okay then…. Let's go!" Ty said as he and the rest of the shadow strike force departed their base for the Galar Region… and the Isle of Armor.