Chapter 1 -
Naruto managed to master a total of two forbidden jutsu from the scroll of sealing. One of them was the shadow clone jutsu, the other was the so called mind domination jutsu. Being a little bad when it came down to book smarts, Naruto didn't understand much about the whole "science" that went behind the technique, but he did manage to get the general meaning:
Any woman who the caster of the jutsu kisses would be forever his. At first, the newly graduated genin didn't even consider the possibilities of what he could accomplish with a power like that, there was only a single reason why Naruto even bothered to learn it in the first place: to win over his childhood crush, Sakura Haruno. He hated that the girl was incredibly infatuated with his rival Sasuke, so if he could snag her away from him, in his mind that would be the first step towards proving how much better than Sasuke he was.
There was a warning at the part of the scroll about the domination jutsu "The power bestowed to the shinobi by this jutsu can be both a blessing and curse, be careful with how you use it." Naruto read it but didn't pay it any mind, what good is a jutsu you can learn if you can't even use it anyway? That was the thought process of the newly graduated foxy genin.
It was a sunny afternoon at Konoha, today had been the day of the assignments of the different teams of genin. Naruto was assinged to Team 7 together with his crush Sakura and his rival Sasuke. The group had dispersed after the assignements ended, he noticed that Sasuke was going back home, and so Naruto had the perfect opportunity of executing a plan that he'd developed a few days earlier. The boy then sneaked his way into his rival's window, jumped him, tied him up at his own home, transformed into him, went to find Sakura, flirted with her, and was about to kiss her.
"Sasuke-kun…" Said Sakura, her heart racing, ready to kiss the transformed Naruto on his lips.
The boy also had his heart racing at the moment, but his reason was a bit different: he was about to literally crap his pants. The milk he drank at his breakfast apparently hadn't done wonders for his stomach, and diarrhea was fast approaching. Thankfully, the thought of winning the girl over made him able to hold on to his intestines a little longer as the world's most awkward kiss happened.
It lasted about five seconds after their lips had touched. After the couple separated, Sakura looked mesmerized, her face all red, unable to believe what had just happened. That made Naruto doubt if the jutsu had indeed worked, but he wasn't about to stick around to find out in that state.
As fast as he could, the blonde genin ran to nearest toilet available so he could finish his deed.
"I hope that stupid jutsu worked, i don't know when i'll have another chance to impersonate Sasuke." Said Naruto to himself, as he walked alone in the streets, still a little bit skeptical. "I really wouldn't put it above Grandpa Hokage to write that jutsu down on the scroll as a joke. That pervert." Continued Naruto, with a foxy look, as he remembered the old man falling for his sexy jutsu just the day before.
After a bit of walking, he was back to the place where he had kissed Sakura. And the girl was still there, sitting on the very same bench. "Hey Sakura! How are you doing? Wanna have some ramen with me?" Asked Naruto, as he approached the pink haired girl. To his surprise, the girl giggled before giving her anwser. "I would love to, my master." Said her, with a smile.
Naruto stopped in his tracks for a few instants, caught completely off guard. "Master!? What's going on Sakura?" Asked him, weirded out by her treating him in that way. After a few instants it finally hit him, that must've been the effect of the forbidden jutsu he had casted on her. But still, he wasn't really expecting any of that master stuff. "Nothing, i'm just saying that i'd be happy to go. I'd do anything for you." She explained, like saying that was the most normal thing on the world, making Naruto blush a little bit.
"Ok… Let's get going then, i guess." Awnsered him, trying to brush off the awkwardness of the situation. He wasn't used to being treated as a normal person by Sakura of all people, much less like an important person or a type of "master".
The two walked together and finally got to the Ichiraku ramen shop. They each ordered their food and started eating, talking and just having fun in general. That was turning out to be of the happiest days in Naruto's life. Seeing the two made Teuchi, the owner of the shop and friend of Naruto, want to have a little fun. "Hey Naruto, is she your girlfriend?" Asked him, while washing dishes.
Still not used to her changed behaviour, he fully expected Sakura to strongly deny it, but the girl simply giggled and gave him a sweet smile as Naruto awkwardly laughed, not knowing how to react.
After they finished eating their meals, Naruto once again turned around to face the girl. "Hey Sakura, can you come home with me? I feel like need to talk some things over." Asked Naruto, with his hands on the back of his head. "Sure." Awnsered her, very casually. "I'll make up an excuse to my parents." The girl finished, not worried at all. The duo then left Ichiraku
The young couple soon reached Naruto's apartment. It was already dusk, the sky painted in a beautiful mixture of red, orange and pink. Weirdly enough, Sakura seemed more comfortable about being there with Naruto than Naruto seemed to be with her.
"Sorry for the mess." Said Naruto, as he welcomed Sakura into his messy living room. "Don't worry, i think it's quite cozy." Said Sakura, honestly.
The two genin sat on the couch, Naruto trying to wrap his head around forming a sentence to address that very weird situation. "Sakura, you said you'd do anything for me, right?" Asked him, a little bit shy. "Anything for you, master." She awnsered, without any doubt in her tone of voice.
"Then… would you like to be my girlfriend?" Asked the blonde, very nervous. "As i said, anything for you, master." Sakura awnsered, giving him a sweet smile.
"YES!" Naruto jumped, feeling like he achieved greatest victory in life. He had just made Sasuke's biggest fangirl his girlfriend. He was prepared to wake up at his bed at any moment as if everything had been just a dream, but it was real.
As far as he was concerned, he didn't need anything more than to be able brag to people about she being his new girlfriend and for her to keep treating him like a normal person. But Sakura had something else in mind.
"Now that i'm your girlfriend, master. It's only natural that we consumate our relationship." Said Sakura, as she got up on her feet. "I mean, what else would you bring me to your house at this time?" She explained, blushing a little with a coy expression.
Naruto didn't quite get what she was talking about, but was taken aback when she started to remove her qipao. The boy went mouth agape as he witnessed Sakura's naked upper body, her body was delicate and feminine, but she was incredibly flat chested.
His only exposition to the naked female body were the girls in the dirty magazines he used as basis for the creation of his sexy jutsu. But even then, he never felt for them he was feeling now. His member was hard, and for the first time he was feeling truly lustful for a woman, who cares if the girl was flat chested!?
"I had learned this sort of thing wanting to please Sasuke." Said Sakura, as she approached Naruto in the couch, without taking off her shorts. "But now my eyes are open, you're the only one worthy of me, master." She then straddled Naruto on the couch and kissed him, this time however the kiss was different. It was wet, and they licked and sucked each other's tongues as Naruto's erection got even harder.
Unable to himself hold himself back, Naruto grabbed Sakura's hips with both his hands and held her tight. They kissed for a few minutes, and when they parted their lips, Sakura quickly slid her hand to the boy's crotch, taking out his penis, a slutty expression on her face.
"Sakura, what are you doing?" Asked him as Sakura started to relentlessly suck at his dick, working her tongue swiftly through every part of his organ, until he slowly started to build up to orgasm. "Does it feel good, master?" Asked the girl. "It does!" Naruto moaned as he got his cock sucked, of course he had masturbated before, but this pleasure was something else, it was a hundred times better.
"Keep going! Yes! I'm cumming!" Said, she rapidly approached sweet release. Then, Sakur suddenly stopped, and what followed was the release of Naruto's cock juice splattering the girl in the face, who chuckled in response to it. "That was fast, master. But i think it's to be expected since this is the first time for both of us." Naruto couldn't even speak properly, that orgasm had been the best in his life.
"Well, let's continue?" Asked the girl, as she wiped the cum of her face with tissues. "I don't think can i go on right now." Awnsered Naruto, his dick flaccid after the orgasm. Sakura looked at the sight of his cock, seemingly not worried. "That won't be a problem" Awnsered her, standing up and turning her back in front of him
Naruto stared at her backside. The boy didn't know if he was hallucinating from the pleasure or if it was just his hormones clouding his mind, or even if that was reality since she had always kept it hidden inside that dress, but Naruto thought that Sakura's ass was amazing. The girl was very petite, that much was true, but her butt was strangely well developed. And he could see almost every detail of it with her wearing those tight shorts.
The girl then started to squat on Naruto's cock, massaging the member with her ass. Unable to resist to that, his dick quickly got hard again, his balls swollen, ready for another round. "Let's move on to the main event then." Said Sakura, as she once again stood up, taking off her shorts and headband, letting her long hair flow. Naruto couldn't stop staring at her vagina, his cock getting harder and harder.
The girl then laid him on the couch like a bed and straddled him, grabbing hold of his cock and swiftly inserting it on the entrance to her pussy, taking it all in one push. "Ahhh!" Moaned the girl as she broke her own hymen. She didn't stop at that though, and after a few more slow and painful thursts of Naurto's cock, the pain slowly started to become pleasure, and she started to truly ride him. At the same time, Naruto started to grab and hold firmly to her ass, which made the girl moan even more in pleasure.
As they fucked like two animals in heat, Sakura, drunk by those feelings, started to ride him even more furiously as she craved more and more pleasure. "Yes! master! Harder!" Moaned her, fueling Naruto's already crazy pleasure, as he started to once again get close to orgasm.
The girl came first, she moaned loudly as she fully descended on his dick "Yesss!" She yelled as she felt the clímax of pleasure. Witnessing that alone was enough to get Naruto to climax too. "Sakura, i'm cumming too!" As he thursted his cock in her as deep as possible and then released his semen, not caring about any consequence whatsoever.
As the pleasure subsided, their minds started to get back on track. Naruto felt incredibly glad to have bothered to learn that technique, he felt that he'd opened a door to a blissful path of life that, without the mind dommination jutsu, he wouldn't ever have access too. Sakura had her heart aflutter, happy to have served her master, as she laid on top of his body, her pussy dripping with semen.
In time, they both recovered from that post orgasm state. They put their clothes back on, and Naruto went to his kitchen to get some leftover sandwiches he had on his fridge to eat with Sakura. As the couple ate their snack and talked casually, Naruto decides to tackle some important topics with his new girlfriend.
"Sakura, it's not that i don't like it or anything, but can you stop with that master thing? At least when we're with other people." Asked Naruto, with a bit of a concerned look on his face. "People may find it weird, i think it would be best if you just acted like a normal girlfriend when we're in public." He finished. "No problem. I'll do anything you ask of me... Naruto." She awnsered, with a happy look, making the boy chuckle.
"Just one last thing Sakura, can you stay the night?" Asked the boy, a little bit embarassed. "Of course! I'll just make up some other excuse to tell my parents tomorrow, you're more important to me after all." Awnsered the girl, making Naruto grow a huge smile.
The couple then, after finishing the food, took a shower and went to bed. Sakura fell asleep first, clinging to Naruto's body. The boy took a bit longer. That had probably been one of the happiest days of his life, Sakura was treating him in a way that nobody else had ever done, not even the few people who already respected Naruto. Hell, she was sleeping with him, fine with staying the night at his house and willing to lie to her parents for his sake, he didn't care if it was just the effect of some jutsu, that was heaven for the immature genin.
Before falling asleep, Naruto decided to never use that technique again on anyone else. The boy had already gotten the girl he liked, what more could he ask for? Now, his only other goal was to train hard and become Hokage.
And just like that, he finally fell asleep, imagining and adult version of himself with the hokage hat and Sakura by his side.
What Naruto didn't know, in fact didn't even consider, was that having this type of power isn't something that one can simply forget and toss to the side. With power too great comes temptation, and that was something that the blonde genin would soon learn.
That's it for the first chapter guys! Please review it and don't be afraid of pointing out what i can improve. This fic is my biggest undertaking on this website yet and i'd like to make it as good as possible. Also, i'm not sure about which girls will take part in Naruto's harem so if you guys have any suggestions they're always welcome.