AN: And now here we are at part 3 of the wedding. Now, while the ceremony is done, there is still plenty of political schmoozing that needs to take place. Not to mention that there's still a number of reactions to see and a number of hopes and ambitions hanging in the balance. A war of words and ideals has already begun brewing, and soon Hiccup and Elsa will be on the frontlines of it. However, in the midst of it all, they are still trying to figure out just what it is they feel for each other and their situation. Thankfully, though the two don't know it yet, they are far from alone in their endeavors and sometimes, as the old saying goes, the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend'. And other times a rouge element…is just what is needed to turn the tides. So, with almost all the players on the board, let's see what the winds have in store. Onto the story…
Disclaimer: I don't own HTTYD or Frozen
Of Weddings and Clandestine Meetings - Pt 3
Out amongst the bustling city, a joyous shout rang out, soon followed by another and another until the whole city seemed to be crying out as one. The celebration of the peace accord was already in full swing, but as word of the marriage quickly spread throughout the city, the sounds of merriment increased tenfold! Excited laughter, joyful tears, energetic dancing, and the consumption of a plethora of sweets and other pastries only added to the wonderful atmosphere. The energy was almost palpable and the resulting sounds traveled far and wide, spreading the message of good cheer and hope across the water and throughout the forests that surrounded the city.
It was this same cheer that could be heard even from a small pub called the Snuggly Duckling located well within the forest. While not quite seedy enough to draw the full attention of the royal guards, said pub wasn't considered the most reputable of establishments either. The small tavern was a popular spot with vagabonds, mercenaries, thugs, and a host of unsavory sorts. Normally, even as early as noon would find the pub still semi full, but with the citywide celebration going on there was barely a soul to be seen, though no doubt come nightfall the pub would be bustling with activity once again.
The employee's of the Snuggling Duckling were no strangers to bar fights and rowdy behavior within the walls of the pub, but as they had learned, sometimes the worst ones were those that simply sat quietly and sipped their ale. It was this very scenario that one petite red haired barmaid found herself in that day. As she made her way over to the only occupants of the bar, a feeling of dread seemed to fill her gut and though she had always striven to be as amiable as possible, the deadly aura that the two gave off left the poor girl nearly ready to collapse in pure terror.
Now, while the auras the two older men gave off seemed to be identical, in terms of looks they couldn't be more different. On the left side of the small table was a large hulking dark haired man that had order two cups of mead. Similar in size and stature to Stoick the Vast, the man was more of a scraggily looking savage with wild hair and an unkempt beard along with chainmail armor and massive arms that looked like he could easily rip a man in two with his bare hands. In contrast, the tall slim white haired man on the right that had ordered a simple glass of the local brew was far less imposing. He was much more athletic in build and had a long face with wild hair and was dressed in a long black cloak and simple leather armor, but carried an aura of calculated death about him.
It was all that the pretty redhead could do just to summon enough courage to place their drinks on the table, along with another tankard of ale in front of the empty chair between the two men that was facing away from the entrance. As she mumbled out a meek 'anything else', neither man so much as acknowledged her presence, but for that she was thankful. Finally, after an intense moment the pair simply waved her off and the young barmaid practically sprinted back to the relative safety of the bar.
"Well, it is done then," the white haired man stated simply, referring to the reason behind the cheering that they could distantly hear, as he sipped his drink in disinterest.
"Yeah," the large stage looking man growled, before downing his first entire cup of mead, slamming his empty tankard down on the table in satisfaction, before giving out a deep rumbling laugh. "Who'd have guessed that Stoick's boy would have that kind of luck, eh? The lad was little more than a bean pole growing up and to hear old Stoick tell it, the cause of more disasters then he would care to remember. Yet here he is marrying a princess, guardian of the Dragon Eye, and rider of the last known Night Fury in existence. The only one that successfully got away before your banishment from the Confederacy, eh Grimmel?"
"Indeed it is," Grimmel the Grisly admitted with a simple shrug as he continued to sip at his beer, ignoring the obvious bait. "But the hunt is primarily a battle of both endurance and willpower. A single failed attempt means nothing to an accomplished hunter, but I believe that you know that feeling all to well, don't you Alvin?"
"There's been the occasional setback, yes," Alvin the Treacherous bit back with a grumble, irritated at the slight, but wise enough to acknowledge a fight between the pair would most likely end with both men dead and more importantly no closer to their respective goals. "But rest assured soon the secrets of Vanaheim, the sacred land of the flame dragons, will be mine. Then with the power of the Sentinel dragons under my control I'll be the first human to set foot on the ancestral homeland of the dragons, I'll be king of the Wilderwest!"
"And should Stoick's little welp try to stop you…again?" Grimmel muttered with a chuckle, enjoying the thrill of toying with Alvin. "After all, if my memory serves me correctly the poor little 'bean pole' as you called him has sent you packing on more than one occasion."
Alvin slammed a meaty fist on the table, causing it to groan under the force and nearly spill the still full tankards on the table, as he let out a deep growl, but Grimmel didn't so much as flinch, let alone pause in sipping his beer. Despite his anger, Alvin knew that Grimmel was indeed correct about Hiccup's tendency to thwart his plans, sometimes directly and others indirectly, but the outcome was always the same. Still, circumstances were changing and this was an opportunity that Alvin for one wasn't going to waste.
"I'll admit that the lad has definitely proved his mettle more than once," Alvin finally admitted as he relaxed in his chair, letting out a semi-calming breath. "Old Stoick and those fools on Berk never did give the boy enough credit growing up, and he's only gotten better with age. Hiccup was always free-spirited, which often led to us crossing paths, but now he'll be living with the old ball and chain. By the time the lad even realizes what I have planned it'll be too late, especially because I'm not the only one taking advantage of this opportunity. Word is some powerful individuals have an interest in ancient history and forgotten power. Between that and the princess, the lad will have his hands full for a good while I'd wager."
"More full then you might think," Grimmel returned with a wicked smirk as he placed his tankard down on the table, moving to steeple his hands in front of his face. "Though I have little concern about governments and kingdoms, my travels of the Imperium have shown me that this conspiracy is interwoven deeply within both empires. Which means it's finally time to finish the mission I started so long ago. I have traveled the Confederacy and the Imperium killing every Fury I've come across, save two, and now they have both been gathered in the same place. Soon, Stoick's boy and Agnarr's little girl will find themselves backed into a corner, where I will be waiting to strike down the last of the Fury's!"
"I wouldn't underestimate that boy Grimmel," Alvin said as he took a gulp of his mead, before wiping his face on the back of his arm. "He won't just lay down and let you hunt his dragon and I'd wager that neither would Agnarr's girl. That means two seasoned wielders of fire and ice, as well as two Fury's and the four of them together won't go down easily. Not to mention, they will most likely have a small honor guard of sorts to back them up."
"Of course you would be correct old friend," Grimmel acknowledged as his smile widen before holding out his hand towards the door of the pub. "But a true hunter never merely attacks his prey's head on. He herds them, funnels them towards the kill zone so he may attack on his terms. To that end, I invited the son of a mutual acquaintance of ours, one that has a bit of a history with young Hiccup."
Suddenly, the main entrance to the pub burst open to the sound of a roaring wind, the very air of the tavern suddenly swirling like it was alive. Grimmel and Alvin, barely twitched as the wind howled around them, but the poor barmaid could only huddle against the counter, her arms crossed protectively over her head, trying her best to ride out the sudden storm. However, as quickly as it came, the door suddenly slammed shut and the wind stilled.
As the barmaid lifted her head and stood once more, she saw a tall broad shouldered young man in his early twenties standing at the door with a vicious smirk. His short brown hair was extremely spiky and he was dressed in simple brown pants, boots, and a thin red overcoat that went down to his shins with a fur lined collar. The coat was open in the front, exposing his muscular chest that was marred by many burn marks and around his neck was a short necklace containing two pendants with engraved skulls on them. With a long curved sword strapped to his back, a short length of weighted chain coiled at his hip, and a pair of slim stylized goggles with tinted Death Song amber lens over his eyes, the young man's presence screamed confidence and power, but with a hint of charisma.
The young man quickly took stock of the bar, spotting his ale already waiting for him at the table, before turning his head right at the terrified barmaid that was staring at him with a mixture of fear and awe. With a charming smirk the young man nodded in her direction before flipping the now blushing barmaid a gold coin in gratitude as he strode towards the table and sat down.
"Mason? Well, this is quite the surprise," Alvin chuckled as he finally recognized the heir to the Murderous tribe, one of the only prominent viking tribes not associated with the Confederacy. "Look who's all grown up now, eh? How's your old man doing…or are you the chief now?"
"Nah, the old man's still running things," Mason muttered with a smirk, but with a deadly edge to it. "Honestly, I'm not that interested in it. One of my younger siblings could do it for all I care. No, I got bigger dragons to fly. I hear my old rival is moving up in the world and playing house with an ice princess. It'd be rude to not give my best wishes to the newlyweds after all. Oh, and by the way, I go by Madguts these days. 'Madguts the Murderous', and I just can't wait to see Hiccup again!"
After the ceremony, as the new royal couple was led out of the room once the cheers had died down, the guests found themselves being quickly ushered to the grand ballroom. The once huge vacant room had been completely overhauled, with many beautifully polished tables setup around the edges of the room with intricate lanterns acting as center pieces, a large floor space left open for dancing. A band, this time a mixture of viking and Imperium musicians, were off to the side already playing some soft ambient music as many servants were already bustling around the room offering drinks and simple appetizers for the guests enjoyment as they waited on arrival of the newlyweds.
As many of the guests mingled, some with joyful spirits and others with clear apprehension and animosity, a lone female figure dressed in sleek black and gold dress armor stood on one of the far balcony's overlooking the castle courtyard and the city below. The young green eyed woman, barely in her mid twenties with very short blonde hair, stood ever regal and poised, but her ridged posture belied the fear and uncertainty that she felt. Mala knew that as both a queen and a warrior it was improper to broadcast her emotions so openly and that even her act of seeking solitude could be taken as a sign of weakness. However, despite her station, Mala needed a moment to herself as the ceremony had opened a few wounds that were still quite fresh.
As a former heir, now queen, I know all too well the weight they must be feeling, Queen Mala mussed to herself as she took a sip of her wine, gaze trained on the celebration going on throughout the city, though her mind processed none of it. The duties are to be expected of course, but no one ever stops and tells you what it will mean once they're yours to shoulder on your own, especially given the circumstances one usually faces when they ascend to the throne. The people will look to them now and it'll be their responsibility to symbolize the very peace both empires will be benefiting from…just like it's now my responsibility to lead my people and to protect our sacred homeland. The elders have told me that soon I may be called upon to guide the guardian of the Dragon Eye, but I don't even know what that means? All they tell me is that I must be patient and that we each have a role to play, but I just wish I knew if I was playing my part correctly…I wish you were still here mother.
"Well, if it isn't the former princess of Vanaheim," a kind but weathered voice suddenly called out, dragging Mala from her thoughts. "I suppose it's Queen Mala now. So, I suppose proper etiquette would dictate that I say, 'greetings your majesty'."
Mala turned towards the newcomer and took in a sight she hadn't seen since she was eight. Chieftess Yelena of the Northuldra tribe looked almost exactly the same as Mala remembered, long white hair and tanned skin though with a few more lines around her kind hazel colored eyes. Yelena's countenance was so similar to Mala's mothers that, despite only having met her twice before, Mala found herself slowly relaxing around the familiar presence.
"Chieftess Yelena," Mala returned with a slight bow of her head as she fully turned to face the older woman. "It is an honor to see you once again and under much more positive circumstances. Though the war kept us separate, know that the Defenders of the Wing of the sacred land of Vanaheim, have always respected our brothers and sisters of the Northuldra, caretakers of the sacred land of Ahtohallan."
"Prim, proper, and perfectly by the book," Yelena commented with a chuckle as she placed a weathered, but comforting hand on Mala's shoulder with an almost motherly smile. "I had almost forgotten how women of our station were expected to speak. I confess, your mother and I left such posturing between one other behind some time ago, but I see you still have that new queen mentality about you my dear. You remind me so much of my dear grand-niece Honeymaren. She takes her training as the next Chieftess as seriously as you apparently take your role. I admit that it can be a good thing, but you both need to remember to smile more or your lovely faces with end up weathered well before their time."
At the name Honeymaren, Mala found her mind drifting back to a young Northuldra woman that she had spoken with at length before the ceremony. Honeymaren had been a slim, lightly freckled young woman with a similar height and skin tone to Yelena, but with a slightly rounder face and rich brown eyes. It had been obvious from the way she had held herself, that Honeymaren had been a focused and well trained young woman that had clearly been raised with expectations placed on her from a young age, the same as Mala. The pair had found a bit of a kinship in each other as they had openly talked about their peoples and how the role they played for both empires were almost identical, both representing the current alphas of the flame and ice dragons. With all this in mind, Mala found herself seeking to politely defend both hers and Honeymaren's actions.
"With all due respect," Mala responded evenly, her voice strong, but a bit unsure. "I for one am merely trying to live up to my ancestral legacy, as I'm sure your grand-niece is as well. I had the honor of conversing with her before the ceremony and I fully believe she will one day lead her people well. However, that being said, I suppose you do make a good point as I have only been the acting queen for just a few months now. It's been…difficult without mother around to guide me and I recognize that I do have a great deal to learn still, so I will take your words under advisement."
Yelena felt a stab of pain in her heart at the mention of her old friends death. She still remembered when Mala's teenaged mother had first become queen, not too long after Yelena's own young daughter had fallen ill and passed away. Despite an age gap of nearly fifteen years and a war separating them on opposite sides, the two leaders had formed a bond of friendship from their shared grief. Now, as Yelena took in the image of Mala, so much like that of her mother, Yelena could feel nothing but sympathy and compassion for the young woman.
Unaware of Yelena's mental mussings, Mala decided to use this opportunity to ask a question of the more experienced leader and thus asked, "So, it seems that the Dragon Eye and the Frozen Heart have found their way back together at last. Our elders speculate that the two guardians may need our respective peoples guidance soon, but I am curious what our brethren of the Northuldra feel on the matter?"
"Only time will tell my dear, though I believe that your elders are correct," Yelena replied a bit cryptically, though with a small smile as she quickly let go of her previous train of thought. "Time flows ever onward like a river, always forward always changing. Even my old eyes can see that this wedding is the start of a brand new chapter in history. If you listen closely you can hear the beginnings of history being written here this very day and I will tell you from experience that history is written by the young. The time for the people of my generation to be influencing the course of history is nearly done and now the future will be molded by people like Prince Hiccup, Princess Elsa, my precious Honeymaren, and you my dear. It is now on you and your generation to dictate the path we take from here."
Mala felt like Yelena's words had more meaning than the obvious, like Yelena was hinting that she knew something that Mala didn't. A sudden irrational need to keep talking with the older woman engulfed Mala's entire being. For a moment it was as if Mala feared that this would be the last time she would ever see her mother's oldest friend…almost like she was loosing her mother all over again. There were so many questions Mala wanted to ask, but suddenly a loud voice called to all those gathered that the royal couple was about to be announced, and Mala found herself wanting to cry.
"Remember dear, it's best to let the river flow as it will," Yelena spoke her parting words with a genuine smile, almost as if she could clearly discern the distress in the young queen and wanted to alleviate it. "You may learn from your mother's example, but you must find your own path. The world outside is waiting, and it is now your time to shine like the flame within you. I have no doubt that you will do great things young Mala…your mother would be so very proud of you my dear."
Despite Mala's best efforts to matin her decorum, a lone tear slowly slide down her cheek at Yelena's heartfelt words. It felt like a sudden weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Mala couldn't begin to describe what this conversation had done for her, nor could she help the genuine smile that formed as she bowed her head in thanks. For a moment, as the two women simply smiled at one another, it was as if Mala was once again a young child speaking with her mother. And as they both headed back inside the ballroom, Mala felt ready to live up to her role…whatever that role proved to be.
Shuana your daughter has truly grown into a fine young woman, Yelena mussed internally as she discreetly looked at Mala from the corner of her eye, before a more somber mood fell over her. I can tell that the future is in good hands with this lot. I just hope that they will be ready to face the challenges and hardships yet to come…and that your daughter may be able to help my Honeymaren when the time comes.
Outwardly, Hiccup and Elsa seemed both poised and composed as they glided across the ballroom floor to a slow and simple Imperium ballad, but that couldn't have been further from the truth. After the ceremony everything had been one huge blur as the pair had been ushered off in a daze to get freshened up and take care of the official record of their marriage, as favored by the Imperium government. Soon after they had been escorted to the ballroom by their parents and once again announced to the gathered representatives, before almost immediately being ushered onto the dance floor. Despite their distracted state Hiccup and Elsa had perfectly leapt and circled each other to the traditional viking wedding dance, before seamlessly transitioning into the Imperium ballad they now danced to. Their minds however, refused to return to working order.
It was a bit unsettling, to know your body's moving, but to be unable to truly comprehend your immediate actions. If Hiccup had to compare it to something, the closest occurrence he could describe it to was the feeling you would get around the midway point during the Midnight Sun back on Berk. With two straight weeks of solid daylight, around the start of the second week of no sleep things tended to get a little…weird. However, even that didn't quite encompass all of what the pair were feeling.
If asked Hiccup and Elsa would simply point to the rush of adrenaline finally catching up with them. However, if the two were honest with themselves, Hiccup and Elsa would have to admit that the main reason their heads were in such a fog was because of the unexpected heat behind their wedding kiss. This feeling was something totally new to Elsa and as such, she was at a complete loss on how to deal with a feeling that was equal parts intoxicating and terrifying. Hiccup, on the other hand, had experienced this feeling before, but only a small handful of times and only with one other person, so it was a line of thought Hiccup was determined to avoid at the moment.
Suddenly, the sound of applause pulled both newlyweds from their thoughts and back to reality as Hiccup and Elsa realized that the music had ended. In an instant, the pair became aware of all the many eyes on them…and also the heat radiating from their conjoined hands as well as the heat from where Hiccup's hand rested on Elsa's waist and Elsa's hand rested on Hiccup shoulder. Deciding that now was not the time to be fixated on these unexpected emotions, the pair slowly separated. Both Hiccup and Elsa silently resolved to push these confusing questions and thoughts to the back of their minds until a later time.
Much later, both Hiccup and Elsa muttered internally as Hiccup gave his wife a respectful bow and Elsa gave her husband a grateful curtsy.
As he straightened, Hiccup was already mentally trying to map out the room so that after the meal he could avoid being cornered by certain guests that would be all too eager to begin grilling the couple now that their official duties were over, but belatedly Hiccup realized that they weren't being directed to their table yet. Instead, Hiccup noticed that servants were diligently working to open each curtain and balcony door that was overlooking the courtyard despite the heat of the midday sun, as the moderator of the feast directed Hiccup and Elsa towards the primary balcony. To say Hiccup was confused, would be an understatement as he couldn't remember a single mention of this during any of their rehearsals.
A pair of servants met them just inside the doorway and retrieved Hiccup and Elsa's capes before the pair continued on alone onto the balcony. As the pair waited, Hiccup stole a discreet glance at his wife, only momentarily mussing over how bizarre the title sounded even in his own head, and Hiccup noticed that Elsa seemed to be fully aware of what was going on, if her gentle smile was anything to go by. Elsa's eyes appeared to be methodically searching the sky for…something, but as a lively tune began to waft throughout the air, Hiccup found his curiosity finally spill over.
"So Elsa, you think you could clue your poor confused husband in on what is happening here?" Hiccup muttered quietly so only Elsa could hear him as he made a pretense of watching the sky just like Elsa was, though he didn't have a clue what he was looking for. "What exactly is the purpose of us standing on this balcony, watching the sky?"
Elsa found herself exceedingly grateful for her current position in relation to the gathered crowd. As Hiccup's eyes were trained on the sky and everyone else could only see the back of her head, no one had noticed Elsa's eyes widening or the blush that spread across her cheeks at the mention of Hiccup's title.
Quickly schooling her expression and making a mental note to be more cognizant of how she allowed herself to react to these new titles in mixed company, Elsa allowed herself a small smirk as she simply said, "It was an unexpected idea that just sort of popped into my head last night that I thought would be a nice surprise for you. We danced to both an Imperium ballad and a viking folk dance, so now the two of us are going to have one more dance that's really more for us. However, for this one we will be getting a little…assistance. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get the idea pretty quickly. Just enjoy it, Mr. Dragon Master."
Hiccup felt like Elsa was trying to be blatantly confusing in her explanation and began to feel his nerves return as he tried to puzzle out what kind of dance they would be doing. Honestly, Hiccup didn't think it very wise to spring any kind of surprise on him during such an important occasion, but he felt…relatively confident that if their parents agreed to it, then it probably meant that they felt fairly certain in his abilities to wing it, so to speak. For a moment Hiccup wondered if he should feel even more nervous now, but his thoughts were suddenly cut off by a sudden sound that was both familiar and yet completely different to anything he had ever heard before.
Hiccup's eyes desperately searched the sky for the source, even as his mind tried to place the sound. In his heart, Hiccup knew where he had heard that sound before, as it was nearly identical to the one he heard almost every time he went flying with Toothless, but it also seemed like it was too much to actually hope for. Finally, Hiccup saw a flash of pure white and in that moment his heart skipped a beat as his eyes took in the magnificent beauty soaring through the sky, slowly circling the castle.
"T-that's a Fury…," Hiccup muttered in a barely audible whisper, afraid of awakening from such a horrifically wonderful dream. "It's definitely not a Night Fury, but maybe some kind of Bright Fury or…"
"She's actually known as a Light Fury," Elsa supplied impishly, leading Hiccup to conclude that Elsa must've known about Toothless and was teasing him. "She's been my dragon for the last three years and her name is Breen."
The knowledge that another Fury actually existed, added to the fact that it was a female and that she actually belonged to Elsa, was almost too much for Hiccup to take. However, combine all that with a teasing Elsa, with a mischievous glint in her eye, that was smirking at Hiccup in a way that could almost be described as flirty, and the most articulate reply the flustered viking lad could give was a stuttered, "…Y-yeah, yours is better."
Suddenly, Breen gave out a loud screech as she began a steep dive towards the courtyard. Without ever taking her smiling eyes off Hiccup, Elsa casually strolled to the railing, daintily sat down in a very lady-like manner, and then proceeded to carefully lift her legs and pivot on her hip so as to roll backwards right off the rail. There were startled gasps from most of the guests behind Hiccup, but as for Hiccup himself, he barely flinched, somehow knowing what would come next. Just as Hiccup had expected, Elsa and Breen swiftly rose into the air with a flourish, Elsa's soft laughter causing a slight teasing chill to run down Hiccup's spine.
Hiccup would deny it till his dying day, but for just a moment as he watched his wife soar through the air on the back of a Light Fury, especially after her little display a mere moment before, he had the dopiest awestruck look of any young fool in love that had ever walked the face of the earth. Just as quickly as it came, the feeling left as Hiccup once more heard the all too familiar sound that was unique to Toothless alone. Looking up, Hiccup spotted Toothless soaring overhead, his prosthetic tail having been reattached, and it was clear what he wanted. Never one to be outdone, the viking dragon pair worked in sync as Toothless dove and Hiccup took a running leap off the railing that ended up becoming more of a twisting front flip.
The pair of showoffs quickly rose through the air until they had almost caught Elsa and Breen, when suddenly the female pair made a very precise twirl towards the right that turned into a wide swirling clockwise dive. Curious as to what the girls had in mind, Hiccup and Toothless made a much sharper twist as they followed the girls spiraling path downwards, only for Elsa and Breen to suddenly gain altitude and lead the boys into a large loop through the air. Once again Hiccup and Toothless kept close on the girls tails, but Elsa and Breen always appeared to be just out of their reach.
The girls lead the boys through loops and dives and everything in between, with each whimsical twist a dazzling display and each hairpin turn a methodical act that showcased a clear intent and purpose. The speed alone was staggering, but the precise movements left the onlookers below in awe, as the two riders and their dragons painted the air in a beautifully choreographed dance of elegance and passion. Somewhere in the back of his mind Hiccup realized that the dance Elsa and Breen were leading Toothless and himself in was basically a game of chase, the same one that females of some breeds of wild dragons were known to do to entice a potential mate, but the male pair were far too lost in the fun of the moment to really recognize any of that.
All at once, the guests below were forgotten as Hiccup and Toothless' world narrowed to the two vivacious beauties that were being disconcertingly tempting and distracting in their movements. With a searing heat like a volcano erupting, a primal need to chase overcame both Hiccup and Toothless as Hiccup instinctively leaned forward over Toothless' neck and inadvertently pressed into a particular spot, with immediate effect. As if awakening for the first time, Toothless felt an almost electrical energy pulse beneath his scales and run down his spine as the short protruding fins along his back elongated, bringing the world around Toothless into much sharper focus.
Hiccup was amazed by this turn of events, the bond he felt with Toothless allowing him to pick up hints of all the new information flooding Toothless' system. Probably the most surprising thing about the whole occurrence though, was that the obvious probing questions that Hiccup would typically be wondering at this point were the furtherest thing from his mind. Man and Dragon were in absolute agreement as they put a pin in those questions for another day, as reality and the future were forgotten for the sake of the moment before them. There was only one point of focus on both males minds, centered on the two females just ahead of them, and both Hiccup and Toothless suddenly smirked as they knew the chase was now, not only theirs, but it also took on a whole new meaning.
With a speed neither had ever known before, Toothless and Hiccup shot forward with matching feral growls, baser instincts driving the two to put their strength and worth on full display for their intended female audience. Elsa and Breen abruptly pulled up into a surprised hover as the boys shot past them and into a quick curving arch, but it was the confident and powerful auras the two were displaying in perfect tandem that caused both girls heart rates to skyrocket. Without even truly understanding why, Elsa and Breen simultaneously moved to flee, almost like their own baser instincts were telling the pair it would be more fun this way, but somehow both felt that even if they could get away…neither truly wanted to.
The chase afterward was largely the same, but the air was thick with electrical impulses and passion as Toothless and Hiccup would now barrel roll around Elsa and Breen as they flew through loops and dives. At times the boys would cut through the girls path, effectively herding them…or rather guiding them and offering protection as they displayed their skills and worth magnificently. The purpose of the dance a distant memory, and their individual senses filled with nothing but other pair's presence, Toothless and Hiccup suddenly brought Elsa and Breen into an extremely steep climb. At the very apex of the climb, Hiccup and Toothless lightly nudge Elsa and Breen, like the touch of a feather, and suddenly all four started a straight plummet to the ground.
Back to back, with Hiccup and Elsa's faces practically touching, the two dragons fell, the sound of the rushing wind deafening, but truthfully the only sound the four could hear was the sound of their own hearts pounding in their ears. Hiccup and Elsa, as well as Toothless and Breen, had their eyes locked on the other, their whole world focused on that one point, each one desperately searching for an answer to the question that their hearts were screaming at them, 'are you the one?'. Suddenly, as the quartet neared the ground Hiccup and Toothless smirked like the alpha males they were and poured on the speed, diving under the two impressed beauties and causing a billowing updraft that slowed them to an almost crawl.
Elsa and Breen touched down first, the pairs landing extremely light and decidedly delicate, Elsa hair mostly loose and just barely held back as a simple ponytail with many strands framing her beautifully flushed face. Hiccup and Toothless' landing was much harder, though it was clear that it was done intentionally for effect, and Elsa was thankful that she was already seated as the aura the two were giving off combined with the heated look in Hiccup's gaze, left her with little doubt that her knees would've buckled under such an intense gaze. Toothless raised himself to his full height as Breen stared into his eyes unwavering, the air thick with unexpressed emotions and just a hint of longing as their ears seemed to ring with their combined heartbeats in the sudden stillness of the moment.
For a heartbeat, Toothless and Breen leaned ever closer towards one another as Hiccup felt a primal heat build within him that was unlike anything he had ever felt before, not even from his own flame. Elsa felt her heart threatening to explode right out of her chest in want of…something, something she couldn't for the life of her even begin to understand, but that she instinctively knew had everything to do with Hiccup. However, it was at that moment that the world started spinning again and reality reasserted itself as the gathered guests along the balconies above let loose in thunderous applause over the display, completely unaware of the intense emotions crackling between the two pairs.
Suddenly overwhelmed, Elsa gave Hiccup a curt nod, before nudging Breen in indication of her need to get airborne. At that moment, Breen too seemed to come back to herself and, picking up on her riders emotions, seemed to realize just how close she had come to being sidetracked from her mission by the charismatic Night Fury and responded with a glare before taking to the sky. Whether it was intentional or not, Breen ended up whacking Toothless in the snout with her tail, as the smell of Elsa's hair wafted over Hiccup.
Both boys found the smells of their females overwhelming and intoxicating, and it took every fiber of their beings to not give in to their baser instincts that were begging them to give chase yet again. Even Toothless acknowledged that a calmer head would be needed with these two females, but it was a challenge he was looking forward to. Hiccup found it a little harder to process what exactly had just occurred, but finally Hiccup's brain decided to start working as Toothless took to the sky, heading towards their personal garden.
Am I seriously attracted…to my wife? Hiccup questioned himself internally once they were out of sight of the guests. Oh man, I really am a glutton for punishment. Any romantic feelings for Elsa during an arranged marriage can only end badly for me. This is beyond dangerous territory.
But as Hiccup and Toothless landed and he saw the look in Toothless' eye, a look that he had no doubt was reflected in his own eyes, Hiccup couldn't help but think, Then again…flirting with danger is really just another day in the life for us, right Bud?
As if reading his mind, Toothless gave a determined bark and Hiccup couldn't help but smirk as he mentally prepared himself for not only going back inside, but what was to come.
Hiccup instinctively knew that Elsa was going to ignore everything that had just happened, as was Breen given how much of bond the two seemed to have, so it wouldn't be quick or easy and chances were it would be best to let it go for a long while. However, Hiccup knew that if he was patient, the moment would come and this time Hiccup was determined to succeed…he wouldn't loose out on a chance at love, not again.
In the shadow of Elsa's large Imperium battleship, a small traders boat sat docked along the waterfront. On the outside, it looked little more than mildly interesting at best and downright dull at worst. However, like so many things in life it was not what's on the outside, but on the inside that counts. Inside this particular vessel sat two men engaged in a battle of wits as well as words as they both stared down at the board in between them.
The man farthest from the main hatch, and the owner of that particular vessel, was an unassuming tan skinned man in a red and blue seafarers outfit with a stocking style hat. He had a thick bushy beard, extremely long mustache, and long brown hair and despite the length of all his hair, he was immaculately groomed with his beard, hair, and mustache all tied off in singular knots at the ends. However, his grey eyes held a hard edge to them that few ever saw behind his clever guise of being a buffoonish fop of a trader. Trader Johann, as he was known, was the very definition of a vile snake and a traitor, as the man that sat across from him knew all too well.
The shorter light skinned man wore a simple brown sleeveless tunic with armored shoulder pieces and gauntlets, a sword attached to his back, but he was anything but a simple viking brute. His most distinguishable feature was a large burn scar on the entire left side of his face, leaving his left eye an almost milky white instead of his actual brown, though he still had limited vision through said eye. With extremely close cut short brown hair and a neatly trimmed mustache/goatee combo, Viggo Grimborn was the very definition of an enigma.
Now, while both men were business men, Johann was a man that utilized a subtle mixture of intentional annoyance and clever acting to confuse his foes before stabbing them in the back, while Viggo was all smooth talk and preferred to simply out maneuver his opponents. Currently, the two men where having a simple discussion as they played a friendly game of Maces and Talons, though for men of their stature and position, those terms were relative. As Viggo moved one of the white viking pieces, Johann decided to broach the subject on everybody's mind.
"So, Stoick's welp and Agnarr's little brat…but oh what a lovely couple they make," Johann muttered in disgust as he moved one of his back pieces in turn. "Those two are absolutely perfect for each other…in the worst way. For years, I've played my part, slowly worming my way into favor with both the Confederacy and the Imperium, but the hardest part wasn't kissing up to either Stoick or Agnarr. No, the hardest part was putting up with the existence of their poor excuse for offspring. Hiccup may be clever, but the little runt should've never survived his first winter and Miss Elsa may be beautiful, but Agnarr should've never let all that raw potential go to waste."
"True, they are both young and idealistic, but I can tell you from personal experience that they both have shown amazing ability," Viggo returned with a disinterested shrug as he continued to study the board in front of him before placing his next piece, his mind drifting to another blonde haired warrior with a lot of ability he had faced long ago and reflexively touched his scar. "I any case, Hiccup has proven himself quite the worthy adversary time and time again despite all odds. And while I've never had the honor of meeting the Imperium's heir apparent face to face, I can tell you from experience that Elsa's tactical mind has put quite the dent in the bottom line of my business dealings in Imperium territory. With the two of them working together, well I believe we all may be taking hits across the board."
"Do not misunderstand," Johann muttered darkly, as he took one of Viggo pawns, the board beginning to favor Johann with each passing move. "I fully recognize that Elsa has tremendous power and ability, but she refuses to use them properly and, worse yet, actually fears them. Wasted potential is by far worse than a lack of ability and so it would've been better had she simply never had power to begin with. Young Hiccup is the same way, as he has the potential to be a true master of the art of business or tactics, but instead foolishly prattles on about peace and compassion, wanting to explore the world rather then tame and utilize it. You're right in saying that the two of them together could be trouble, in fact the two of them together could create an empire that spans the globe and if that were the case I'd be more then happy to serve the pair, but reality couldn't be further from the truth than that."
"I see," Viggo replied simply as he moved another piece on the board, calm and in control despite too few of his own pieces still being in play. "So, this all stems from a personal hatred of Hiccup and Elsa over wasted ability. Well, I suppose that's not petty at all, but such discussions do not serve our immediate purpose. I believe you called me here for a reason; one that has to do with your mysterious benefactors and the supposed rumors of a conspiracy of monumental proportions."
"It seems you are well informed as always," Johann ground out in annoyance at Viggo's previous slight, as he moved another piece on the board, collecting another of Viggo's pieces as he set up for his final move. "You are indeed correct. While I'm not at liberty to reveal the specifics or the identities of my employers at this time, they have asked that I speak with you about helping us resolve a little conflict of interests. You see, at the end of the day, like myself, you are a business man and as such I know that it matters little to you who it is that holds the power, as long as you can make your profits. That being said, peace isn't exactly the best for business, at least not a peace led by those idealistic fools Hiccup and Elsa, and definitely not in our line of business. My employers seek a better…arrangement for the relationship between the Confederacy and the Imperium, and to do that they must first…dissolve the current arrangement. If they succeed then it will mean more freedom for us to do as we please in our business dealings and even in the interim there will be a multitude of profitable opportunities."
"And am I to believe that you all simply wish to share the wealth?" Viggo chuckled as he moved his viking chief to the corner of the board, already knowing what would come next. "You are many things Johann, but a fool is not one of them. So why don't you tell me exactly what it is that I have that they want, though I imagine I could wager a guess given the fact that it's clearly something that you can't supply yourself, or else I wouldn't be here cutting into your profit margins."
"Oh, rest assured that my profit margins are still very much intact Viggo," Johann muttered as he moved another piece, three moves away from closing the noose. "I have other reasons for my involvement in all this, though the money is definitely a plus. I also have plenty to offer, not the least of which are my two trusty Lieutenants, Krogan leader of the Singetail Dragon Riders as well as your older brother Ryker and his faction of dragon hunters. However, more to the point there is something that only you have that is crucial at this stage…your men and connections. You see unlike Ryker and Krogan, whom are too recognizable, or myself, that has an image to matin for the time being, your men are mostly unknown around the two empires and it's precisely that ambiguity that my employers wish to utilize."
"And so it's just as I thought," Viggo replied with a dark smile as he stood and moved his final piece, killing the traitor and winning the game, much to Johann's utter shock. "You can color me intrigued, but I would be a poor excuse of a business man if I simply allowed myself to be used by some unknown party without a better handle on the situation. That being said, I am not unreasonable, so I will simply say this. Tell your employers that whatever amount they see fit to offer me, I accept it. In turn I will hand select a number of my own men that I find acceptable and send them…and not a single man more. If they are half as competent as you've insinuated they are, then they should be expecting nothing less from me. In any case, I'll be in touch, so once they are ready to take me seriously, then I may speak with them more in-depth over a good brew and a nice game. On that note I take my leave Trader Johann. Good game my old friend, and do try to remember that there is much we can learn from Maces and Talons."
"I'll try to remember that," Johann bit out in between clenched teeth, angered by his lose as much as his being outdone and predicted by his business rival.
Once off the ship, Viggo made his way into town, intent on taking the long way around before meeting his personal contacts later. The game was shaping up to be a dangerous one, but Viggo knew his role and what other would expect of him, giving him the advantage. And as he stared up at the castle, thinking of the two people inside and what he knew they were capable of, Viggo couldn't help but smirk as he made one final statement.
"Yes, it really does have so much to teach us 'Traitor' Johann…because in Maces and Talons the traitor dies in the end…The traitor always dies."
Unlike other arranged marriages, everyone knew that Hiccup and Elsa's marriage was unique in how much leeway the two had. Whereas typically it would be about advancement, prestige, or alliances and children would be expected, Hiccup and Elsa's arrangement was more about the symbolism than anything else. With this fact in mind many were curious as to what would be the exact nature of the couples relationship and all that implied, both in a political sense and that of the personal variety. Honestly, neither Hiccup nor Elsa were surprised by the multitude of questions, but that did nothing to lessen the awkwardness of such personal inquiries, especially with how invasive political figures could get in the affairs of others.
Like a good little princess, Elsa was poised and attentive to each and every guest that came to offer their well wishes and to inquire as to the couples plans. Elsa took the time to explain how Hiccup and herself planned on traveling together and making a large sweeping tour of first Imperium territory before moving on to the territories of the Confederacy, promoting peace and connecting with the people on their level to see how the peace was working in a more practical and personal way. And when the inevitable questions involving the pair's personal affairs, particularly about children, came along, Elsa skillfully and tactfully gave non-committal answers like a seasoned veteran.
Internally though, Elsa wanted to blast some of the representatives for the inappropriate comments and inquiries, particularly the half-drunk elderly representative from the commerce guild when he 'whispered' to his aid about envying Hiccup for…well, Elsa preferred not to think about the sick old man's chosen words. Overall, Elsa endured the taxing ordeal like a champion, but as the hours dragged on she was desperate to escape the mind numbing mundaneness of all the political prattle. Still, a tiny part of her was thankful for the excuse to avoid facing Hiccup after their earlier flight together.
Elsa still could not figure out what had come over her, but the way Hiccup had looked at her had caused a chill to run down her spine and made her toes curl in anticipation, though of what exactly she wasn't sure. The pure primal heat had burned so much it had frozen her stiff, a problem she had never dealt with before. The whole ordeal was just too much for her to even try to comprehend, so Elsa decided the best way was to simply lock the feelings away until she felt she had a better grasp on the situation and could process them more effectively and efficiently.
Suddenly, Elsa heard a loud voice call out to her, as she tried to once again sidestep the inquiries of a particularly determined politician asking about how many children the pair were going to try for. Thankful for the interruption, Elsa was mildly surprised to see Stoick standing there, his arm outstretched as he politely asked his now daughter-in-law for a dance. With equal parts curiosity and trepidation, Elsa politely excused herself as she allowed her father-in-law to guide her out onto the dance floor, right as an Imperium ballad started to play.
Elsa wasn't sure what to expect from Stoick, not only in terms of conversation, but also concerning his dancing ability with the slower style of music. However, to Elsa's complete amazement Stoick managed to properly lead her through each step with a grace that his size and stature belied. As Stoick brought Elsa back in from a simple twirl, he decided that now was an appropriate time to address his thoughts.
"So, if memory serves me correctly you and my son head out for Weselton tonight, correct?" Stoick began in a conversational manner earning a nod from Elsa. Stoick never halted in his movements, though Elsa felt the slightest of tremors coming from the hand resting on her waist. "I must say, I'm a tad bit worried how well my boy will do in the political arena. The boy knows dragons better then anyone else, but the beasts aren't nearly as blood thirsty as a seasoned politician. Hiccup's clever, but his head's always in the clouds and he's far too quick to speak without thinking of the consequences. You'll have your hands full with him Princess."
Elsa allowed Stoick words to hang in the air for a moment as she strove to process them. At first glance it appeared that Stoick was complaining about his son's abilities, but for some reason Elsa go the distinct impression that Stoick was more worried for Hiccup's well-being then his words implied. Deciding to test her theory, and a part of her yearning to defend Hiccup for some odd reason, Elsa carefully responded.
"While I agree with you that politicians can be blood thirsty, and Hiccup can be a little quick to speak, I believe you might be underestimating your son. He seems to be a fine young man and he really does have an inherent charisma about him. His words, though a tad pointed, have a way of moving others to action and when added to his ability to empathize and understand others, honestly his abilities put many seasoned statesmen to shame. I truly believe that Hiccup will genuinely surprise you and I have no doubt he will be a wonderful ally and friend to have by my side in the many years to come."
The words had flowed freely once she had begun speaking, but Elsa was just as surprised as Stoick of her frank appraisal and appreciation of Hiccup. It had been like Elsa's head had simply been a spectator as her mouth spoke her inner thoughts, but even now she couldn't bring herself to take back a single thing she had said. In all honestly, her inner thoughts begged leave to say even more, though she held her tongue out of fear of what she might prattle on about without her knowledge or consent. Stoick for his part looked thoughtful, like his brain was desperately trying to decide on his next course of action.
"Right you are lass," Stoick finally mutter quietly, and Elsa had to strain to hear his next words despite being so close to the large viking. "Hiccup's just so like his mother that I often fear…Valka grew up a member of the Defenders of the Wing and she was a bit of a dreamer too. She believed as Hiccup does…and maybe the world needs more dreamers, but the world is also often unkind to dreamers. It's just…even as a boy I knew who I was, what I needed to become, and…Hiccup's not that boy. Before he could crawl he's been…different and now he's…I just don't want to loos-…a-anyway lass, I just want you to know that I appreciate you standing by my son in this. You bring honor to your family and…I thank ye. I'm putting my trust in you princess…please be there for my boy and bring him back safely. He can be a bit headstrong and stubborn. It's the one thing he seems to get from me."
In that moment, Elsa knew without a doubt that Stoick truly loved his son, he just didn't understand him nor have the words to tell him such. The impact of the moment left Elsa feeling like she had witnessed something truly rare and extraordinary, and she was grateful for the honor. So, rather then sully the moment with words that would no doubt be inadequate, Elsa simply nodded her consent, her eyes conveying what her words could not, and her father-in-law simply smiled in understanding, for once truly understanding what words could not express.
Across the ballroom Hiccup sat, sipping at his beer as he allowed himself a small moment to breath, having just successfully matched wits with another pompous politician that felt he was owed all the answers he sought. Had Hiccup been able to see his father and his wife dance, he would've been completely flabbergasted at the sight before him, but as it was the crowd was too thick and the song ended before he could happen upon a glance of them. Right as the next song was about to pick up though, Hiccup heard a velvety soft voice call his name as he felt a small hand rest on his arm, just below his shoulder bade.
Turning towards the source of the call, Hiccup was surprised to see it was Queen Iduna, or his mother-in-law as she was now known. Hiccup was just barely able to reign himself in before he jerked in surprise and gave an awkward chuckle as he placed his drink down on the table. Hastily standing, Hiccup rubbed the back of his head in apprehension as he bowed slightly, worried about what the queen could want, but knowing the proper course of action was to wait for her to speak.
"No need to be so formal Hiccup," Iduna placated with a mirthful chuckle, holding out her hand palm side down, indicating she wanted Hiccup to lead her. "After all, I do believe we are family now if I'm not mistaken. So would it be too much to ask that you escort your dear mother-in-law out onto the floor for a dance?"
Fumbling only once, as he tried to maneuver around his chair, Hiccup quickly agreed as he lead Iduna out onto the dance floor. Hiccup felt his nerves causing his heartbeat to hammer loudly in his ears, a sudden indescribable need to make a good impression on the mother of his wife enveloping Hiccup in a suffocating embrace. Right as they arrived on the floor and Hiccup thought that things would finally smooth out, the tempo of the next song indicated that it would be a viking folk dance that, while not as fast paced as some, was much more lively then the traditional Imperium songs that he had seen the queen dance to thus far. For a moment, Hiccup struggled to think of what to do, until he noticed Iduna bundling up her skirts with practiced ease and tying them off to the side with a ribbon, so that the tighter outer skirt was held high, and the lower flowing skirt fell to a modest height right below her shins.
Seeing the smile in Iduna's eyes, Hiccup realized that Elsa's mother was not quite what he expected, and suddenly Hiccup could breath again as it appeared Iduna was like him, different. Knowing the rhythm of the song by heart, Hiccup quick began leading Iduna through the many steps, his mother-in-law picking it up with an ease that spoke of a familiarity with a variety of folk dances. Soon the two were practically leaping across the floor as Iduna followed Hiccup's lead, laughing whole heartedly as Hiccup quickly spun the queen outward before spinning her quickly back in before, like all the other viking couples on the floor, wrapping an arm around her waist and lifting her off the floor with a simple gliding turn, before gently placing her back down.
Of everyone on the floor, Hiccup and Iduna appeared to be having the absolute most fun, and while no one that saw the spectacle knew what to make of it, no one could bring themselves to begrudge the queen her moment with her son-in-law. As the song finally ended, those gathered around the floor applauded in genuine entertainment as Iduna readjusted her skirts before allowing Hiccup to lead her off the floor. Once the two were seated at a nearby table, Hiccup found his curiosity getting the better of him, and he could no longer wait to ask.
"Ok, I have to know, where did you learn those kinds of dances?" Hiccup muttered in total awe and amazement, as he snagged two goblets of some type of honey wine off a passing servants tray, handing one to Iduna. "I mean, I didn't really think they had those kind of dances in the Imperium, let alone the royal courts. Was their some type of queen school you went to, where you learned how to be amazing at everything?"
"If there was such a thing, I'm fairly certain that they would've failed me out of principle," Iduna responded easily with light airy laughter, genuinely enjoying Hiccup's famous wit as she accepted the goblet. "No, I may be queen now, but I was actually born Northuldra, which is the only tribal community among the Imperium, similar to how the Defenders of the Wing are the only monarchs among the Confederacy. I suppose in a sense our two peoples are even more alike then we care to admit. I actually grew up around dances like this, so it was most enjoyable to be able to dance to them again. I must confess though that part of the reason I wanted to dance with you was so that I might speak frankly with you for a moment."
"Well, that doesn't sound ominous…" Hiccup muttered before he even realized he was speaking, immediately wincing as his sarcastic tongue once again outpaced his head. "I'm sorry your majesty, that was…inappropriate of me. I'm still working on the whole thinking before I speak thing, and I…"
"That is quite all right Hiccup," Iduna interrupted before Hiccup could continue his rambling, a playful glint in her eye. "You know, you're different then I was expecting and I believe that that's exactly what my daughter needs. As I said before, I wish to be frank so I will tell you that I love both of my daughters with every fiber of my being and there is nothing that I wouldn't do for them Hiccup. During my pregnancy with Elsa, things were…difficult, and even as she grew there were always walls around her that I could never quite overcome. You must understand, as a parent there is no greater feeling of helplessness then the thought that you can't be there to help your child. However, with you I feel that my daughter just might have found someone that can understand her. So, I need to know Hiccup…can I trust you to protect and cherish my daughters heart? Can I count on you to find a way around her walls and be there for her, in the way she doesn't even know that she needs?"
Like his previous discussion with Anna, Hiccup felt like Queen Iduna was referring to something more than the obvious, but he still couldn't understand what. Still, also like with Anna, Hiccup barely needed a moment to give an honest answer.
"Yes," Hiccup simply stated with absolutely no fan fare or further explanation, but never before had Iduna felt more reassured by a simple word nor had she ever believed as fervently that a promise as monumental as Hiccup's, was already as good as accomplished.
"Thank you Hiccup," Iduna spoke softly with a brilliant smile and misty eyes, convinced that their was no better man on this earth for her little miracle then the viking lad that sat before her. "You really know how to put a mother's heart at ease."
Just as Iduna rose to leave, Hiccup noticed a small smirk nearly identical to Anna's cross the queen's face and was already dreading what was about to come as Iduna said, "Oh, and by the way, feel free to call me mom and no matter what my youngest may have told you…I get dibs on first cuddle with my future grandchild. Ok, bye!"
Hiccup could only groan internally at the nearly identical sing-song 'bye' his mother-in-law gave as she left, once again the picture of grace befitting a queen, leaving a blushing Hiccup with only one thought.
Queen or Princess, it doesn't matter, one things for sure…like mother, like daughter.
Though the celebrations were still ongoing, and would no doubt be continuing well into the night, the early evening air was relatively peaceful as the light of the setting sun beautifully reflected off the surface of the water, lending itself to a rather romantic atmosphere. At the far edge of the mid ring of the city was a small little known rooftop bistro, accessible only by dragon, and it was a popular local spot for young couples. To the casual observer the pair situated at the far table facing the waterfront were merely another young pair of lovebirds in their early to mid twenties, but looks could be deceiving.
"It looks like they're heading towards the ship now," The large muscular male muttered to his companion as his amber eyes discreetly watched the small royal party head towards the docked Imperium battleship under the guise of fixing his long black hair back into a wolf tail, before moving to rub the blue tribal tattoo on his chin in thought. "If memory serves, both Gobber and Mattias are currently still on board the vessel, having already checked it over from stem to stern I'd wager, so it looks like it will be a smooth departure."
The female of the pair simply nodded in acknowledgement as she brushed a few stray strands of her long blonde hair behind her ear before taking a sip of the local brew from her tankard, using the excuse of savoring the rather sweet flavor as a bid to stall for time as she attempted to make sure her turbulent emotions were under control before responding. Out of nervous habit, she ran a small yet strong hand down her exposed shoulder and over her new leather and dragon scale shoulder wrap, before straightening out her short red layered dress and discreetly adjusting her leggings under the table. For a moment she missed her old spikes and armor as she ran her fingers over the leather belt she wore, feeling the familiar shapes of the engraved skulls she favored, but quickly shook herself out of her mussing as she regained control of herself.
"Good," the blonde haired beauty stated simply, her once bright blue eyes, now a milky bluish white, focused in her companions general direction as a grim determination set in her unseeing gaze. " We'll head to the rendezvous point and once they are underway we'll be able to meet with the others to discuss the next phase of the plan."
"Are you absolutely positive love?" The large male questioned with a hesitant tone, clearly wanting to make known his opinion without upsetting his volatile blonde partner. "We'll have to talk with the pair at some point anyway and there's still time to catch them before they leave. They could be a great help in dealing with what is to come and whether you want to acknowledge it or not, they will be right in the middle of all this one way or another. It'd be best to prepare them, and beside Elsa and Hic-…"
"Eret," the blonde warrior ground out his name in anger, causing Eret son of Eret to freeze mid statement, but her shoulders quickly sagged as if all the fight had been drained out of her. "I know that we'll have to talk with the new royal couple at some point, but…I want to at least try to handle this on my own first…I have to. After everything I've sacrificed to get to this point, I couldn't…bring myself to face him again without having given it my all first. That's not who I am…and he deserves nothing less after everything I've already put him through."
With that said the blonde haired warrior stood, throwing a few coins on the table as she grabbed her hooded fur cloak, needing no assistance as she made her way to the railing, her movements completely sure and her unseeing gaze completely unwavering. Even with her back to him, she felt Eret stand and move to her side. She could feel his hand coming to rest on her shoulder in support even before feeling the calming earthy cool of his touch.
"Astrid," Eret whispered in sympathy, his gaze on the Imperium ship already starting to sail away from the dock, but his full attention on his blonde haired friend. "Do you ever feel that you made a mistake in the path you chose? I know you had your reasons at the time, but now…I'm certain if we go down their, we could still find a way to fix this. You and Hic-.."
"No," Astrid whispered softly with a small smile, her blind eyes misty, but her voice firm without a hint of bitterness or resignation, just true peace and acceptance. "That ship has already sailed a long time ago, both literally and figuratively. I made my choice and I've come to accept it. So, if it was a mistake, it's a mistake that I'll have to live with."
Without another word both silently stepped off the railing to the balcony and seconds later were flying off in the opposite direction of the waterfront, Astrid on her faithful Deadly Nadder Stormfly and Eret on his powerful Rumblehorn Skullcrusher. Not once as the two departed did either so much as glance back at the departing Imperium ship. And as the sun finally dipped below the horizon on this momentous day, it marked the end of a era…and the start of a whole new chapter in the course of history.
AN: So, a lot is happening here and there is a lot of players involved, so I'll go over a few things…but first I'll address this last bit.
*Ahem* Oh My Goodness it's Astrid…and she's BLIND?! Now, I'm sure there are a lot of questions on this, and not all of them can be answered at this time unfortunately. I'm also aware that I might get a little backlash for this, but I hope you'll bear with me as I explain a few things along with my reasoning. So, I mentioned early on in an AN that Astrid would be playing a role in this story, and this is just a first glimpse.
As has been insinuated, Astrid has indeed lost her sight in an as yet unexplained incident involving Viggo from back during the days of the Dragon Riders. In the actual Race to the Edge series there is an episode in which Astrid temporally looses her sight in a freak accident, and as I was coming up with the idea to this story the inevitable question of what to do with Astrid came up. So, not wanting to simple kill Astrid off I thought, what would've happened had Astrid never regained her sight, and thus an alternative incident was born to add drama and emotion.
REST ASSURED, that Astrid is NOT helpless, and I will be treating her character with the utmost respect, because I genuinely love Astrid's charter growth over the movies. She will be demonstrating her amazing skills over time and Astrid and Hiccup will get their closure and will remain friends, so hopefully this placates everyone for now and I hope you'll give this a chance. Trust me when I say that Astrid will be awesome, think primarily Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender) with some aspects of Chirrut Imwe (Rouge One). Now, moving on…
In the first part we have the trio of rouges, whom each have their own personal agendas. Grimmel the Grisly is the same as from the third movie and he simply wants to hunt the last of the Fury's. Alvin the Treacherous is basically a combination of his book and series incarnations, and basically he just wants his own kingdom separate from the Confederacy and the Imperium. Also concerning Vanaheim, in the RTTE series it is the final resting place of dragons, but for my purposes it will be the sacred land of the flame dragon and the Wilderwest, which is a location in the books, is the name I'm giving to the homeland of the dragons. Madguts the Murderous however, I took some liberties with and his agenda literally boils down to defeat Hiccup.
For those reading that have read the books, Madguts is an actual character, but my incarnation of him is about 80% to 90% original, including the real name Mason that I gave him. I wanted a character that would be a bit of a rival to Hiccup personally, but I disliked the idea of using an OC for such a big role so I settled for taking a character that was a bit of a rival to Stoick and Bertha in the books and imagined he had a son with the same name who would be Hiccup's rival. Madguts in my story falls into a bit of a grey area and let's just say that I have some plans for him.
I will also confirm that yes, Madguts manipulates air the way Hiccup does fire and Elsa does ice/water, and that there will be those that can manipulate earth. The elements are all tied to dragons in this story so, like in Frozen 2, all four will be represented though obviously we will be focusing on fire and ice the most.
Moving on to the next section, the talk between Queen Mala and Chieftess Yelena is a sort of passing the torch moment. It shows how it's not just Hiccup and Elsa that are inheriting their responsibilities, but others face the same situation. It's also a bit of foreshadowing here, as events unfold and truths are revealed, the paths of the many characters introduced over the past few chapters will eventually all begin to intercept.
Now, the meeting between Viggo and Johann, I don't want to give too much away, but rest assured both men are not quite what they appear. Both being business men, rather then warriors or politicians, have a much different perspective on the current arrangement and on the conspiracy happening in the background. However, while both have more of a monetary focus in life, both still have their own separate vendettas that will play a role in their choices and both have different strategies to achieve their goals as hinted in the way they played Maces and Talons, a sort of viking version of chess.
Next we got a chance to see Elsa and Hiccup interact with their new in-laws. I wanted to showcase that Stoick does in fact care, just doesn't know how to show it, though again that doesn't completely excuse how he treats his son, just gives the other side of the story so to speak. With Iduna, I wanted her to really connect with Hiccup while also showcasing where I thought Anna got he eccentric nature from. I hope they came across well.
And finally, that dragon game of chase…wow. Honestly, that was a complete last minute add on, but it was just about my favorite part to write so far. The pure intensity of the primal urges and baser instincts, just flowed so naturally. I really hope you enjoyed it and could feel the animal like rawness to it that I was going for. I really wanted to give them a moment during their wedding where they just forget that this wasn't their choice, and this is what resulted. It also had the added benefit of cluing in Hiccup to the fact that he my want more with Elsa then he originally thought. Plus, I thought it was cute that after a week of being unable to talk to Hiccup about their dragons, Elsa's solution was to tease him with it so now Hiccup can stress over it and come to her on her terms. It's shameless the way they flirt.
Now to answer some reviews:
To OechsnerC & SupernalGodzilla: Thank you for your continued support and kind words.
To Guest Reviewer Doom007: Glad you like it.
To Jman17: I glad you enjoyed the wedding and I tried to add a bit more about the actual marriage arrangement and will continue to build up the world around them as the wedding comes to a close and real life restarts.
To Lovepeaceandwar: It's great to hear from you each chapter. I'm glad you like the interactions in the last chapter and expect that you got a kick out of the ones in this chapter…hopefully. I hope you enjoyed the bit of Breen and Toothless I was able to insert this chapter and don't worry, there will be plenty of Hiccup and Elsa bonding throughout the story. Hope you enjoyed this one.
To guest reviewer Mark Anderson: I'm thankful for your continued support of this story. Now most of the major players in this adventure have been introduced at this time, or at least made minor appearances, but yes Hiccup and Elsa will be traveling to different islands and meeting with allies. Camicazi will be making another appearance later on and might be involved in some of the final battles. As for Toothless' tail fin, to be honest it's more of a minor thing in this story due to the adjusted nature of dragons and humans relationship compared to the movie. Plus, technically my version of Toothless' tail fin already has a solo flight mode, though depending on how the story flows, I might make it a point to talk about an upgrade if I feel it's necessary, but I don't have a plan for it at this time.
To warlocktoungue: I'm glad you liked the chapter and sorry it's not the exact pairing you wanted for Fishlegs, but he did win out over Snotlout so that's a plus. Hopefully you enjoy the side stories as they unfold later on.
To Guest Reviewer from 7/29: I really loved your review and I wish you had an account so I could thank you by name. I would highly suggest signing up for one as they are easy and free. I'm glad you really loved the different aspects of the story and hope you enjoyed this chapter as well. The bonds between Hiccup and Elsa will continue to grow at their own pace, but don't worry. They'll get to that point eventually. Like everyone keeps hinting…children aren't as far fetched an idea as Elsa seems to think. Everything one step at a time.
Thank you for reading and remember to please Fav., Follow, and Review below.