First Time trying this, so feel free to educate me in the ways of writing in the reviews section. Be as harsh as you want, I know it's only to improve my writing so I promise my feelings won't be hurt

Disclaimer: You already know how this goes, I own absolutely nothing. Well, I do own Olivia, but who really cares?

With that being said, let's get to it.

Spells / memories

Having no childhood really sucked, that's what I discovered in France. I learned that I loved traveling and seeing new places. I'd never been on a vacation before defeating Voldemort. Even after that day, I still had to wait 4 years before going to France. First I had to rebuild Hogwarts, then I had to do my seventh year over again, then Ginny wanted to parade me around like some sort of trophy. She hosted parties every day. And they always were very flamboyant, believe me. She always had to have the most expensive dresses, the best champagne, golden decorations, and don't even get me started on her jewelry. I still get sick imagining the amounts of money I spent on her. She once got me to buy her a million galleon ring, and she didn't even say thank you. I swear, she loved that ring more than me. Once I learned she was only there for the fame and money, I got back everything I ever bought her and then kicked her out. Then I threw myself into being an Auror. And then there was Daphne.

"This isn't working out, isn't it?" Daphne asked me. It was more of a statement than a question. We both knew the answer. " You're right. You deserve somebody who's as committed to you as you are, and I can't be that guy. You deserve so much better, " it pained me to say that. But she seemed to agree. I had thrown myself into being an Auror. That meant long tiring days. I didn't have the energy for her, and she didn't want to fear for me every day. " At least we can end this as friends, best friends," she said. " That's good, Merlin knows I still love you, but it's for the better," I replied. I still loved her as much as when I had first started dating her. Her dad was going to marry her off to some 50-year-old lord. I couldn't let that happen, so I went and blackmailed her dad to cancel the marriage the day before it was meant to happen. I then went and told her I loved her with all my life. Imagine my surprise when she storms down the aisle and jumps in my arms gluing her lips to mine. "I still do too, Harry, I was hoping I could have one final kiss," she confessed. That's a request I'd gladly accept. So I did.

Ah Daphne, it still amazes me how all that turned out. I suppose it went down as the most friendly break-up in history, best friends then, and still best friends to this day. My life as an Auror however, is over. Even I realized that I've had enough of fighting evil for a lifetime. I shouldn't tempt fate anymore. You never know they might throw another dark lord your way. That was about a couple of months ago, but now I am left with a lot of free time, and nothing to fill it with. So that's how I ended up on my first vacation ever. I visited this museum right in the center of magical Marseille, la musée de l'art magique. With mostly old moving pictures of the 17th century, most crafted by Adrienne Orval. Apparently, she was in love with a Russian Muggle named Viktor Taimanov. At least, that's what I learned from the pictures. I was watching one of the final works of the museum where Viktor was in a soldier's uniform, and Adrienne ran at him and jumped in his arms. It wasn't that remarkable on its own compared to the rest, but what happens next made it stand out.

I had just exited the museum when I heard faint sobs. It must have been my "saving people thing" or just plain curiosity, but I followed the sound and around the corner, against the wall, I saw a little girl crying. In between sobs, she was whispering "Maman" over and over. So I patiently reached out. At first, she shied away from me, but the second time she looked up at me, her green eyes still filled with tears, " Bonjour, peux-je vous aider? " She then started rapidly talking in french and whilst I knew the basics, there was no way I could understand that. So I quickly cast translans on myself, then explained to her: "I'm from England so now I can understand you," but I saw she was crying again. So I kneeled next to her trying to calm her down and get her to breathe, as she was hyperventilating a bit, and eventually she was able to tell me what happened. Her mother was going to apparate away with her when she got distracted by a butterfly, and she let go. Then I asked what her name was, and she told me she was Olivia Delacour. I then asked who her mother was, and what she said next shocked me, her mother was Fleur Delacour.

After I saved Gabrielle about 7 years ago, her family and I have been friendly since. But it had been a damn long time since I last heard from her. But now I was in the middle of Marseille, with her daughter. I didn't know if I could contact Fleur directly with my Patronus, so I decided to send her a letter. Therefore, we had to go to London. I carefully tried to explain to her, "I'm going to try and send an owl to your mother, we used to be friends a long time ago. My name is Harry Potter. I hope you trust me enough to spend the day with me whilst we wait for her," she looked up at me, and after a couple of seconds, nodded. " Hold on to me, we're going to London," I said, but then she got a scared look. Of course, she would have a bit of trauma of apparition. " I know it's scary, but I promise I'll be careful. C'mon Olivia I need you to be a big girl right now. Grab me tightly and everything will be okay," she then slowly got up and, once I reached my hand out with a tiny smile, jumped up in my arms, clinging to my jacket as if her life depended on it. I reassured her one final time that it was going to be okay, and then we were gone.


I had apparated straight to my home and whistled for my new owl, Kelvin. I got Kelvin right after the war, as a present from Hermione. It was the first time I was able to give a birthday party. But anyway, I wrote a quick message to Fleur, explaining that we needed to meet as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Olivia was wandering in my house. I don't know why, but I felt some sort of bond with her, like magic was guiding my actions. But now it seemed magic was as clueless as I am. Of course I had some experience with Teddy but he was a lot younger than Olivia. It seemed best to just let her decide. So I asked her, " Is there anything special you wanted to do today? I arranged to see your mother once my owl returns."

She told me her mother had promised to get ice cream after the museum, and a very good friend of mine had recently opened a shop right here in the center of Magical London. So ice cream could be arranged easily. I reset my Translans charm so she could speak English, because we had been talking French this entire time. And off we were. I knew the route by heart. I have been there thousands of times.

A couple of minutes later

"Welcome To Evergreen Ice Cream." Such a familiar sight. The board was a green field with a bright blue sky, designed by yours truly. I actually have partial ownership of this store, about 20%. Something I retained from my break-up. Yes, you guessed it right, this store is owned by my good friend Daphne Greengrass. So, inside we went. There were only a couple of people left and everyone had already been served, so she immediately spotted me. She ran from behind the counter to hug me. And then she noticed Olivia. "Harry, who is this beautiful girl? " Daphne asked. Olivia looked to me confused, but I told her it's okay and that she's my best friend. We then got Olivia an assortment of different flavours. And whilst she was enjoying that, we got to talking.

"Harry, I swear to Merlin, I will start to get worried if you have a normal day in your life. I thought you were still in France, and all of a sudden you show up with a little girl in tow. And to top it off, she's a Delacour."

"I know, it's just my 'saving people's thing', but this time is different."

"How come?"

"I don't know how, but I felt compelled to help her. Like magic was guiding me towards her."

"Weird, I know magic is all about intent, but to actually give you one? Weird."

"Nevermind. I'm bringing her to Fleur once Kelvin returns."

"How did you even end up here?"

"I was in a museum when I saw her huddled up in a corner. She had let go whilst Fleur had apparated. "

"O my God, she must think she splinched her! "

"I know, I hope she's back soon. I would normally send her a Patronus but I know goblins are relentless and I wouldn't want to stress her out."

"Oh Harry you idiot, her daughter is missing. Of course she's going to be stressed. If you'd told her Olivia's alive then she'd quit her job on the spot to get here."

"Oh shite, I messed up didn't I?"

"Yes, and we're going to rectify that. Patronus, now."

Well, I did, and I guess Daphne was right, because she apparated right in front of our eyes. I don't know how she managed it, but she looked as graceful and regal as ever, whilst probably having experienced the worst hour of her life. But anyway, she was on to me.

"'Arry, where is she?"

"Fleur, behind you."

She twisted so fast I thought she was going to snap her neck, she then ran to Olivia to give her a hug, both shedding tears of happiness. Meanwhile, I looked towards Daphne with the biggest smile on my face, which she returned.

"I don't know why, but I just feel so happy. My magic is cheering inside."

"You're right, I wish we could have had this together."

"Why can't we? I'm never going back to being an auror and Merlin knows I still adore you."

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course, that's why I show up here every day."

"Oh Harry darling, if only you told me."

"Does that mean you would take me back?"

"I might be open to that idea. You know what, tomorrow 9 PM, win me back."

"Kiss for good luck?"

She was all too happy to oblige. We were at it for a couple of seconds, until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and immediately felt a bolt hit my chest. It was Olivia, giving me her best impersonation of a Weasley Bone-Crusher. Meanwhile Fleur was staring at us, the smile on her threatened to split her face.

"She really seems to like you 'Arry."

"The feeling is mutual. There's something magical about it."

Fleur and I kept making small talk, telling each other what was happening in our lives. In the meantime Daphne was weirdly silent, she seemed to be in deep thought. So I asked her what's up. She replied, "I'm trying to work out why you have a connection to Olivia. There's one thing but it seems so unlikely. Fleur can I ask you a question that may be slightly uncomfortable? "


"You had her whilst you were 18 right?"

"Oui. "

"And you we're in England for the Tournament right?"


"Fleur, who is the father?"

My mouth fell open in shock. I know what she was hinting at, but that seems ridiculous. But it would make sense. Fleur first looked surprised at Daphne, but then, she looked sort of ashamed. In the background Olivia looked up wide-eyed. I guess she's never known.

"Harry, she's yours."

I felt all the wind leaving my lungs, it felt like I got kicked between the ribs. I have had a daughter, for 7 years. Why didn't she tell me? Olivia wasn't any better. She was on the brink of tears. I just hope for her sake they weren't tears of sadness.

"You're my dad, I have a father?"

"I only just learned, baby girl, but I'm sorry for missing out on seven years of your life. I'd like to make up on lost time with you."

She hugged me ferociously in response. I guess she accepted. I then heard Daphne tell us that we should get started on catching up right now. She needed to talk to Fleur. Her tone made it obvious that I couldn't refuse, so I didn't.

"So, now that he's gone. Do you know what you've done? Do you know how much you've hurt Harry?"

"Excusez-moi, what do you mean?"

"All he's ever wanted was a family, and you denied him 7 years of his daughter's life. How could you?"

"She was a great surprise for me. I had given him myself for a night as a thank-you for the second task. And when I found out, I was already back in France. I wanted to contact him during fifth year, but then I heard he was in a relationship with Ginerva. I waited, biding my time until he was free. Free for me to weigh another burden on him. I didn't want to ruin his life by forcing this upon him."

"I understand, but you should count yourself lucky he took it so well."

"Believe me, I do."

"However, if you try to hurt him like that again, I'll show you why I'm a Death Eater's daughter."

The next day

At last, destiny was turning in my favor. I had my dream daughter. Now it was time to win over my Daphne, to get myself a dream girlfriend. Finally I could live happily ever after, as they always say in the stories. I had planned the most amazing dinner date. When I picked her up, she looked as beautiful as ever, she really was an angel, give her wings and you'd think she'd be straight from heaven. How can from somewhere so toxic sprout something or in this case someone so magnificent. But you won't hear me complaining.

Everything was going perfect. We had just finished our mains. We were deeply in conversation and she was giving off amazing vibes. Time to pull out my secret weapon.

"So Daphne, am I impressing you so far?"

"I don't know Harry, You've been amazing today but I could have an amazing date with many men. How will you stand out from them?"

"You want me to stand out? All right, watch this."

I was walking towards her whilst conjuring some stars. She was completely enamored with them, but she gasped as I made them spell out two simple words: Marry me. I had kneeled in front of her, and was holding out a ring I had found deep into a vault.

"Daphne, with this ring, I am giving you my heart on a silver platter. Do you accept?"

"Of course Harry. Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!"

And that's how I got here, in my own bed, Daphne in my arms. I just felt so happy, I couldn't help but wonder how my life had turned around. I went from hell to this. I had had a horrible life for 18 years. But my situation now, with my beautiful fiancée and an amazing daughter, this is definitely sufficient compensation.

That's it, my first ever one-shot. Big thanks towards WulfStone, Erenalio and Nauze for pre-reading and beta-ing. The discord really came through with the help. But yeah, that's it for this story, hopefully I'll be back soon.

P.S. I might be tempted to write a sequel, let me know in the reviews if you'd like that.