"Hi Sakura-chan!" Naruto said as he walked towards her. All she did was hit him in the head and started yelling at him "Naruto-Baka how dare you be late and make my precious Sasuke-Kun wait you damn idiot" She continued berating him until Kakashi came by and she started yelling at him.

Naruto just sighed as he rubbed his head preparing for another long day of D-Rank missions.

They were catching Tora the demon cat again when Naruto accidentally fell of a tree and hit Sasuke.

"YOU DEMON" screeched Sakura as she ran over and punched Naruto. Kakashi just sat on a tree and watched it without even once helping Naruto."THEY WERE RIGHT ABOUT YOU. YOU A FILTHY DISGUSTING MONSTER." And that was all it took, Naruto then started running off heading towards home.

When Naruto finally arrived in his apartment he broke down on the floor crying. "All they think of me is a mosnter. Is that what I am to them? Not even a friend just a monster."

After awhile Naruto gets up and headed towards the bathroom opening the cabinet just to grab a razor. He then heads towards his room pulled off his shirt, and unwrapped the bandage from his arm.

His little arm was full of scars ranging from deep to light. Small to large. He took the razor in his right hand and was about to slit his wrist when he suddenly thought of something.

So he then laid his razor down on the ground and ran into the living room to find a pen and papers. He soon started writing letters one for each on of his precious people and his 'friends'. He even wrote one for the village. An hour later he laid the pen and papers down in a neat stack on the table. And walked back into his bedroom to finish what he started a long time ago.


Status: Dead

Cause: Suicide

Date: October 10