Quick disclaimer! I don't own Boku no Hero Academia! I only own my own characters and the idea of the story.

She walked blindly through the rain that seemed to be pelting her harder than anyone else around her. The young teen didn't even bother with an umbrella, as she was already used to such treatment from Mother Nature. She sighed, wiping her eyes with her wet sleeve.

I know I'm unlucky, but seriously…? The forecast said it was going to be sunny all day… well, my shoe did fall upside down this morning… She thought to herself.

"Look out, it's Yoshino! If you go near her you'll get cursed!" Cried a mocking voice.

An irk mark found itself placed on the back of the girl's head. Normally, she would just let it go. She was not good at confronting people. In fact it was her least favorite thing to do. However… her time as a middle schooler was soon coming to an end. Plus, once she got home, there were much bigger fish to fry. Steeling herself, she inhaled and turned back to smile at the bully. "Actually, about that, Kashino… I'm feeling extra lucky today!" The bully, now identified as Kashino, found himself stepping back at this comment. Usually that was a bad thing in regards to this girl.

"H-Hey now, it was just a joke… let's not get crazy here." Kashino laughed nervously as he held his hands up in surrender.

Yoshino's eyes shaded over slightly as she smiled. If I can't stand up here I may as well forget my plans. She walked over to the young man and slapped her hand down on his shoulder. "I think I'll share some of my fortune with you! May it follow you all the way home!"

Kashino's face turned blue, as at that very second, a car drove by and splashed them both with a mountain of dirty water. He spit and hacked out what got into his mouth, while Nanami seemed virtually unphased by the event as she let her hand drop.

"Ugh, disgusting…! I'm gonna get you for this Nanami!"

Nanami drowned out his voice as she walked towards her home, satisfaction written over her face. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute. Though… considering this was the first time she did something like this… it may be a good idea to run in case Kashino decided to retaliate.

So she did. She ran for a good ten minutes before realizing he wasn't following her. Sighing in relief, she continued her post school ritual. Hopping over a crack in the sidewalk and petting the neighbor's black cat, Kuro, Nanami was positive the rest of the day would be fine. Absolutely positive.

And then she fell in front of her doorstep.

"Oww… so close…" She sat up, rubbing her nose as the door opened in front of her. She was greeted wordlessly by her father's tired smile. She looked down at herself and her sorry state, and smiled hesitantly. "Eheh… if it helps… I totally almost made it here unscathed up until now." Her father laughed and held a hand out to her, which she gratefully took.

"Really now? That must be a new record for you." He patted her head affectionately and looked out the door. "Look at that. The rain stopped as soon as you came in." He half joked. Nanami puffed out her cheek in dismay at her father's words. He laughed nervously upon seeing his joke miss. "Go take a bath before you catch a cold. Also… why is your hair all dirty…? You look like a shmuck."

Deciding not to tell her father of her earlier interaction with Kashino, Nanami went upstairs to freshen up.

Nanami smiled at her now clean, ash blond hair. Wiping her face with a dry cloth, she admired her freckles and the overall lack of damage to said face. Honestly she considered today to be successful due to the lack of injuries. Glancing around her room, she spotted the application tucked safely under her pillow, out of the sight of her black cat, laying not too far away. Her brown eyes lit up in delight. He hadn't torn it up!

She nodded excitedly to herself in the mirror. "That's a good sign! Alright then!" She took the sheet of paper and carefully walked down the stairs. Not even waiting to reach the bottom, where her parents were waiting, she began her pitch. "Ok so you know how you guys asked me what high school I wanted to go to!?" She excitedly slid down the rails of the steps, landing on her feet. Another good sign.

Her mother, a lighter blonde version of herself, glanced at her excited daughter in surprise and slight worry from her wheelchair. She looked at her husband, who was busy in the kitchen before returning her attention to Nanami. "Have you already made your choice? There's still time you know."

Nanami ran into the dining room and held the paper behind her back. "I've already decided. I want to be a hero! And the only way to do that is to go to a hero school!" Her father tensed, but she missed it, focusing on her mother's concerned expression. Nanami bit her lip. "A-And um… the school I want to go to is um…" Her father walked into the room, wiping his hands with a cloth, a frown planted on his face.

Uh-oh… She thought. Why are they looking at me like that…? Her heartbeat began to increase, loudly thumping her chest. I haven't said it yet… or do they already know? Does this mean I can't go? She looked down at her shoes, beads of sweat trickling down her neck. I stood up to a bully today… Heroes do that… I can be a hero… the first step is to… speak… She peeked through her uneven bangs. Her parents could sense her anxiety, and attempted to wear more neutral expressions. It didn't help. Nanami took a breath in, and out again. "I… I want to go to U.A…" she held out her application, which was already filled out and ready to send.

Her mother pursed her lips together, and looked at her brunette husband. He sighed and rubbed his neat and tidy hair. "Well… do you think you could get in with your quirk?" He asked. "It's not exactly…. Conventional for a hero…" his words were careful. He glanced at his wife, wondering if he was wording it right. While he didn't want to discourage his only child, he also didn't want her to have false hope. She glanced at him and nodded in approval.

Nanami looked at her application before nodding. "I know my quirk is weird… especially since it's nothing like either of yours… and it has a lot of setbacks, b-but…" she swallowed a dry lump in her throat. "I've been practicing on how to use those setbacks to my advantage…" She closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart. "I-I want to try at least… if I don't make it, I'll um… go to a normal school… so it's not like I don't have a backup plan." Once again she peeked through her bangs.

"...Sakura… she's doing the face…" Her father whispered weakly, staring at his daughter's sad round eyes.

Sakura sighed heavily. "You've always been a good kid… you don't ask for much do you?" Nanami shook her head sideways. Sakura rolled up to Nanami, and looked into her daughter's eyes.

The house was quiet for several seconds. Dropping her head in defeat, Sakura smiled. "Alrighty then! If you think you can get into that high school, then I say go for it." She turned her chair to look at her husband. "Hajime, any objections?" Her husband simply shook his head. She rolled to face her daughter again. "Well there you have it." Her eyes widened at the sight of tears in her child's eyes. "Oh sweetie don't cry it's ok. We said you can apply."

Nanami shook her head, before wiping her eyes. "It's not that… your wheel is on my foot…" she managed to squeak out.

"Oh- shoot! I'm sorry!" Her mother quickly rolled backwards. Nanami smiled weakly, dropping her application in order to nurse her now throbbing foot.

The paper slowly floated down, before harmlessly landing underneath the coffee table. There it read…

Name: Yoshino Nanami

Quirk: Misfortune

*chuckles dryly* oh-ho-ho my god….what have I done…? I've started another story. Ok um… I'm just gonna write this casually… I don't know if I'll be making this romantic or not. Though I have a tendency to start shipping characters without realizing it so there's that. Umm…. I didn't really describe the character so I'll just do a quick bio.

Name: Yoshino Nanami

Age: 14, 3rd year middle schooler

Eye color: brown.

Hair color: ash blonde

Height: 4'11

Quirk: Misfortune. She is followed by bad luck, and can pass it onto other people and objects by will. Her luck gradually gets better depending on how much bad luck she gives to others. Of course, though, how long this effect lasts varies and her bad luck returns to her. It's good for retaliation against bullies and villains.

Hobby: buying good luck charms

Likes: Ramen.

I'll probably draw her later on.

Oh! A little trivia regarding her behavior. Nanami mentions how she should've known it would rain because her shoe landed upside down earlier that day. In Japan it's a common superstition that if you throw or drop your shoe, and it lands upside down, it'll rain that day. Also, she regularly pets her neighbor's black, and owns one of her own, because black cats are considered good luck there too! =w=;; ok I'm done. I'm sorry.