To address the elephant in the room, I think Hirogo, the ship between Hiro and GoGo, is pedophila, predatory, and wrong. I shouldn't have to address this on any of my fics, much less a fic that shows GoGo in a healthy relationship with another consenting adult, but DEFINITELY not on a story that makes no mention of GoGo or Hiro at all.

Recently the reviews about Hirogo left on my story Empty Rooms, a story that is solely about Fred, made me realize that I deserve to not be fearful whenever I get a notification about a review on my BH6 stories. If you think my stories are the place to leave reviews writing your own pedophilic fanfiction then really consider it for a minute and don't post the comment. I will be deleting them from here on out. I'm not dealing with this anymore.

If you have a problem with that, go off anon and message me. I'd be far more open to having a discussion with someone than I'd be with you leaving disgusting comments on my stories.

If you're the type to leave those comments, good job. You pushed me to my breaking point.

And if you're not the type to leave those comments, good job, you're actually decent. A lot of my BH6 stories are now missing reviews. If you haven't left a review on a story you like, it would mean a lot to me and be beyond encouraging.

Thank you to the people who read my stuff and don't make my blood boil with ignorant comments.

I'm sorry for the rant, though I will posting a condensed version on most of my stories here on out, I hope you enjoy the story.

"I'm sorry-" Wesley "Wasabi" Ginger blurted, as he pulled out the chair for Leiko "GoGo" Tomago and she slid in.

"Why're you sorry?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow at her oldest friend as he fumbled with his own seat.

"I've never done this before. So… So it means a lot to me that you agreed to this and I feel like I've already screwed this up for the both of us."

"Ah, come on, Wes, woman up, you've literally done nothing wrong except for apologizing for nothing."

"Well then, sorry for apologizing for nothing." She gave him a look, and he managed to crack a smile.

"Listen," she added, "if this is too much, then it's not a date. It's that simple. We have our whole lives ahead of us as friends, if things go wrong tonight it won't affect that. We'll laugh it off and move on. I know you, Wasabi, you're not gonna screw up years of friendship in an evening." Her words were meant to be reassuring but they only made him fret more. What if he did ruin years of friendship in an evening?

"Wasabi," she said, sensing his nervousness and attempting to ground him, "Wes, Wesley, relax." He took a deep breath. That was a meditation technique he'd learned, it almost always helped him center himself when he was freaked out. After a few more deep breaths, his head was less clouded with doubts.

Feeling more secure in their plans, he raised the glass of water the waiter had just left on the table, "To a wonderful evening, as friends."

GoGo didn't taunt him, didn't call him out for asking her out on a date and then needing to use different labels to be comfortable, she simply raised her own glass of water and echoed the toast.

It was only a matter of minutes before they'd ordered and had to find something to talk about other than the menu. Since they'd been friends forever they'd had many afternoons of comfortable silence, working side by side on their respective projects, the same kinds of projects that had gotten them both accepted at SFIT, where they'd earned their goofy nicknames and learned to see each other as more than friends. And as more than friends, they were in a relatively fancy restaurant trying not to rely on comfortable silence.

"The last time I was in a fancy place like this," Wasabi said, glancing around and holding his hands out as if framing the story, "I dropped a water glass. When it shattered on the ground I freaked out and wanted to clean it up, mom was practically already shouting at me and…" He held a palm facing toward her and slid down it with one of his immaculate nails, "slice up the whole thing. But who's to say it was a bad thing? A few rough edges got me interested in clean cuts and now I'm gonna revolutionize the world of lasers." He laughed as if that were the moral. As if that were the end of a happy story. GoGo didn't flinch.

"I remember when you hurt your hands, you never told us the full story though. Is that how it happened?"

"Yeah." Wasabi grimaced, nervous again, his unsliced hands shaking like an earthquake.

"That's awful," GoGo murmured, quickly switching the subject, "If it makes you feel better, I've just never been in a fancy restaurant like this."

"Really?" Now it was his turn for an eyebrow to raise.

"Well, you haven't been to one in like five years."

"Touche. But I thought you were going to go when you graduated. Treat yourself."

"I was, but my landlord decided I needed to treat myself to new plumbing. A pipe burst and then I thought I could fix it myself, and I could've, if I'd had more time, it was just a big ordeal."

"Well then, a second toast, to your graduation."

"Our graduation," she pointed out.

"To our graduation!" They'd been at SFIT for months now, and high school simply felt like a distant storm cloud now, but they could still celebrate coming through the storm together.

"We should do this more," Wasabi said after a minute.

"What is this?" GoGo prompted since they really had had nothing of substance to say to each other since the free bread had arrived. If he still wasn't ready to label it, she would let it go.

Wasabi's cheeks reddened, "Uh, date, I guess." He secured a smile for her and that made him feel a little better.

"So it's a date?" She smirked, "Good to know." She really did seem happy about that fact, in her own too-cool Leiko way of being happy.

"It's a date. And I know it's a little awkward since we're not used to it, but uh… You look nice, and I enjoy spending time with you, one on one." GoGo was a little surprised that he came right out and said that, but she did not mind at all.

"I enjoy it as well. Thanks for this. It's nice." Neither was used to fancy dinners or stolen glances or this much alone time with someone that you cared about. In the chandelier glow of the restaurant, they seemed to see each other in a different light. An apology almost tipped Wesley's tongue because it felt almost selfish to be so happy, but this moment was euphoric and he'd remember it forever. They didn't reach for each other's hand or throw caution to the wind and lean in and steal a kiss. They simply sat, not tearing their eyes away from each other, silently agreeing that this would not be their last date. And that was enough for them. That was enough to ensure that this would be an evening they would never forget.