lowkey dont know if this is any good lmaooo

i posted it on my tumblr but it didnt seem like it was getting much traction sooooo

There was a haunted house on Strawberry Street that existed on the end of a wide cul de sac. It was a massive, worn down old mansion, one that hadn't been lived in since they say the last owner was brutally murdered.

No one knew who it'd been, it had been that long since the house stood there.

It was more of an urban legend than anything else, and no one was brave enough to buy it and see if the rumors were true or not.

But leave it to a group of high school boys to confirm their suspicions. That was the ideal place to kick off the beginning of their summer break.

"Are you sure we should be going in here?" Jellal coughed as a wave of dust rocketed out of the house as they opened the front door.

"Come on, where's the harm in it?" Gajeel cackled as he smacked the center of his back. "We're just gonna look around, it's not even dark out. Ya can run off if you hear a scary noise, alright?"

"This place is old as fuck," Gray said as he looked around. "Shit looks so Victorian in here,"

"Be careful not to break anything!" Jellal shouted as Natsu ran into the expansive foyer. "The wood could snap under our weight!"

"Yeah yeah," He rolled his eyes. Leave it to Erza to permanently brainwash one of their crew members. "Don't worry. I'm gonna go upstairs and see if I can find anything cool!"

"Let's raid the kitchen and see if there's shit rotting in there," Gray suggested to Gajeel, the two of them nodding as they dragged along the skeptical Jellal.

It was a large, winding staircase that Natsu chose to ascend. While he was often wild and rowdy, he followed Jellal's advice and carefully walked up the creaking stairs.

There was a hallway that split off in two directions at the top of the stairs, a large portrait hanging between them. The paint was worn and the edges were tattered, but he could still make out the subject of the image clearly.

It was a girl, about as young as himself. Her hair was blonde and her eyes brown, a soft smile painted upon her cherry lips. The dress she wore was lavish and puffy, one he imagined that an heiress would wear.

"Pretty," He shrugged and walked off in a random direction, finding nothing but a long hall covered in peeling wallpaper.

If he'd been looking closely, Natsu would have seen the paper slowly begin to repair itself the closer he got to the lone door at the end of the hall.

It was strange, he thought, as he walked into what appeared to be a bedroom. It was as though he walked into a different house entirely.

There were no cobwebs, no peeling paint. The furniture was dusted, polished to look brand new. Even the floor was stable and no longer creaked underneath his steps.

"What the…" He pursed his lips, eyebrows bunching together as he had a look around. The closet was full of fancy dresses, none wore away or moth-eaten. The items on the vanity were still fresh; lotions unhardened and oils unevaporated.

His hand settled to pull open a dresser drawer when a light voice suddenly spoke up.

"It's not polite to go through a lady's intimates," She giggled, making Natsu jump and whip his head around quickly.

It was the girl from the painting, her hair down instead of in a tight bun. She wore a dress like the one he'd seen, but red suited her much more than pink.

"S-Sorry," He cleared his throat, stepping away from her things. "I didn't think there was anyone still here,"

"Technically, I'm not," She shrugged. "But then again, I am,"

"Uh huh…" Natsu couldn't help but smile a bit as she did. "So ya a ghost?"

"Something like that," She said, approaching him carefully. "Would you be scared if I said yes?"

"I dunno," He hummed, holding his chin while he thought. "You don't look scary,"

"You said I was pretty, didn't you?" She giggled as he blushed. "Well?"

"S-Sure, I think so," He gulped as she settled a hand gently against his chest. He couldn't help but look down at the cleavage spilling from her dress, his mouth gone dry.

"I think you're quite adorable," She whispered with a coy grin, her hands wrapping delicately around his neck. He felt his body freeze, suddenly unable to move at all. But he questioned if he wanted to move, if he wanted to push away her soft body.

She brought his head down, close to hers. Her cherry-pink lips parted slightly as they approached his, a sweet scent lulling him into a sense of absolute comfort.

She moaned quietly as her lips pressed to his. Natsu found his hands settling on her hips as he began to kiss back.

His head was void of thoughts, the only focus on the tempting thrum he felt from her lips.

She pulled away slightly, grinning as he followed her. She accepted his non-verbal plea for more, softly sighing as they kissed again.

One hand ran against his chest, while the other intruded and pushed on his bottom lip.

"Could you…" Her voice was barely above a soft breath as her thumb slid carefully into his mouth. "Stick out your tongue for me?"

He silently obeyed, groaning as she took the opportunity to deepen their kiss.

He felt weak, like a block of jelly underneath her touch.

He'd never been so compliant before, or felt so at peace. Every time her tongue slid against his, he felt a waft of good energy flow into him.

"Natsu, oi, Natsu!" The call of his name from down the hall startled him out of his trance, the girl pulling away to stare at the door.

"Looks like our time is up," She sighed. "Too bad,"

"I'll make 'em leave," He suggested, stealing another kiss from her soft lips.

"You don't have to do that," She smiled, stepping out of their embrace.

"But I don't want to leave yet," He confessed, an embarrassed blush making its way onto his face.

"Will you come back tonight, then? I'll be here, waiting for you,"

Before Natsu could answer, the door flung open to reveal a sick-looking Gray.

"Dude come on, we gotta go," He shuddered. "Jellal opened a cabinet and we caught a whiff of the worst fuckin' old cheese,"

Natsu looked around, surprised that everything was suddenly old and the girl was no longer there. Returned were the cobwebs, the dusty furniture, the moth-eaten clothing.

"…okay," He said, shaking his head as he tried to forget the odd experience he just had.

"Dude," Gray cleared his throat. "Why the fuck do you have a boner?"

Natsu walked back to the house later that night. He lied to his mom about going to Gray's, instead heading towards Strawberry Street while the moon was full and high in the sky.

He couldn't get her out of his head. Yes, that's been his first kiss, but that wasn't the reason why. Maybe it was some of the reason, but the rest was just pure curiosity. And an inkling of something else. Like he had something in him that craved to see her.

The house was still worn and old on the outside, the door almost coming off its hinges as he opened it.

Instead of the scenery he'd been met with that afternoon, the house had oddly fixed itself up again.

The bronzed gold was now shining, the floorboards fixed, the furniture new and refurbished. His eyes looked up and to a gleaming chandelier that could have only been made of real diamonds.

"Natsu," The light tinkling of bells that was her voice called out to him. He couldn't see her, just hear the faint beckoning of the mysterious girl.

He moved without thinking, without questioning anything. He blindly headed towards her room, his throat dry and his cheeks flushed.

The concern of his should have been just what odd hell dimension did he step into?

But the magic of the blonde had sealed his fate, his soul already beckoning to be by her side.

He pushed open her bedroom doors with slight force, excitement to see her again getting the better of him.

She giggled as he practically wagged his tail at the sight of her.

She stood before him, wrapped in a short silk robe, one she often wore to bed. He felt his chest constrict, his heart thumping wildly within it.

"I didn't think you'd come back," She smiled dangerously, taking him by the hand.

"Why?" He asked, ashamed that she didn't believe in his loyalty. Clearly he'd have to prove to whom his heart belonged.

"Just a feeling," She shrugged, pushing him to sit on the edge of her bed. "But I'm glad you did."

He scooted back a bit, his eyes entranced as they watched her move before him.

She slowly undid the knot of her robe, letting it pool around her ankles. He stilled at the sight of her clad in white lingerie, his thoughts skipping madly around in his head.

"Aren't you going to compliment me?" She pouted, settling herself carefully in his lap.

"You're beautiful," He breathed out, his body shaking ever so slightly in her presence. "So beautiful,"

"Aww, you really think so?" She grinned as he nodded, her arms settling gently around his neck. "You really know how to charm a girl,"

Her lips feigned a kiss, instead moving to press against the racing pulse on his neck.

"You smell so good," She moaned, licking her lips at the underlying qualities his body held. "So powerful,"

"I do?" His pride swelled as she rocked her lips slightly, pushing herself a little more into him.

"Oh yes," She sighed. "I can't wait to have you, Natsu,"

"H-Have me?" He gulped as she flashed him a salacious grin, her hand settling on the half-hard boner in his pants.

"Don't you know why I wanted you to come back? I wanted us to be together," She moaned into his ear. "To be intimate with each other."

"O…Oh…" She fed on his innocence, licking her lips at the sight of his overwhelmed look.

"Don't worry. I'll show you the things you don't remember," Her lips barely brushed against his. "So let's feel really good together, hmm?"

Natsu moaned as she snuck her tongue past his lips again, the rhythm of their kiss quick yet slow and deep. She wanted to savor every touch, to feel him in her far to reach places.

She poured her burning saliva down his throat, Natsu swallowing the painful flavor that made his body come to life.

She purred as his hands settled low on her hips, the rough pads of his fingers kneading into her soft skin.

"Mm, oh, Natsu…" She moaned into his ear as he began peppering kisses on the length of her neck. "Bite me…bite me right there…!"

A foreign feeling quelled inside his chest as he obeyed her command, like a sense of ownership, a reminder built into his system.

He hissed as Lucy pulled him free of his tight pants, her soft hand wrapping around his pulsing appendage.

"You haven't had a girl touch you like this before, have you?" She asked, grinning as he shook his head, burying it into her shoulder.

"Then I'll gladly be the first one to make you cum," He whispered and whined, bucking his hips into her palm as she suddenly assaulted him.

His hands wandered to find her chest, fondling the globes through her lacy underwear.

"You can take it off," She hummed, panting a bit as she continued to jerk his dick.

He complied, fidgeting with the clasp before he sprung her free.

Natsu let out a sudden, guttural moan, as he felt himself beginning to climax. He panted, looking Lucy in the eye as she got him closer to the edge. He kissed her fiercely, holding back a loud groan as he flinched into Lucy's palm.

The white fluid splattered somewhat on her stomach and thighs, a majority quelled in the palm of her hand.

"What a good boy," She mewled, lewdly lapping up the sticky substance she held.

Natsu watched with half-lidded eyes as she moaned her way through the spunk, swallowing it with vigor. Her eyes gleamed a bright purple, his will burning brighter to meet her fervor.

"Just how I remember it," She breathed against his lips, her body clinging to his as they kissed. The heat between them grew as they rocked their bodies together, their want for more growing beyond its limits.

"Let me make you feel good too," Natsu whispered as he roughly squeezed her breasts, naughty eyes staring up at her as he attached himself to one.

She nodded, back arching as he tossed her against the mattress. Her hands gathered the silk sheets she laid against, her body wriggling underneath his as he laid waste to her skin.

He marked every inch he saw free of his touch, that had yet to be burned with the memory of his lust.

Part of him felt separated from his actions, like it wasn't even him that was there. But at the same time, he knew where to touch, he knew where she'd like it most he knew that if she watched him lick up the cum he splattered on her body, she'd practically fall apart.

The panties she wore were almost drenched through, clear fluid dripping down her thighs.

She begged him to tear them off, to kiss her with his fire, to burn the skin of her body and remind her who it belonged to.

He didn't understand the choice of words she used at the moment, but followed her plea for his raunchy action against her sodden entrance.

He pulled away the thin fabric of her underwear, erotically dragging his tongue against the perverted flavor she spilled.

Her hands found purchase in his pink locks, fingers digging roughly against his scalp.

"Oh yes…like that, Natsu, yes…" She gasped, tears pricking the corners of her eyes as he shoved two thick fingers into her.

His tongue swerved and curled around her sensitive button, fingers driving into her wanting folds.

The ichor swam down his throat, blinding his sense of stability. He wanted more, to hear her beg even louder, to have her claw at him with even more strength.

She came in a silent whirlwind of emotion, her back arching from the bed as she expelled her dirty juices into Natsu's palm.

"Come here," She called weakly to him, moaning softly as he kissed up the length of her body. Her chest rose and fell as she recovered from her orgasm, tongue sweeping over her lips as she met his golden-eyed gaze.

"I've almost gotten you back," She hummed, holding a hand up for him to look at.

"What do you mean?" He asked, unaware of the changes his body had made.

A bright yellow flame burned at the center of her palm, the boy entranced by its hypnotic sway.

"Eat this," She said, her heart racing as his lips wrapped around it.

While the girl had been trapped in this old house for so many centuries, every so often a boy would enter her home. He'd have pink hair, gorgeous onyx eyes. He resembled the dragon she had fallen in love with as a child, when the world still bloomed with magic.

He was resurrected time and time again, forgetting himself each time he passed away.

He'd always leave her with a flame, to bring him back to her when he knew he was going to fade away again.

It was the other half of his soul, the one bound to her and their eternal memories.

When the flame settled in his stomach, she watched as he began to grow scales, his chest heaving in and out as the magic returned to his body.

He let out a roar of discomfort, rolling onto his side as his heart burst with a sudden rush of energy.

She sat up, watching him with anticipation and a pained heart. She held his hand and kissed the back of it, holding him steady as she patiently waited for the process to settle.

"Luce..?" He groaned, opening his eyes to the familiar ceiling of her forever the same bedroom.

"Natsu!" She cheered, happy tears rolling down her cheeks as she jumped into his arms.

"Oof! C'mon! I just woke up!" He faked a groan, his lips spread wide as she smiled!

"You know I can't help it!" She whined. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too," He sighed, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head. "You weren't too lonely, were ya?"

"Nope," She grinned, moving upwards to kiss his cheek. "I was doing just fine,"

"That's good," He hummed, his hand rubbing gently against her back. "… why're ya naked?"

"We were in the middle of fooling around," She shrugged, giggling as Natsu fumed a bit.

"What'd I say about you waking me up like this, huh?! I don't like the idea of you messin' around with my body like that!"

"Oh hush!" She smacked his chest lightly. "It's so much fun. You're really cute when I seduce you all over again,"

"Some other guy with his hands all over ya ain't my cup of tea," He grumbled, Lucy, rolling her eyes as she laughed.

"Then why don't you do something about it?" She challenged him with a seductive glare. "We didn't get a chance to finish, and I'm dying to be messed up over and over and over again."

"Oi, oi," She snickered as Natsu pushed her onto her back, settling himself over her. "Don't think I'm letting ya go then. You know one round ain't enough for me,"

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Her mocking tone was shunted aside as Natsu sunk his canines into her breast, gently licking up the blood spilled from the lewd wound.

"I heard that my girl needs it real bad," She bit into her finger, squeaking out a moan at his dark and rough tone. Oh, how she missed that voice of his. "And imma give it to ya, over and over and over again,"

lemme know what you think uwu

I didn't edit this at all so YES stay confused