"WHAT!? ANOTHER ONE? HOW?" Demanded King Vegeta. "How is there a second child with a power level greater than my own son? Why are these two boys born with such ridiculous power levels? First ten thousand! Now FIFTY THOUSAND! What is going on with my subjects!? Do they not know their place?" King Vegeta was in a fit of rage. Yet another low class saiyan boy had been born with a ridiculous power level, and it dwarfed the power level of the first. Even more of a slap in the face? For some reason, this saiyan was blonde. With blue eyes.It was like Lord Freiza had showed up on his doorstep and slapped him with his tail.

"These two must be dealt with. They will be sent away, where they shall never be found again. I care not for their tremendous abilities. Send them both away. They will not take my son's inheritance from him. Send the boy with ten thousand to Vampa, so he will never be heard from again. As for the boy of fifty thousand…" King Vegeta paused at this one. Fifty thousand rivaled the strength of some of Freiza's elite warriors! This child could not be given even a semblance of a chance to survive. "Send him directly to the center of the galaxy. I want him to be ripped apart by that black hole. Make sure that he arrives there as well. Now, I must go. Lord Freiza will be arriving soon. Send them away. And cut the blonde's tail off. I want him to die in disgrace."

And so, Broly and Cornu were sent away in their respective pods, forever to be separated from each other. They had no memory of each other, and they would never meet again. Why? Because Cornu was being sent to a black hole. A one-way trip to an excruciatingly long death.

Several days later

Cornu's craft arrived at the black hole. Looming outside the window like a gargantuan maw, the young saiyan's craft succumbed to its endless gravitational might. Sucked in like a dust ball in a vacuum cleaner, that universe never heard from the mighty child again. However, due to a gravitational anomaly, who knows what caused it, the pod was sucked straight in, instead of added to the mighty accretion disk. It flew through the event horizon, and was suddenly greeted with a vast expanse of space, completely untouched by the black hole, and careening through space at incredible speeds. It had passed through a wormhole. Who knows where it was. Oh wait. We do. Crashing through outer space like a bumbling fly, the pod, after some time, happened upon a certain planet we all know with a shattered moon. Blazing right by, the pod entered the planet's atmosphere, and caught fire. While still shielding the baby, the pod's systems degraded. Soon it was nothing more than a small metal shell with good cushioning. Crashing into the planet's surface with an explosion that rivaled a collapsing mountain, the child contained inside the pod was safely delivered to the surface, and the pod, like a mother that used all her energy to save her child, fell apart and crumbled to little pieces of metal.

Cobala Arc was a simple woman with a simple desire. She wanted a son. However, both she and her husband seemed unable to have one, much to her constant chagrin. That aside, though, she loved all her daughters to bits. They did nothing short of warm her heart to its core every time she saw even just one of them. Titania, the oldest, was more mature for her age than you would think, Saphron, the second, was always incredibly lively and brought a smile to anyone's face when they were down; Alexandra, her third daughter, was so wonderfully passionate about reading and writing. Then were the next four. Peridot, whose love seemed to extend to everything, even that hideous spider she tried to keep a secret from her mother, Amethyst, with her love of all things farming; Garnet, with her fascination with technology, and last, but most certainly not least, Onyx. Onyx was the only Arc born with black eyes, which, admittedly, had worried Jasper Arc upon first seeing them. However, after being told that Cobala's mother had black eyes, as well as his own father, his fears were put to rest. Onyx was also very reserved, unlike her sisters. However, when she formed a strong relationship with someone, her beautiful nature showed through. She would talk your ear off about the stars, plants, animals, or basically anything else she had come into contact with when trying to learn.

Cobala loved all of her daughters as much as she could, so they wouldn't grow up feeling like they had been neglected. Most days, they all helped make sure that she didn't really dwell on how much she wanted a son. But sometimes, when the house was quiet, she would start crying on Jasper's shoulder about how much that she wished she could have just one baby boy. On this particular morning, Cobala had decided she wouldn't wet Jasper's nightclothes and instead had gone for a walk, grabbing Crocea Mors as she did. She wasn't a fool, nor was she weak. She knew about the ever present threat of Grimm, and, given that she was taking a walk to deal with her negative emotions, she couldn't be too careful. And so, changing into comfortable jeans and a t-shirt, she walked outside the quaint looking Arc home and headed into the adjacent forest. Living in the country certainly had its perks. A nice forest to take a stroll in at any time was definitely one of them. A nearby village with all the supplies they could ever need was helpful. Not only that, but the Arc family also regularly paid huntsmen to comb the surrounding area to make sure that the grimm in the area were always cleared out; at least once a week. Many people would be struck dumb at this, considering that huntsmen's services are quite pricy. However, Jasper had brought quite a bit of money with him when he married into the family, having been a rather successful huntsman who often got paid a handsome bonus for being such a charming man after his jobs. And so, Cobala was able to take a rather peaceful walk.

After walking in the surrounding area for about ten minutes, Cobala's huntress instincts began going off, and she noticed that there was no wildlife activity in the area she was standing in. No birds tweeting, no insects chirping, nothing. Dead silent except for the sound of her boots. Activating her aura, and drawing Crocea Mors from its sheath, she began to advance slowly, placing her feet as quietly as possible on the soft forest floor. Creeping forward at a snail's pace, she eventually found why there was nothing making any noise. A massive crater had been made, and in its center was a pile of metal scraps.

Sliding down the crater's edge, she edged towards the pile of metal rubble. As she approached, she began to hear something. It sounded like a baby! A crying baby! Abandoning restraint, she approached the pile of now useless metal, and found inside it the most robust looking blonde baby boy she had ever seen. He had piercing blue eyes, and an incredibly wild head of blonde hair, sticking up at odd angles that shouldn't have been real. The hair was also apparently stuck to this formation, and bounced back whenever she tried to smooth it out. Ignoring this for now, her motherly instincts kicked in, and she subconsciously knew that the baby was hungry, and he began to cry out. And boy oh boy did he have quite the set of lungs on him! Screaming loud enough and long enough that he was likely waking Jasper and the girls, Cobala did the only thing she thought would calm him down. She sat down, pulled a blanket from seemingly nowhere, covered herself, and let the poor, abandoned baby boy begin to feed. He looked to be only a year or two younger than Onyx! Who would abandon him? She thought sadly to herself. Why did they just leave him there in that crater? For grimm to come get him no less! He could've been-ow!

That last part was because the little boy had bitten her, and, even with his toothless gums, it hurt a bit. So, instead of thinking stressful thoughts, she simply calmed down and thought about what to do with him. Or rather, she thought about what Jasper would think. She already knew what she wanted. He could pass as her own child! Blonde hair, blue eyes, feisty attitude? Certainly her child. Nobody would really ask any questions! So, with infinite care, and legendary levels of practice, she stood up, not perturbing the child in any way, still allowing him to feed, or, attempt to. She had already long since weaned Onyx, and there wasn't much to drink in there. But it kept him happy, so she allowed him to try. Considering he was still toothless, he had to be younger than just a few months, so she decided to assign him his birthday to be today. She began walking back to their house, with the currently nameless boy being held in her arms. Anything and everything that might have been in her way to her home promptly got out of said path, considering that she was giving off an aura that basically screamed "come near me right now, and death will be the first thing you wish for." The amount of motherly fury she was exuding actually did end up scaring off a lone boarbatusk. The emotions it was detecting were more akin to that of a monster than that of a human. Whatever this was, it did not wish to tangle with it.

With an unmolested journey to her house, she quickly, and quietly, sat down on her family's wonderful sofa, and began to think in earnest about the boy's name. In the Arc family, boys were always named for a color, and girls were named for a precious metal or gem. Hence her and her daughters' names. Jasper wasn't an Arc, he had taken his wife's name, so he didn't count. "Hmmmm," she thought. "Perhaps Cerus for cerulean? Like his eyes? No, too tacky. Perhaps….Sun? No, too simple for an Arc. And that sounds like the name you'd give a troublemaker, not my sweet little boy." This debate continued for some time in her mind, until Jasper came into the living room, only to be surprised to find his long-since-stopped-feeding wife covered with a blanket and a suspiciously baby-shaped lump occupying the blanket.

"Dear, what is going on?" questioned the confused head of the household. "You weaned Onyx three years ago." To his (guilty) pleasure, he found his wife to have a starry, yet sultry look in her eyes. Like she had just had a wonderful dream fulfilled.

"Oh dear, my dream has come true." murmured his wife. There was a bit of rustling under the blanket, and then she removed it. She was, of course, in a modest state of dress now; but that wasn't what caught his eye. What caught his eye, and his full attention, was a baby boy. In his wife's arms was a wonderful baby boy. "I found him in the woods, all alone. I know you may not have been expecting him, but I am keeping him. He is now my son. I hope you are alright with that." Jasper's mind immediately recognized that tone of voice in his wife's words. If he defied her right now, he would be regretting it for months to come. She would find something to take from him, while making sure she enjoyed his punishment as much as possible. Arc women had always been intense, the men even more so.

He had found this out when he met Cobala's father at their front door with a bouquet in hand. Before he had gotten to take her where he wished, Promethos Arc had snatched the bouquet from his hands, walked over to his garden, added some extra flowers, said nothing, and slammed the door in his face. Jasper had knocked again timidly, and was greeted with a great big hug from Promethos. In his wife's eyes, he saw a similar look he saw in her father that day. She was not going to have her mind changed. She was determined to keep this boy. The best part? He had not a single problem with it! He too had wanted a son for some time to be able to interact with. Play games with. So, overall, he saw adopting this poor abandoned boy as a net positive. It wasn't like they were strapped for cash. He had plenty to go around.

"Oh!" said Cobala. "Looks like my body is still ready for more babies!" She could feel that milk had already come for the young boy, even though he had stopped trying to feed and was now fast asleep. That was something else about Arc women that mystified Jasper. It seemed that any mother in their line was always ready to take care of a child, regardless of how long it had been since they had last had one of their own. Cobala was already well into her late twenties, having had Titania at 21 years old. Every single one of their daughters was about a year apart, which boggled the mind of the village women how she was able to bounce back from pregnancy so fast.

"Jasper, honey." Cobala almost whispered

"Yes darling?" came his just as soft reply.

"We need to think of a name for him. And yes, we will be going with Arc naming traditions. His name will be a color, not some overly haughty name like your father would give. No offense, dear." Jasper had long since learned not to care whenever Cobala insulted his father. He couldn't care less for the man, not after he so viciously disapproved of his choice in Cobala.

"None taken, dear. Let's choose his name together. For our daughters, we always chose their names separately, but him, we should choose together." Jasper reasoned. He wanted this one to be special. As their first son, he wanted it to be as special as possible. Also, somewhere in his mind, he knew that this was no ordinary boy, and wanted to give him a name that would be remembered by everyone who met him. A name that would bring peace to those who loved him, and strike fear into those who opposed him.

"Cobala, what about Vertos? Like from your family's old language for green?"

"No, there is nothing about him that says 'green.' How about, Cydos? No, too pretentious."

Jasper hummed in agreement there. Cydos sounded like a name you would give someone inheriting a massive kingdom. Then it hit him. He has yellow hair. He should be named after his namesake. "Dear, what about Jaune? He has yellow hair, so how about it? It sounds like a very gentle name. Like him."

"That sounds wonderful dear." Cobala then took on a very cutesy face and looked at the newly named Jaune. "Do you hear that, my son? Your name is Jaune, and I will care for you like you were my own flesh and blood. That is my promise. And an Arc never goes back on their word"

Hello! So huzzah! I'm here with a really dumb story idea that I really don't know if I'm gonna develop. Maybe if this gets enough positive reception I might, but otherwise I got no idea if I'll continue this. Regardless, hope y'all liked it! Jaune is a tailles saiyan with a birth power level of 50k! Who knows how he'd affect the world with that kind of power!