
Bakugou scoffed as his team cheered in their victory. Of course they won- like any of them would lose to these 1B extras while on his team. Still, he couldn't deny the feeling of satisfaction as he heard them get congratulations from their classmates, especially her.

As he sat down, he mulled over how she out of all the people on his team had somehow been the main driving force in getting him to come up with a plan that didn't involve him rushing in to deal with them all. He supposed being in a band helped loosen him up somewhat, shitty hair and the rest of the others seemed to be doing that to him a lot lately now that he thought about it.

He blinked as something cold pressed against his cheek.

Kyoka Jirou took a sip of her own drink as she further pressed another against her blonde classmate's cheek, something that he surprisingly didn't blow up at, instead simply grabbing the drink and allowing her to sit next to him. The two didn't say a word to each other as they watched another group of their classmates prepare themselves for their fight against 1B, he rolled his eyes as Deku, Round Face, Raccoon Eyes and Grape Stain started reviewing strategies to use.

As if they'd do better than him.


He turned a lone red eye to her as she began to speak raising an eyebrow in confirmation that he had heard her.

"Thanks… For trusting us, I mean, and for helping out with the band."

He twitched as she tucked some hair behind her ear, she shouldn't do that it was fine the way it was before.

"I know you didn't have to but you inspired the rest of the class with your speech, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to really enjoy myself if you didn't give us a kick in the ass."

She let out a chuckle and his heart stopped for a moment. There was just… something about the way she did that. Was it the smoothness of her voice? How it calmed him? This happened during the festival too- he could barely focus on drumming because of the way her voice carried over as she sang her heart out.

"You didn't have to, but you did it in your own Bakugou like way so thanks."

"Tch, whatever earlobes."

She rolled her eyes good naturedly and got up to go talk to the girls of their class, his eyes never once leaving her even as the next match started up.

What the hell was happening to him?


"Nobody moves or the girl goes down with me!"

Momo Yaoyorozu frowned as she observed the situation from her perch on the building a ways away from the escalating crime scene, the scope from her rifle provided a clear view of the mutant type villain currently surrounded by other heroes and police too afraid to take action to apprehend him. The villain was a large mutant type with the appearance of an anthropomorphic wolf with a blue overcoat and a gray undertone. She had been called in as an aide when the situation had escalated from a bank robbery to a hostage crisis, and she'd been sitting here for quite some time, waiting for any kind of orders to reach her.

What had started as a simple bank robbery for novice heroes and sidekicks had quickly turned sideways the moment said heroes arrived. Either the villains were new to this or her perception of their threat was skewed, as reports coming in had described how they had panicked not long after being surrounded, taking the residents still inside the bank hostage in an attempt to salvage their failed operation. The heroes were no better, nearly killing the hostage in their attempt to bum rush the group, resulting in the situation they had on hand now.

'I'll be getting their names and licenses when this is all over.' She thought, hefting her sniper and narrowing her eyes as the villain frantically looked around for an exit.

Humming, she tapped her headset in the trusty pattern she'd memorized, sending the signal to her partners and activating a countdown on their communicators. She breathed in deeply, as she had done countless times, gloved hands tightening as black eyes entered the green scope as it lined up with her target.




The resounding bang heard was but an echo as an armor piercing round shredded through his ulnar artery, blood spurted briefly as he dropped the girl, his arm beginning to go stiff as the blood flow to his hand became blocked and cut off.

What happened next only took but a moment- in the seconds the girl was dropped a green and pink blur descended from the sky. The green one made a beeline for the falling girl, quickly catching her and leaping behind the perimeter that had been set out to allow for the pink figure to do her part, which just so happened to entail landing on the villains knee to knock him off balance. Reaching up to grab his shirt, the pink assailant flipped him over and onto the ground. Momo quickly stood from where she was crouched, a grappling hook forcing its way through the skin of her stomach as it dropped into her hands. The Everything Hero smiled as she dropped from her perch to stand with her two old friends, the duo acknowledging her presence with small smiles of their own as the robbers, realizing they were now far outclassed, desperately raised their arms in surrender.

Momo couldn't exactly blame them- When you've got the almighty Deku in front of you, the Rank 2 hero might go easy. When Uravity joins in, the Rank 8 is gonna be a bit fiercer. Add in Creati at Rank 10, and you're staring down more of the Top 10 than most people will see in their life. You'd have to be crazy brave to take those odds.

Unfortunately for some of the starstruck onlookers, the original gaggle of incompetent heroes had lost their relieved expressions when Uravity turned a fierce glare on them, her costume serving to back up her dangerous tone. As she began putting the villain in cuffs, the rookies began to receive an angry lecture so thorough you'd think Ochaco was a teacher to a classroom of misbehaving children.

Out of them all, Ochaco's costume had changed over little- in terms of appearance at least. There were some added green accents to her original color scheme that blended well enough, her white belt was made of some better materials and had been fitted with some strange, hexagon shaped panels on the sides, and it had received some extra padding and reinforcements overall. As said, it wasn't the biggest change, but it was enough for Momo to notice.

Dek- Izuku's costume, bit of a slip from how rarely she used his name anymore these days. He still kept that save general base he's always used, that good ol' green and white. Mei and Melissa had finally teamed up and gave it the kind of armour you'd find on old riot gear from the States. His mouthguard saw plenty of action now that the greenette bothered wearing it, and his shoulder pads seemed to have gotten a bit bigger. Still wouldn't wear his mask though- seriously, why still keep the thing?

As for herself, Momo had replaced the main design of her costume. Gone was the open red leotard and in its place was a red and white bodysuit with an open back and stomach, along with an open section on her waist and thighs and a revealing breast top. Red fingerless gloves were added, along with a red metal gauntlet on her left arm, and her supply belt was smaller now split up into four, allowing her to keep more materials for her to use when her quirk wasn't an option, and a pair of pale yellow boots to really tie the whole thing together.

Momo held in a bit of a laugh, scuffing said boot against the ground as Izuku tried to reign in Ochaco's little rant. The brunette absently bat his hands away as she berated the rookies before her, Ochaco's shorter butch cut making her look far more menacing than when she was in school.

A ping caught Momo's attention, leading her to reach into one of her pouches and retrieving her phone. Two messages appeared as she opened her lock screen- each from a different sender. She felt a pit form in her stomach- why was he messaging her?

She opened up that message first, the pit growing heavier as she quickly absorbed the few words the message contained.

Come pick her up.

She knew exactly who her contact was referring to and normally she would but…the other message was calling her in for a meeting with some of the other Top Ten and that's not something she could just brush off.

'But I can't leave her there, not after all the other times.' She bit her nail nervously, mulling over options. Surely there was someone else she could send, who would be willing to do this?

Kaminari? No, he was on his honeymoon right now.

Tokoyami was out of the question too, since by now he should be helping in a raid along with Ashido.

She dared not send Kirishima.

"Momo? Is everything okay?" Momo looked up from her phone to see Izuku standing before her, looking as concerned as he always did while on the job. She gazed past him and saw that Ochaco was still going full tilt, the rookies now on their knees, bowing sadly as she went to town on them. Momo brought her attention back to Izuku, then glanced at that message still on her phone screen.

"… Izuku, could you do me a small favor?"

The bar wasn't anything special, and as Izuku walked in he honestly couldn't find anything noteworthy about it compared to any others he's been to, and he has been to many, many bars on account of having Mina Ashido as a friend. For whatever reason, she'd decided he'd be the one who'd pick her up if she got too drunk to drive, so that's where the majority of his bar experience came from. But he wasn't here to pick up a sloshed and slurring Alien Queen for once- No, he was here for something more important.

He spotted her instantly, green eyes landing on the woman playing with her jacks and sliding her finger across the rim of her glass, sitting in a booth at the back of the bar. Her eyes were bloodshot and baggy, he could see that she had been crying, and one look from those around her was the only indicator he needed that she'd been volatile. Broken glass on the ground and the nearby tables empty, those sitting close to the punk rocker probably having evacuated to a safer area of the establishment.

He walked over to her silently, ignoring the looks he got as he crouched down next to her. Izuku nudged her, his knuckles lightly tapping the side of her head. "Hey…"

Kyoka lazily looked up at him, motionless except for her slow hand movements as. "… What are you doing here?"

"Momo sent me to get you."

The woman scoffed, adjusting herself to sit a bit straighter, "I don't need—"

"I beg to differ." Izuku said, putting his hand atop hers to prevent her from drinking again.

She glared at him, tears brimming the corner of her eyes as she tried to push him away yet only succeeding in giving him the leverage to pick her up.

"Midoriya put me down!" She yelled, the man effortlessly picking her up and sending the bartender an apologizing glance as they walked out.

"I'm- I'm sorry, sir, I'll- ow- I'll send a check for any damages she's caused- ow." The bartender nodded as Kyoka's struggles grew more violent. Izuku's spoken words of pain were more a reflex than anything- He barely felt her as she started hitting him, demanding that he let her go so she could return to her drink, that she'll use her quirk to stab him in the eye. Despite her threats and track record on following up on them, she didn't, something that told Izuku just how drunk she was. He let out one of those fake swears he'll say to keep harsh language away from children, and as her flailing slowly stilled and her threats grew quiet, he realized that she'd fallen asleep just as they reached his apartment. He quickly placed her on the bed, not daring to undress her as he covered her up in his blanket. He felt his shoulders slump in a small act of disappointment- It seemed like he'd be sleeping on the couch tonight.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he pulled out his phone and opened his messages. He nearly crushed the poor thing when no new notifications had popped up. Not one message, not even a follow up from Momo- something that he'll try not to be too hung up on.

Izuku looked back at his old classmates, their contact photos still set to their graduation portraits, and silently cursed the one person responsible for her situation in the first place. His anger rose a tad as he remembered the broken promises and their shared friends' reaction to his decisions.

Izuku had forgiven him for so many things but this? He really didn't know if he could forgive Katsuki for what he'd done.

Not to her… Especially not to her.

He pinched his temples as he left her, closing the door, and making his way to the couch to try and banish the thoughts and feelings bubbling up inside of him. He would deal with Kyoka in the morning, but for now… Now he'd try getting in contact with his former friend.

Maybe this time he would actually pick up.