No More Masks

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Kingdom Hearts.


(With Harry)

Harry was in the hospital. After the finale battle he had fainted. They had admitted him for magical depletion. His magical core had been completely empty and had been in a magical coma for months. He had been kept in a private room. An auror was sent to guard him from any loose Death Eaters as well as fans. He had woken up a few weeks ago. He wasn't allowed to leave until his core was completely replenished. Few people had been allowed to visit him and he was happy whenever they did.

There were three people who hadn't visited him though. He had asked and found that they had been examined after he fainted and were cleared. They hadn't been admitted into the hospital. He figured they had gone to track down Hermione's parents. When they entered the room he smiled at them.

"Hey Ron, Hermione, Ginny." He greeted them. "I haven't seen you guys for a while. How have you been?" He asked.

"Shut up!" Ron hissed.

"What?" The green eyed wizard was shocked.

"We aren't here to see you." He wasn't happy that his friend was awake.

"Then why are you here? Why are you so angry?" He asked, hurt.

"Stupify!" Hermione hit him with the stunner. "Finally. I didn't think that freak would ever shut up. I thought if we came here at night he would still be asleep."

"Us too. Thanks for shutting him up. I'll put the blood on him." Ginny said as she took out a vial of blood.

"Good. I'll put his wand back." The frizzy haired witch pulled it from her robe.

"I'll keep a lookout." Ron said.

The girls got to work as Ron went to the door. He signalled them when he saw the guard coming back. The three snuck under an invisibility cloak. It wasn't Harry's. They couldn't find it so they ended up stealing one from the Ministry when they had gone to collect their reward. They didn't know Luna had taken Harry's things home after the final battle. She had found them when they were cleaning up and she wanted to keep them safe while Harry was unconscious.

A couple minutes later Colin Creevy was brought into the hospital. He had been hit with several cutting curses. Shockingly he was still alive. The healers and medi-witches/wizards rushed to save him. He was fed blood replenishers as his wounds were healed.

Two hours had passed by the time they finished healing Colin. He was unconscious but alive. The aurors had been called after he had been found and were now allowed to investigate and collect any evidence off the young teen's body. Tonks and Kinglsey were the ones sent and they found black hairs on his left hand. A spell showed that the hairs belonged to Harry Potter.

The two shared a shocked look and went up to his room. A healer came in and removed the stunner. Due to his core being depleted it was unstable. The magic from the stunner had caused some damage. The healer had been forced to knock Harry back out so that he could force the forieghn magic out. He took Harry to a magic free area to do so. Kingsley and Tonks found him stunned and covered in blood. They called a healer and searched the room. His wand was found thrown in a drawer. They used a spell and found that several cutting curses had been cast from it and they were recent.

"Something isn't right." Kingsley said.

"I know. The hairs were resting on top of Colin's hand. They didn't look like they had been ripped out either. They looked like hair that had been cut and they looked like they were placed in his hand. Before the healer took Harry out of the room I noticed that there was no damage to his scalp. His bangs looked like they had been cut recently." She agreed with him.

"Exactly. Did you see the blood on him? That looked painted on. There was no spatter and the blood should have been everywhere, not just on his hands and face. His clothes were spotless." Kingsley continued. "Plus there's no blood on the floor or anywhere else in the room. It was just on him."

"Not to mention he was stunned. Add to the fact he was admitted for magical depletion. He could cast the cutting curse multiple times. For Merlin's sake he had a magical nullifying band on his wrist to keep him from accidently using magic." The metamorphmagus said.

"Let's talk to the guard and staff. We need to see if anyone witnessed him leaving the room. I don't believe he did this. He had to have been framed. Whoever did this might come back if they learn Colin is alive and silence him so I want a guard on him." He said.

"I'll have Rogers guard him." She said.

"Good." The two left the room.

They interviewed the guard first and then the staff. They all said that Harry never left the room. The auror had mentioned that a few minutes before Colin was brought into the hospital he had left his post. He had spotted a reporter trying to enter the room. They thought that he wouldn't notice a beetle trying to squeeze in through the door. There was a ward around the hospital to keep bugs out so he knew the beetle being there was suspicious.

The next day they had interviewed Harry. The healer had gotten the magic out and the green eyed wizard was doing better. He told them what happened before he was hit with a stunner. He now had two aurors guarding him. One inside his room and one outside. A few days later Colin woke up.

He told them what had happened. He had visited Harry at the hospital. He had been having nightmares about the final battle and Harry helped him out. He had left and went home when he had been ambushed by Granger and the two Weasleys. They had told him they had wanted Harry's money. When he didn't die like they expected they decided to discredit him. They then used Harry's wand and hit him with the cutting curse multiple times. They placed Harry's hair in his hand and left him for dead. He would have had he not been found after they left.

The three were arrested after that. They were arrested for attempted murder and attempted theft. Each was sentenced to life in Azkaban's max security cells. Harry and the wizarding world had been shocked by what had happened. Many supported the Man-who-defeated-you-know-who. It seemed only one was angry at Harry for what happened. Harry told Molly that it wasn't his fault but she refused to believe him. He stopped talking to her.

It was two months after that whole mess that Harry was released from the hospital. The young man was rarely seen. When he did go out he used disguises. Luna was married a year after the final battle. She had been dating Neville and Draco. They proposed and Harry went. That was where Molly confronted him.

"You look beautiful Luna." He smiled at the blonde.

"Thanks Harry." She smiled back at him. "How are my boys?" She asked.

"Nervous. They can't wait to marry you." He said.

"I can't wait either." She admitted.

"I better get out there." He said.

"Thanks for doing this Harry." She said. "No one wanted to officiate the wedding since Draco is one of the grooms."

"You're welcome." He smiled back. "It's ridiculous. He helped us defeat that snake bastard. He only followed that man out of fear."

"I know." She said sadly.

Harry kissed her forehead. "Don't let those haters get to you."

"I won't." She promised.

"Good." He left after that.

Harry took his place. Soon the wedding began. He smiled at both the grooms and then at Luna when she came down the aisle. She really did look beautiful. Once she was in front of him he started. The three gave their own unique vows. Finally it was time for the I Dos.

"Do you, Neville Frank Longbottom, take Luna Pandora Lovegood and Draconis Lucius Malfoy as their lawfully wedded husband and bondmate for as long as you three shall live?" He asked him.

"I do." He smiled at the two brightly.

"Do you, Draconis Lucius Malfoy, take Luna Pandora Lovegood and Neville Frank Longbottom as their lawfully wedded husband and bondmate for as long as you three shall live?" He asked him.

"I do." He smiled just as brightly as Neville.

"And do you, Luna Pandora Lovegood, take Neville Frank Longbottom and Draconis Lucius Malfoy as their lawfully wedded wife and bondmate for as long as you three shall live?" He asked her.

"I do." She grinned.

"Then I pronounce you men and wife. You three may kiss." He said.

The three shared a chast kiss and their guests cheered. That was when Molly Weasley entered the backyard with a red face.

"YOU!" She pointed and glared at Harry. "How dare you! Two of my children are in jail and you have the audacity to blame me?"

"What? I never blamed you." The black haired wizard said.

"You did! The paper said so!" She yelled.

"Skeeter wrote that article. It's why it is in the gossip rag. No one else will print her articles since they know they are lies." Harry said.

"Liar!" She raised her wand and cast a spell.

Harry dodged out of the way. It hit the ground and exploded. Molly continued to cast spells at him. She was hit with a stunner and the aurors were called. She had been arrested and taken away. When they went to check on Harry they found him missing. Luna told them that one of the spells had grazed him. It had been misspoken and it didn't cut him. Instead it sent him to another world. Knowing the blonde was a seer they put that into the report.

The poor blue eyed witch cried for days. She felt that she had failed him since she didn't see that coming. It wasn't until she had another that she calmed down.

"Now you will be happy." She said as she went to inform her husbands.