Burgess downed another shot as she looked over to see Halstead whisper something in Lindsay's ear, Lindsay laughed as she touched his shoulder.

"Earth to Burgess?" Gabby laughed as she waved her hand in the beat cops face.

"Huh?" she asked as she noticed Gabby, Atwater, Brett and Ruzek staring at her in concern.

"Everything okay partner?" Atwater asked as he chugged the rest of his beer before setting it down.

"I'm totally fine," Burgess laughed nervously as she watched Lindsay walk towards the bar.

Gabby and Brett exchanged knowing glances as they smiled.

"Hey so about dinner?" Ruzek spoke but trailed off when Gabby spoke up.

"Hey would you guys mind giving us girls some girl time?"

Atwater nodded as he stood up," sure."

"Uhh yeah think about it," he told Burgess before walking with Atwater towards the bar.

Burgess frowned as she watched them walk off.

"You like detective Lindsay?" Gabby asked her as she smiled.

"What?" Burgess asked as she turned towards her, her face bright red.

"How long have you liked her?" Gabby asked as she turned to see Lindsay smile in their direction before turning back towards Halstead.

"I don't like her," Burgess sputtered as her face turned redder.

"It's none of our business," Brett told her as she glared at Gabby, "but if it helps I think she likes you too."

"She does, did she say anything?" Burgess asked as she frowned when she realized she sounded way to overzealous.

"So I was right," Gabby mumbled as she finished off her beer.

"It doesn't matter anyways, she's with Halstead," Burgess frowned as she watched as Halstead placed his hand on Lindsay's shoulder.

"You don't know that," Gabby told her as Lindsay turned to look in their direction; she smiled at Burgess as she approached.

"Hey," she husked as she set her beer down.

"Hi," Burgess squeaked as her face turned bright red.

"Well Brett and I have dishes to uh do," Gabby spoke up as she motioned to Brett.

"Right yeah dishes," she mumbled as she followed after her partner.

"Wait," Burgess called as she watched them disappear to the back.

"Did I miss something?" Lindsay asked as she slid into the empty seat across from Burgess.

"It's nothing," Burgess mumbled as she nursed her beer.

"I can leave if I'm bothering you," Lindsay told her as she pointed towards the door.

"No please don't," Burgess begged as she placed her hand over the detectives.

Both women shivered at the contact as they locked eyes.

"I was going to go home and watch a movie; care to join me?" Lindsay asked.

Burgess smiled as she nodded, "I would love to."

Lindsay set some money on the table as she motioned towards the door.

Brett and Gabby high fived as they watched the two women walk out the door.

It was dark as they took the elevator to Lindsay's apartment, Burgess was nervous as they got closer and closer to the door.

"We're here," Lindsay smirked as she unlocked the door and held it open for the cop.

Burgess looked around as she took off her jacket; Lindsay took it from her as she hung it in the closet.

"Want something to drink?" the detective asked as she grabbed two beers from the fridge.

Burgess took it from her as she took a long swig.

"You okay?" Lindsay asked concerned as she walked over to the couch.

"I'm totally fine," Burgess waved her off as she lingered by the door.

"You can sit down, I don't bite," the detective teased as she patted the spot next to her.

Burgess turned bright red as she took a seat next to her crush.

Lindsay smiled at her as she turned on the TV and clicked on her Netflix.

Burgess kept sending her subtle glances as she tried to calm her nerves.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?"

Burgess's mind began to wonder as she imagined the detective taking her on the coffee table in front of them.

"Burgess?" Lindsay asked as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Burgess shook her head as she glanced into the concerned eyes of the other woman.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lindsay asked.

Burgess's shoulder felt warm as Lindsay's thumb began stroking her shoulder.

To hell with it, she thought as she surged forward and captured Lindsay's lips with her own.

Lindsay smiled into the kiss as she pulled Burgess closer as she licked her bottom lip.

Burgess opened her mouth allowing Lindsay's tongue, to seek out her own as they slid along the other. She grew bolder as she pulled Lindsay closer as her hand slid under her shirt and over her stomach.

Lindsay tensed as she pulled away, "I'm sorry I can't, she stood up and backed away as she ran a hand threw her hair.

Burgess felt her heart break at the rejection," I uhh should probably go then."

Lindsay didn't seem to hear her as she began to ramble, "I mean you're with Ruzek and he's in my unit and here I am making out with his girl who I'm crazy about."

"Wait you think I'm with Ruzek?" Burgess asked confused as she stood in front of the detective.

"You aren't?" Lindsay asked confused.

"No, but I'm sorry for kissing you, I know you and Halstead are close."

Lindsay began to laugh as she put her hands over her face.

"What?" Burgess asked a little hurt.

"I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you," Lindsay assured her as she took her hands and led her back to the couch.

"Am I missing something?" Burgess asked as they both sat back down.

"I'm not with Halstead either, he's been trying to get me to ask you out," Lindsay smiled as she squeezed Burgess's hands.

"UH what?" Burgess asked confused as her face scrunched up.

"I'm not with anyone, I like you," Lindsay trailed off as her face turned red.

"You do?" Burgess asked as her face lit up.

"I do," Lindsay smiled.

"God I'm such an idiot," Burgess laughed as she leaned back against the cushions.

"If it helps I am too," Lindsay smiled as she followed suit.

"I really thought you and Halstead," Burgess trailed off.

"And I thought you and Ruzek, I mean he talks about you all the time," Lindsay told her, her voice sounding a little agitated.

"I'm sorry; I told him I wasn't interested. He just won't take the hint.

"I'll make him," Lindsay smiled as she raised her eyebrow.

Burgess laughed as she placed her hand over Lindsay's. "He just needs to understand I'm interested in someone else."

Lindsay's eyebrow arched, "oh are you now?" she asked with a smirk as she bumped Burgess's shoulder.

"Oh please like it wasn't obvious," she shot back with an eye roll.

Lindsay smiled as she cupped Burgess's cheek as she slowly ran her thumb across her lips; she slowly leaned in as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

Burgess cupped both of her cheeks as she kisses her deeply. She pushes Lindsay back as she crawls on top of her.

"Well hi," Lindsay smirks as she wraps her arms around her.

"Hi," Burgess smiles shyly as she looks away.

"Don't get shy on me now," Lindsay teases as she squeezes her sides.

"Just never thought this would be happening."

"Me either to be honest," Lindsay replied as she tucked a strand of hair behind Burgess's ear.

Burgess blushes as she slowly leans down and kisses Lindsay gently, her tongue licks her bottom lip seeking entrance, when given she runs her tongue along the detectives.

Just as Lindsay is about to get bolder, Burgess's phone rings.

"Sorry," she mumbles as she reaches for it. She rolls her eyes as she hits ignore.

"Not in the mood to talk?" Lindsay teases as she runs a finger along Burgess's lip.

"It was Ruzek again," she replies as she shuts her phone off before setting it down.

"Oh damn," Lindsay says as she gets up and goes to the kitchen.

Burgess's heart sank as she watched her flitter around the kitchen trying to act like she was busy, "I don't like him like that," she told the detective as she stopped Lindsay's pacing.

Lindsay signed, "I know I'm just being childish," she told her with a small smile.

Burgess gave her a confused look as she waited for her to continue.

"I guess I was just jealous," Lindsay mumbled as she turned bright red.

"Of Ruzek?" Burgess laughed; she stopped when she saw how upset the detective was. "Look I'm sorry you have nothing to worry about I swear I don't like him like that."

"I know I'm sorry, like I said I'm just being childish," Lindsay frowned as she set her hands on the counter.

"I only want you," Burgess assured her as she placed her hand over Lindsay's.

Lindsay cupped her hand as she placed it on her cheek before turning and kissing it, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, just kiss me already," Burgess demanded as she pulled the brunette towards her.

Lindsay smiled as she leaned in and kissed her deeply, she wrapped her arms around her as she led her towards the bedroom.

Burgess was quick to tug off Lindsay's shirt as she tossed it behind her.

"Are you sure?" Lindsay asked as Burgess's eyes raked over her body.

Burgess didn't answer she grabbed Lindsay and pulled her in for another fiery kiss, she smiled when she felt the detective's breath hitch. "I'm sure I want you,"

Lindsay nodded as she slowly peeled off Burgess's shirt before tossing it aside. Her hands began to wander as she slowly backed her up against the wall.

Burgess moaned as Lindsay's hands slid under her bra and grazed her nipples. "Take it off," she gasped.

Lindsay complied as she slowly unclasped the bra before tossing it aside. Her hungry eyes raked over the cop's chest before she leaned down and took a nipple in her mouth.

Burgess moaned as she leaned back her head hitting the wall as she tangled her hands in the detective's hair.

Lindsay smirked as she led her towards the bed; she pushed her down as she removed her own bra, before crawling on top of her.

Burgess smiled as Lindsay cupped both of her cheeks before kissing her deeply.

The rest of their clothes were quickly discarded as they explored the other's body.

Burgess smiled as she woke up; she reached over towards Lindsay frowning when she realized she wasn't there. She glanced around the room to see if she could spot any of her clothes.

"I was hoping to be back before you woke up," Lindsay said as she entered the bedroom carrying two cups of coffee. She handed one to Burgess before taking a sip of her one.

"I thought I dreamt last night," she said as she smiled at the detective.

"Sorry I ran out of coffee," Lindsay replied.

"Do you think maybe I could borrow some clothes?" Burgess asked as she glances down at the sheet she had wrapped around her body.

Lindsay laughs as she hands her a pair of her jeans and a t-shirt.

"Thanks," Burgess replies as she gets dressed.

"Ready to start the day?" Lindsay asks as she raises her cup.

Burgess just laughs as she follows her out the door.

The two cops held hands on the ride to work only letting go once they arrived.

"Hey," Halstead smirked as they excited the car.

"Not a word," Lindsay snapped as she points at him.

He holds his hands up as he follows them inside.

"Morning," Platt greets the detectives as she buzzes them up.

Lindsay squeezes Burgess's hand before following after Halstead.

"What's that about?" Platt asks as she sets her pen down.

"What? Nothing," Burgess snaps as she blushes.

"You and detective Lindsay?" Platt says as she shakes her head.

"Hey you coming?" Roman asks his partner as he points towards the door.

Burgess avoids eye contact with Platt as she heads towards the locker room.

"So how did it go last night?" Halstead asks as he follows Lindsay to her desk.

"I'm not answering that," she snaps as she throws a pen at him.

"What did I miss?" Dawson asks as he sits at his desk.

"Nothing," Lindsay snaps at him as Voight walks out of his office with a case.

"So you and Lindsay huh?"Roman asks as he begins driving away from the station.

"What?" Burgess asks trying to play stupid.

"It's pretty obvious," he tells her.

"It is?"

He just nods as a call comes through.

Burgess was in the dressing room changing when Ruzek walked in, he leaned against a locker as she pulled on her shirt.

"Hey," he greeted her.

Burgess nodded towards him as she grabbed her pants.

"So give any more thought to dinner?" he asked as his eyes raked over her body.

"Uh," Burgess began but stopped when Lindsay entered.

Ruzek looked towards her.

"Voight wants you," she told him as she locked eyes with Burgess.

Ruzek looked confused as she looked back towards Burgess who was smiling at Lindsay. "Right okay," he said as he walked off.

"Thank you," Burgess told her as she finally took off her pants.

"No sweat," Lindsay told her as she sat down.

"Did Voight really want to see him?"

Lindsay shrugged," maybe."

Burgess laughed as she tossed her uniform shirt at her.

"So some of us are going to Molly's tonight, want to come?"

Burgess smiled, "sure."

"Great pick you up at eight," Lindsay tells her as she kisses her cheek before walking out.

Burgess just smiles as she grabs her stuff.

"So then what happened?" Brett asks Lindsay as she listens with rapt attention at the story the detective was telling them about the case they just worked.

"He ends up tripping over nothing and knocks himself out," Lindsay finishes as she shakes her head.

"Wow," Gabby laughs as she takes a swig of her beer.

"Never a dull moment," Lindsay replies as she places her hand on Burgess's knee.

Burgess smiles at her as she places her hand over hers.

"Hope we aren't interrupting," Halstead teases as he smiles at the two women as he pulls up a chair.

Ruzek smiles at Burgess as he does the same.

"Not at all just trading work stories," Brett tells him as she accepts a shot Otis was passing around.

"On me," Ruzek tells everyone as they all raises their glass and take the shot.

It was passing two when Burgess and Lindsay entered Burgess's apartment, she turned on the light as she threw down her coat.

Lindsay looked around as she did the same.

"Water?" Burgess asked as she grabbed two bottles.

"Sure," Lindsay smiled as she accepted.

Later that night as the woman lay cuddled in bed Burgess was happy she had decided to act on her crush.

A/N: Love these two as a couple. Going to have a series of short stories featuring these two as canon instead of her Ruzek and Burgess or Lindsay and Halstead.