Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! Here we'll be having a timeskip straight to when Rias and her Peerage first enter Kuoh, but with a lot of changes. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

'This will do nicely.' Rias thought, smiling, as she looked around the Old School Building of Kuoh Academy, which had been changed to now be the clubhouse of the newly established Occult Research Club, serving as a cover for both her, and her Peerage members.

All of them were also starting their first year at Kuoh Academy, with the academy having recently been reformatted as a co-ed school, rather than an all-girls one. With the Old School Building being used by the ORC.

Rias, Akeno, and Moka were all fifteen, and starting their First Year of High School, Yuuto was fourteen, and in his Final Year of Middle School, while Koneko and Gasper were both thirteen, and just a year behind Yuuto.

With her, was the rest of her Peerage members, though she hadn't had much luck in recruiting anyone, since recruiting Moka years ago. Not that Rias minded, since her Peerage has improved a lot, since Moka joined them, each of them having grown even stronger.

Koneko had also gone through great changes, as well. She was now much taller, about the standard size for her age, while being bustier and more curvaceous as well, now rivaling Rias and Akeno. With her hair now going down to her shoulders and lower-back.

This being due to Koneko now using Chakra and Senjutsu again, helping her grow more, both in her strength and physical appearance.

Gasper was also present, something that would have surprised anyone, that knew the young Dhampir, along with his fear of the outside world and people. Though that had been before meeting Moka, with both the older Vampire and Rias helping Gasper with his fears.


Akeno, Yuuto, and Gasper all headed for the library, having learned that Rias and Koneko were back from their trip to the Human World, earlier than they thought they'd be back. With their King having called them to the library, to meet the new Peerage member, that she managed to recruit.

Entering the library, the three saw Rias and Koneko, along with a pink-haired girl, who they guessed was the new Peerage member, Rias told them about.

"You're all here, great. Akeno, Gasper, Yuuto, I'd like you all to meet Moka Akashiya, my second Rook. Moka, these are Akeno Himejima, my Queen, Yuuto Kiba, my Knight, and Gasper Vladi, my Bishop." Rias introduced, with Moka smiling at her fellow Peerage members.

"H-hello, it's nice to meet you all." Moka said, with a short bow, while Akeno and Yuuto returned the smile, with one of their own, while Gasper looked at her in surprise and slight apprehension.

"It's nice to meet you Moka, we're glad to have you joining us." Replied Yuuto, with his own short bow.

"Ufufu, you made her a Rook Rias, then I'm sure she can be quite wild, beneath that shyness. Maybe she can show us just how wild she is, later." Akeno said, smiling slyly at Moka, who blushed lightly, feeling there was a double-meaning behind Akeno's words.

"Y-you're a Vampire." Gasper said, making everyone turn to him, with Yuuto and Akeno being surprised to learn Rias managed to recruit a Vampire into the Peerage, while Moka smiled at Gasper, having been told about him by Rias.

"That's right, it's nice to meet you, Gasper. Rias and Koneko have told me a lot about you." Moka said, while walking up to stand in front of Gasper, who unconsciously took a step back.

"Th-they did?" Gasper asked, with Moka nodding, as she touched her silver bat medallion, with a ruby embedded in the center, having just gotten it as a replacement for her Rosario.

"Yeah, and I understand how difficult it can be to control your powers. I used to have the same problem but was eventually able to control my powers. And I'd like to help you learn to control your own, as well." Said Moka, with Gasper looking at her in surprise at the offer to help him control his powers, something no other Vampire has ever offered him, even his own family.

All of them to scared at his true form and his Sacred Gear, along with the general prejudice against half-breeds. The only friend he had was his fellow Dhamphir, Valerie, who also helped him escape his family, which lead to him meeting Rias.

Now, he's meeting another Vampire, with Gasper obviously being tense and afraid, given his past experiences with his kind. But rather than looking down on him, hating him, or being afraid, Moka is offering to help him control his power.

"You…want to help me?" Gasper asked, not sure what else to say.

"I do Gasper. If you'll let me." Replied Moka, smiling and offering him a hand.

"We both want to help you, Gasper." Rias said, standing beside Moka, and smiling at her Bishop.

Gasper looked at Moka's offered hand, before hesitantly taking it, while smiling shyly at the Vampire, which Moka returned. With Rias smiling happily, glad to see Gasper taking the first step to improving himself.

*End Flashback*

Since then, Moka and Gasper had spent time together, with the pink-haired Vampire helping the Dhamphir learn to control his Vampiric powers. With Gasper now having much better control over his Darkness Manipulation, now being able manipulate and control his own shadow, along with shaping it to suit his means.

He's also gained more control over his Forbidden Balor View, though not complete control, and he still had some problems using it. Though now, there wasn't any worry of him freezing everyone, whether they were enemies or allies, should something scare or startle him.

It also wasn't just his power and Sacred Gear, Gasper's improved on, the Dhamphir now being more confident, and less afraid of everything. This being thanks to Rias and Moka, slowly helping Gasper get over his fear of the outside world. First, by taking him out on small trips to nearby towns, in the Gremory Territory, getting Gasper used to being around people, while making sure not to overwhelm him.

They worked their way up, until finally they took Gasper to the Human World, to the same town Rias met Moka, to introduce him to Moka's human friends. This allowing Gasper to become more trusting and open to humans and Devils, no longer being afraid of them.

Though Gasper was still terrified of Inner Moka, whenever she came out to "help" with his training.

It made Rias proud of the progress Koneko and Gasper have made in overcoming their past trauma's, allowing them to grow strong and start using all of their powers.

And it wasn't just them who have improved either, with Akeno and Yuuto also improving. Even more, so after Rias talked to them both, and helped them move on from their own past traumas, as well. Though, that's not to say it was easy, with both of them being stubborn, but Rias was able to get through to them.


Rias sighed as she sat across from Yuuto, who had a scowl on his face and his arms crossed.

The reason being, the Gremory Heiress had decided to talk to both Yuuto and Akeno about their pasts, and start helping them move on from them. Having started with Yuuto, figuring it'd be easier to start with him first, as she's still thinking of ways to approach Akeno.

Though now, she's wishing she talked to Akeno first, as Yuuto was being stubborn and getting angry at the topic of both Holy Swords and The Holy Sword Project. Even admitting that if he saw a chance to destroy Excalibur, he'd take it, no matter what.

That made Rias very worried, not wanting to see Yuuto be consumed by his hatred for Holy Swords and end up becoming a Stray Devil. The redhead refusing to let any of her Peerage members suffer such a fate.

"Alright, just let me ask one last question." Rias said, looking at her Knight, with Yuuto nodding once, still angry over what they were discussing.

"If someone were to kill me with a gun, whether it's a regular one or one loaded with Light Bullets. Would you hate the gun itself, for being the reason for my death, or the person who pulled the trigger?" Rias asked, deciding to go with the classic Batman Scenario, with Yuuto frowning at the question.

"I would gain some distaste for the weapon that killed you, but I would ultimately hate the person responsible." Replied Yuuto, knowing if such a thing happened to Rias, or any of his friends/comrades, he would forever despise the person who killed them.

"Then tell me, how is Excalibur any different in this situation? It didn't decide to be used in a such a way, for children to be tortured and killed, just to find those who could wield it. It was created to be used for good, to protect people. But instead, it was used to satisfy someone's own twisted purposes. If you think about it, Excalibur was just as much a victim of The Holy Sword Project, as well. It was never intended to be used in such a way, but it was, by those who sought to use it, for their own purposes." Rias said, with Yuuto frowning and looking away, part of him still clinging to his hatred for Excalibur, and what happened to his friends.

"I'm not asking you to just forget what happened, I just don't want to see you become a Stray, because your hatred became to much for you to control. I only want to help you get better, and not be corrupted and turned into something unrecognizable." Said Rias, putting a hand on her Knight's shoulder, with Yuuto sighing, before nodding.

"Fine, I'll go see someone to talk about what happened. But don't think I'll ever like that sword." Yuuto said, given Rias had wanted him to also go to therapy to talk about what happened, while planning to have Akeno do the same, when she talks to her.

And while Yuuto will go to therapy, he doubted that anything will make him like Holy Swords, at most he'll be able to tolerate them.

"That's fine. I just don't want you being consumed by revenge, and go running off, should we ever encounter Holy Swords, those who wield them, or any of the Excalibur Fragments. Or the chance we meet someone who's descended from King Arthur, or one of the Knights of the Round Table." Rias said, nodding in acceptance, glad that he'll at least get help, and didn't expect him to suddenly like Holy Swords, or anything like that.

Just as long as he didn't go out of his way to destroy them or kill anyone connected to them. Whether they be wielders or descendants of past wielders, given Rias knows there are plenty of descendants of legendary heroes, Beowulf being one such example.

For now, she's just glad she was able to help Yuuto.

*End Flashback*

Yuuto had kept his word, and started going to see a therapist, a trusted Devil one, so he didn't have to make a cover story of what happened to him. Along with having improved in his training, Yuuto had also become more relaxed, and didn't get angry at just the mention of Holy Swords, anymore.

After helping her Knight, Rias had gone to talk with Akeno, which had turned out a lot worse, than talking to Yuuto.


"HE'S NOT MY FATHER! DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" Akeno screamed, as she threw anything she could grab at Rias, who was currently ducking behind her bed, thankful she had put away anything valuable and breakable, before talking to Akeno.

It started out like when Rias talked to Yuuto and Koneko, Akeno being stubborn and refusing to talk about her father, or what happened to her mother. That is until Rias made a mistake, and said that Baraqiel was her father, that he did care about her, along with how her mother's death wasn't his fault.

That's when Akeno got really angry and started shouting at Rias and throwing stuff at her, with the Gremory Heiress merely keeping her head down, and letting Akeno vent her anger. Knowing that was part of the problem, Akeno keeping all her emotions bottled up, and preferring to act like Baraqiel didn't exist.

After a few moments, Rias saw that the projectiles had stopped coming, along with Akeno shouting at her. Peeking out, Rias frowned sadly when she saw that Akeno was now on her knees, crying.

Moving over to her friend and Queen, Rias wrapped her arms around Akeno, allowing the girl to cry into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Akeno, but I just want to help you, and don't want to see you hating your father, when he doesn't deserve your hatred. I'm sure your mother dying hurt him, just as much as it hurt you, like it's still hurting you. And you can say you hate him, but I know you don't, not really." Rias said softly, refusing to let go, when Akeno tried pushing her away.

"Yes I do! I hate him, he was supposed to protect her, but he didn't! Now she's dead, and it's his fault!" Akeno cried, while shaking her head.

"No you don't." Said Rias, while rubbing her friend's back.

"Yes I do! I have to hate him! I have to hate someone! Because if I don't…then all I'd have left is to hate myself." Akeno said, with tears streaming down her face.

It was why she hated her Fallen Angel side, it was the reason her mother was dead, because her family hated Fallen Angels. It was why she had been exiled from the Himejima Clan, why she would have died, if not for Rias showing up and saving her from her relatives, that hunted her down to kill her.

But it was easier for her to hate her father and blame him for what's happened, because if she didn't, then Akeno would only have herself left to hate.

"You shouldn't hate yourself, Akeno." Rias said.

"Why not? I'm just a hideous monster. Even my wings are hideous." Said Akeno, as her wings came out, one Devil wing and one Fallen Angel wing, forever showing her hybrid nature.

"Don't ever say that again!" Rias shouted, glaring at Akeno, with the ravenette looking at her in surprise at hearing Rias shout at her, this time.

"You aren't a monster, and you certainly aren't hideous! You are beautiful Akeno, and so are your wings, they show you are unique, that there's no one else like you. So don't ever think your wings or your heritage make you a monster, they make you who you are. And who you are, is my best friend and someone I care about." Rias said, hugging Akeno tightly, while the hybrid's eyes widened in surprise at Rias's words.

"It's still the reason my mother is dead." Muttered Akeno, knowing there's no way to deny that.

"No, your mother died, because her family couldn't accept that she was happy with someone, just because he was a Fallen Angel. Your parents loved each other, and they love you Akeno, and I'm sure your father still loves you, just like I know you still care about him." Rias said, while patting her friend's head, with Akeno staying silent as she laid her head on Rias's shoulder, not deny that she did care about her father.

"And that doesn't mean you should hate the Himejima Clan either, they aren't worth it. They cared more about their outdated traditions than their own family. And that's their lost, for losing someone as special as you Akeno." Said Rias.

"Then what am I supposed to do, if I can't hate anyone?" Akeno asked quietly.

"You have to overcome the pain and sadness. It's not easy, but I know you can, Akeno. And if you ever get the chance, talk to your father, don't lose one of the last blood relatives, you have left." Replied Rias, with Akeno pulling back and looking at her in confusion.

"One of the last?" Asked Akeno, confused since the Himejima Clan already hated her, and was sure she lost them already, leaving only her father.

"Yes, you still have your cousin, Suzaku, who cared about you then, and I'm sure cares about you now." Rias said, with Akeno looking at her, surprised at the mention of her cousin, Suzaku Himejima, the only family member who cared about her, the two having played together, when they were young.

"I don't know, what I would even say to him." Said Akeno, not knowing what she should even say to her father, given the last time they saw each other.

"You'll know when you see him. Or don't say anything, show him you still care and want to be a family again." Replied Rias, with Akeno lowering her head, before hugging the redhead.

"Can we just stay like this, a while longer." Akeno said softly, wanting to just feel comfort, after all her bottled up emotions and memories came rushing back.

"As long as you want, Akeno." Replied Rias, while returning the hug and smiling.

*End Flashback*

Like with Yuuto, Akeno had agreed to attend therapy, to help with her problems, along with improving in her training. Having begun using her Fallen Angel powers and Holy Lightning, rather than just her regular Lightning Magic.

It made Rias glad that she was able to help her all her Peerage members, making her feel like she really deserved to be their King and their friend.

Rias then shook her head of her remembrance and addressed her Peerage.

"Alright, it looks like we've set up everything we need, in our new clubhouse. So, we should be getting to the Academy before classes start." Rias said, while crossing her arms under her bust, with the others nodding, with Yuuto and Gasper exiting the clubhouse to head for the academy.

Though Moka, Akeno and Koneko didn't leave, and instead walked up to Rias, with the pink-haired Vampire smiling sweetly, before wrapping her arms around Rias's neck and pressing her lips against hers. Rias happily kissing the gorgeous Vampire, letting out a small moan, when Moka bit her lip and licked her blood.

"You still taste as sweet as the first time, Rias." Said Moka, licking her lips, stepping aside as Akeno took her place, and eagerly slammed her lips against Rias's.

The Hybrid Queen pressing her body against Rias's, and practically grinding against her, happily moaning into the kiss, when Rias put her hands behind and under skirt, grabbing her ass.

"Ufufu, naughty Buchou. Maybe later, we can see how the shower works, together~" Akeno purred, smiling seductively, with Rias gaining a clouded look in her eyes, only for an annoyed Koneko push her out of the way.

"Quit hogging Buchou!" Koneko said, before jumping and wrapping her arms and legs around Rias's body, while pressing her lips against her beautiful King's, with Rias gladly returning her other Rook's kiss.

"Aaah, don't worry Ko-chan, I'd never forget my horny kitty." Said Rias, petting Koneko's head, with the reincarnated Nekoshou purring happily, before letting out a moan, when Rias kissed her neck.

"As much as I'd love to continue, we do need to get to class." Rias said, the girls nodding reluctantly, before exiting the clubhouse, while making sure to put an extra sway in their hips.

'I hate seeing them leave, but by Maou, I love watching them walk away.' Thought Rias, while watching their lovely asses moving.

Over the years, up to them enrolling in Kuoh Academy, Rias had gotten into relationships with her female Peerage members and Sona, who also joined Kuoh in the same year as her, Akeno, and Moka, with her own growing Peerage joining, as well. She and Sona having begun their relationship, after Rias finally managed to beat her at chess.

Now both girls were tied with the same amount of wins and tied games, with Rias hoping to gain the lead, soon.

'Now if only I could gain a lead with all of them.' Rias thought, while sighing in annoyance.

Unfortunately, while Rias enjoyed being with her girlfriends, they have yet to become sexually intimate with each other, despite sleeping in the same bed together, naked. This was due to the fact, as much as Rias hated it, she was still engaged to Riser.

With Rias also having the misfortune of meeting him in person, and couldn't believe he was even worse, than what she's heard and seen from her memories.


Rias clenched her fists around her utensils tightly, resisting the growing urge to blast, slap, punch, or kick her so-called "fiancé" right in the balls.

A few days after returning to the Underworld with Moka as her new Rook, her parents told her they invited the Phenex Family over for dinner, in order for her to get "reacquainted" with Riser.

'More like so the flaming chicken can fuck me with his eyes.' Rias thought sourly, as the moment the Phenex Family arrived, she could just feel Riser undressing her, with the redhead shivering in disgust, the longer it went on.

The only saving grace were that Lord and Lady Phenex also brought their daughter Ravel with them, a rather cute girl. And who Rias wished she was engaged to, rather than her pig of a brother.

"So, my dear Rias, are you excited for our wedding?" Riser said smirking, shamelessly looking her up and down, with Rias's fists tightening further, as she began bending her utensils.

"Yes, so excited, that I could just walk into a Church and die from how happy I am." Said Rias sarcastically.

"Rias!" Venelana said, giving an apologetic look to Lord and Lady Phenex, both of whom thankfully waved off Rias's comment.

Both knowing what their son was like and tried doing what they could to curb his worse impulses, but those attempts clearly failed with his behavior.

"What? I'm just being honest. Now if I was engaged to Ravel-chan here, then I'd be much happier." Rias said, while winking at Ravel, with the Phenex girl looking at her in disbelief and surprise, with a light blush on her face.

"Wh-what?! Y-you can't be engaged to me, w-we're both girls!" Said Ravel, trying to make herself look as small as possible.

"Oooh, I didn't hear a refusal there? Would you actually prefer to marry me, Ravel-chan?" Rias asked, smiling slyly at the younger girl, with Ravel's blush intensifying.

"Th-that's n-no-not wh-what I-I m-meant! S-st-stop m-making -s-stuff u-up!" Ravel stuttered, with Rias's smile only growing.

"That still wasn't a refusal~" Rias sung, with Ravel holding her face, to hide how red it became.

Though Rias's momentary good mood was ruined when Riser scoffed.

"So, I see that's true, you actually believe you like girls, just because you lost your memory. Well don't worry my dear Rias, once we are married, I'm sure I can get you to like men again." Said Riser, smirking lecherously, with Lord and Lady Phenex lowering their heads in shame at their sons behavior to his fiancée, in her family's own home, as well.

Rias scowled, before slamming her hands down on the table, and stood up.

"Well this was an enlightening evening! I learned you weren't just a filthy pig, but also a bigot, as well! And I don't "believe" anything about who I like! I know exactly who I like!" Sneered Rias, seeing how he pretty much implied gay conversion from his comment.

Leaving the table, Rias gave her parents a glare, as well.

"Are you both happy that you still want me to marry someone, like that?! When he's now shown he's bigger scum, than I originally thought!" Rias said, not giving them a chance to respond, before storming off, planning to take a long, hot shower, to wash away Riser's eyes on her.

While her parents winced at her words, though Venelana did give Ravel a thoughtful side glance.

*End Flashback*

Sighing in annoyance, Rias banished those thoughts, before they ruined her current mood.

Turning, Rias looked out the window and her own reflection.

'A lot's really changed, since that day.' Rias thought, knowing a lot has changed since she reawakened her memories of her past life, as Naruko Uzumaki.

She's since regained all her memories of being the old Rias and having successfully merged her two personalities together and found a balance.

Having all of Naruko's and the old Rias's pros, while not having any of the cons from the latter.

'Along with being much stronger, than if I hadn't awakened them. And not just me, my Peerage as well.' Rias thought, her knowledge of Chakra and Senjutsu, from when she was Naruko, having been a major help in Koneko's training.

Thankfully, she had managed to pass it off, as them experimenting with Koneko's abilities, after they got the basis of Chakra and Senjutsu in this world down. Along with whatever the Gremory Family was able to find on the subjects.

Rias had also managed to recreate the Rasengan using Magic, having also taught it to Akeno, Koneko, Moka, Gasper, and Yuuto. With Koneko using the traditional version, with her Chakra, with the others, like Rias, used Magic to make it.

She had also managed to master her Lightning Magic, Fire Magic, and Power of Destruction, with the redhead currently trying to incorporate them into the Rasengan. Rias had also completed her training in Healing Magic, and begun working on Ice Magic, Wind Magic, and Water Magic, along with Barrier Magic and Runes. The Gremory Heiress wishing to take the Gremory Family's affinity for Magic, to its peak.

Along with having recreated some of the Jutsu from her past life, along with various techniques she's seen in anime, manga, and video games.

But while a lot of good came from her past life's memories, there was some bad, as well. With Rias having noticed that her memories as Naruko were starting to fade, having trouble recalling the names or faces of people she used to know.

'And with the rate they're going, they'll all be gone, by the time I'm seventeen.' Rias thought, sadly.

Thankfully, she didn't start relapsing back into her old self. With it making Rias wonder, if the reason she awakened those memories, was so she could become a better Devil and King.

Looking out the window, Rias saw her reflection suddenly change into that of Naruko's own, the blonde Jinchūriki smiling at the redheaded Devil.

"Thank you, for everything." Rias said, feeling sad and even a little scared, as it felt like she was saying goodbye to an old friend, one who's been with her, her entire life.

"It's not goodbye, I'll always be here, if you need me, Rias. But now, you're reaching the point, that you don't need me, anymore. It's time for you to grow on your own, now. But don't forget, I'm always here." Naruko said, smiling and winking at the girl.

Rias smiled solemnly, as her reflection faded back to her own, wondering if it was just her mind playing tricks on her, a figment of her imagination, to help put her at ease.

'Even it was, she's still right. It's time I stood on my own feet and move on as my own person. And not have Naruko be there to hold my hand.' Rias thought, knowing soon, she'll be growing as her own person, and wouldn't have her past-life to help her, anymore.

Taking a breath, Rias pushed off her desk, and went to go attend her classes. Though as she exited the clubhouse, she felt another memory echo through her mind, or really a message from someone Naruko loved unconditionally, and who loved her without question.

"Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, then you aren't really gone, you just aren't here right now."

"Thanks…Kaa-chan." Rias said, smiling softly as she left the clubhouse.

That's definitely one memory, she won't ever forget.

So, what did you think, good. Yep Rias has reformed the ORC for her Peerage to use, along with seeing Gasper is out and about. This being due to both Rias and Moka help him control his Vampire abilities and his Sacred Gear, while also building up the Dhampir's confidence. We also get flashback's seeing Rias helping Yuuto and Akeno with their own problems and going to therapy for help, along with another flashback showing Rias meeting her "fiancé". Finally we see Rias thinking over how much she's changed since awakening her memories of Naruko, along with learning her memories were now fading away, but with some helpful words from her mind (or perhaps Naruko herself), Rias accepts this and knows it'll soon be time to stand on her own as a King and a Devil. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out