Hi everyone, sorry for the technical issues. Just so you know this is my first Harry Potter story and my second story ever, so I'm not expecting to be a pro at this (obviously), please keep that in mind and don't judge to harshly. I unfortunately don't own any of the Harry Potter universe. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot and I hope you enjoy.

******Cassiopeia Potter******

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...

born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...

and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...

and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...

the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

The prophecy could only apply to 3 potential unborn children. The potter twins and the Longbottom heir. So each family went into hiding. And on the 30th July 1980 both lily potter and Alice Longbottom went into labour. Neville Longbottom was born that day at 11:34pm. But lily potter gave birth to a son, Charlus James Potter at 5:03pm on the 31st July and then hours latter a girl, Cassiopeia Belladonna Lily Potter, at 11:59pm as the seventh month died...

******Cassiopeia Potter******

Lily pov:

James was overjoyed that we had a daughter, the first female born Potter in centuries. I was overjoyed because it meant that she was safe from the prophecy.

Dumbledore has just arrived to see the twins he wants to test their magical cores to see if they have the potential to be the prophecy child.

" good evening, Lily my dear girl how are you and your children?" He asks me in his grandfatherly tone.

" we're good Professor, the healers say there was no problems with the birth or the babies. There upstairs in the nursery with James, I'm beginning to wonder who the bigger baby is now?" And I lead him upstairs. We go into the nursery and he picks up Charlus, a minute of silence passes before he says " your boy here is going to be a strong mage, you should be proud, but he is most likely the prophecy child. Now your other child." He picks up Cassiopeia and she starts screaming for the first time since we brought her home. "It's a girl" he states. James immediately responds " I know first Potter girl in centuries and she's gorgeous". Dumbledore concentrates again but this time five minutes pass. "I can't find a magical code in your daughter, she most likely passed her magic to her twin inside the womb. I'm sorry." He says before handing Cassiopeia back, who instantly calms, and leaving us.

"It's ok James, she could develop magic latter on in life, but we'll love her the same" I tell him.

" yeah we'll love them the same, they'll grow up to be amazing just as they are."

6 months latter:

" James, Lily, there's a death eater raid on Diagon Alley, leave the twins with there nanny elf and come help." Came Dumbledore's voice from the silver mist of a patronus.

Me and James ran out of the house and apparated to Diagon. We fought of all the low level death eaters and secured the alley before turning and apparating home. There were scorch marks over the front of the house. I run to the nursery and sighed in relief at seeing the twins safe. But am confused at seeing Voldemort's robes and wand lying in the middle of the carpet.

******Cassiopeia Potter******

Cassiopeia's pov:

Mama and papa left to help the mean Dumbles man. Some other man who looked like a snake walked in, he must be the Voldemort guy papa calls a slimy snake. He waves his wand and a pretty green glow comes out, it comes towards me so I catch it. I think he wants to play so I throw it back. It makes him become a ghost. A few stone falls from the walls with all the magic flying around the room and one cuts my neck whilst another cuts Charlus head in a weird z looking shape. I suddenly get really tired and fall asleep.

******Cassiopeia Potter******

Dumbledore pov:

It was a distraction. The attack on Diagon alley was a hoax, the death eaters retreated as quickly as they arrived but only after their dark marks faded. This means that Voldemort was defeated by one of the potential prophecy children. Frank and Alice Longbottom didn't come to help with the raid and would have sent word of any problem, so it must be the Potter child.

I arrive in Godric's hollow with a pop and see the door has been blasted of its hinges. I make my way to the nursery to find Charlus awake and screaming, with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Whereas little Cassiopeia remained soundly sleeping untouched. It's clear what happened, Charlus was the defeated of the dark Lord Voldemort and therefore, the boy-who-lived.

Lily and James arrive and immediately rush to the twins. I explain what has occurred to the parents.

"Lily my dear child, you have to give Charlus all the love and attention you possibly can for I fear Voldemort is still out there somewhere and our young saviour needs to have a happy childhood before we start training him at the age of 11 in preparation for his grave and heroic destiny." I tell her, making sure lily especially understands that Charlus is the priority and Cassiopeia who is practically a squib is going to have to be put second to Charlus' wants.

******Cassiopeia Potter******

Lady magic's pov:

And that was how my chosen, Cassiopeia potter came to be neglected, ignored and practically abused by her parents. Looking into her future I could see that she would be rejected by everyone in favour of her brother, her parents and the world would come to forget they ever had a daughter and when the remembered it was to late and she was already dead, with that action leading the Wizarding world to crumble. So it was with that passing vision, I changed fates path and started to perform a long ritual so that by Cassiopeia's approaching second birthday she would be with a better family who would train and prepare her for her foreboding future.