Author's Note: I have an Instagram now thanks to MikeyJJ, I loved the suggestion and now I will post ideas and incoming stories and chapters there. Please follow me if you have Instagram I would appreciate it ( oreokingmega). This may be the last chapter of miraculous minis unless any of you wish for me to continue it then I am happy to, just PM, DM, review or comment me.

It was a rough Sunday morning for Adrien Agreste, he was 17 today. He knew that his father still hadn't moved on from his mother, so he spent his time singing his song in the shower.

"Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady."

"It had been so long, since he saw M'lady."

"In his litter alone."

"With his lady gone."

"Crying himself to sleep."

"Never had a scar so deep-"

There was a knock on his bathroom door, it was Nathalie. "Adrien? Your breakfast was just served and it is getting cold."

"I'll be out in a minute Nathalie."

"Oh and Adrien?"

"Yes Nathalie?"

"Happy Birthday."

Adrien smiled, Nathalie left and he got dressed into his classic clothes that he had at least 20 pairs of. He woke up his kwami and fed him as he walked down the stairs into the dining room, his father was waiting.

"Good morning Adrien."

"Father? Aren't you really busy today?"

"It is your seventeenth birthday, I've taken the morning off so I can drive you to school myself today."

Gabriel moved next to his son and placed his hands on his shoulders, "I know I haven't been the best father for the past few years, but I'm going to try make it up to you."

Adrien had to bite his tongue to stop him from saying, gonna take you a long time dad.

"Thank you father."

"Now, on a matter of business-"

Here we go again, filling my schedule up with classes and shoots.

Gabriel slid a parcel to him, "What is this father?"

"Your birthday present of course."

This was no pen, this was some huge improvement. Adrien opened it to find his birth-month's calendar, completely empty. "You get to make your calendar, for the rest of the month. Happy birthday son."

This is very peculiar, this is not like my father. Unless... He is preparing a bombshell to be dropped, to try and feel better about himself he is giving me gifts to lessen the effect. How selfish and cowardly.

Adrien said with spite in his voice, "What do you need to tell me father?"

Gabriel seemed shocked, "What?! How did you-"

"I know you father, you have given me the same lame pen for my birthday each year for the past 5 years. I know that scarf wasn't yours, so what bomb are you planning to drop on me?"

"You have a perfect combination of your mother and I's intelligence you know that, but I cannot hide this from you anymore. I- I am- Well you see- I am unable to put it into words, best if I just show you. Follow me Adrien."

Gabriel stood and walked into his office, he nodded to Nathalie as he walked in.

"You do know that I've seen the safe behind the painting of mother."

Gabriel smiled, "That was just one secret."

Adrien couldn't help but think in his head, weird flex but okay.

"Stand behind me, get close so you can fit."

"Fit where?"

"You'll see my son."

Adrien did what he was told out of pure curiosity, his father stood close in front of him and pushed some buttons on the painting. He saw the thin elevator reveal itself as he made his way down into a basement, a coffin in the rooms centre caught his eye.

"Mother! What did you do to her!"

"I would never harm your mother Adrien, she is in a coma. My goal is to bring her back."

He scanned the room more, he gaped as the elevator opened and he walked away from his father. They stood in the butterfly harvesting station metres apart from each other.

"The height similarities, the voice, build. Butterfly window and harvesting room, the insane power level, the miraculous book, all the time spent away. You're Hawkmoth!"

"Okay hear me out, I know it sounds bad-" Adrien tackled him into the water, "PLAGG! CLAWS OUT!"

Gabriel finally realised what was going on, "Nooroo, Dark Wings rise!"

Hawkmoth caught onto a pipe and Chat Noir climbed back to the floor raised above. "You hurt my friends. You hurt Paris."

"My son- You're Chat Noir."

"Shut up you greedy pig! You don't deserve a chance to get mother back!"

Gabriel lost it, "How dare you! Calm down this instant!"

Chat opened his staff and spoke into it. "Ladybug, code red emergency. I found Hawkmoth's lair, it's beneath the Agreste mansion. Come quick."

Hawkmoth swung himself back up level with his son, he drew his cane. "Give me your miraculous!"


Hawkmoth leaped, so did Chat. They collided in a fit of clangs and clashes of staffs/canes. Echoes filled the dark room with sound, Chat began to overpower his father. Until he was knocked to the other side of the room by a giant sentimonster in the form of a moth. He javelin-tossed his staff directly at Hawkmoth, he deflected it with ease. It flew into the wall and stuck there, Adrien climbed along the wall and unsheathed it. He attacked the giant moth, impaling it and hitting it back down to the two villains.

They both dodged easily and Chat Noir extended his stick, it landed exactly in between Hawkmoth's legs and he forced it upward, imbedding itself into his father's crotch. It lifted him off the ground and he leaped off the wall and kicked him into the river, Mayura vaulted herself upward and used her feather fan to blow him into the ground. Chat lay on the floor as Mayura approached him, she was kicked in the face by familiar skin-tight feet.

"I thought you were joking at first, great job kitty. Is Adrien safe?"

Chat bit his tongue, "Not sure yet. Let's focus on them first."

"You're right."

Hawkmoth and Mayura were standing on a large rusty pipe, "You will never succeed in defeating us Ladybug! We are on our own turf, we know all the tricks here."

"You two will pay for betraying Paris like this, Lucky Charm!"

A medical kit fell into her hands, she hung it on her magical side that appeared every now and then. "That isn't a good sign kitty, wounds aren't healed by the miraculous ladybug."

"We can use it to save Hawkmoth and Mayura from the pain I'm about to bring them. Cataclysm."

"Kitty, calm down."

"This is family business Ladybug, you go for Mayura. I take Hawkmoth."

"Family? Adrien?"

"Go. Gabriel Agreste has hell coming directly at him."

Ladybug wanted to cry, laugh, smile and scream at the same time. Her love for her partner grew over her, and she obeyed.

"Adrien. We can talk about this-"

"Give me your miraculous Hawkmoth, and I won't Cataclysm your face."

"Do you not love your mother!"

"She would not want this father! What would mother say if she saw everything you were doing!? Terrorising Paris every day, hurting people, making children have nightmares and people hide for their lives. Emilie Agreste would rather be slain in the most painful way possible 100 times over before she allowed something like that to happen!"


Hawkmoth was too fast, he leaped and repetitively bashed Chat's shoulder with his cane. First hit was a mark, after 5 there was a bruise, 20 it was dislocated, and after 30 the bone snapped in half. All Chat Noir could do was his best to defend, the attacks were too fast and he couldn't move. Hawkmoth kicked his son away.

Ladybug was still in hand-to-hand combat with Mayura, she went rage mode when she saw Hawkmoth lock Adrien in a coffin, and put on his ring. "What is your name kwami!"

"I will not tell you until you give me cheese! And you are forced by kwami law to obey your master! I've had Nooroo tell me the rules."

"Not until I get a slice of Camembert!"

Hawkmoth grabbed him and squeezed, "Do you really want me to crush you god of destruction?"


"Good kwami. Plagg, Nooroo, Unify!"

The miracle metal on Hawkmoth's face went from silver to a dark platinum, metallic cat ears pricked up, a staff appeared at his belt and his suit changed from Purple and Black to Purple and Green.

Ladybug disarmed Mayura, ripping her miraculous off her chest and pushing her away. "Just you and me Hawkmoth!"

"You children couldn't defeat me when there were five of you, what makes this different?"

She put the peacock miraculous on her chest, "Duusu, Tikki, Unify." Her costume now had bright blue spots and a veil beret covered half her face, a feathered fan also appeared in her hand. "It's been years since that battle, and I've grown stronger."

"So have I Ladybug!"

Their battle lasted ages, just attacks and counters back and forth. Hawkmoth was much more skilled, his ring charged while he was transformed, Ladybug only had two minutes left.

"You have only two minutes left Ladybug! You're doomed, just give me your miraculous and accept defeat."

"I will never give up! Not even directly in the face of defeat!"

Ladybug created a sentimonster from her feather fan, a copy of Chat Noir. She gave him the fan, "Help me defeat him sentimonster!"

"Yes master."

Now it was 2 on 1, Hawkmoth knew that was a smart move, but no one was around to be akumatised, Nathalie had left to rid all evidence that pointed to the Agreste Mansion being Hawkmoth's lair.

Ladybug and Hawkmoth were at even again, but Chat Noir was slowly becoming a bigger help, until the sentimonster overstepped. It took its staff when Hawkmoth was open and impaled his lower torso. "NO! I renounce you!"

Her earring beeped, one minute left. She took off her medkit and began to stitch up Hawkmoth's wound as he lay in agony. "Why are you helping me?"

"You'll die if I leave that. I hate you but I will not kill you."

Hawkmoth waited silently, adding a few moans of pain every few seconds. Once Ladybug was done he took off her earring, "Bad choice."

He threw the butterfly miraculous and laughed as he put on the earrings.


Gabriel began to lift up into the air.


Pure white and black smoke appeared around him in a sphere, Ladybug watched in horror as everything around the room began to break, the glass window shattered, so did the coffins.


The smoke formed a yin and yang and Gabriel turned black with white eyes and mouth. Two voices could be heard, a high and deep voice, a soft and stern voice, a female and male voice, complete opposites. They spoke to Gabriel.

"Gabriel Agreste, I am Yin. Goddess of Light and Fortune."

"Gabriel Agreste, I am Yang. God of Darkness and Misfortune."

Gabriel spoke back to the two beings, "I want you to give life to Emilie Agreste."

"You realise that with all life," -Yin

"There is also death." -Yang

"I will pay any price to get her back!"

"This will be an everlasting exchange," -Yin

"One that will be equal in comparison." -Yang

"Did you not listen to me? I will pay any price to bring Emilie back!"

"As you wish Gabriel Agreste" -Yin & Yang

The smoke disappeared and a ball of green and red separated from Gabriel, it was put into a small miracle spot and sent opposite directions. Gabriel watched as Emilie's body raised into the air glowing with light, Gabriel took off his glasses and a tear fell down his cheek. His expression changed when Adrien also began to float glowing a dark aura. "What is this!"

Marinette was crying behind him, he looked down at her. "Were you not listening to Yin and Yang?!"

"They said they'd bring her back! An everlasting exchange!"

"You're just as foolish and oblivious as Chat- Adrien!"

"What did I do?"

"An everlasting exchange, equal in comparison to losing Emilie. To get back Emilie you had to lose someone to replace her important figure." Marinette cried.

"Oh my. I just traded my son's life for my wife's."

Marinette ran away, she picked up the butterfly, ladybug and black cat miraculous. Gabriel watched in horror as his wife ran up and hugged him, unaware of what just happened.

"Tikki! Plagg! Unify!"

Yin and Yang appeared again, "Reverse the wish! Trade Emilie's life for Adrien's!"

"It takes a large amount of power to alter reality Marinette Dupain-Cheng." -Yin

"Only enough can be generated each century." -Yang

"Come back in 99 years, 11 months, 30 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 14 seconds" -Yin & Yang


Author's Note: This is an irreversible change, Adrien had the life sucked out of him and was killed instantly. It is similar to what happened at the end of the season 3 finale episode.