A week had passed since Sonic entered this new strange world. He was almost caught by a human within his first day but as Long Claw advised him, he ran as fast as he could. The blue hedgehog was struggling to survive as he was too young to understand what it meant to fend and look after himself. He had managed to find a cave to shelter from any danger in the thick forest of the place he now called home. He cried himself to sleep almost every night. This was a problem as his power was fuelled by his emotions. Every time a powerful emotion erupted inside of him; he'd cause a freak weather pattern of lightning in the sky. Hopefully no one noticed…

As time progressed, Sonic had to learn to look after himself or he'd die. In one of his forest treks at night, he came across a welcoming house. Cautiously, the blue toddler gazed in one of the windows and saw a couple and their dog staring at a moving screen. Sonic was awestruck by the moving pictures and sound. This was how he learnt to survive. He managed to learn how to scavenge for food around the forest. This was fine at first, but the toddler was soon growing into a child.

The blue speedster felt he was brave enough to venture into town. He would hunt for food in various bins that littered the town square. Every once in a while, Sonic did steal an extravagant, freshly baked bread or doughnut. He only did this once a fortnight as a treat. If he had access to money, he would honestly pay for it, but didn't.

Over the years, Sonic stayed in hiding in the place he called home, Green Hills. He remained in the shadows as he watched the many people that stayed or visited the town. He all had nicknames for them, and made up little stories to entertain his mind. Although the humans weren't allowed to see him, the animals of the forest were very curious of him. He once slept under a bush in the afternoon and found a deer sniffing him. This startled both Sonic and the deer. He'd made friends with plenty of racoons and upset a bear… a few quills were lost that day. The humans weren't allowed to see him, but a tiny part of his sanity was kept in tact with his ability to interact with animals. They felt just like him just not able to talk.

However, Sonic would be lying if he still wasn't upset about his way of life. When his thoughts kept up with him, he'd break down. He tried not to do it too often as his power caused blips in the town's electricity. The blue hedgehog wanted nothing more than to have a friend. He frequently watched the local children and envied both their laughter and freedom.

Sonic's cave wasn't exactly empty. He managed to gather old junk he'd found at the local scrap heap. One's man's junk was another hedgehog's treasure. He loved every piece of his possessions. They helped entertain him when he was down. The one item he dreamt of having was an electric guitar, but no one seemed to throw away that kind of item.

If he remained in hiding, he'd be safe… but how long will his sanity allow him not to interact with humans?