This is my first fan Fiction. I hope you all enjoy it. I have a lot of stuffed planned out so this story will most likely reach 150,000+ words at one point. Even now today I came up with an idea that won't come into play many chapters down the road. This first chapter will be very short. Although I plan on averaging around 5,000 words per chapter. Hope you all enjoy!

Izuku Midoriya was a young four-year-old boy. He lived with his mother in a small dingy apartment in Mustufu, Japan. He was a very energetic child. Full of joy and happiness. However, he had yet to develop his quirk. His best friend Katsuki Bakugo (who he called Kaachan) had already developed his quirk, which enabled him to cause tiny little explosions in the palms of his hands.

Kaachan found out about his quirk when he was at school. He and a group of friends had been playing a game of tag, and of course working up a sweat when all of a sudden, a loud firecracker like noise came from Kaachan. Bakugo of course being a young child started crying out of fear at first because of the loud noise. However, as everyone gathered around, everyone started to praise the young boy for having a cool quirk. However, the ego they had just created, they had no idea how big it would wind up being.

Izuku was one of the people that praised Kaachan when he got his quirk. He thought his friends quirk was awesome. He kept praising him and admiring him, feeding into his friends building ego. However, Izuku's own quirk wouldn't develop. Soon, all of his fellow classmates had developed quirks except for young Izuku.

This eventually led Kaachan's massively inflating ego to think he was better than his friend… No… Better than everyone else. He began to pick on his old friend. Giving him the name Deku based on the Kanji in his name. Saying it meant he was worthless.

However, the day came where Izuku's quirks managed to manifest. It happened when he was standing up for a fellow classmate who his old friend was picking on.

"Kaachan please stop picking on him!" Deku cried out, "I'll… I'll… stop you…"

"Please give me a break," Kaachan smart mouthed as he went to cause an explosion, but the explosion wouldn't come. "Come on! Why isn't this working?!"

"Everything okay Kaachan?" his winged friend asked him, wondering why his friend's explosions wouldn't come.

"I'll just beat you up then!" Kaachan yelled, and he started to run towards Deku. Izuku put his hands out to protect himself as a couple feeble flames erupted from his palms as he closed his eyes in panic. This caused his bullies to stop in their tracks as they saw the flames pop in and out of existence from Deku's hands.

"You meanie!" Kaachan yelled, "You took my quirk away from me! Give it back, it's not yours to take!"

"I DIDN'T TAKE IT!" Deku yelled,

"YES YOU DID!" Kaachan yelled back, however they had gathered the attention of their teachers.

"Boys? What is the meaning of this fighting?" A female teacher demanded as she approached the two young boys.

"Deku stole my quirk!" Kaachan yelled at the teacher,

"No I didn't!" Deku shouted again.

"Yes you did!" Kaachan yelled, "See?!"

However, this time he was able to make his crackles and pops until Deku got frustrated with the loud noises and covered his ears, and then at that moment Kaachan couldn't make his explosions anymore. "You see! He stole my quirk again!"

"No I didn't!" Deku shot back, "I just wished for the loud scary noises to go away and they did."

"You meanie! You stole my quirk!" However, after that the teacher tried to forcibly detach Kaachan from Deku.

Before she could manage it however a green aura enveloped around Kaachan for just a second as he was then thrown off of Deku, skidding across the playground getting scrapes and bruises. It was at that moment they were both taken inside and informed their parents would be contacted about what had just happened.

About an hour or so later, both of their mothers had walked into the school with unhappy expressions on both of their faces. The teacher then went on to explain the fight that had just happened between the two boys, but they didn't mention about Izuku standing up for the boy Katsuki was picking on.

They told the mothers that Izuku had developed his quirk in the middle of recess. This made Inko very happy, but she didn't like how Izuku had used his quirk to hurt his best friend. The school staff handed Inko a form suggesting a couple doctors to have his quirk evaluated because he apparently has two quirks.

Inko took her son back to her car as she wore a very unpleasant look on her face that only a mother could have. "You are in trouble young man." She scolded him as she buckled him into his car seat. "Just because you developed your quirk does not mean you can go use it to hurt others."

"Kaachan does all the time!" Izuku tried to talk back but that only got him a glare from his mother.

"Young Katsuki is an angel and would do nothing of a sort," Inko shot back at him with a glare that would terrify the scariest villain into surrendering. "Now we are going to the doctor right now, and then we are going to Auntie Mitsuki's to not only apologize to her for hurting her son, but also to celebrate. I understand it may have been an accident, but you still need to apologize."

With that they were in the car for about an hour and a half because they got stuck inside a traffic jam, but they eventually made it to the doctors and Izuku was taken back with his mother and they ran all sorts of tests on him.

"Well Mrs. Midoriya, it certainly appears your son has two different quirks." The heavily mustached man said, this caused young Izuku to light up. "It appears that he has inherited quirks from both you, but a more powerful version, and your husband's quirk and all without the well… umm… side effects."

From then on, the two adults had very boring "Adult" conversations that weren't worthy of Izuku's attention, so he got off his chair and started wandering around the room. This didn't concern either adult because he was stuck in the room with them. However, as Inko was asking the doctor whether or not Izuku could accidentally burn himself, she saw her son holding one of the doctor's potted plants.

"Izuku!" Inko scolded instantly getting out of her seat and rushing over to her son, grabbing the potted plant out of his hands. "We do not touch things that are not ours! Look into my eyes and tell me that you understand me?!" However, the doctor was more interested in the plant rather than the young boy.

"Young man," the doctor went on, his mustache bristling, "As I recall that plant was on its last legs, but now after you have touched it, it seems to be in bloom? What did you do to the plant?"

Izuku nervously looked at the ground as his mom put the plant back where it was. "I saw it was hurt, and I touched it, wishing for it to get better." This caused the doctor to stare at the young man with what appeared to be professional curiosity.

"Young man, please wait here." His doctor said as he left the examination room, and after a moment he came back with a few more potted plants. "I want you to try and help this plant grow. If you do, I'll give you a chocolate bar."

With the promise of a treat, Izuku immediately reached his hand out and a gold aura encircled his hand and then the plant which then turned into a healthy green.

"Remarkable," The doctor whispered as his mother stood there flabbergasted, "Now please, these flowers are on the cusp of blooming. I was wondering if you could make them all pretty?" Izuku nodded and he reached his hand out, a gold aura enveloped his arm and the plant bloomed.

However, Izuku couldn't do much after that because he passed out. The doctor wasn't too concerned and calmed Inko down because her son was suffering from quirk exhaustion. He told her that this was perfectly normal to expect during tests of this nature. About half an hour later Izuku woke up and got his candy bar and his official results. He was the first person born in generations to have more than two quirks.

"I'm so proud of you baby!" Inko cheered as she walked her son out of the doctor's office. "Anyways I am going to have to drop you off at Auntie Mitsuki's so I can prepare a special surprise for you at home."

With this Izuku looked a bit sad, "But I don't wanna go to Auntie Mitsuki's."

"Why on Earth would you not want to go see her?" Inko asked, "You always like going to see her."

"Kaachan's mean." Izuku plainly responded, "He doesn't like me anymore. Doesn't want to be my friend."

"Well you did hurt him earlier today," Inko said in a rough voice, "You have to go over there and apologize anyways."

"But I don't wanna apolo-" Izuku began to protest.

"No buts!" Inko interrupted as she buckled her son in the back of their beaten-up old car. They sat in silence on the short drive to the Bakugo's. Inko tried to talk to her son, but he clearly wasn't having it. Eventually they arrived at their destination and Uncle Masaru opened the door and greeted Izuku warmly.

"Now, before I head out to get everything ready for your celebration." Inko said in a terse voice staring her son down. "I want to see you apologize to your friend."

"He's not my friend mom!" Izuku began to protest, "He was being mean to me today. Said I stole his quirk! And tried to punch me for it!"

"KATSUKI!" Mitsuki called out to her son, "Is Izuku telling the truth?"

"He stole my quirk!" Kaachan yelled back which got him a slap on the head.

"I'd take that as a yes." Mrs. Bakugo sighed, "Okay! You need to be the one to apologize to Izuku for causing all this mess! He never stole your quirk because he had no clue what he was doing."

"Sorry…" Kaachan responded, however it was clear that he really didn't mean it, but they knew they couldn't get any better out of him.

"Well then…" Inko sighed, "I'll be gone for a few hours," She said looking at Masaru and Mitsuki, "You both know why of course but given what has happened today I'll have to be gone a bit longer."

"Take as long as you need," Masaru responded, "We'll drop Izuku back off at your place if it'll make things easier for you."

"Thank you." Inko responded in great relief, "You have no idea what that'll mean for today."

With that Izuku watched his mom get back in her car and drive off to somewhere unknown. Probably to do boring adult stuff. He spent the next few hours in cold silence with his former best friend. His parents tried to help them play together nicely, but neither of the young boys really wanted anything to do with one another, and eventually both the adults gave up and stimulated the boys individually to prevent absolute boredom or chaos from erupting in their house.

It was around 8pm, Izuku's bedtime normally that they got a phone call from Inko asking them to bring her son home. Eventually with Masaru they made it to the front door of their dingy apartment, and when the door opened, he saw something that made this day the best day in his life regardless of what happened with his former best friend.

"DADDY!" He called as he ran to his father, "Your home! Your home!"

"Yes I am little one!" Hisashi called out as he picked his son up and hugged him, "And you gave me a surprise today too! Three quirks! I'm so proud!" With that Masaru departed, but he gave a deep look into Hisashi's eyes, something that was missed upon the young child as his mom gave him a slice of cake along with some fresh Katsudon.

The family of three partied for about an hour before Izuku being very young passed out on his father's lap. So, he picked his son up and tucked him into bed, wondering if he developed a teleportation quirk too in the morning when he discovered that he was in bed. Hisashi made sure to be careful not to make any noise as he closed the door to his son's room. With that he walked into the kitchen to his wife already on clean up duty.

"Is our special angel asleep darling?" she called out.

"Yes dear," Hisashi responded, "Our son is asleep. Please leave the dishes for later, we need to talk." With that Inko had a knowing look on her face as she turned the water off and sat opposite of her husband at the small dinner table.

"In all likelihood the procedure tomorrow is not going to work and-" Hisashi began, but his wife interrupted him.

"Don't you dare say that." Inko whisper-shouted back, she wanted to show her disapproval of her husband's opinion but not wake her son up. "This procedure is your only hope. We are lucky that we are even able to do it."

"That's not the point dear." Hisashi responded in a gruff voice, "I am to be the first experimental human trial. And even then, it is a 15% chance of curing my condition."

"15% is better than nothing!" Inko responded, getting angry at her husband's pessimism,

"And there is a very high expected mortality rate for the procedure." Hisashi countered in his glass have empty attitude, "That's why they are tying a VERY high life insurance policy to all those who go under the experimental trials."

"And that is money we hopefully won't need once you recover from this procedure," Inko fought back, "You can land a new job here in Japan, so you don't have to go back to that horrible company back in America that fired you because of what your quirk was doing to your body."

"It's not like my fault that my quirk wasn't made for my body." Hisashi sulked, "Fire breathing has completely destroyed my lungs. I might as well be smoking twenty packs of cigarettes a day according to the doctors."

"Now Hisashi, I'm getting tired of your pessimistic attitude. You need to be there for our son!" Inko yelled back, actually slamming her hand on the table and then freezing hoping she didn't accidentally wake her child.

"Dear," Hisashi responded, "I honestly think it would be best for me to die in the middle of the procedure." This caused his wife to look horrified and before she could respond her husband started talking again, "Listen, I understand this will make things extremely difficult for little Izuku, but I haven't been in his life at all really because of that job I had in America that did more harm than good. I missed the birth of our son, I missed his first words, I missed his first steps, I missed his first day of school, and I would have missed the first day of him not being quirkless because of my condition. He only recognized me because of the photographs in the house."

"Hisashi…" Inko wept, both parents staring at one another crying. They eventually got up and went to the sofa as they cried in one another's arms. Eventually Hisashi continued speaking.

"If I die, this life insurance payout will mean you won't have to work and raise a child as a single parent. It would mean our kid can afford an excellent education. He could attend the top hero courses in the world and fulfill his current goal of becoming just like his idol All Might." With that Hisashi paused to cry again for a moment as his wife held him, unable to interrupt the love of her life.

"It sounds crazy…" Hisashi cried, "Wanting to die in order to give my child the best…"

"I know it does…" Inko sobbed, "I understand my love. However, let's hope that our son will still have a father figure to look up to. Besides, his fire quirk is nothing like yours. His body is made for his quirk, according to the doctor his flames have no effect on his actual body."

Hisashi stared off in the direction of his son's closed bedroom door and muttered, "If there is anything I'm grateful for, it is that. Go to bed sweetheart." He said patting his wife, "I need to prepare some things for Izuku in case…. Things don't go well tomorrow…"

Little did Izuku know… That was the last time he ever saw his father alive…